Operation strategy

Strategy can be defined as a method focus on utilize the limited resources and energies of an organization to come out with a plan of action which can lead the organization to achieve its goals and also compete with other competitors. Therefore, for the operation strategy it can be classify as a method or plan implement within an organization operations function, to control and maintain all its operation aspect which eventually to support organization’s overall strategies and achieve its goals (Stevenson, 2009). Fast food industries as the literally mention, it emphasize in fast which is the speed required to convenient the consumers to come again to consume its goods and services. According to this theory, the fast food restaurant will set up its operation strategies base on this main objective which is the time-based strategies to make sure that the consumers are satisfy with its services provided and then achieve its organization goals. In general, the operation strategies are consists of 10 decision areas but in this fast food industry there are 7 decision areas will be discuss.

The first one would be the product and services design, to compete through operation strategy in this area the fast food restaurant need to create a way to aware people of its services and food provided which could through advertising. A proper advertising is a good way to spread the good image of the restaurant to the public, such as emphasizes the family spirit in the advertising of fast food. Beside, for the service design the fast food restaurant needs to build up a strong customer relationship as its strategy because in a service industry, customer satisfaction is vital for a business to success. For the second one would be the quality decision area, toward this area fast food restaurant will implement operation strategies such as increase the nutrition level, portion size and high quality of food. As we know that, the public impression towards fast food was bad, base on this point to compete through operation the fast food organization need to improve this area by implement the operation strategy of maintain the standard quality and safety of food ingredient to make sure the consumers are comfortable to having the food provided by the organization. Besides, provide the details and information about the nutrition of the meal of fast food restaurant provided to attract new consumers who are interested in healthy lifestyle (Frydman, 1985).

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Third one will be discuss the operation strategies decision area of location, strategy location is vital for a business to gain the crowds which are the chances of consumers to come and consume at there. Therefore, compete through the location strategy the fast food restaurant must open its outlet according difference location and specify area, such as business areas to get the working class consumer to dine-in have their breakfast or lunch, and also shopping areas to get difference classes of consumer to having their meals anytime when they are hungry. This operation strategy is good in term of provide convenient to the consumers which achieve the main purpose of all fast food restaurant. Next, for the layout design of operation strategies decision area would discuss about the exterior and interior design of fast food restaurant. In this strategy, fast food restaurant will create a standardize image strategy on all of its outlets in the world wide both exterior and interior but it might have some difference in size which according to the location. For the interior design it emphasize in create a comfortable environment to both the consumers and workers. This strategy provides brand recognition because of homogeneity exterior and interior design on its outlets which can place a strong brand image on the consumers mind.

To compete through human resource this area of operation strategy, fast food restaurant will create strategy emphasize on right person on right job. Fast food organization will utilize the human resources to separate department to complete difference job and function. Beside, provide training opportunity to the workers which enhance job satisfaction to prevent overturn rate increase. This strategy will increase the efficiency of the fast food restaurant to complete their task which also achieve its objectives of the speed is fast and the service provided is good at the same time. Supply chain management of operation strategy decision area is important for fast food restaurant because this strategy determines what to purchase and to make become the goods which the restaurant want to provide to the customers. This strategy emphasize in the inventory system to maintain the raw materials are fresh and good. So that, just in time inventory system is fulfill the need of restaurant to make sure the quality of food is fresh. Beside, to maintain no perishable food of inventory level is also a good operation strategy to compete with other competitors, because without perishable food in the store which means that the organization is well in manage and utilize the resources, it could save a huge amount of the cost of raw materials eventually.

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For the flexibility, to compete through this point the fast food restaurant need to provide an operation strategy which emphasize in corresponding kitchen arrangement to support it operation function to increase the flexibility. Last, the maintenance process as an operation strategy is emphasize on the maintenance of product quality, layout design, its location and human resources. A proper maintenance process is needed to increase fast food restaurant good will and reputation continuously.


  1. Fast food restaurant business plan. Retrieved March 20, 2010. Retrieved from http://www.bplans.com/fast_food_restaurant_business_plan/strategy_and_implementation_summary_fc.cfm
  2. Frydman, K. (1985), ‘Healthy’ fast-food chains banking on fitness craze. Nation’s Restaurant News, March 11, 1985. Retrieved from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3190/is_v19/ai_3680221/
  3. Louisville, kentucky. Fast food’s yummy secret: America’s second-biggest fast-food group is as successful as it is little known. The economist print edition. August 25, 2005. Retrieved from http://www.economist.com/business-finance/displaystory.cfm?story_id=4316138
  4. Paul W. Larson. The Myrddin group. LLC. 2004. Retrieved from http://www.myrddingroup.com/pdf/operations.pdf
  5. Stevenson, W.J. Operations Management, 10th Ed. America: McGraw Hill. 2009
  6. Strategy. In Wikipedia. Retrived March 20, 2010. Retrived from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategy
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