Operations Integrity Management System Exxonmobil Information Technology Essay

ExxonMobil is the worlds largest widely do business international oil and Gas Company, provided that energy that helps strengthens growing economies and develop living standards around the world. ExxonMobil are the industry-leading inventory of global oil and gas company resources and they are the world’s largest refiner and marketer of petroleum products. In addition, ExxonMobil chemical company ranks among the world are largest. Besides that, they are also a technology company, applying science and innovation to find better, safer and cleaner ways to deliver the power the world require. ExxonMobil has been an organizer in the energy industry since its beginnings more than 100 years ago. They operate facilities or marketing products in nearly all of the world’s countries and explore for oil and gas on six continents in almost every aspect of the energy and petrochemical business.

ExxonMobil management

In the petroleum and petrochemical industries, ExxonMobil are holding the long history of leadership. Discipline and commitment are the tools of their business strategies where they apply it to sustainable competitive advantages.

Rex W.TilersonRex Tillerson

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Mark W.AlbersMark W. Albers

Senior Vice President

Michael J.DolanMichael J. Dolan

Senior Vice President

Andrew P.SwigerAndew P. Swiger

Senior Vice President

Donald D.HumphreysDonald D. Humphreys

Senior Vice President

ExxonMobil brands

In worldwide range, ExxonMobil markets fewer than three brands:


Customers in the United States have come to respect and rely on Exxon-branded fuels, services and lubricants for their personal and business needs.


Customers around the world have come to respect and rely on Esso-branded fuels, services and lubricants for their personal and business needs.


Marketed around the world, Mobil is known for performance and innovation.  Mobil is recognized for its advanced technology in fuels, lubricants and services.

What ExxonMobil Do

ExxonMobil employees are really committed to the pursuit of operational excellence in their daily work. They do this by delivering safe, reliable operations, improving energy efficiency, and maintaining strong business controls. Maximizing the value of resources through disciplined investment, developing breakthrough technologies, improving processes, and integrated operation where they believe its produce the main benefit for resource owners, society, and shareholders. They also do wok in exploration, development, production, nature gas and power marketing, refining and supply, fuels marketing, lubricants and specialties and chemical.

Management systems

ExxonMobil fulfill with all appropriate laws and regulation, and where laws and regulation do not exist, they sustain their use in high standard. ExxonMobil global policies and practices are reflecting to high ethical standards, legal compliance, and integrity when they committed. The metrics they track and report demonstrate how effective their management system is at guiding their performance. ExxonMobil management system enables them to comply with new regulation efficiently, providing with a competitive advantage.

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Standard of Business Conduct

ExxonMobil’s background of fulfillment is fixed in their standard of business conduct. Nobody at ExxonMobil has the right to make exception or grant waivers with respect to compliance with their standards which consists of guiding principles, 16 foundation policies, and open-door communication procedures. While the ExxonMobil are not a party of the United Nation Global Compact, its values regarding human rights, labor standards, the environment, and anti-corruption are fixed in the standards.

Control systems.

ExxonMobil system of Management Control Basic Standards classifies the basic principle, concepts, and standards that drive their business controls. To assessing financial control risks, establishing procedures for mitigating concerns, monitoring conformance with standards, and reporting results to management, ExxonMobil structured an approach were provided by their Control Management System. Their financial controls rally or exceed the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) listing standards. A self-governing assessment by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP concluded that ExxonMobil internal controls system is effective. Regular self-assessments and audit must make sure their controls and standards are implementing by every operating unit.

Operations Integrity Management System

ExxonMobil bring up their Operation Integrity Management System (OIMS) in 1992. Nowadays, it brings a set of prospect implanted into daily work processes at all levels of the organization and addresses all aspects of managing safety, health, security, environmental, and social risks at our facilities worldwide. With the full life cycle of projects, ExxonMobil is intended to discover hazards and manage risks inherent to their operation and associated.

Eleven Elements of Operations Integrity Management System

Every 5 years OIMS will review the overall effectiveness and enhanced accordingly. Accordingly, OIMS has gradually evolved to enhance behavior-based safety, leadership, security, environmental aspects, and community involvement. Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance. Inc (LRQA) has reviewed their constant routine and has proved that OIMS meets the requirements of the standard for environment management system (ISO14001:2004) and the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment series for health and safety management systems (OHSAS 18001:2007).

OIMS 11 Elements and their responsibilities for management above the assessable unit

Element 1: Management leadership, commitment and accountability

Management establishes policy, provides perspective, sets expectations and provides the resources for successful operations. Assurance of Operations Integrity requires management leadership and commitment visible to the organization, and accountability at all levels.

• Demonstrate commitment to and active engagement in OI activities across relevant areas of responsibility, including participation in OIMS Assessments and provision of sufficient resources to meet OI requirements.

• Ensure functional Management Systems address OIMS Expectations and functional guidelines.

• Establish, communicate, and steward assessable unit SSH&E performance and improvement goals across the business; recognize outstanding results/accomplishments.

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• Establish and maintain processes to collect and report accurate and timely SSH&E data.

• Communicate expectations for and monitor progress with respect to the implementation of OIMS for operations new to ExxonMobil.

• Managers responsible for businesses operated by others (OBOs), that are not included in an Assessable Unit, communicate OIMS principles to the Operator and encourage the adoption of OIMS or similar systems and monitor implementation.

Element 2: risk assessment and management

Comprehensive risk assessments can reduce safety, health, environmental and security risks and mitigate the consequences of incidents by providing essential information for decision-making.

• Monitor the status of the risk profile for the function and associated mitigation activities.

Element 3: facilities design and construction

Inherent safety and security can be enhanced, and risk to health and the environment minimized, by using sound standards, procedures and management systems for facility design, construction and startup activities.

• Ensure there are responsible minimum standards for facility design and construction, including where regulatory requirements are not adequately protective.

Element 4: information/ documentation

Accurate information on the configuration and capabilities of processes and facilities, properties of products and materials handled, potential Operations Integrity hazards, and regulatory requirements is essential to assess and manage risk.

Element 5: personal and training

Control of operations depends upon people. Achieving Operations Integrity requires the appropriate screening, careful selection and placement, ongoing assessment and proper training of employees, and the implementation of appropriate Operations Integrity programs.

• Ensure processes are in place to maintain competencies important for Operations Integrity.

Element 6: operation and maintenance

Operation of facilities within established parameters and according to regulations is essential. Doing so requires effective procedures, structured inspection and maintenance programs, reliable Operations Integrity critical equipment, and qualified personnel who consistently execute these procedures and practices.

• Monitor the execution of mechanical integrity assurance programs.

• Ensure processes are in place for appropriate regulatory analysis, interpretation, and translation.

• Ensure the adequacy of regulatory compliance assurance processes.

• Monitor the status of compliance with regulations and responsible standards.

• Direct Environmental Business Planning and oversee implementation and stewardship.

Element 7: management of change

Changes in operations, procedures, site standards, facilities, or organizations must be evaluated and managed to ensure that Operations Integrity risks arising from these changes remain at an acceptable level.

• Ensure Operations Integrity implications of organizational changes are evaluated and addressed.

Element 8: third-party services

Third parties doing work on the company’s behalf impact its operations and its reputation. It is essential that they perform in a manner that is consistent and compatible with ExxonMobil’s policies and business objectives.

Element 9: incident investigation and analysis

Effective incident investigation, reporting and follow-up are necessary to achieve Operations Integrity. They provide the opportunity to learn from reported incidents and to use the information to take corrective action and prevent recurrence.

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• Ensure processes are in place for addressing and sharing learnings from company and industry incidents.

Element 10: community awareness and emergency preparedness

Effective management of stakeholder relationships is important to enhance the trust and confidence of the communities where we operate. Emergency planning and preparedness are essential to ensure that, in the event of an incident, all necessary actions are taken for the protection of the public, the environment and company personnel and assets.

• Ensure processes are in place to sustain emergency preparedness, response, and business continuity for events requiring resources above the assessable unit.

Element 11: operation integrity assessment and improvement

Assessment of the degree to which expectations are met is essential to improve Operations Integrity and maintain accountability

• Ensure processes are in place to analyze and collective assessment results.

• Monitor the status of assessment follow-up and closure.

• Ensure processes are in place to sustain the effectiveness of assessments, including a review of assessable unit size and approaches (e.g., focus areas, duration, coverage, frequency).

• Periodically evaluate conformance with OIMS responsibilities for above the assessable unit guidelines to ensure intended results are achieved.

the characteristics of

management systems

Each operating unit must have in place properly

designed and documented management systems

that address all the Expectations set out in the OIMS

framework. Management systems put in place to meet

OIMS Expectations must incorporate the following five

characteristics to be effective. It is important for all five

characteristics to be documented.

scope and objectives.

Scope defines the System’s boundaries and identifies

interfaces with other systems, organizations and

facilities. Objectives clearly define the System’s purpose

and expected results.

processes and procedures.

Processes address the steps that describe what the

System does and how it functions. Procedures address

the key tasks required by a process.

responsible and accountable resources.

Approval authorities, experience and training

requirements that qualify people to carry out their

roles and responsibilities are specified for both

implementation and execution of the System.

verification and measurement.

A System must be checked to see whether it is

functioning as designed and is achieving its stated

purpose. There are two components. Verification

determines that processes and procedures are

functioning and being effectively executed.

Measurement confirms the quality of System

processes and determines that System objectives

and results are being achieved.

feedback and improvement mechanisms.

These mechanisms help ensure that actions are

taken to continuously improve the System. They

use findings from assessments, and from verification

and measurement activities, to enhance System

suitability, capability and effectiveness.

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