Organizational structures impact on HRM

In the current essay we will analyze the impact of an organizational structure on the management of human resources and examine how the effectiveness of human resources management is monitored in an organization.

The Human Resource Management is a business function related to the handling of personnel in its broader meaning. Although there is no commonly accepted definition, the key is in seeing the staff as a real asset in the organization.

From this principle, two basic schools of thought are divided: the RBT (resources-based theory) sees the resource as the only source of a unique competitive advantage, durable and non-imitable, and then places the management of human resources at the heart of corporate strategy (see Barney 1991, Boxall and Purcell 2003). The second school also known as “soft HRM” starting from the analysis of Porter (1985) who sees the competitive advantage can only be reached by product differentiation or a cost leadership, suggests an integration (a “fit”) policies human resource management with those of the general business strategy (see also Miller 1987).

The human resource management is often misunderstood or used as a synonym of Personnel Management, Storey (1992) has identified 27 key points in his work that distinguish the human resource management from mere personnel management. In general, the Office of Personnel Management is viewed simply as a series of activities aiming at the definition of employment contract (and the various tasks to be performed) and his respect. Personnel management is instead a far more complex and broad concept which covers activities such as motivation, commitment and staff involvement.

The human resource management (HRM) is a set of management practices aimed at mobilizing and developing human resources for greater organizational performance.

This activity should aim to improve cross-communication, while upholding

the organization chart. The human resource management can be divided arbitrarily into two broad categories: one hand the administration of human resources (payroll, labor law, employment contract etc.).. and other human resource development (career management, competency management (GPEC), recruitment (selection), training etc.)..

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The management of human resources is finally co-head of production and quality management.

The missions are supported by human resources departments in collaboration with other directorates and field managers in logic of goals set by the company (the Association or the Authority). It is possible to identify many of the tasks for these functions are: 1) Personnel administration. It is this aspect that the function begins to exist and be seen in the company: the recording, monitoring and control of individual data and group of company personnel; the application of laws and regulations in the company; preparation of committees and meetings; maintaining order and control and the work of pointing. 2) The management at large. This term covers three areas:

Acquisition of Human Resources: the management of employment, recruitment programs, career planning, transfers and promotions, job analysis and evaluation of individuals. Remuneration management: the analysis and development positions, salary scale, remuneration policy, profit-sharing. Management training: the detection of needs, developing training plans, implementation of training and evaluation of results. 3) Communication, information and working conditions: Communication and Information: The tasks of the Human Resources Department in this matter are: the definition of public publications and message design. Management communication: company newsletter, posters, audio-visual, systematic meetings.

Considering the SWOT analysis that links to the culture and structure of the organization, it will look like that:

Strengths of internal factors are communication, multiculturalism, innovative approaches.

Weaknesses of internal factors are the lack of new ideas and changes.

The opportunities presented by the external environment to the organization new ideas and thoughts, broader communication, new possibilities, implementations and improvements.

The threats presented by the external environment to the organization can be the crisis, considerable changes in politics and economy.

Improved working conditions, and in this respect the main themes are:

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– Hygiene and safety at work and commuting;

– The ergonomic working conditions;

– Prevention of psychosocial risks;

– Prevention of occupational diseases.

It requires the mobilization of knowledge and varied expertise: management, economics, law, sociology, psychology …

Another approach refers to human resources that are 4 main tasks:

Building the organization: what is called the “labor market” in which wages are determined not like a stock market. Its operation is, in part, “internal” to the company and depends on the procedures and architecture (vertical and horizontal division of labor) built by the HR manager.

Mobilizing the organization: it is not sufficient that employees are qualified. This will be based on what they offer the company: earnings (gross), working conditions, the outlook for many aspects it is for the HR manager to format.

Provide organizing skills: the skills of today will be obsolete tomorrow as well. The recruitment, training, management of jobs and skills are all means used to achieve the necessary transformation of qualifications.

Regulate the organization: the failures are the normal mode of operation of the organizations the HR manager, however, must master in order to prevent their expression does not threaten the survival of the company. It must also control the external effects on the social system, that is to say, take what is considered to be “social responsibility” of the company.

Evaluation of the strategic management of human resources. The evaluation of the strategic management of human resources is a crucial process in the evaluation of the action plan of an organization. It can be done using established criteria or to results achieved after implementation of HR strategies in an organization. Evaluation of Strategic Management provides a comprehensive review of human resource strategies applied within an organization, allowing it subsequently to adjust and improve its action plan. Moreover, it is important to note that this process must be adapted to the situation and organization.

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The evaluation, revision and repositioning. To make a proper assessment of the strategic management of human resources, it is enough to make the comparison between the objectives and final results by using the evaluation criteria and marking. These criteria should reflect the expected results, which involves measuring the relevance of actions undertaken to achieve the objectives taking into account the various partners of the organization. Finally the results of the evaluations must take corrective action that will enhance and reposition the management strategies of an organization’s human resources so that it performs in its internal and external.

Consequently, according to the current situation, 5 performance indicators that will align with the business and fit with the culture and structure of CTL Software are innovations, creative ideas, taking risk, globalization changes and new approaches.

Evaluation in Human Resource Management. It is very important and often necessary to methodically evaluate the policies and practices of human resource management. To obtain the expected success, it is imperative to make a good assessment that allows continuous improvement. This step is sort of evaluation that determines organizational performance. Thus, it can either be strong or weak. Where the latter is low, we must highlight all the negative points of the human resources function and then determine the source of these problems. They can be seen in the implementation of management policies or the plan itself. If the problem comes from the application of human resource policies, managers will tend to oppose changes in their strategic plans. In addition, employees may also have this attitude towards sudden changes as this will tend to give their new responsibilities. To avoid possible conflict over it is important to have regular evaluations in order to apply the changes from one application consistently as sudden changes due to conflicts.

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