PBT SWOT and PESTLE Analysis


Executive Summary


Industry sector


External Factors


Political factor:

Economic factor

Social factors

Technological factor

Legal factor

Environmental factor

SWOT Analysis





Innovation Strategy





Peter Bakers Transport (PBT)

PBT specializes are fast, convenient and trouble-free freight movement throughout New Zealand. They do this by being the best in the business at Delivery in Full on Time Undamaged.

Operating successfully since 1972, they provide a fully integrated service moving small, large and bulk freight items. They also offer storage and distribution options.

Each of their 6 business units specialize in a part of the distribution process. Together they create a single service solution for clients wanting to work smarter.

The business units are as follows:

  • PBT Transport
  • PBT Couriers
  • PBT Bulk

With 27 branches, nationwide, they have New Zealand covered. Every year they move more than thirteen million items from Katia to Bluff – plus everywhere in between and because their network is so extensive, they deliver 99.9% of freight within the PBT system. (PBT Couier, 2016) OK

Industry sector

PBT is the courier and transportation company who deliver the goods. They use high standard resources to deliver goods on time. They use best staff to running their business in transport industry. PBT is the growing company in the market. PBT established their name in the industry in a short time. OK


There are some competitors in the market like courier post, New Zealand courier, fast way, TNT, post haste, Castle parcel. All these companies provide same service but there are some few services that provide by PBT like PBT delivered product very fast in 24 hours, they also deliver in a bulk. Moreover, they also take responsibility of damage of the product if the product is damage in delivery process they give full amount of parcel to the customer. OK

External Factors

External factor is very important for a business. PESTLE is a part of external factor. I explain Provide more explanation why using PESTLE factors

PESTLE factor giving below:


P- Political

E- Economic

S- Social

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T- Technological

L- Legal

E- Environmental

Political factor:Political plays a very important role tosmooth running the business. Government implements laws like minimum wages law, taxation etc. If government changes and the new government modified the minimum wages and laws that will directly affect the company. If the tax rate increase the profit of the company is automatically decrease. Ok but how this is related with innovation and change management?

Economic factor: Economic factor is also play a major role of the business like sometimes people send the parcels outside from another country if the economy of the country increase or decrease that can affect the cost of the parcel. OK

Social factors: If the customer behaviour change towards the PBT it can affect the PBT  business. If customer like the service of another company, then PBT can’t do anything. To sort out this problem PBT should make some changes in their service like other companies take 48 hours to deliver product but Teprotide same service same service 24 hour. OK

Technological factor: technological factor is a factor who help the business to run like scanner is the main part to deliver the parcel if there is any technical problem that will stuck for a time because if scanner is not working they can’t able to deliver the parcel. { scanner is connected with the whole network of the company they send whole pick up jobs and some important messages on scanner}. OK

Legal factor: legal factors is the major part because company trust on anyone without any contract or a paper work because today PBT gives good service next day another company provide better deal than PBT than they can change their mind for another company. if they have contract and customer change their service with in contract period then PBT can take the legal action against the customer. Same like with their employees. What regulation using the company?

Environmental factor: there are some environmental factors that effects the job as some times due to rain the vans gets stuck in the traffic due to which the deliveries get late from the actual time secondly the vans get damage in accident due to rain. Not only that rain also sometime damage the freight as the freight is outside the shed and some of the boxes get damaged by rain. OK

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SWOT Analysis


Strengths and weaknesses are often internal to your organization, while opportunities and threats generally relate to external factors. For this reason, SWOT is sometimes called Internal-External Analysis. SWOT analysis is a process that the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization is identified what? Specifically, the SWOT is a basic analytical framework to assess whether an organization and cannot do, as well as their potential opportunities and threats. Takes information from an environmental analysis and a SWOT analysis of internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as its external opportunities and threats it separates. OK

Strengths: The main strength is to deliver parcels in 24 hours its take half time from the other companies to deliver product. The staff member in the depot they all are expert in their work they do their work with full energy. the have enough space to store the bulk product. PBT have tracking service by this service their can find the location of the parcel. Good

Weakness:  The main weakness of the company is shortage of driver like sometime drivers are sick or not able to come on work than its difficult for the company to arrange the driver. The company only cover the limited areas like they don’t cover the rural areas which are outside from the cities or town. OK

Opportunities: PBT have less number of drivers so they should hire the new drivers and give them proper training. PBT should also modify scanner time to time because technology is changing day by day so they should add some new features. PBT have parcel tracking system but sometimes its does not work properly so they should also improve tracking system. OK

Threats: there are very less chance to damage the parcel but sometimes damaged by mistake some parcel are very costly so it is the big threat for PBT. Sometime driver deliver parcel on wrong address by mistake its totally wastage of time so it’s also main threats for PBT. Sometime there are breakdown in courier transport so its take so long time to deliver product which can affect the good customer service of the PBT. OK

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Innovation Strategy
Using a SWOT analysis what strategy you will be recommended for the future innovation and change?

The biggest innovation of the PBT Company is the modification of scanner. They modify per their needs. The customers also satisfy with scanner they said PBT scanner is best than other company because it’s easy for them to sign on it. There are some innovation strategies for PBT is they give advertise on internet for driver vacancy they already start to hire new driver before they start the delivery process they give them proper training. Because of the shortage of driver PBT do not cover the rural areas after hiring new staff they also started cover rural area which is far from cities and town. Ok


According to my point of view PBT can change their service and way of sorting out the freight as first three days in week PBT can sort out all the bulk freight according to the rough’s and rest of the two days they can do the residencies. And second thing is that they can put more new vans for emergency use, also they can use those vans to sort out the freight if it’s very busy. Ok


I concluded that PBT should change the way of doing their job and they should add more vans and trucks in their company. And they should improve their way of sorting the freight, if they sort it properly they can reduce the customers complains and they can sort their freight more easily and they can get good feedback from the customers. OK


PBT Couier. (2016, 12 14). Retrieved from www. pbt.com: http://www.pbt.com/locations/branch-location.html?locationId=6ad45cc5-aa69-4187-b062-07de3d1ab2c6

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