Pepsico is a multinational corporation

Task 1
Cultural understanding
Company 1 – Pepsico

Pepsico is a multinational corporation with a large variety of products and has its offices/business in places such as North and Latin America, Europe, India and China.

Company’s Vision

The company’s lofty vision is as follows:

“PepsiCo’s responsibility is to continually improve all aspects of the world in which we operate- environment, social, economic- creating a better tomorrow than today.”

The company carries out their vision by undertaking programs that are environmental friendly, activities that benefit the society and enhancing shareholder value by making PepsiCo a truly sustainable company.

Company’s Mission and business culture

Pepsico’s mission is to continue to be the world’s premier consumer products company focused on convenient foods and beverages. They endeavor to produce financial rewards to investors while providing opportunities for growth and enrichment to their employees, their business partners and the communities in which they operate. In everything the company does, they strive for honesty, fairness and integrity.]

Pepsico’s mission for 2008 was “Performance with Purpose” which the CEO of Pepsico – Indra K. Nooyi elaborates on when she says this mission “combines the two things that define what we do-growing the business, and acting as ethical and responsible citizens of the world”

Company’s values and philosophy

The company’s values & philosophy are centered on being a socially and environmentally responsible company. Therefore every policy it formulates and decision it makes is based on the following guiding principles:

  • Care for customers, consumers and the world they live in.
  • Sell only products that they can be proud of.
  • Speak with truth and candor.
  • Balance short term and long term.
  • Win with diversity and inclusion.
  • Respect others and succeed together.
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Company 2 – Intel

Intel is a computer chip manufacturing company. Its processors are found on a variety of computers and other electronic devices the world over. Intel was founded in the year 1968 by Bob Noyce and Gordon Moore. Intel Corp was also ranked one the 100 best corporate citizens in the world by CRO magazine at number 13 on the list.

Company’s vision

Intel’s vision is to continue to push the boundaries of innovation in order to make people’s lives more exciting, more fulfilling, and easier to manage. It is a company that’s always in motion, fueling an industry that never rests. This enables them to collectively deliver better solutions with greater and faster

Company’s Mission and business culture

Intel’s mission is to create bold advancements in technology that can continually enhance people’s lives. It believes in making significant investments in innovation and promoting the concept of sustainability in their operations and in communities worldwide.

The company strives to motivate imaginations and enable positive change that improves their quality of life and make their lives more interesting.

The company describes its vision in two words ‘Leap ahead.’ Their mission is to find and drive the next leap ahead – in technology, education, culture, social responsibility, manufacturing and more – to continuously encourage their customers, partners, consumers and businesses to join them as they continue to take exciting leaps forward.

Company’s values and philosophy

Intel’s code of conduct ensures that they maintain the highest standards of integrity in their operations. The company delights their customers, employees, and shareholders by persistently delivering the platform and technology advancements that become essential to the way the people work and live.

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Their values and philosophy include:

  • Customer Orientation
  • Discipline
  • Quality
  • Risk taking
  • Great place to work
  • Results orientation

Company 3 – Gap Inc.

Gap Inc. which was established in 1969 runs the largest number of retail specialty stores across the globe. It runs the world’s five renowned clothing brands: Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, Piperlime and Athleta.

Late Don Fisher, the founder of Gap Inc. established the company by conceiving a simple idea of making it easier for the masses to find a pair of jeans.

This year CRO magazine has ranked Gap Inc. one of the “100 Best Corporate Citizens” among major U.S. companies for the fourth straight year.

The company’s headquarters offices are located San Francisco. Their product design offices are located primarily in New York City, San Francisco and London. As of August 2009, they operate 3,145 stores across the globe including countries like United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Ireland, Japan, etc.

Company’s vision

The company’s vision is to continue to seek to investment in initiatives that will help drive traffic, deliver inspiring product, and enhance the shopping experience. It is carrying out is vision by introducing new store prototypes as it works to modernize their fleet and improve productivity.

Company’s Mission and business culture

The company’s mission is upholding strong commitment to serve the needs of their customers while delivering quality earnings and long-term value to their investors and shareholders.

Gap’s product value is to make it easy for people to express their personal style. The company is continually developing all its brands to exceed their customer’s expectation. This is achieved by creating innovative and inspiring designs, based on the experience and through communication with people about their likes, dislikes, needs, expectations, etc.

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Company’s values and philosophy

Gap’s values and philosophy revolves around the following 4 key principles:

  • Think: customers first
  • Inspire: creativity
  • Do: what’s right
  • Deliver: results

The company makes pivotal decisions keeping in mind the customers’ needs and expectations. They believe in creating quality products that exceed customer expectations.

They inspire creativity by challenging the status quo. Innovative, creative anew ideas and ways of working are the key element in their business culture.

The company attaches equal importance to both the process and the outcome. They believe that how they do business is as important as what they do. Honesty, integrity, sharing are the driving forces of their business culture.

Finally they are committed to deliver the best results possible. Taking responsibility, setting priorities and meeting their goals are an integral part of their business culture.


Based on our research on the above 3 companies it can be concluded that all the 3 organization share the same focus which is to enhance their cultural understanding by constantly identifying the needs of their clients and delivering to their needs by investing in continuous innovation thereby improving the quality of life of the people.

Task 2

Mgmnt practices adopted by each orgn in task 1

Company 1 mgmnt practice

Formal and informal cultural relationships

Company 2 mgmnt practice

Formal and info cul. Relation

Company 3 mgmnt practice

Formal and infor cul relat

Task 3

2 organization running in virtual manner

Suggest suitable areas for mgmnt of furniture works in which they need to look

Task 4

Various online and direct communication systems available for the orgn

Task 5

Effective global structures for the orgn in order to overcome threats

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