Performance Management Is A Set Of Goals Management Essay

Performance management is a set of goals given to an employee as a result of the employees poor performance. The performance improvement plan must give specific details of the areas in which the employee must improve and stipulate the period of time during which that improvement should happen.

1. Be able to identify and agree performance objectives

1.1 Identify the selection of, and agree, individual and team objectives

-The individual team member starts out by determining each team members’ role by establishing a team. The team individual members’ roles are created by using the Tuckman’s Four-Stage Theory of Group Development such as: forming, storming, norming and performing. The first stage which is forming as described in the team individual members. The second stage is storming “What’s my role here?” I believe my role during this stage is to figure. The third stage is norming “What do others expect me to do? The final stage which is very critical to the success of the team as a whole is performing “How can I best perform my role? (,10/11/2012)

Performance Team Selection-While a team is assembled to accomplish significant results in a short period of time, the best and brightest people the organization has to offer should be chosen. Unfortunately, when a manager is asked to provide someone to be a part of a newly formed team, the logic often goes something like this: “Juel’s my best person, but she is already working on three projects that are critical to the department’s success. maruf’s pretty good too, but if I send maruf, will I get him back? juel, hasn’t been performing very well lately, and frankly I’ve been meaning to talk to him about that. Oh well, we could get along fine without juel, so I guess I’ll send juel.

1.2 Identify the selection of, and agree, individual and team objectives

The aim here is to agree clear objectives and targets. Objectives need to reflect: current performance, skills, behaviours and attitudes, team targets and objectives, any organisational values.

Managers may also want to add objectives that contain a stretch value. This means they should take effort to achieve, but not be unrealistic. For example, it may be possible to bring a project in ahead of schedule or achieve a x% increased customer satisfaction rate. Objectives should always include a ‘by when’ element. When agreeing and prioritising workloads with members of your team you may be involved in complex negotiations. You need to make sure that work is done to customer requirements; at the same time, you need to ensure that individual members of the team are happy with their workloads, and not working under undue stress. Except when a new site is being opened, organisations seldom have the luxury of being able to select team members from scratch. Where teams are being created from existing workers, the emphasis will generally have to be on training and development of existing staff. Many companies take the view that the majority of employees can acquire the necessary skills and abilities with appropriate training.(,10/10/20112)

Teamwork is often introduced at the same time as costs are being reduced and the workforce is being cut. Willingness and suitability for teamwork are sometimes included in criteria for selecting the employees who will be retained. However, organisations should always ensure fair selection for redundancy following appropriate consultation (Selection of Team, 10/11/2012).

1.3 Identify and agree areas of individual and team responsibility in achieving objectives

-Team members don’t have specific responsibilities, but their participation is critical to the team’s success. As companies or as organisation have moved toward employee involvement and teamwork, some have been surprised to find that not all employees embrace this new concept. Many employees have learned over the years that following directions and not rocking the boat is the key to success. Simply announcing that teamwork is the new way of doing business is not enough to convince everyone to behave differently. This workshop helps employees understand what moving to team’s means to them and the organization, what the new roles and responsibilities are, and teaches the new skills they will need to be successful in the transition. Demonstrate the advantages of teams to both organizations and team members. Learn the basic principles of team motivation and team building that are necessary for teams to work effectively. Learn the following five crucial team member’s skills: (team member,12/11/2012)

-Running meetings that improve the business

– Building support through consensus

– Enforcing team ground rules

– Making suggestions to team members

– Getting team members involved

The matrix can be drawn as shown in figure 1, with the dimensions of Importance and Urgency.

Figure: dimensions of Importance and Urgency

Source: article/newHTE_91.htm,11/11/2011.

1.4 Identify the need to create an environment of trust and support with others

Construct Trust -Trust is the basic tenant for all relationships in an organisation.

Openly-In order to create a positive work environment each employee needs to feel valued.

Imagine the Best From Your Staff -There is a concept called ‘The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy’ which states that people generally will perform in the way others expect them to perform.

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Build Team Spirit -One of our basic human needs is to feel we belong to something bigger than ourselves.

Recognition and Appreciation -Whenever you can, ‘catch people being good’ and make sure they and others know about it.

Give Credit and Take Responsibility -Always give credit for success to your staff, and take responsibility.

Approachable-Always present an attitude of approachability to your staff and customers.

Make available A Positive Physical Environment- If at all possible insures that the physical environment on your workplace is clean, bright, attractive and cheerful.

Create Staff Evaluations a Positive Experience -One of the important duties of a boss is to give staff evaluations.

Create It Fun -Everyone wants to be where people are having fun, so make your workplace feel happy and festive. Find reasons to celebrate together, such as birthdays, birth of a baby or grandchild, moving into a new house, etc., and having small parties to celebrate these events


2. Be able to assess performance and provide feedback

2.1 Evaluate and assess individual and team performance against objectives

Organizations moving to a team structure need to develop human resources systems-including performance management programs-that support their teaming efforts Team performance management is the concept of adjusting the composition, context or direction of a team or work group in order to increase the effectiveness of the team or group as measured by (Team performance management – 2012):

Individual Performance

To be rated Met on the element, the manager, the coach, and the other team members must find that the employee usually:

-complies with the team’s ground rules;

-fills in where and when needed; and

-contributes ideas for improving the team’s performance.

Team Performance

Team members’ performance plans also include three noncritical elements that measure the team’s performance. These three elements are:

-Reference Service Effectiveness- The standards set desired levels for customer satisfaction, case turnaround time, and the cost per case.

-Quality Assurance Plan- The standards require the team to develop a plan for how it will improve/maintain its accuracy rate.

-Effective Team Work- The standards measure the team’s ability to build consensus, resolve conflicts, solve problems, cooperate, lead itself.

These elements are appraised at three levels-Exceeds, Successful, or Unacceptable. If the team meets the Exceeds standard for each of its non-critical elements, each team member will be given a rating of record of Exceeds, as long as the team member is rated as Met on the critical element for individual contribution to the team. (An employee rated Did Not Meet on the critical element receives an Unacceptable rating of record and is given an opportunity to improve-www.opm.govn,11/11/2012)

2.2 Identify methods of providing feedback to individuals and teams on performance

-Effective feedback is specific, not general.

-Effective feedback always focuses on a specific behaviour, not on a person or their intentions.

-The best feedback is sincerely and honestly provided to help. Trust me, people will know if they are receiving it for any other reason.

-Successful feedback describes actions or behavior that the individual can do something about.

-Whenever possible, feedback that is requested is more powerful. Ask permission to provide feedback. Say, “I’d like to give you some feedback about the presentation, is that okay with you?”

-Effective feedback involves the sharing of information and observations. It does not include advice unless you have permission or advice was requested.

-Effective feedback is well timed. Whether the feedback is positive or constructive provide the information as closely tied to the event as possible.

-Effective feedback involves what or how something was done, not why. Asking why is asking people about their motivation and that provokes defensiveness.

-Check to make sure the other person understood what you communicated by using a feedback loop, such as asking a question or observing changed behaviour.

-Effective feedback is as consistent as possible. If the actions are great today, they’re great tomorrow. If the policy violation merits discipline, it should always merit discipline. (,10/11/12)

2.3 Identify the causes of conflict, and describe strategies to minimize or prevent conflict

Conflict arises from the clash of perceptions, goals, or values in an arena where people care about the outcome (Alessandra, 1993, p. 92). If the management of that conflict is not effective, it can totally disrupt the entire group process. However the old saying “that which does not kill us will make us stronger” illustrates how successfully managed conflict can benefit the group.

Below are a few of the most common reasons

-principles of team members

-Attitudes of team members

-Goals/Expectations – the processes and expected outcomes

-Roles and responsibilities of team members

-Limited resources



-amplified interaction (frequency)

Allen C. Amason, of Mississippi State University, has studied conflict and its role in decision-making. He suggests there are two types of conflict:

Cognitive – conflict aimed at issues, ideas, principles, or process.

Affective – conflict aimed at people, emotions, or values.

Preventative Strategies:

The first step in conflict management is learning how to prevent or minimize conflict. A team leader has several ways to do that. Here are just a few: (Parker, 1994) At the beginning of each project, or each meeting, ground rules should be developed. These should incorporate processes or behaviours that the group will allow or prohibit.

As mentioned previously, training in conflict resolution or communication skills would be invaluable to a team. It would be preferable if the team could attend this training as a group. (Humans-systems-resources-,13/11/2012)

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2.4 Explain recording systems for performance assessment for individuals or teams

The process involves a proactive planning component at the beginning of the performance year; ongoing feedback and coaching during the year; as well as an annual end of year meeting to:

-Assess and discuss the staff member’s relative success in achieving the expectations;

-Recognize strong performance;

-Identify areas requiring improvement;

-Identify key priorities for the following year, and set goals and expectations.


Once the staff member has completed and submitted Part A: Activity Report, the Reviewer should complete the following sections of the Performance Planning, Feedback and Development form:

1. Section B: Values and Competencies Summary using the Competencies Worksheet; and

2. Section C: Comments and Overall Performance Rating.

3. The Reviewer submits the completed performance assessment with recommended Overall Performance Rating for each Managerial and Confidential staff member to the Divisional HR Office

4. The Reviewer should not advise the staff member of the final rating until after the Divisional review has taken place and all performance ratings have been approved.

5. Face to face performance assessment discussions with staff should be conducted however, it’s important that final ratings not be shared with staff members until Divisional reviews are completed.

6. The Reviewer should meet with each confidential staff member to discuss and complete Planning for the Next Review Period.

3. Be able to understand performance support for improvement

3.1 Explain a performance improvement cycle

In Organisational development, performance improvement is the concept of organizational change in which the managers and governing body of an organisation put into place and manage a programme which measures the current level of performance of the organization and then generates ideas for modifying organisational behaviour and infrastructure which are put into place to achieve higher output. The primary goals of organizational improvement are to increase organizational effectiveness and efficiency to improve the ability of the organization to deliver goods and or services. A third area sometimes targeted for improvement is organizational efficacy, which involves the process of setting organizational goals and objectives.

At the organizational level, performance improvement usually involves softer forms of measurement such as customer satisfaction surveys which are used to obtain qualitative information about performance from the viewpoint of customers the Model for Improvement as the framework to guide improvement work. This model is not meant to replace change models that organizations may already be using, but rather to accelerate improvement. Learn about the fundamentals of the Model for Improvement and testing changes on a small scale using Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles:


-Forming the Team

-Setting Aims

-Establishing Measures

-Selecting Changes

-Testing Changes

-Implementing Changes

-Spreading Changes

Source: Langley GL, Nolan KM, Nolan TW, Norman CL, Provost LP. The Improvement Guide: A Practical Approach to Enhancing Organizational Performance (2nd edition). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers; 2009.

3.2 Discuss the indicators of poor performance

The indicators of poor performance dimension include:

Workforce planning

Reactive recruitment and development of staff, focused on meeting current deficits, managers unable to describe what is likely to change in the external labor market and business needs in the next five years, no succession planning for key roles.

Attracting and recruiting staff

Key roles frequently re-advertised, advertised jobs attracting small numbers and low-quality candidates, high turnover of staff in their first year of employment.

Engaging, managing and developing staff

Low employee engagement scores, staff not taking leave, high turnover of experienced staff, learning and development activities seen as an ‘add on’ rather than a part of core work, staff frequently withdrawing from training events and development opportunities at the last minute, senior managers not visibly investing in their own learning and development.

Equality and diversity

Low employee engagement scores, particularly around sense of belonging, trust, and feeling valued, low representation of diverse groups compared to their representation in the employed labor force, and diverse groups are not represented in senior management in proportion to their overall representation in the agency.

Rewards and remuneration

Exit interview data indicating low levels of rewards and remuneration as reason for leaving, difficulty retaining and recruiting staff overall, or in particular job clusters, protracted or acrimonious bargaining processes.

(Performance dimension-www.ssc.govtnz,14/11/2012).

3.3 Evaluate methods that support performance improvement

Performance improvement is very important for any organization to run their business properly, There are two kinds of improvement methods such as follows: -The oracle performance improvement method

-Emergency Performance methods

The Oracle Performance Improvement Method

Oracle performance methodology helps you to pinpoint performance problems in your Oracle system. This involves identifying bottlenecks and fixing them. It is recommended that changes be made to a system only after you have confirmed that there is a bottleneck.( The Oracle Performance Improvement,14/111/2012)

Emergency Performance Methods

This section provides techniques for dealing with performance emergencies. You have already had the opportunity to read about a detailed methodology for establishing and improving application performance. However, in an emergency situation, a component of the system has changed to transform it from a reliable, predictable system to one that is unpredictable and not satisfying user requests.

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The method for debugging emergency performance problems is the same as the method described in the performance improvement method earlier in this book. However, shortcuts are taken in various stages because of the timely nature of the problem. Keeping detailed notes and records of facts found as the debugging process progresses is essential for later analysis and justification of any remedial actions.( Emergency Performance

4. Be able to understand and apply the organisation’s disciplinary and grievance procedures

4.1 Discuss the organisation’s disciplinary and grievance procedures

Disciplinary Procedures

Disciplinary procedures are used when employers take disciplinary action against employees for misconduct or poor performance. If employers become dissatisfied with the performance or conduct of their employees it is their responsibility to try and resolve the issues fairly and reasonably. Tyson and York (2000, pg. 71) believe that ‘disciplinary procedures are for improving performance/behaviour which is judged inadequate for the job.’ Marchington and Wilkinson (2008, pg. 431) agree by saying ‘disciplinary procedures should not be seen primarily as means of imposing sanctions but rather as a way of encouraging improvements amongst employees whose conduct or performance is unsatisfactory. employment.

Grievance Procedures

As disciplinary procedures are mainly for the benefit of employers, it is only fair that employees can have the ability to resolve problems or disputes they may have too. Grievance procedures are used by employees when they make a complaint to their employer. Tyson and York (2000, pg. 71) explain that ‘grievance procedures are whereby individual employees may take up grievances which are of concern to them, such as complaints about their own managers.’ Grievances can arise from many employee complaints, but Hunter and Kleiner (2004) explain that ‘the most common complaints by employees include unfair treatment by the employer, broken employment agreement, and employer communications and defamation.

4.2 Identify the role of the manager in both a disciplinary and a grievance procedure

Many managers find the implementation of disciplinary procedures, and especially the disciplinary interview, one of the most difficult aspects of their jobs. In this section we give some guidance on disciplinary pmcedures so that manager is better prepared should the situation ariae. i can only give you general advice. Manager should consult the person in his/her organisation responsible for per some issues for guidance on his/her own organisation’s policy on discipline and disciplinary interviews. Soundly based advice on how best to conduct a disciplinary interview is not easy to find, possibly because circumstances vary so much in each individual case. Of course, the aim of the interview is not to grind the employee into the ground, but to achieve an improvement in performance.

Moreover, Manager should take account of the psychological pressures on the interviewee and the effects that these are likely to have on that person’s behaviour and responses.

(the role of the manager-,15/11/2012).

Grievance policies and procedures

-considerate and applying your organisation’s procedure

-aspire of the grievance hearing

-grievances meetings (Informal and forma)l

-Sources of grievances

-Stages in the grievance procedure

-The preparatory stage

-Hearing grievance meetings

-Rights of representation

-Dealing with appeals

-Writing grievance letters

(Grievance policies and,16/10/2012)

4.3 Summarise the key aspects of legislation that applies to an organisation’s disciplinary and grievance procedures

The Employment Act 2002 introduced fundamental and radical changes to the law relating to managing grievance and disciplinary issues in the workplace. The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) produced the Employment Act 2002 (Dispute Resolution) Regulations 2004, which implement these changes. The regulations came into force on 1 October 2004.

The Employment Tribunals’ Rules of Procedure were implemented on 1 October 2004. Among other things, a fixed period was introduced for parties involved in an employment tribunal claim to reach a conciliated settlement via conciliation service Acas. The government’s clear aim is to ensure disputes are settled without recourse to the overburdened employment tribunal system.

A grievance is defined in the regulations as “a complaint by an employee about an action, which his employer has taken or is contemplating taking in relation to him”. The grievance procedure applies to constructive dismissal situations.

The Employment Tribunal Rules of Procedure prevent an employee from bringing a claim where they have failed to raise the grievance in writing and waited at least 28 days thereafter.

What’s in the guidance on disciplinary practice and procedures?

Section one of the code contains information and guidance on the following:

-The purpose of disciplinary rules and procedures

-Dealing with disciplinary issues in the workplace

-What happens when a grievance is raised during a disciplinary case

-Dealing with gross misconduct

-Dealing with absence from work



Actually Performance management is the one kind process of creating a work environment or setting in which people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities. Performance management is a whole work system that begins when a job is defined as needed. It ends when an employee leaves your organization. Many writers and consultants are using the term performance management as a substitution for the traditional appraisal system. I encourage you to think of the term in this broader work system context.

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