Perrys Berrys Ltd: External and Internal Influences


Festival, Fortuna, Camarosa

Introduction:- Perrys Berrys are a second generation family business whose main focus is to provide the best quality and longest lasting product that we can. We are WQA, NZGAAP accredited and MPI approved.

Francie started growing strawberries more than 30 years ago and her commitment to quality and innovation has resulted in Perrys Berrys being the only New Zealand strawberry fruit grower that grows its own plants. These are grown in both high and low elevation nurseries to ensure that we are able to provide the best quality product available from the start of the growing process to the end product.

We currently grow three main varieties – Camarosa, Festival and Fortuna. Two of these varieties – Festival and Fortuna are only grown by us and cannot be purchased anywhere else in New Zealand.

Fifteen years ago Grant and Katie joined Francie full time in the family business, they have both grown up with Strawberries being a big part of their lives with them both coming from Strawberry growing families. They now have four little girls set to carry on the family tradition.

Internal influences:

Problem solving skills:

Sometime the problems occur regarding the machinery that can be reducing the work but it is handled by skilled manager and supervisor.

Communication skills:

Our staff is communicated they can understand each easily.

Leadership skills:

To lead the team peacefully and get covered goal by the team supervisor is very well skilled.

Management skills:

Our management skilled manager does manage every activity or equipment and material etc.

Multitasking skills:

Supervisor is skilled that can do everything as a manager in case of absence of him.

Training skills:

To train for new hired staff or after few months to provide the training to existing staff supervisor responsible for this organ.


In my organisation 35 workers are working currently (1) one of them manager and (2) Two supervisor, 12 pickers, 10 packers, 8 leaf cutters and 2 for operating the machines.



To operate every things as to watering the plants and to spray the pesticides there is available machines that’s work through software, and also to make the time conscious to everyone there is a machine to inter in morning before starting work. To carry the units to another places there provided the trolleys and in the packing environment every thing going on systematically everyone works there without any kind of pressure.

Shared values:


Our workers are determined about the works and they works with honesty and peacefully.


Manager and supervisor do discover something new regarding the work to cover the daily goal very easily and get objective of the organization.


Our staff is very cooperative staff they helps each other during the working time to finish the work in required time and they understand each other.

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All of our staff follows the rules and regulation of the organisation and they done the given work in the required time. They keep maintain the peaceful environment every time.

External influences: political

Our company passion fresh gives per hour 15.25 to everyone regarding the minimum wage act. They are following instructions and rules and regulation on government laws. Government is itself a major consumer of goods and services so the polices can become a dangerous weapon for our business.


Consumers are providing with the guarantees of packing machine repairing and the exchange of good if they seem that the products is being difficulties.

Holiday act 2003 annual holidays to provide the opportunity for rest and recreation public holidays for the observance of days of national religious culture.


Everyone knows that’s nowadays is a modern era workers wants to do all works by packing machine or use the trolley for picking. if we have this machinery then we can fast rather than hand working. Moreover we can save the time.


The inflation rate in 2015 was 2.7% the unemployment rate in 2015 was 6.1% and average rate and GDP rate was 3% and 3.4 it will be not effect to the price of our products. We can keep remain our customers.


New Zealand is a multicultural country. A lot of people are living in different cultures. Moreover life style is also different from other countries. New Zealand population is 4.5 per annual so there is a more population and more customers so it will be increase our sales. It will be lead more profit.

Internal Impacts:

Skills: Impact on the business of conceptual skills the problems of machinery that cannot solved by the manager and supervisor but it could be immediately occurs so we feel the lack of I.T skilled employee that could update the machines time by time and we can get rid from the interruptions that reduce our work and affected for the business.


The current situation the number of staff 35 in our business it’s going on very peacefully, but the lack of the employee who should be I.T skilled or multitasking skilled because the problems of the electric machinery that are enacts while working time, but now we need to hire one person who must should be skilled good communication and I.T it will be good impact for our business to get rid from the problems and also it can be change our structure little bit.


In my organization all of employees work hard and honestly. Our manager train the supervisors that the way to make an team work, gives instructions to everyone and all of them follows it and get finish the work very peacefully in required time. By keeping maintain the environment like that our customer will be happy and stay with us for long time and also we will success to attract more new customers. This would help us to grow the business and to get our goal.

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The system of our company is running good if there were not the problems as we know the errors that are suddenly occurs in the electric spray or packing machine while working that are made big problems for the system. It is very necessary to update the system time by time of the machines to keep maintain the system of the organization and do some innovations by the I.T skilled person can be rise our production and our image in the agriculture industry.

Shared values:


Our employees are determined and work with honestly if they will continue keep stay with us and work like that so it will impact to get higher grade in the agriculture industry.


New innovations in the system or in everything to get away the problems of everything can increase our sales and production.


If everyone cooperate each other on the work so we can get our daily goal easily and get our objectives and it will be impacted to increase our production also.

External impact


There is no doubt that the society is continually changing. The tastes and fashions are a great example of this change one of the most signification differences is the growing popularity of social media. Population increasing in nz position our sales new Zealand population has good knowledge in a health education they want organic products. Our company produces organic products and our sales are high with great satisfaction.


The political factors effecting business are often given a lot of importance several aspects of government policy can effect business. All firms must find hoe upcoming legislations can affect their activities.

Example: wages

The last year wages rate per hour 14.75 but now its 15.25 per hour.


In the New Zealand inflation rates is 2.7% per year 2015 it shows not growing much so it is easy to get more sales we have no need to rise our price thus we can grow our sales.


Health and safety act 1974 our company workers are working in this act and when we are working only work place we use health and safety things.

Pay and wages act 1936: according to this act our company are following this pay and wages act we are giving pay to everyone same pay rate.

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Privacy act 1993: an act to promote and protect individual privacy in general accordance with the recommendation of the council of the organisation. Act on we can not all tell all documentary private things to another workers.


Waste management act 2008: according to this act 2008 according this act when we are finish work then than we are put all rubbish in the rubbish bin.


Advancement in technology has had a dramatic impact on the business. As we see there is a lots of agriculture farms in the New Zealand. we also got latest technology machine like packing machine, spray machine on this machinery customers will attract to our company. It will be more profit in the margin.

Internal Consequences

In my organisation everyone are determined, skilled and hard workers. As we know competition is going to be very hard now days so we need improve our skills as multitasking and I.T skills. To operate the machines and to update it time by time we need a employee who is able to do this very carefully and immediately so that we don’t have to face problems to operate the new technological electronic machines. And multitasking skills very important for us, who will have this skills he can help each other, can handle the work of the manager in case absence of him and he will able to do maintain the team work and also can keep maintain our customer and can satisfy them.

Moreover we will need some different share values as cooperation, punctuality, innovation, and determination these share values will help us to achieve our goal easily and will attract more customers and also will help us to get “A” grade in agriculture industry in N.Z.

External consequences

According to this all laws customers and employee can safe the environment .moreover it will helpful for us to get a grade in agriculture industry New Zealand. social population is New Zealand 4.5 million in the year. We can say that New Zealand. New Zealand population is increasing we can grow our business and we Can increase more business.

Moreover as well as technologies is increase we have to up grade our machine that we can be strong against our competitors. So in the future we can get more sell and easily get more profit.

We have safety it our workplace so our employee can feel safe to work at workplace.


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