Personal Development Plan And Setting Future Objectives Education Essay

Creating a personal development plan is thus not enough as in order to make sure that all your targets are meet to the best of its abilities it is always best to review your goals. My personal development plan gives an overview of what I am doing and where I want to venture into the near future. As a business orientated person myself I feel that the course that I am currently doing will help me gain a foothold within the management sector of a well established organization. However even planning ahead can always have its setbacks, as they can be many hurdles along the way for me in order to accomplish my set goals. Therefore in this part of the assignment I will be analysing my goals and discovering possible solutions which in time will lead me to my end career aspirations of endeavouring into owning and carrying out my own business in the neaobr future.

Short Term Objectives

As from the table above it clearly illustrates that I have meet my short-term objectives, which were not that easy as to make a decision upon. At first I had registered with the college provider to carry out a ABE course, however I was not aware of what the course entailed me to do. This is due to the fact that the college brochures didn’t give a full illustration towards the main aspects that need to be covered in the course, and thus I felt that it would not be of beneficial to my career aspirations. Therefore when I came to UK I made an appointment with the facility staff member and discussed my plans, goals and what I am good at and what skills I obtain. I went through the college courses with the staff member who then guided me into the BTEC course of Management studies.

Finding a right course for me was the utmost necessary step for me, as I have to be comfortable within my area of studies. Therefore by selecting this course it gave me a level of expertise within the area of business that I want to renovate into in the near future. As well as discussing the course modules with the facility staff member I also carried out my own research by using the internet and exploring the course and what and how it will be of beneficial to me. Once I had decided I then had the obstacles of paying the fees although I had enough I still had to pay a small amount more, for this I meet with the financial support staff within the college and decided upon a payment scheme which has proven to be constructive for me.

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As an overseas student at first it was hard to adapt to the surroundings of a different cultured living environment. Nevertheless by interacting with my fellow course members and by living within the Halls of residents I have a much greater familiarity and have adapted quite well with the people and with the atmosphere in UK. The colligues helpis much beneficial to me as they can help me in making friends and also finding job by which i can get good money for carringout my studies.the local people living here can guide me in a better way and also can help me as in am new in this country here i can say the skill like communication help me much for carring out the objective.

Medium Term Objectives

These objectives are essential for me, currently I am trying to meet all of my assessment dealines and researching the assessment criterias to the best of my abilities. In order to make sure that I am carrying out my assessments I use the internet, newspaper articles and business reports. All of which have been highly useful to me when writing up my assessments.

Looking towards the task of personal development plan which I had made there is need to overcome certain obstacles , without which the plan cannot be in a proper sequence.

Time management skill-need to check the task and to correct it when the plan is going out of schedule.

Questioning skill-need to question in the group & to discuss the topic,question to our self and to lecturer. By taking this course I have improved upon my organisational and time keeping skills. Another obstacle that I have overcome is that as assessments are set it is not always easy to understand the main scope of what is required. Therefore I have made it my duty to ask my lecturere when I am unsure of the tasks that are set to me. This way I gain a better understanding and I am able to gain indepth knowledge from my lecturer upon the areas of the module that are difficult for me. This shows that it is very important and necessary to gain support within the academic field i.e.from your lectureres when a difficulty arises.

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Self Developing skills-need to make ot better by self reviewing, by learning from the environment, correcting the mistakes.

Financial planning-this can be sorted out by looking to ward the expenses where i am spending and by better financial planning.

Use of proper resources-this can be done by using the resources in the manner how they are needed and in the proper way this can be achieved by having the proper knowledge of the resources and also of the plan &

Keeping away the professional life from studies-not working more than reqired and in the vacation period only. deadline.

I can correspond this into my working life as well. As working in Primark, I have come across minor problems such as dealing with customers face to face who have minor problems of boarding etc. To overcome this I have learnt from my senior collegues what other option we can give to the customers that can feel them comfort.

I can say from above review that this obstacles are to be sorted out for a good PDP, to over come them the basic thing i have to be is in a comfortzone( our living style, work and our social environment in which we are customise).thus making my plan in a continous flow.

The students with whome i am studying and the lecturer can can helpo me in completing my studies.they can be beneficial in providing me a proper guide line and also in the understanding the topics which are needed to complete my mba.the supports from my colligues and lecturer can help me in completing my plan on time.some time the lack of resources can be made taken from the colligues like the use of printer or refence notes.

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Long Term Objectives

Where do I see myself after this course is completed. Well my main concern as of now is to complete my course with good results. My long-term objectives are inter- linked with my results. As I plan to carry on with my educational development by carrying out my MBA in Management Studies. I am very interested within the business field; therefore I feel that by carrying out an MBA I will be able to gain good career and job prospects in UK.

With such prospects I can use my skills that I gain from my academic and working background in UK to prosper within my own country. As a practical person I am always interested in the field of running my own business, therefore I plan to open my own business and run it according to my own requirements.

The main obstacle for this will be costs and the time scale, which I will have to prioritise with my own personal life. Therefore I feel that once I have settled down in life with a good job within the management sector, then I can later on in life develop my interest in exploring the running of my own business.

In order to accomplish my set goals and aspirations in the current and near future I plan to review my action plan every 6 months. This will give me a clear prospective of what I am accomplishing and what I need to achieve within the duration of time. Therefore self-review is always important as it enables one to keep in track of their goals and amend or adjust into additional circumstances that may arise.

Being a good manager I have to be in communication with the people for the marketing and also for other development in the business.the support from market people for finance and the market had a good impact on the development of the business.they can help me from there experience and from the skills they have.being a businessman on the basis of profit hey can also support me to get the better deals and opportunity in the market so I can stand in the market.

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