Personal Reflection on Classroom Management Plan

Classroom management is an important component in any educational setting. This is because meaningful learning takes place when students are in safe environment (Kauffman et al., 2006). A combination of good classroom setting, effective preventive measures for behavior problems and implementation of interesting and engaging curriculums as well as actively involving all students in learning activities ensures that student’s learning needs are met. In my classroom management plan, the main goal is to have the right environment for all learners.

In my commitment to make classroom a challenging and safe environment, I will actively engage my students through the implementation of curriculum. I will establish good working relations with my students by having one on one interactions in class in order to get to know them better because meeting students’ learning needs forms an integral part of my classroom. By ensuring that students comfortably interact with each other as well as with the teacher creates meaningful discussions and interactions that lead to better understanding of content (Haysman, 2011). Students will therefore be part of their learning through group work and open discussions that ensure effective participation for all students as they learn from me and from each other. These steps will lead to equitable and democratic classroom that will facilitate effective learning. I will be calm, patient and fair to all students in order to win their trust and create a favorable learning environment for them to ask questions and get involve in their learning.

Behavioral Goals For My Students

The most significant behavior goal for my students is to have mutual respect for each other and for the teacher. This will go a long way in creating a classroom where learning takes place. Furthermore, respect creates a safe environment where name calling and put-downs are not allowed. I expect students to enjoy their rights and freedoms for as long as they do not interfere with learning. I will therefore engage students to draw up a constitution that will govern their behavior in classroom. They will come up with rules that they feel will contribute to successful classroom relationships in accordance with Glassner’s choice theory which stipulates that every individual has sufficient power to regulate his life as he desires (Edwards, 2005). Involving students in making their own rules will make them to be more inclined to obey them and take up the consequences of disobedience without fighting; since they have unanimously agreed on the rules as well as behavior interventions in the event any of the rules is broken.

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Classroom Conditions

One of the classroom conditions that I will create will be a good classroom seating arrangement for students. I will have table’s arraged in a circle, including my own table within the classroom to create an environment for rich discussions. This is supported by Browning (2005), who observes that good classroom seating arrangement facilitates for the least distance and fewest physical barriers between students and the teacher. Circular classroom seating arrangement facilitates for student’s eye contact and facial expressions of every student as they exchange and share ideas thus creating knowledge. The other condition will be to actively engage students in learning. Engaging students in classroom discussions will draw and challenge ideas from them as they learn from each other. Kauffman et al (2006) argues that learning should actively involve students. I will therefore constantly provoke and challenge students to think critically in order to develop high order thinking skills that will even help them in decision making throughout their lives. Moreover, I will strive to create a sense of community within the classroom to ensure that students feel cared about and are equally encouraged to care about others; thus creating a sense of connection among students. Furthermore, a sense of community will encourage students to be active participants in classroom activities.

Students Conduct

I will use intrinsic behavior management plan to help students conduct themselves appropriately because they should take ownership for their behavior and understand how it affects the entire classroom. As a responsible teacher, I feel that it is my responsibility to teach students how to take responsibility for their actions and how to individually evaluate their own actions to avoid making excuses when misconduct arises. Browning (2006) advocates for good student conduct to avoid learning disruptions and observe mutual respect. I will therefore train students on effective self evaluation skills for their own actions to ensure that each student is responsible for his own actions. Based on agreeable classroom behavior and constitution drawn in consultation with the students, the students will know desirable and undesirable behavior as well as the consequences that follow in case of undesirable behaviors. To ensure the success of good student conduct, I will involve their parents in behavior management by introducing a behavioral log that will have a section for parents to communicate with me. The behavior log will be used to acknowledge and encourage good behavior. It will also be used to point out misconduct; which should equally be communicated to student’s parents.

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Misbehavior Interventions

In case of misbehavior, the student in question will take responsibility for his misbehavior. I will help the student to find a connection between his behavior and the outcome as well as the reasonable consequences. This gives an opportunity to student to choose his own behavior. I will assist the student reflect on his behavior and agree on preventive measures. This will be done outside classroom in order to protect student’s self esteem and avoid learning interruptions. It is also an effective method of ensuring that the student reaches a long term solution for his behavior. This is in agreement with Glassner’s reality therapy model that allows students to take responsibility for their actions (Browning, 2006).

System Introduction to Students

I will introduce the system to students by discussing with them the rules and procedures, classroom routines, disciplinary interventions, and good student- teacher relationships. This will be done on the first day to let students understand what is expected of them in order to prevent indiscipline. I will also explain and discuss with the students their rights because they have a right to know their rights in a democratic learning society (Haysman, 2011). I will therefore discuss with students about their right to feel safe, right to learn and right to be treated with respect and dignity. In addition to discussing their rights, I will also discuss what the students need to do in order to have these rights. This will go a long way in preventing unacceptable behaviors such as name calling, threats, bullying and negative language in classroom among others that create insecure learning environment and show lack of respect.

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In conclusion, I believe classroom management is the key to a conducive learning environment where students feel safe and get actively involved in learning activities. Creating an all-inclusive learning environment ensures successful curriculum implementation, where all students are actively involved in learning activities. The integral part of classroom management is creating positive report with the students, setting high expectations for them and encouraging them to succeed by using an engaging curriculum. I believe that this approach minimizes problems associated with behavior within the classroom.

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