Persuasive Outline Puppy For Christmas English Literature Essay



It is a widely known fact, generally accepted within the scientific and social community that the dog is indeed man’s best friend! Dogs are loving, loyal, affectionate animals that do not care who you are or where you live.

Who are you:

A perfect example of these attributes can be found in our current family pet, Cleo, who is a large but friendly Rottweiler seven years in age. Cleo is indeed an affable beast whose substantial size of 125 pounds belies her gentle, accepting personality. But sadly Cleo is slowing down; she is approaching the latter part of her life and needs to get in shape.

What are you going to talk about (thesis):

Now here is the beautiful part, Christmas is just around the corner and now instead of getting me electronics for Christmas you can get me a puppy for Christmas! But I don’t want just any old puppy for Christmas; I would like a German Shepherd Dog.

List three main reasons:

I will give you three compelling reasons for getting me that puppy for Christmas: my first reason is the attributes of the breed; my second reason is the benefits of having an additional dog that is younger and more agile; and my third reason is how this new responsibility will make me a more mature person.


Discuss Reason One (with two to three supporting details):

Some of the attributes of this amazing and beautiful dog are that they are very good guard dogs. As you know, police officers use them for a number of things; for example, smelling for drugs in containers. Additional characteristics which enable this breed to be great police and military dogs are their strength, intelligence, and obedience. Even though German Shepherds are very hyper dogs, the right training and interaction with other people and animals from a responsible owner will allow them to become very trustworthy dogs. The American Kennel Club (AKC) states that the German Shepherd dog is one of the most dependable type of dog due to their loyal and protective nature. This quality also makes them great family dogs.

Discuss Reason Two (with two to three supporting details):

In addition to the well-known positive characteristics associated with the German Shepherd Dog, the second benefit derived from gaining another dog is that this pet would help Cleo live a longer life. From my past experience of having many types of dogs, I think that dogs of the opposite gender serve to complement one another; therefore I think that it would be best to get a male German Shepherd because he would have a better chance of getting along with her than another female dog. Since they are very energetic dogs, this dog will help Cleo become more active, which in turn would benefit Cleo by making her healthier. The German Shepherd Dog might also help Cleo be not as depressed, thus making her happier. Further, he would benefit me, personally, in that he would be a very loyal friend to me; he would never betray me, let me down, and he will cheer me up when I’m sad or lonely. Basically, this dog would be my best friend, keep me happy, and safe. (Not that you don’t already do that as good parents.) Speaking about protection, these dogs are excellent guard dogs. They are very protective of their families. So now we will have both a guard dog, the German Shepherd, and a watchdog, Cleo. Now that’s what I call safe!

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Discuss Reason Three (with two to three supporting details):

One of the best reasons you, as my parents, would appreciate if you get me this dog, is that it will help me to be a more mature and responsible young adult in many different ways. First of all, this dog will teach me great responsibility, by walking him, caring for him, loving him, and making sure he gets the right amount of exercise. Another benefit is he could even help me get into shape with all the walks I will take him out for. In addition, I will attend to his health by assuring he makes his veterinary appointments on time. Also, I will help around the house and clean up all of his messes, if, in the unlikely event, there are any. I will also do extra chores around the house to try and help pay for his food and other necessities he may need. Moreover, this dog will probably even help me build up my character by making me a much more caring person. He is sure to open my eyes to new experiences! This dog will also teach me many new and different things about caring for another living creature that is dependent upon me.


Summarize three reasons:

In conclusion, three important reasons to justify adding a second dog, specifically a German Shepherd Dog, to the family are: the many benefits associated with this particular breed will make a good pet and keep our family safe; a second dog will be a buddy for Cleo, making her happier and healthier; and, this dog will end up teaching me great responsibility.

Restate your thesis:

Christmas would be the perfect time to consider adding a second pet to our family as a companion for Cleo and a pet for me instead of electronic games.

Strong / convincing statement:

I have already researched plenty about the breed of this dog, so I know the responsibilities demanded of me to keep it well exercised. Furthermore, I know that it will not be particularly easy to raise him and get him to trust me; nothing is ever easy when you are trying to build a lasting bond. I also might get frustrated with him but I am making this commitment to raise my dog correctly. If I get this dog for Christmas, I promise you that I will take good care of him, walk him every day, play with him, and feed him.

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Puppy for Christmas

It is a widely known fact, generally accepted within the scientific and social community that the dog is indeed man’s best friend! Dogs are loving, loyal, affectionate animals that do not care who you are or where you live. A perfect example of these attributes can be found in our current family pet, Cleo, who is a large but friendly Rottweiler seven years in age. Cleo is indeed an affable beast whose substantial size of 125 pounds belies her gentle, accepting personality. But sadly Cleo is slowing down; she is approaching the latter part of her life and needs to get in shape. Now here is the beautiful part, Christmas is just around the corner and now instead of getting me electronics for Christmas you can get me a puppy for Christmas! But I don’t want just any old puppy for Christmas; I would like a German Shepherd Dog. I will give you three compelling reasons for getting me that puppy for Christmas: my first reason is the attributes of the breed; my second reason is the benefits of having an additional dog that is younger and more agile; and my third reason is how this new responsibility will make me a more mature person.

Some of the attributes of this amazing and beautiful dog are that they are very good guard dogs. As you know, police officers use them for a number of things; for example, smelling for drugs in containers. Additional characteristics which enable this breed to be great police and military dogs are their strength, intelligence, and obedience. Even though German Shepherds are very hyper dogs, the right training and interaction with other people and animals from a responsible owner will allow them to become very trustworthy dogs. The American Kennel Club (AKC) states that the German Shepherd dog is one of the most dependable type of dog due to their loyal and protective nature. This quality also makes them great family dogs.

In addition to the well-known positive characteristics associated with the German Shepherd Dog, the second benefit derived from gaining another dog is that this pet would help Cleo live a longer life. From my past experience of having many types of dogs, I think that dogs of the opposite gender serve to complement one another; therefore I think that it would be best to get a male German Shepherd because he would have a better chance of getting along with her than another female dog. Since they are very energetic dogs, this dog will help Cleo become more active, which in turn would benefit Cleo by making her healthier. The German Shepherd Dog might also help Cleo be not as depressed, thus making her happier. Further, he would benefit me, personally, in that he would be a very loyal friend to me; he would never betray me, let me down, and he will cheer me up when I’m sad or lonely. Basically, this dog would be my best friend, keep me happy, and safe. (Not that you don’t already do that as good parents.) Speaking about protection, these dogs are excellent guard dogs. They are very protective of their families. So now we will have both a guard dog, the German Shepherd, and a watchdog, Cleo. Now that’s what I call safe!

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One of the best reasons you, as my parents, would appreciate if you get me this dog, is that it will help me to be a more mature and responsible young adult in many different ways. First of all, this dog will teach me great responsibility, by walking him, caring for him, loving him, and making sure he gets the right amount of exercise. Another benefit is he could even help me get into shape with all the walks I will take him out for. In addition, I will attend to his health by assuring he makes his veterinary appointments on time. Also, I will help around the house and clean up all of his messes, if, in the unlikely event, there are any. I will also do extra chores around the house to try and help pay for his food and other necessities he may need. Moreover, this dog will probably even help me build up my character by making me a much more caring person. He is sure to open my eyes to new experiences! This dog will also teach me many new and different things about caring for another living creature that is dependent upon me.

In conclusion, three important reasons to justify adding a second dog, specifically a German Shepherd Dog, to the family are: the many benefits associated with this particular breed will make a good pet and keep our family safe; a second dog will be a buddy for Cleo, making her happier and healthier; and, this dog will end up teaching me great responsibility. Christmas would be the perfect time to consider adding a second pet to our family as a companion for Cleo and a pet for me instead of electronic games. I have already researched plenty about the breed of this dog, so I know the responsibilities demanded of me to keep it well exercised. Furthermore, I know that it will not be particularly easy to raise him and get him to trust me; nothing is ever easy when you are trying to build a lasting bond. I also might get frustrated with him but I am making this commitment to raise my dog correctly. If I get this dog for Christmas, I promise you that I will take good care of him, walk him every day, play with him, and feed him.

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