Peter Honey And Mumford Learning Styles

Learners have developed different learning styles which suites them best to take studies. Each learning styles has its own strength and weaknesses which differ from the others and It is essential for every learner to know about his or her learning styles because this helps to see areas of weaknesses and look for possible solutions to that weakness.

Literature overview

There are different theories on learning styles which are David Kolb, Peter Honey,Alan Mumford, Anthony Gregorc , Chickering and Gameson.,Carl Jung and Richard M.Felder .

Kolb’s learning style

According to Kolb’s original model, “Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience”, (David A. Kolb, 1984:1). He introduces four learning styles which are Concrete Experience it is when a learner has a new experience compared to previous experience and has to do .Reflective observation these varies between understanding and previous experience. Abstract Conceptualization “Reflection gives rise to a new idea or a modification of an existing abstract concept” (Kolb, 1984:1) this is when a learner adjusts to new learning styles. Active Experimentation here the learner uses the knowledge acquired in the real world.

Kolb’s learning styles are therefore divided into four categories which are assimilators convergers, accommodators and diverges. Assimulators are learners that learn best using sound logical information An assimulator greatest strength lie in creating theoretical models Other strengths are understanding what they are working on this gives them a better direction to solve problems. Curious and enjoys problems this give them more knowledge as more questions are answered. Plans well in advance for exams this makes them more ready to tackle problems. Can organize facts and material well .However they have they have some weaknesses which includes the need of too much information before getting down to work, does not like to try new approaches ,not creative and keeps a number of problems to himself. Collects to much information. Convergers uses practical applications there need what is relevant to them .These one are more interested with facts and desire to go straight to the point. Can work well alone which makes them less dependent on others. Get things done in time this does not involves them in late submissions. Pays attention to detail .However there have a number of weaknesses which are Lack of imagination .Not very interested in presentation of your work. Believes that there is only one way of doing things. Does not like others ideas. Accommodators are those who want hands on experiences .Divergers are the one that learn best when they are allowed to observe and collect things from a wide range of collection these learners observe and collect. They have the following strengths unhurried that is there are more stable to situation like exams .Listens to others and shares idea this give them more ideas and different points of view. They are good at seeing the big picture. They can see long-term implications of things. They can see new ways of doing things and has creative solutions. They can multi-task .However they have the following weaknesses they forget the important details while understanding the big picture .Does not organize work well .Does not like work or revision timetables.Forgets to bring important books.

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Gregorc Learning Styles

There are divided into three categories which are concrete random, concrete sequential, abstract sequential, abstract random. On concrete random according to Gregorc,”They use their instincts and intuition when making decisions”.(Gregorc)The learner is divergent ,experimental, inventive therefore the learner is much more involved in creating and acting and usefulness and application of learning .They have a lot of questions about what surrounds them .Concrete sequential efficient and well informed and the learner is more practical and active in making things work. According to Gregorc,”They notice and recall details easily and remember facts ,specific information ,formulas, and rules with ease”,(Gregorc)They do not rely more on others and hardworking and their work is consistent and has facts. Abstract sequential reflects on information and think about it. According to Grgorc,”they prefer systematic processes and are thorough in their work”,(Gregorc) .Abstract random is imaginative and reflect on an previous experience, emotional and holistic .According to Grgorc,”they prefer are very perceptive students “,(Gregorc)This one visualize and is intuitive when dealing with ideas .

Chickering and Gamson

From research there are seven learning styles which are visual, aural, verbal, physical, logical, social and solitary. According to ( Chickering and Gamson, 2012: 1 ) there is visual/spatial which prefer using pictures and spatial understanding” That is one uses visual abilities to learn something for example understanding the demand law by seeing cartoons pictures or lecture videos however this is an disadvantage to the blind. For visual there are helpful tips like turning notes to pictures and making mind and concept maps Aural /auditory-musical is when one prefer using sound and music as a learning style “One can learn from playing recorded sound tracks and the helpful tips are repeating materials out loud and in your own words .”Verbal /linguistic :You prefer using words, both in speech and writing”, These one understand more using their ears , logical(mathematical) prefer using logic, reasoning and systems these prefer facts not theories and they should be convergers Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people. Solitary (intrapersonal) prefer to work alone and use self-study. They enjoy independency.

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Richard M.Felder learning styles

These learning styles are in seven categories which are active ,reflective ,sensing ,intuitive ,visual ,verbal and sequential learners .Active learners best understand by practising something which is active with it .For example discussion the in group works .They also like the idea of explaining to other learners and application of knowledge. Reflective learners are more independent and they prefer to figure out things alone than in groups. Sensing learners they like to solve problems and dealing with facts that connect to the real world. Intuitive are innovative and can easily get bored with repetitions .Visual learners they learn best using diagrams ,films and pictures. Verbal learners uses sound and audio and get more out of sound .Sequential learners they understand things step by step and easily gets confused well a step is missed or not understood well. Global learners like the big picture and collects large amounts of information without seeing the connections between them and they get it later.

Peter Honey and Mumford learning styles

They divided learning styles into four categories which are activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist. Activists like new ideas and experience and they enjoy to act first .They learn best when they work in team work and given challenges and like the idea of leading discussions a lot. They learn less in lectures, thinking on their own and writing. Reflectors like to use different perspectives and learn best by observing for example groups explanations. They learn less when they are leading a discussion .Theorists learn best when they are have clear understanding of a situation and when they are able to ask question to create ideas. Pragmatists they are curious about new things and learn best when give an example to copy .They learn less when there are no recognized benefits and when there are no guidelines

Carl Jung learning styles

These styles are divided into four learning styles which are extraverts, sensors, thinkers and judgers. He extraverts like to try ideas and thinks on the outer world of the people. Sensors are practical they love details and facts they are also known as intuitors. Thinkers make their choices based on logic and facts. Judgers works with targets.

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From a research I discovered that I ‘am an accommodator with a number of weaknesses and strengths which I need to adjust. The weaknesses examples are as follows ;does not check work, prioritize well ,neglects subjects that does not interest and not good. My areas of strength like getting involved, working well with people, ask a lot of questions, enthusiastic A diverger is creative and good in seeing the big picture listen to other and share ideas but he or she forgets the important details while understanding the big picture, does not organise w By completing the graph I found that Iam an accommodator and on the positive side an accommodator is totally involved in something of interest for example if he has passion for Maths he or she is mostly likely to spend much of his or her time working out Maths problems, likes to take risk of his or her ideas this means that an accommodator is to much experimental for example writing an exam without being fully prepared. Has a lot of curiosity that as he or she asks a lot of questions and this the accommodator an advantage because as many questions come also means more answers.An accommodator works quickly and he or she is active this benefits a lot in exam time management. Has the capabilities of using senses well that is seeing, feeling and hearing .Which is an advantage if the person does not have any of the disability on senses .However of the other hand an accommodator has the following weaknesses like poor planning of work in advance this is a disadvantage as the accommodator is most likely not to get assignments properly done and does not pre-read before lectures, rarely checks work this leads to many errors in writing essays and assignments, does not understand the question but hurries to write for example answering a question wrongly because of assuming what the question wants this results in loss of marks . An accommodator has a poor time management for example attending lectures late ,forgetting assignments .Does not prioritise well and easily get distracted with circumstances this diverts all attention to something of a lower priority for example concentrating more on reading books which does not relate to the actual subjects. This accounts for the accommodator’s failure

By recognizing and understanding your own learning styles, you can use techniques better suited to you. This improves the speed and quality of your learning. This can be aided by practicing helpful tips like taking study breaks and physical exercises,

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