Plan For Personal Professional Development Ppd Management Essay

According to Revans, for an organization to be successful in todays rapidly changing environment, its capacity to learn must exceed the rate of change imposed on it. Through an examination of the processes by which individuals in organizations learn, develops a learning process model to facilitate continuous improvement and innovation in business processes. Draws on relevant theories which provide an understanding of how and why people learn, barriers which prevent learning, and the role managers need to play in the learning process. Provides a vision of what may be achieved by the systematic implementation of the learning process model. Deming’s system of profound knowledge provides a focus for learning activity. The model has been developed in a way which will be of practical use to managers working in organizations.

Assess current skills and competencies against defined role requirements and organisational objectives

Every organization will typically include a number of ‘service/support’ functions providing internal services to business units. In the area of Technical/Information professions, these functions will be delivered by units with “informed customer” capabilities. For example, most organizations today, particularly in the public sector, find it difficult to recruit and retain IT staff, and it is very unlikely that the organization will be entirely self-sufficient in the provision of the IT-based skills it needs (Bidgoli et, 2004).

All public sector bodies make use of external suppliers and service providers for a variety of purposes, to supplement the skills and resources available internally. Skills provided externally may be both technical and specialist professional skills, and business or management skills as described earlier.

Internal and external skills may be used to provide advice and support to management, and to deliver services to the business. Both types of delivery may involve either or both the deployment of specialist professional skills and generic business/management skills.

Identify development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs

Many leading companies are looking at ways to link skills development to strategic objectives as well as to demonstrate compliance with industry regulations. The greatest cost of learning is the time people are not working at their jobs (Boydell T et al, 2003). The solution is to minimise the time spent in training and focus people specifically on just the skills they need. It is important, therefore, to identify the skill gaps of employees in terms of the organization’s specific business goals and strategies. Competency management is now recognised as a key process to ensure that the individual and organisation training plans are linked to business goals. The skills and competency management systems can help organisations improve the effectiveness of their training “Skills and competency management”(Homer,2001).

Construct a personal development plan with achievable but challenging goals

There are several techniques to set and achieve goals that complement each other so it can use multiple techniques to increase the likelihood of achieving goal, but one goal-setting technique that has been effective.

Specific: A good goal is specific. Make a goal as specific as possible so expectations are developed, clarity is formed, and the path towards success is evident. A specific goal gives excellent awareness and understanding of the requirements to achieve it.

Measurable: Set a measurable goal where it aims to meet and briefly converse with 10 new people next week. The number “10” within 1 week makes this goal measurable and specific. This makes it easy to track progress in becoming a socially confident person.

Attainable: An attainable goal is one that has or can develop the necessary skills to achieve. It has no doubt heard the saying: “You can achieve anything you want if you set your mind to it.” In other words, if you align your attitude, ability, thoughts, and emotions towards your goal, then it is attainable. An attainable goal is within your potential.

Realistic: A realistic goal is one that believe is reachable. It is related to “Attainable”. An example of a realistic goal is one reached by someone. It is realistic if it has the time and chances to gather the resources to achieve it.

Tangible: Too often goals float around in minds. Create as many tangible forms of the goal then witness this amazing affect as goal manifests itself. Write goals on paper to create tangibility.

2-Be able to plan for the resources required for Personal Professional Development (PPD)

Identify the resources required to support the personal development plan

Personal development has been one of the popular Human Resource trends of the 1990s, and yet has received diminutive secure scrutiny as to its relevance in practice. Reports on the experiences of some employers using personal development plans has been found that employers hope for different effects, some want cost efficiency, others too falsify a new deal on development and still others develop a more self-governing workforce. Practically, Personal development plans (PDPs) are resource intensive but do seem to get individuals to own their own careers and become more autonomous. The means by which they are created can also have a significant effect. It suggests learning points for organizations considering the implementation of PDPs. Some of the resources required in supporting PDPs are:

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Capitals and Human resources: for a person to develop his person status he/she needs financial support from either himself, others including people, Banks and financial institutes. He also needs support from other people in terms of motivation

Materials: what materials will be needed in terms of PDP. Books, laptops or I pads are material that will be needed.

Electricity: in today’s modern world, electricity is very important in a person’s development. This is because the world is turning into a global village and the introduction of computers and other scientific gadgets has had this harder for people who lives in rural areas where there is not electricity.

For example, The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) is a major new approach to developing professional researchers. The framework encourages researchers to expand on existing skills, as well as develop new skills which can be applied to different fields of research. This system will be invaluable for planning and supporting the personal, professional and career development of researchers in higher education.


The programme is based around four domains:

Domain A – Knowledge and intellectual activities

Domain B – Personal effectiveness

Domain C – Research governance and organisation

Domain D – Engagement, impact and influence

Within each domain there are three sub-domains and associated descriptors. By considering these descriptors, you can conduct a self-assessment of your current skills and competencies and identify those which need further development.

Develop a business case to secure the resources to support the personal development plan.





19-10-2012 to 14th November, 2012

Training on Human Customer Service

Capital (3,000 pounds) laptop, books and pens

To Become customer oriented manager

12-12-2012 to 3rd January, 2013

Training on Financial Management

Capital (2,500 pounds) laptop, Calculator,

Ability to balance my financial sheet and prepare acceptable financial reports

A successful business case will incorporate many of the elements outlined below.

Description of the organization/ committee: Summarize the scope of the standards developed by the organization or committee with which are involved-especially the ones used by your company. Describe how and where these standards are (or could be) used in company projects or products. Cite any internal corporate documents that reference or call out these standards. If applicable, note the number/value of parts or materials used, purchased, or in inventory that are governed by these standards. Also note the amount/ value of any tooling, testing, etc., governed by this standard.

Specific benefits: outline the benefits that expect to accrue through participation in standards development with this organization and the specific benefits to be accrued by the business unit or other parts of the company.

Specific company focal and participants: Detail who would be a part of this activity/organization, their roles and responsibilities and their home organizations.

Dissemination and coordination: Include a statement of how activities with this organization will be coordinated throughout the company to gain the greatest possible leverage for involvement.

Risks of not participating: Outline any potential risks that company may incur by not participating. This is basically the flip side to the benefits statements.

Competitive advantages to participation: Identify any other positive benefits from participating such as contacts with suppliers, customers, competition, or market surveillance opportunities.

3-Be able to implement and evaluate the Personal Development Plan (PDP)

Discuss the processes required to implement the personal development plan

A personal development plan should cover overall growth. A plan would be considered effective if it contains your personality on all observations; like;

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The career and the financial aspect

The social aspect



Emotional aspect etc.

Personal development is independent of the age or gender of the person. Day-in-day-out one decides, one can start working on developing the self and reap rich harvests in the form of higher productivity and satisfaction. Another imperative aspect of personal development plan is that the enforcement of the plan is perennial; it is a 24/7 process; if focused on properly, it will give the best results. One has to be aware of it every moment of one’s life.

Before developing a personal development plan just ponder if it would help you. Analyze the areas where you need to emphasize and what approach you would take while developing a personal development plan.

Evaluate the impact of the personal development plan on the achievement of defined role requirements and organisational objectives

Having thoroughly reviewed experiences at work, any one may have identified some new development needs. Using self-assessments, reflective logs, feedback from the employer and other sources, develop a PDP for the future. Your future goals may, for example, cover the following areas:

Academic and further study


Social/Personal goals


Training and development

Further work placement and experience goals

Review and update the personal development plan

When it has been finished creating the personal development Plan, leave it alone for about one week and then review it. During the week it will have been unconsciously mulling it over, and testing to see if it is right for implementation. After the “rest” period, take some time to look at the plan and make any changes. People who can keep the plan private and do the review them self, but if they have find some benefit they can sharing it with someone else. In large companies or organizations, the development plan is normally discussed with a direct supervisor or leader.

People who find it hard to be objective about them or need external motivation may find it a benefit to enlist a person to support them. The great thing about using the reviewing the personal development plan process is they can make decision for them self and their choice is not influenced by work politics.

4-Be able to promote Healthy and Safe Working Practice

Discuss the relationship(s) between healthy and safe working practices and organisational objectives.

Businesses that already acknowledge the links between safe and healthy workplaces and productivity enjoy a number of common success factors:

a high quality working environment

good levels of co-operation between management and employees

a work organisation that gives employees challenges, responsibilities and job autonomy

the development of new working methods and equipment to improve working postures, decreasing the strain of physical work

allowing creative solutions for specific safety and health problems

a thorough analysis of the different production costs that can be directly or indirectly related to health and safety hazards (costs of incidents, loss of productivity and quality)

‘The objective and safety are both equally the result of good management and good leadership. (Massey; Understanding the link between workplace health and safety and firm performance and productivity; University’s Centre for SME Research, 2006.)

Explain the process for conducting a risk assessment.

A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what, in work, could cause harm to people, so that it can weigh up whether have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm. Workers and others have a right to be protected from harm caused by a failure to take reasonable control measures ( Fiordelisi, Franco et al, 2011).

Accidents and ill health can ruin lives and affect your business if output is lost, machinery is damaged, and insurance costs increase or have to go to court. This are legally required to assess the risks in workplace so must put plans in place to control risks. When anybody thinking about the risk assessment, they have to remember:

A hazard is anything that may cause harm, such as chemicals, electricity, working from ladders, an open drawer, etc; and the risk is the chance, high or low, that somebody could be harmed by these and other hazards, together with an indication of how serious the harm could

Identify the actions taken by the manager in dealing with a breach in healthy and safe working practices

Manager should set the direction for effective health and safety management. Manager need to establish a health and safety policy that is much more than a document it should be an integral part of you organisation’s culture, of its values and performance standards. All members should take the lead in ensuring the communication of health and safety duties and benefits throughout the organisation. Executive directors must develop policies to avoid health and safety problems and musters pond quickly where difficulties arise or new risks are introduced; non-executives must make sure that health and safety is properly addressed. To agree a policy, manager will need to ensure they are aware of the significant risks faced by their organisation. The policy should set out the managers’ own role and that of individual board members in leading the health and safety of its organization (Albert et al, 2008). It should require the board to: ‘own’ and understand the key issues involved; decide how best to communicate, promote and champion health and safety. The health and safety polices a ‘living ‘document and it should evolve overtime, e.g. in the light of major organisational changes such as restructuring or a significant acquisition(Successful health and safety management; HSG 65 HSE; Books 1997; ISBN 9780717612765 ).

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Describe how to communicate responsibilities for healthy and safe working practices to the team

The methods of program delivery and levels of resources allocated were decided by local plant management and union representatives resulting in marked variations among the five plants studied. These differences in program delivery were associated with differences in employee assessment of the training’s usefulness, changes in employee work practices, working conditions, and organizational handling of health and safety problems. In all five plants, the program evidenced indirect beneficial effects on the use of hazard control measures and organizational approaches to health and safety issues which went beyond the requirements of the federal Standard. The results appear well- explained by an ecological model which views health and disease as outcomes of a complex system of interactions between the individual worker and multiple levels of environmental influences. Implications of these findings for health educators are discussed.

Discuss relevant records that are maintained to demonstrate that healthy and safe working practices are met

Managers at all levels must demonstrate visible health and safety leadership, ensuring that health and safety arrangements are clear, implemented and constantly reviewed. There must be documented plans in place throughout the various levels of the business detailing health and safety targets, which are formally monitored, to ensure they deliver continuous improvement. The engagement of employees in our health and safety effort is fundamental and we will implement effective means of consultation and communication across the business. Through comprehensive training and development programmes we will ensure that employees have the necessary health and safety competency for the role they undertake within the business. In addition we will maintain close relationships with relevant statutory bodies and trade organisations to keep us at the forefront of industry practice. To help structure our health and safety efforts we will ensure that the CEMEX Health and Safety Management System is implemented within the business and that effective health and safety controls are in place for all operations, commencing from the outset of any new venture.


Self-directed learning has been shown to be associated with increased curiosity, critical thinking, quality of understanding, retention and recall, better decision making, achievement satisfaction, motivation, competence and confidence. These are all important qualities in every professional, not measurable by quantitative studies, and reason enough to support self-direction. The value in doing so is not to optimize the learning outcomes in terms of scores on a multiple choice questionnaire but, by encouraging participation, to reduce the numbers of unsatisfied persons who drop out of learning. Performing well in any task requires cognitive and meta-cognitive functioning: knowledge of the task, and knowledge of one’s own motives, resources and constraints in context, in order to plan strategically. As Biggs states, the task of learning is no different. Therefore self-directed learning which amplifies this par excellence as well as being the most natural form of learning, is also associated with high quality learning.

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