Poetry And Life Achievements Of Elizabeth Bishop English Literature Essay

This is a research that discusses about the poetry and life achievements of Elizabeth Bishop. This has been presented by giving some of the historical background and the early life of Elizabeth. The paper also gives a succinct analysis of her career life and her global influence. As well, the paper gives an analysis of Elizabeth Bishop achievements and how she was able to contribute to the poetry development and its cultural relevance. Generally, this paper discusses the importance and life Elizabeth Bishop.


Many of the poets we’ve read explore deep connections to various aspects of the natural world .Different authors will use poetry in passing across their views which they greatly believe can have impacts on their societies. As well, such form of presentation can be given in an approach so that a given postulation or idea may be passed across to the reader. In other words, the use of literature can be greatly beneficial when we want to drive home and into the ears of men our grandest thoughts and views of reason. The past years have been filled with great poets who have been able to achieve information and knowledge passage to the greatest majority of individuals (Millier & Brett, 48). Through poetry, life events can be explained by people, and by so doing be able to pass important message to individuals. Poetry is part of literature which has been on development and establishment of the years. As part of literature, poetry tends to be greatly significance in helping us pass across our best of ideas and knowledge to the other individuals. In any kind of poetry work, relevant information is passed across, and such can be based on a true happening, or even a kind of knowledge the author wants to pass across to the reader. Comprehensive poetry have been adopted over the years in passing the best of information to the people, and passing across the best of concepts which might be of the greatest significance for the society (Schwartz, Lloyd & Estess, 97).

Elizabeth Bishop and her poetry

Elizabeth Bishop was an American poet who was born in the year 1911 and later died in October in 1979.Elizabeth Bishop is known to move crowds from all over the world through his intrigue and power in poetry. Apart from being an award winning poet, Bishop was also a creative letter writer. Her letters have been compiled by her long time friend and publisher, Robert Giroux. During all her performances, Elizabeth had a very great idea in ensuring that she would give the best to his fans and the entire world in general. This appeared like her purposeful mission which he was right after achieving. It’s only after her death when Elizabeth Bishop was generally recognized as one of the Americas finest poets of this century. This is because she maintained a low profile and she spent half of her productive poetry life in Brazil. She maintained unique poetry pieces by ensuring that she gave the very best performance and doing it as if it were some kind of a call. As well, during her year’s Elizabeth was able to organize a number of tours in different parts of the world in which a great message had to be passed and make sure at the same time he was able to increase her fan base. For instance, during the year of 1947 and 1948, Elizabeth is known for her tour was able to become one of her greatest tours. (Travisano & Thomas, 47). During this great tour, Bishop was able to go into different states and countries in South America, then to European nations, and eventually to Asia. While in this tour, Elizabeth was as well involved in making visits to different fans and as well being able to come up with foundations which were aimed in helping different people with different problems from different parts of the world. During such tours, Elizabeth Bishop was able to give key messages to the whole world and as well giving the necessary support to a great deal of individuals who really needed some help. As well, her message for the American people and the world was succinct and the main reason her main dream was in achieving a better world which was in peace and free from any form of corruption (Oliveira, et al, 113).

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Elizabeth Bishop was viewed to be Dickonsonian in Her Writing Style and Poetry for the reason that she was simple as she was multifaceted. The critical impressions she created was lucid and uncomplicated, she explored deep connections to various aspects of the natural world and seemingly this brought out her elementary style of poetry. Her connection to world was Cleary elucidated by her simple prose which was able to demonstrate precision and purity. She technically favored an unsophisticated approach to get across the colossal twinge and suffering she faced in her life .she made sure her poetry include the concepts of imagery and surrealism which demonstrated and captured her global audience with descriptions of her own anguish

(Kalstone & David, 23).

Works and Achievement of Elizabeth Bishop

As we have already seen in the part above, Bishop was able to become one of the most influential poet writer and composers of her time. Her involvement in poetry and letter writing was so great so that she was able to attract the greatest number of fans than the other poets of her time. She has been able to go into the books of history as one of the greatest America poets of all times. History has also been able to reveal that she was a great critic of a number of thinkers and other poets .Her involvement in the poetry scene saw her named as one of the main people behind the progression of poetry in American institutions. Another outstanding fact about Elizabeth is that she was seen as someone very rational although in her very first years of her career she never appeared like a person who had been destined to become such a great poet since she was very secretive and never revealed her literally work to members of the public. While she had been studying arts, Elizabeth always instated that her life was only in poetry and writing and no one could make her change her decisions. She was able to convince her siblings and her entire family that her future attention would only be in poetry and nothing was going to stop her whatsoever. In real sense, her achievements during this time were able to have to prove that she had such an enormous talent and great performer (Costello& Bonnie, 23).

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Her ability in poem composition was like her own right. After entering into relationships life, Elizabeth was in a position of going beyond her achievement in composition since she dated women involved in artistic works, especially the Brazilian socialite and designer Lota de Macedo Soares.Though she was able to achieve a great deal of compositions of poems, Elizabeth was affected by depression and hence she could not be able to achieve better things with her life. However, her relationships companions where very supportive and always ensured that she gave her the necessary compositional support towards her career. History has also revealed that Bishop was later affected by depressions and deep periods of pain. This was reveled by poems she wrote which where a revelation of her life. Basically, Elizabeth’s s poems and her career achievements were very great, personal and extremely personal. In early times, Elizabeth did avoid her name being publicized. She was very much personal with her poetry work as history has been able to prove. Her journal also gave a number of her poetry works, compositions, and her contributions on poetry which was relevant to the global audience. At the same time of her work, Elizabeth Bishop was as well able to do a lot of exploration to all other extremes within the literally ideals such as experimentation and practical form of poetry and human culture (Oliveira, et al, 213).

In short, Elizabeth poems were able to achieve a lot of developments while she was in the world, and by so doing she made it possible to spread good compositions and poetry achievements to the largest population. Her poems and other composition were able to define her culture and the poetry period in which her work had been written. Many poets and historians have hence argued that she was the woman whose compositions and contributions to the developing world were able to be borrowed into the future world and days. Her revelations and compositions were also acclaimed in different parts of the world. In short, her poems and composition where able to take her to a new level of achievement which has up to this very day been admired and greatly borrowed for newer compositions (Costello& Bonnie, 65)

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In conclusion, Elizabeth poems have extended her legacy beyond the twentieth century. Her literary works and poetry compositions have became an inspiratory aspect among many poets and artists since many are strongly motivated to enhance their talents.

Work cited

Costello, Bonnie. Elizabeth Bishop: Questions of Mastery. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1991.

Kalstone, David .Becoming a Poet: Elizabeth Bishop with Marianne Moore and Robert Lowell. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux. 1989.

Millier, Brett .Elizabeth Bishop: Life and the Memory of It. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1993.

Oliveira, Carmen L. , trans Neil K. Besner.Rare and Commonplace Flowers: The Story of Elizabeth Bishop and Lota de Macedo Soares .Rutgers University Press, 2002.

Schwartz, Lloyd and Estess, Sybil P.Elizabeth Bishop and Her Art .Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 1983.

Travisano, Thomas .Elizabeth Bishop: Her Artistic Development. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1988.

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