Portable Banking Advantages and Disadvantages


Portable Banking is a keeping money handle without bank office which gives monetary administrations to unbanked groups effectively and at reasonable cost. To give managing an account and money related administrations through versatile innovation gadgets i.e. portable or phone called Mobile Banking. Versatile saving money (otherwise called M-Banking, or SMS Banking) is a term utilized for performing parity checks, account exchanges, installments, credit applications and other saving money exchange through a cell phone, for example, cell phone. The framework comprises to pull back cash as well as to exchange cash inside a brief span. This can be led through the web program on the telephone, through a program downloaded from the bank, or by short-informing administration (SMS). Clients in the event that they have cell phone and are enrolled for this can benefit managing an account benefit through utilizing it. Versatile Banking has expanded portability in the keeping money business and it spares time and cost of the customers and bank. The soonest portable managing an account administrations were offered by means of SMS. Versatile Banking alludes to an arrangement and infirmity of saving money and budgetary administrations with the assistance of portable media transmission gadgets

Objective of the mobile banking

Versatile Banking is a saving money handle without bank office which gives monetary administrations to unbanked groups proficiently and at moderate cost. To give managing an account and money related administrations through versatile innovation gadgets i.e. portable or PDA called Mobile Banking. Portable saving money (otherwise called M-Banking, or SMS Banking) is a term utilized for performing equalization checks, account exchanges, installments, credit applications and other saving money exchange through a cell phone, for example, cell phone. The framework comprises to pull back cash as well as to exchange cash inside a brief timeframe. This can be directed through the web program on the telephone, through a program downloaded from the bank, or by short-informing administration (SMS). Clients on the off chance that they have cell phone and are enlisted for this can benefit saving money benefit through utilizing it. Versatile Banking has expanded portability in the keeping money business and it spares time and cost of the customers and bank. The most punctual portable managing an account administrations were offered through SMS. Portable Banking alludes to an arrangement and disease of saving money and budgetary administrations with the assistance of versatile media transmission gadgets

List of mobile Banking:


                                   Bank Name

Product Name


Dutch Bangla bank limited (DBBL)



BRAC bank limited



Prime bank limited

Easy cash


Islamic bank Bangladesh limited



Trust bank

Mobile money


National credit and commerce bank limited

Sure cash


Bank Asia limited

Mobile banking


Dhaka bank

SMS banking


Mercantile bank

my cash


AB bank

SMS banking


South east bank

SMS banking


First security Islamic bank

Sure cash


Bangladesh commerce bank

Sure cash


United commercial bank



One bank limited


Trends in mobile banking: 

Versatile Banking is a keeping money prepare without bank office which gives budgetary administrations to unbanked groups productively and at moderate cost. To give managing an account and monetary administrations through portable innovation gadgets i.e. portable or wireless called Mobile Banking. Versatile managing an account (otherwise called M-Banking, or SMS Banking) is a term utilized for performing equalization checks, account exchanges, installments, credit applications and other saving money exchange through a cell phone, for example, cell phone. The framework comprises to pull back cash as well as to exchange cash inside a brief span. This can be led through the web program on the telephone, through a program downloaded from the bank, or by short-informing administration (SMS). Clients on the off chance that they have cell phone and are enrolled for this can benefit keeping money benefit throughOver the most recent couple of years, the portable and remote market has been one of the quickest developing markets on the planet and it is as yet developing at a fast pace. As per the GSM Association and Ovum, the quantity of versatile endorsers surpassed 2 billion in September 2005, and now surpasses 2.5 billion (of which more than 2 billion are GSM).

As per a review by monetary consultancy Client, 35% of internet keeping money families will utilize versatile managing an account by 2010, up from under 1% today. Upwards of 70% of bank focus call volume is anticipated to originate from cell phones. Portable saving money will in the long run permit clients to make installments at the physical purpose of offer. “Versatile contact less installments” will reach less market by 2010. Another review from 2010 by Berg Insight figures that the quantity of portable keeping money clients in the US will develop from 12 million in 2009 to 86 million in 2015. A similar review likewise predicts that the European market will develop from 7 million versatile managing an account clients in 2009 to 115 million clients in 2015.

Many trust that portable clients have quite recently begun to completely use the information capacities in their cell phones. In Asian nations like India, China, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Philippines, where versatile foundation is nearly superior to the settled line framework, and in European nations, where cell phone entrance is high (no less than 80% of purchasers utilize a cell phone), portable managing an account is probably going to offer significantly more.

utilizing it. Versatile Banking has expanded portability in the managing an account business and it spares time and cost of the customers and bank. The most punctual portable saving money administrations were offered by means of SMS. Versatile Banking alludes to an arrangement and sickness of keeping money and monetary administrations with the assistance of portable media transmission gadgets

Classify mobile banking based on the nature of the service:

Exchange based administrations, for example, an assets exchange or a bill installment, include development of assets starting with one source then onto the next. o Inquiry-based administrations don’t. They basically require a reaction to a client inquiry. The outline beneath abridges these different sorts of versatile managing an account administrations:



  • Funds transfer
  • Bill payment
  • Share trade
  • Check order



  • Minimum balance alert
  • Credit/debit alert
  • Bill payment alert
  • Account balance inquiry
  • Account statement inquiry
  • Check status inquiry
  • Transaction history

Obviously, push exchanges are not as perplexing as their force partners. Portable keeping money arrangements additionally differ in their level of many-sided quality, and some lone offer a small amount of the administrations you would discover in a blocks and-mortar branch. In this regard, versatile keeping money isn’t generally full administration managing an account. The variables that influence this are the kind of telephone being utilized, the administration plan of the versatile endorser and the innovation system of the bank. We‟ll take a gander at these advancements next.

History of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh 

Late improvements have significantly adjusted the saving money scene and changed the connections amongst banks and their clients. This is making it more troublesome for banks to hold resources, secure new stores, strategically pitch items or get new clients.

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Clients are wanting to remain fundamentally associated with their records, however that is driving up the cost to administration them.

Be that as it may, conventional association channels, including most portable saving money arrangements, are „customer reactive‟. Regardless of whether they have an enquiry or require benefit, clients must start contact with the bank.

“Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited” (DBBL) has interestingly presented its portable managing an account benefit extending the saving money benefit from urban communities to remote ranges. Bangladesh Bank Governor Atiur Rahman initiated the administration by keeping Tk 2,000 and pulling back Tk 1,500 through Banglalink and Citycell versatile systems in Motijheel range. Bangladesh Bank has as of now permitted 10 banks to start portable managing an account. Of them DBBL commenced first.” Mobile managing an account is a contrasting option to the customary keeping money through which saving money administration can be come to at the doorsteps of the denied segment of the general public,” the national bank senator said at an inaugural.

squeeze instructions at Hotel Purbani. Atiur Rahman said through portable saving money different keeping money administrations including storing and pulling back cash, installment of service bills and achieving settlement to the beneficiary would be conceivable. By setting off to the DBBL-endorsed Citycell and Banglalink operators all through the nation the supporters on demonstrating essential papers and installment of a charge of Tk 10 can open a record. To benefit of the managing an account administration an endorser will require owning a PDA of any supplier and he will be given a four-digit PIN. By utilizing the PIN he can work a wide range of managing an account administrations including storing and pulling back cash keeping up security and mystery of his record. The client will hand over money to the specialist and the operator will start the exchange from his cell phone, the operator will assist the record holder with doing the keeping money utilizing his PIN. A client can store or pull back cash five times each day and he can store or draw Tk 5,000 every day. One percent of the exchange record or Tk 5, whichever is higher, will be taken as trade out charges. If there should be an occurrence of money out the charge will be 2 percent of the exchange sum or Tk 10. Be that as it may, the enrollment expense, compensation and settlement dispensing administrations will be without given of cost.

“BRAC Bank Limited” is set to present versatile keeping money also, a top authority said the administration will empower a large number of managed an account and unbanked individuals to store, pull back and exchange cash through cell phones. BKash, a joint wander between BRAC Bank and US-based Money in Motion, will give versatile managing an account a completely encoded VISA innovation stage for exchanges through cell phones. Any portable client can enlist and open up a bKash record and after that do exchanges through their cell phones in simple, helpful and dependable way. “bKash will in a general sense change the way individuals now do exchanges, as all exchanges will be conceivable through cell phones in future,” said Syed Mahbubur Rahman, overseeing executive of the bank. “Clients won’t have to go to the bank; rather the bank will go to them,” he said at a question and answer session in Dhaka on the event of its tenth establishing commemoration. The bank said a bKash record will go about as a computerized portable wallet and anyone can take the administration. “Your cell phone will turn into your wallet. Clients can get money related administrations through telephones, even by the handset that expenses the most reduced,” Rahman said. Under an association with UNDP and Local Government Division, bKash is taking off versatile keeping money in 4,501 union parishads in the nation. bKash has effectively marked an arrangement with a main versatile administrator and is in chats with others to empower every portable client – at present around 7.5 crore – to have individual advanced wallets, said Mamdudur Rashid, delegate overseeing chief of the bank. BRAC Bank propelled its operation 10 years back with the goal of bringing unbanked individuals under formal saving money scope. The plan of action of the bank is to assemble stores from urban ranges and dispense it to provincial zones. The nation’s most youthful bank has officially set a few records: it has gained more than 12 lakh clients, conveying full managing an account administrations to little and medium ventures, as well as all strata of the saving money industry, said the bank “Being the most youthful Bangladeshi bank, we have developed as the biggest SME bank serving around 3.65 lakh business visionaries at grassroots level, an accomplishment that helped worldwide acknowledgment for this Bangladeshi bank,” said Rashid The bank puts stock in 3P theory – individuals, planet and benefit and has been dynamic in Green keeping money. It has officially turned 22 of its SME Unit Offices sun powered fueled and plans to change over the rest in a similar way by 2012

Advantages of Mobile Banking

Individuals utilize versatile saving money as on the grounds that Mobile keeping money offers many points of interest, for example, great security, simple get to and abundant applications for advanced cells. , leader of Javelin Strategy and Research in Pleasanton, Calif. “You don’t have Internet associations wherever you go. In any case, you do have a portable association. Utilizing portable managing an account people can check all the more effortlessly record adjust from anyplace they are and at any minute.

  • The drawback is that versatile saving money isn’t tantamount to it could be. The reason, many administrations are really fundamental. Individuals utilize it to check adjusts and screen funds. Generally, it’s an expand to the Internet.Reduce cost of touch & service: realize tremendous savings by deferring expenses from contact centers or IVRs to the more cost-effective mobile channel.
  • Maximize trust & customer retention: increase loyalty by giving customers unprecedented control over their accounts, billing and overall financial health.
  • Drive cross-sell opportunities: deliver cross-sell marketing messages to customers easily and inexpensively via proactive, actionable alerts.
  • Lower total cost of ownership: utilize Mobile across multiple lines of business at the bank (retail, wholesale/treasury, card services, etc.)
  • Expand traditional online banking: offer more services by integrating Mobile into existing online banking systems, including the Portal solutions and other 3rd party applications.

Disadvantages of Mobile Banking


Security specialists for the most part concur that versatile keeping money is more secure than PC saving money on the grounds that not very many infections and Trojans exist for telephones. That does not mean portable keeping money is safe to security dangers, in any case.

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Portable clients are particularly powerless to a phishing-like trick called “smishing.” It happens when a versatile keeping money client gets a fake instant message requesting ledger points of interest from a programmer acting like a budgetary foundation. Many individuals have succumbed to this trap and had cash stolen through this trick.

Web based managing an account is generally done through an encoded association with the goal that programmers can’t read transmitted information, yet consider the results if your cell phone is stolen. While all keeping money applications oblige you to enter a secret word or PIN, many individuals design their cell phones to spare passwords, or utilize uncertain passwords and PINs that are anything but difficult to figure.


We require an advanced cell to get the most out of versatile keeping money. Versatile saving money is not accessible on each gadget. A few banks don’t give versatile saving money by any means. Others oblige you to utilize a custom versatile managing an account application just accessible on the most prevalent advanced cells, for example, the Apple iPhone and RIM Blackberry. Outsider portable managing an account programming is not generally upheld.

In the event that you don’t possess a PDA, the sorts of portable keeping money you can do are normally constrained. Checking financial balance equalization by means of instant message is not an issue, but rather more propelled components, for example, account exchanges are for the most part not accessible to clients of “stupid telephones.”


The cost of versatile saving money won’t not seem noteworthy on the off chance that you as of now have a perfect gadget, however despite everything you have to pay information and content informing charges. Some budgetary establishments charge an additional expense for portable managing an account administration, and you may need to pay an expense for programming. These additional energizes rapidly include, particularly on the off chance that you get to versatile managing an account.

Prospect of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh 

Portable Banking is a procedure of no branch saving money which gives budgetary administrations to unbanked groups in both urban and country region at moderate cost. The point of the administration is not to wreck branch keeping money but rather to bring those individuals under the umbrella of managing an account administration that are far from saving money offices. Government supposes it has an extraordinary prospect as it is another innovation in computerized Bangladesh. Through M-saving money one can profit different administrations i.e.; service charge installment, Fund Transfer, Shopping, Cash Withdrawn from chose ATM or Cash point and numerous all the more energizing offices. Be that as it may, in Bangladesh many individuals think generally, on the grounds that they can’t think it has any office to utilization of portable managing an account.

SWOT Analysis of mobile Banking

To discover the suitability of a specific item we may play out a SWOT Analysis of the item. This will break down the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges of the specific item. For dissecting the execution of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh the SWOT Analysis is considered.


Portable Banking is new in our economy. Just a couple banks are presently offering this administration. Through Internet Banking Most of the banks are putting forth just adjust data. Real store exchange and reserve payment is impractical in every one of the banks that are putting forth web saving money administrations. So this item will appreciate the advantage of a first mover.

It is shabby both for the banks and the clients. The bank will have the capacity to let down the overhead expenses and make more benefit out of it. The clients will have the capacity to spare time and in addition cash for their exchange needs. Portable Banking an Emerging Issue in Bangladesh 125. Numerous destitute individuals as of now have admittance to cell phones. A positive part of cell phones is that portable systems can achieve remote ranges effortlessly. The poor frequently have more prominent nature and trust with cell phone organizations.


The framework will have an issue with the distinguishing proof of the person who is starting the exchange. In Bangladesh, the recognizable proof of an individual is not yet bolstered carefully. So there might be an issue in moving toward versatile keeping money time.


Non-branch managing an account is getting to be distinctly mainstream in our nation. Many banks are currently offering non branch saving money offices. A man can pull back or store cash in any branch of the bank he has account with. So moving to portable managing an account will permit the banks to offer non-branch keeping money offices. Cell phone is turning out to be extremely regular to us. So an administration offered through the cell phone will be generally acknowledged sooner rather than later.


Individuals have worry about security and protection. They get a kick out of the chance to feel their cash with their hand. They really don’t have faith in virtual cash exchange. Encourage progressively a portable handset may not effortlessly be worked to deal with saving money exchanges as a large portion of our kin don’t have sound mechanical information. In the field of IT new innovation is coming regular. One which is exceptionally well known today may get out of date tomorrow. In this way, to have an aggressive edge over the contenders the banks should dependably refresh their administrations. In any case, the test is to make mindfulness and make it reasonable to potential customers.

Features/Mobile Banking Services (In General):

Mobile banking can offer services such as the following:

  • Account Information:
  • Mini-statements and checking of account history
  • Alerts on account activity or passing of set thresholds 
  • Monitoring of term deposits
  • Access to loan statements
  • Access to card statements
  • Mutual funds / equity statements
  • Insurance policy management
  • Pension plan management
  • Payment, Deposits, Withdrawals & Transfers:
  • Domestic and international fund transfers  Micro-payment handling
  • Mobile recharging
  • Commercial payment processing
  • Bill payment processing A specific sequence of SMS messages will enable the system to verify if the client has sufficient funds in his or her wallet and authorize a deposit or withdrawal transaction at the agent. When depositing money, the merchant receives cash and the system credits the client’s bank account or mobile wallet. In the same way the client can also withdraw money at the merchant: through exchanging sms to provide authorization, the merchant hands the client cash and debits the merchant’s account.

3) Investments:

  • Portfolio management services
  • Real-time stock quotes
  • Personalized alerts and notifications on security prices

4) Support:

  • Status of requests for credit, including mortgage approval, and insurance coverage
  • Check (cheque) book and card requests
  • Exchange of data messages and email, including complaint submission and tracking

5) Content Services:

  • General information such as weather updates, news
  • Loyalty-related offers
  • Location-based services
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Based on a survey conducted by Forrester, mobile banking will be attractive mainly to the younger, more “tech-savvy” customer segment. A third of mobile phone users say that they may consider performing some kind of financial transaction through their mobile phone. But most of the users are interested in performing basic transactions such as querying for account balance and making bill payment.

 Mobile banking saves cost and time:

The vast majority of your members contended that since portable managing an account is an ongoing on-line keeping money benefit, it is accessible at whatever time, anyplace all through the nation. So it can spare one’s opportunity. Individuals have not to hold up by remaining in a long line so it requires less investment than the customary keeping money. For instance, one of the members Khalid Hasan (a University understudy) noticed the accompanying:

“I am a consistent client of versatile saving money. I live outside of my home for study. Presently I can get cash from my family at whatever point I need. Beforehand regardless of the possibility that I required it on crisis premise however it required some investment to achieve the cash to me. Presently it turns out to be so natural to get the cash quickly when it is pressing.”

Same contention we found from the majority of the members. For instance, Johra Khatun (a tea stallowner) says that beforehand it was truly extremely intense to send cash to her dad and family in the town yet now with the assistance of versatile managing an account she can do that at whatever point she need and furthermore spare cash. Fatema Begum (an articles of clothing laborer) says that

“Before I utilize versatile saving money I experienced difficulty in sending cash to my town to bolster my folks and little girl who has been living with her grandparents since I got separated 5years prior. Presently I can send cash to them with no bother.”

Ease of use:

Portable keeping money framework is anything but difficult to utilize. Needy individuals are regularly not considered significant clients by the formal monetary segment as their exchange sizes are little, and many live in remote zones past the scope of banks branch systems. Casual keeping money administrations, for example, microfinance and town funds and credit affiliations stay restricted in their compass. Along these lines, versatile saving money framework creates to bring needy individuals into keeping money framework. Along these lines versatile saving money helps ‘monetary incorporation’ which is another exploration theme for creative scientists. For instance, our members JohraKhatun say:

“I run a café and send cash to my dad in the town in consistently. My dad has no wellspring of salary and no ledger, the portable cash exchange framework is a help for him. Versatile keeping money has brought us under the managing an account administrations. With the assistance of this, destitute individuals like us have the chance to get the managing an account offices all the more effectively.”

Socio-economic development:

Portable saving money helps a ton in expanding the portability of cash. With the assistance of this administration saving money office has come to the remote territories of the nation. Country individuals are getting settlement so effortlessly with no bother and can utilize that cash rapidly for their work. It helps a considerable measure for the advancement of financial state of the general population of Bangladesh. For instance, it lessens neediness by diverting the cash exchange rapidly and advantageously. Fatema Begum (an articles of clothing specialist) says:

“I work in a pieces of clothing manufacturing plant. Presently a-days the greater part of the manufacturing plant pays compensation to their laborers through versatile managing an account and for that they can send that cash promptly to their family living in towns and they can utilize that cash immediately. They can spare that cash in their own particular versatile saving money account. Already when we got our pay close by there was an opportunity to utilize that cash superfluously yet now we can spare and it turns out to be so natural.”

Problems in Mobile Banking so far:

A portion of the respondents surmise that there are a few issues with versatile saving money. Security has been one of the major basic focuses for versatile saving money. Concern has dependably been communicated by different partners with respect to security of this framework. For instance, one of our members contended that he confronted a few issues while utilizing versatile managing an account administrations. For example, he can’t revive his cell phone of other portable administrators by utilizing his own versatile keeping money account. So he needs one more record which he supposes cumbersome. Another issue is one can’t pull back under 500 tk from operators. One can’t send or get more than 30,000 tk in a day or on the off chance that they get that tremendous sum it doesn’t know the specialists can give that quite a bit of cash quickly. There is likewise an opportunity to be trailed by individuals when you will come back with an immense measure of cash from the operator and that may bring about one’s life under extreme danger of commandeering. Another member contended that one can’t exchange cash starting with one administrator then onto the next administrator. One needs a similar record to send or get cash. He likewise conceives that portable managing an account can be an issue for uneducated one and furthermore for the general population who does not have their own particular record. Some of our members trust that there is a shot of duping by fake back rubs. Individuals send fake back rub that you have gotten a few sums in your record however you have not gotten that and get back to you to send that cash. Anybody can be a casualty of that trick. From the specialists perspective they trust that the commission they are currently getting is almost no and this should be expanded considerably by the administrator banks. A few operators trust that the bank ought to build the commission for the specialist with the goal that they can take this as their primary business.


It has been expounded that the selection and utilization of cell phones is result of a social procedure, inserted in social practice. These days a great many tenants of Bangladesh are inside a system through portable system scope. M-saving money innovation, the most recent era of electronic managing an account exchanges has turned out to be a standout amongst the most recognizable keeping money highlights, opened up new window of chance to the current banks and budgetary foundations. So in the business segments like managing an account, m-keeping money innovation will get saving money offices hand’s hold which will make life less demanding, vigorous and adaptable. It is a pressing need to set approaches and procedures to switch holes regarding administrative and legitimate issues.

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