Preparation for Bricklaying Training

  1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to identify and confirm the general methodology by which W.A.T.A will carry out bricklaying training at WATA, Old Hartford Road, Houghton

WATA recognise the importance of carrying out the work in a safe and controlled manner and ensuring that strict supervision and control measures are maintained throughout the work. WATA will therefore provide the necessary project management and site supervision to ensure that the highest quality, health and safety standards are implemented and maintained throughout the training course

All WATA and subcontract personnel will be competent to carry out their designated tasks during the work. Before commencing work on site, all personnel will receive a site induction, a copy of site rules and a briefing on all relevant health, safety and welfare matters.

2.0 Scope of Works

The SOW (Scope of Work) covered by this document is bricklaying using lime mortar

Brick laying

3.0 References

This document should be referenced with the following: Risk assessment 001

3.5 Appendices

Risk Assessment 001 Lime Mortar, 002Slips,Trips and Falls,  003 Use of small power tools  004 Manual Handling

4.0 Health & Safety / Environmental

All personnel and visitors to site will undergo a site induction prior to accessing the works.

4.1 Lifting Operations



Lime Mortar

4.3 First Aid

First aid provision on site at all times, WATA first aider in attendance at all times

4.4 Fire

All trainees will be shown fire routes and assembly areas


All reporting of accidents and incidents will be in accordance with WATA Company procedures, usually to site supervisor then to main office

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4.6 Welfare

Use of WATA facilities, toilets, wash basins, refectory tea room and office


4.8 PPE

All WATA staff and all students will be required to wear hard hat, steel toe cap safety boots, high visibility jacket or high visibility vest. See Risk Assessments for more specific PPE.

4.9 Access

Site access controlled by gate

4.9.1 Pedestrians

All works to be carried out in fenced off compound area

4.10 Hazards & Risk Assessment

Various hazards have been identified as associated with the works and risk assessments have been carried out to determine the control measures required reduce the risk to an acceptable level. These are found in Appendix for Risk Assessments

List environment issues

5.0 Resources

5.1 People

Qualified Instructor

5.2 Plant

Small cement mixer



Small Tools

5.3 Materials



Lime Mortar

6.0 Methodology

  • All trainees will attend a safety briefing to discuss works
  • All identifiable hazards will be discussed prior to works commencing
  • All staff and trainees to wear suitable PPE at all times
  • Instructors will demonstrate work processes highlighting hazards and safety issues that could arise
  • Trainees will be issued tools from store and will be directed to their work area
  • Bricks will be transported from storage area to work site using a wheelbarrow
  • Mortar will be mixed using a 110volt electric mixer, the mixer will be loaded by hand and the mortar will be tipped into a wheelbarrow to be transported to the work area
  • When required bricks will be cut using a hammer and bolster or a petrol abrasive wheel cut off saw. Gloves and goggles will be used when using hammer and bolster. Gloves, goggles, ear protection and a dust mask will be worn when using the cut off saw. A water suppression kit will be employed at all times when cutting masonry
  • Suitable plywood “spot boards” will be used for mortar, the boards will be placed on short stands to lessen bending
  • Work areas will be kept clean and tidy as work progresses, broken bricks will be transported to a suitable skip, excess mortar will be scraped up and returned to the stockpile
  • All tools and plant will be cleaned and placed in the secure storage unit at the end  of each day
  • All materials will be returned to stockpile and will be safely stacked at the end of each shift
Read also  Department Of Civil Engineering Industrial Training Report


1.Risk assessments


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