Preparing To Teach In The Lifelong Learning Sector

The 7303 Award comprises one unit, made-up of five sections, entitled ‘Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector’ (PTLLS), which is based on the teaching/training cycle.

The five sections cover candidates’ understanding of:

own role, responsibilities and boundaries of role in relation to teaching

appropriate teaching and learning approaches in the specialist area

session planning skills and demonstration of those skills

how to deliver inclusive sessions which motivate learners

the use of different assessment methods and the need for record keeping

It has a value of six credits, consisting of 30 contact and 30 non-contact hours (formerly called guided learning hours), which is assessed by candidates completing two assignments, one theory and one practical, both of which are broken down into smaller, prescriptive assignment tasks.

NOTE: As most sections overlap/compliment each other these areas will NOT be covered one per session. By the end of the course we will have covered all the required skills and knowledge for the above.

Level 4 THEORY assessment 09

This assessment is to be used to assess candidates undertaking the theory section of Unit 1,

Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector at Level 4.

This assessment can be taken by pre-service or in-service candidates. Pre-service candidates may answer hypothetically, basing their responses around their chosen specialist subject.

Instructions for Candidates

Candidates are required to complete the following tasks listed below. The tasks may be completed in any order and marked formatively throughout the programme. However, each topic will be covered during the course and your tutor will suggest a recommended timetable for completion.

A Analyse different ways in which you would establish ground rules with your learners, which underpin behaviour and respect for others.

Recommended word count: 250-350 words.

B Discuss issues of equality and diversity, and ways you can promote inclusion with your learners. Include an evaluation of the ways in which you can embed Functional Skills in your subject area and the alternative points of referral available to meet the potential needs of learners.

Recommended word count: 500-600 words.

C On any learning programme a tutor is required to assess candidates learning and keep a range of records.

Review and evaluate a range of different assessment methods available for a tutor to use throughout the teaching/training cycle and explain the ones you would use in the context of your subject area.

Justify the types of records you would keep for assessment and in the wider context of your teaching.

Recommended word count: 500-600 words.

D Review what your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the teaching/training cycle. Include also a summary of the key aspects of current legislative requirements and codes of practice relevant to your subject and the type of organisation within which you would like to work

Recommended word count: 700-800 words.

All assessments must include evidence of research and appropriate academic references; ideally using the Harvard system of referencing

Word count excludes referencing.

Assignment grading

This assignment will be graded pass or refer. (ONE referral maximum is permitted per assignment).

Level 4 PRACTICAL assessment 09

This assessment is to be used to assess candidates undertaking the practical section of

Unit 1 Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector at Level 4.

Instructions for Candidates

Candidates are required to complete the following tasks listed below. The tasks may be completed in any order and marked formatively throughout the programme. However your tutor will suggest a recommended timetable for completion.

A Produce a learning programme/scheme of work in your subject area, for a minimum of six sessions (the length of each session is to be agreed between yourself & your tutor but must be a minimum of one hour). Produce a complete session plan for one of the six sessions.

B Deliver the micro-teach/teaching practice session(s), identifying, adapting and using

relevant approaches to engage and motivate learners in relation to your specialist area. You need to communicate appropriately and effectively with learners (total minimum 30 minutes of delivery).

As evidence provide:

A Session Plan for the microteach and sample of resources used

A detailed post session personal evaluation, based on your own reflections and feedback from your tutor and peers, of the teaching & learning approaches & effectiveness of the resources you used including an evaluation of how your session met the needs of individual learners

Evidence to demonstrate your understanding of good practice and ability in giving and receiving feedback with your peers and with the learners you teach/will teach

C Complete a reflective learning journal, linking theory to your practice, after each session attended throughout the PTLLS programme.

D At the end of the programme, complete a summative profile and action plan

Practical assessments do not require academic referencing although particularly in C and D you should provide clear evidence of how that theory of teaching has directed your thoughts on your role as a tutor.

Assignment grading

This assignment will be graded pass or refer. (ONE referral maximum is permitted per assignment).

Additional Activity – Observation of an Experienced Tutor

As part of the PTLLS course, and as part of your continuing professional development, it is recommended that you organise to observe an experienced tutor at least once.

This can be a:

an experienced tutor who teaches your particular specialist subject – to help you focus on how to teach the subject


an experienced tutor in any subject – which can help you focus on general teaching and delivery techniques

Following the observation you should hold a professional discussion with the tutor.

A proforma is provided to help you focus on, and record what happens in the session.

It is recommended that you also complete a Learning Journal, post observation which will help you reflect on the experience.

Micro-teaching/teaching practice

Candidates not currently in a teaching role (pre-service) are required to deliver a minimum of 30 minutes micro-teaching. The minimum duration of one session must be 15 minutes, allowing candidates the flexibility to deliver either two 15 minute sessions or one 30 minute session.

Candidates are permitted, in agreement with and at the discretion of the centre, to deliver more than the minimum 30 minutes if this is deemed appropriate to their requirements. This is deemed good practice in further developing the candidates’ confidence when delivering sessions.

The minimum 30 minutes delivery must be observed by the tutor/observer, who must give feedback and complete the Observation Report.

In addition, feedback must be given by the candidate’s peer group (There must be a minimum of three peer evaluations per candidate.)

The minimum number of candidates for a micro-teach 7303 cohort is four. This is to ensure that each candidate is given the opportunity to deliver teaching to a group and receive peer feedback.

Candidates currently in a teaching role (in-service) can deliver a minimum of one session, the

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duration of which must be agreed by the centre, but must not be less than 30 minutes. This session should be observed by the course tutor/observer, who must give feedback and complete the Observation Report. Teaching practice must be in a Learning and Skills setting and centres must maintain a list of locations. Alternatively, they can deliver the micro-teach. This is at the discretion of the centre.

Centres may choose to make a visual recording of at least one of the cohort’s delivery of the microteach/ teaching practice session within the practical assignment, to enhance effective self evaluation, and have it available for internal and external verification. This will be discussed with candidates beforehand.

Learning Journal

Candidates should be encouraged to write a reflective learning journal from the commencement of the programme, to be completed as a minimum, after each session or section of the course attended (your tutor will advise you on this).

Candidates may also choose to complete this form after each assignment.

The Journal should not merely be a diary entry recording what took place. It must be REFLECTIVE and include thoughts, feelings, evaluation etc of what happened, what you have learned and how you can relate this to yourself personally and your work as a tutor.

Being a ‘Reflective Practitioner’….

All tutors need to reflect on each session they teach in order to plan future teaching sessions. Creating a Learning Journal should help you develop the necessary skills to do this

Assignment Writing

At Level 4 all assignments must:

Be word processed

Show evidence of research – using correct Harvard referencing

Suggested format:

Use a clear typeface such as Arial and a clear font size such as 12 or 14

Use double line spacing

Start each assignment with your name and candidate number (when known) on the top line or as a Header

Put the course title & level e.g. C&G Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Level 4

Put the Assignment type and number e.g. Theory Assignment 1

Type out the full assignment brief e.g. Review what your role, responsibilities and boundaries…………. etc

Type your response/answer to the assignment

Put the word count at the bottom of the assignment or in the footer

More hints and tips on about assignment writing can be found in the Study Skills pack.

Submitting an Assignment

When submitting an assignment for marking you must attach an Assessment and Feedback form with the first section completed.

Assignments should be handed in to your tutor by the date specified (or e-mailed by prior agreement).


If an assignment is Referred you must re-submit the original assignment(s) when you hand in your next attempt and also re-submit the original feedback form.

Final Portfolio

You will be required to hand in a portfolio of evidence for final assessment

File should contain:

Front sheet containing candidate name, C&G registration number

tutor name and delivery centre etc

Theory Element

FOUR separate THEORY Assignments each accompanied by the completed feedback sheet(s) – where assignments have been Referred a copy of every official submission must be included clearly labelled v1, revised version, final version as appropriate. And accompanying Unit Declaration.

Practical Element

Unit Declaration

1 x Scheme of Work and 1 x Session Plan

All elements relating to the micro-teach:

Completed Learning Journal for each 7303 Unit – 5 entries in all.

Summative Profile and Action Plan

Plus – if applicable

Details of Observations on Experienced Tutor(s)

Tutorial reports

Glossary of Terms

City & Guilds provides the following explanation of terms which are used in this Guide for Centres:

Term Definition

Action plan A formal agreement between a tutor and learner setting out what will be

achieved with target dates

Aim General statement outlining what the trainer hopes to achieve during

the session or programme of training

Analyse Examining something in detail to discover meaning and/or essential


AP(E)L Accreditation of Prior (Experiential) Learning

Assessment Process of measuring the achievement of learners

Assessment methods Instrument chosen to assess a given outcome, eg written test, skills

tests, observation of learner performance, reports and questioning

Assessment records Documents used to record the outcome of an assessment, eg an

organisation pro forma or observation report

Assessor The person making a decision as to a candidate’s competence

Associate Teacher A person in a teaching role that carries fewer responsibilities than the

‘full teaching’ role and whose role and responsibilities are to teach

mainly in one or more of the following ways:

• from a defined and prescribed programme and/or with fewer responsibilities in the design of learning materials and the course programme than the Full Teacher

• on a one-to one basis

• delivers a programme confined to a particular level or subject or type of learner

• delivers short courses of less than three months; which lead to non-accredited and/or vendor specific awards; or that provide on

successful completion less than three credits on accredited programmes.

Candidate Person who is studying and being assessed for a City & Guilds


Critical Path Analysis Logical sequence of steps needed to go through to complete a final task

Coaching Normally a one-to-one or small group activity which involves the tutor in

a close observation of the learner’s performance and giving advice and


Communication The transfer of information, from one person to another, with the

intention of bringing about a response

Competence Ability to do something to a set agreed standard, normally measured by

undertaking an observable process or producing a final product (see

assessment methods)

Contact hours The number of hours allocated for programme delivery; including group

tutorials and the delivery of the theory aspect of the assignments

CPD Continuous Professional Development

CTLLS The acronym for the Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning


Describe Providing a detailed statement or account of something, eg a teacher’s

responsibilities in the teaching/training cycle

Diagnostic assessment The assessment methods used to discover strengths and weaknesses in

a learners work and determine future action

Demonstrate/demonstration Showing learners the best way to undertake a task or develop a skill by

illustrating how it is done by actual performance

Diagnostic meeting Meeting to determine the present level of skills and knowledge of a

learner and, normally, to determine a future programme for further


Discuss An exploration of issues in either speech or writing

DTLLS The acronym for the Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector

E-learning Electronic learning – learning which is supported or enhanced through

the application of information and communication technology

E-learning online Electronic learning via an intranet or the internet`

E-learning on-site Electronic learning in the organisation’s own learning environment using


Evaluation Gathering information to give a measure of the effectiveness of the

training that has been delivered

Explain A reasoned account which justifies/clarifies an issue and/or points of an


External Verifier Appointed by City & Guilds to ensure that all assessments undertaken

with centres are fair, valid, consistent and meet the requirements of the

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Feedback Written or oral information given to learners regarding their progress

Formative assessment On-going assessment carried out throughout a programme of learning

Full Teacher A person in a teaching role that carries the ‘full range’ of teaching

responsibilities in the classroom and who teaches:

• from their own designed and evaluated programme materials

• across a range of levels, subjects and learner types

• across or contributes to a range of programmes of varying lengths.

Ground rules Agreed codes of behaviour between the teacher and the learner.

Usually agreed at the beginning of the programme eg non-use of mobile


Group Learners being taught together (three or more)

Holistic report A written statement reflecting a candidate’s experience

Ice breakers Fun and light-hearted ways of introducing learners to each other

ICT Information Communication Technology – the combination of computing and communication technologies (including computer networks, telephone systems and the internet)

Identify Determining the factors or features of an activity, requirement, issue

and/or a point

IfL Institute for Learning. The professional body for teachers and trainers in

the Learning and Skills sector

ILP Individual Learning Programme (see also, Action plan)

ILT Information and Learning Technology – the use of information and

communication technologies to support learner activities

Initial assessment A way of ascertaining learning styles. Assessment methods used to

discover strengths and areas for development in a learner’s work and

determine future action. A means of measuring a learner’s ability, eg a

literacy test

In-service Denotes those who are delivering teaching/training whether paid or


Instruct/ instruction Where the tutor tells the learner what to do to achieve a particular skill

or objective

Internal Verifier Appointed by a centre to ensure that all assessments undertaken within

the centre are fair, valid, consistent and meet the requirements of the


Internet Worldwide computer network

Intranet An organisation’s own network

IT Information Technology – the computer infrastructure, hardware and

software used to process data and deliver information

Justify To give reason and/or explanation for an activity, process, theory etc

Learner/student Person who is being taught or trained

Learning sessions A period of input by a teacher using a variety of methods such as

lessons, practical etc

Learning programme Scheme of work, programme of work or study

Learning style Particular way in which an individual prefers to learn

List of resources Black board, white board, text books, handouts, overhead projector, ICT


LLUK The sector skills council (SSC) for lifelong learning in the UK

Mentor Person giving one-to-one support to a learner

Methods of assessment Observations, questions, simulations, witness testimony, work products, professional discussion, prior experience, candidate discussion, projects, assignments, tests etc

Micro-teaching Delivery to peers in a learning setting

Motivation How a learner is disposed towards learning, extrinsic-external reasons

for learning, intrinsic-internal desire to learn for self fulfilment

Multi-media The use of various types of equipment to present text, graphics, video,

animation and sound in an integrated way

Non-contact hours This covers the candidate’s individual tutorial support time, developmental activities, research, self-study and teaching practice

Non-verbal communication Any communication that does not involve the spoken word, eg body

language, facial expression

Objective A statement of what will be learned as a result of the training received

On-the-job In the working environment

Pedagogy Tutor centred learning

Peer group Others within the candidate’s learning group

Plenary session Reviewing stage where all the learners involved in an exercise/activity

are assembled together to share their views and conclusions

Pre-service Denotes those with no current teaching practice or experience

Pro forma Blank form for use by candidates/assessors

PTLLS The Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (previously referred to as a ‘passport’ or ‘initial award’)

QTLS Framework Qualified Teacher, Learning and Skills Framework.

Qualitative Quality information obtained by open questions, reports and


Quality assurance A means of checking learners’ work by internal and external verification

Quantitative Quantity information obtained by closed questions, results from tests

and other data gathering techniques

Rationale The defining aim and/or reason for a unit or outcome

Reliability Consistency of measurement achieved by the use of an assessment


Review A critical assessment of the uses of, for example, a methodology to the

applied context.

Session plan Plan prepared by the trainer prior to delivery of a training session

Skills An organised pattern of mental and/or physical activity. Examples of

Skills include practical, numerical, decision-making and social

Skills analysis See Task analysis

SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound

Summarise A brief account of the main issues/points explored and/or examined

Summative assessment An assessment made to determine the final level of achievement. Often

done by a final test or examination

Synchronous learning Learning that takes place in an environment where the tutor and learner

are simultaneously present, perhaps at different locations, but

communicating with each other in real time

Task analysis Breakdown of a task/job into its component skills (sometimes referred to

as Skills analysis)

Teaching practice The time allocated for candidates to demonstrate and build confidence

in teaching/ training other learners. This could include where a

candidate has sole responsibility for an individual or a group, teaches in

front of/within a group to different groups/learners/levels, from preprepared or own designed curriculum materials, whether in paid or

unpaid employment

Teaching/ training cycle System approach which includes five inter-linked stages: identify needs,

plan and design learning, deliver, assess and evaluate

Teacher/Trainer/Tutor Person who is helping the learner to achieve a desired state/standard/

competence. Person who is advising, supporting and assessing the


VACSR Valid, Authentic, Current, Sufficient, Reliable

Validity Extent to which an assessment method measures what it is supposed to


VARK Visual, Aural, Read/write, Kinesthetic

Virtual classroom Online learning environment where tutors and learners interact

Visual aid Visual support material used to enhance the learning session, eg

overhead transparency, diagram, slide projection, photograph/picture,

video/film, model, computer program, interactive internet page

(including audio visual equipment)

Suggested Reading

City & Guilds recommends the following resources for the Level 3/4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (7303) qualification.

Introductory texts

Curzon, L., B. (2003) Teaching in Further Education. Continuum

International Publishing Group.


Daines, J., Daines, C., and Graham, B. (2006) Adult Learning, Adult Teaching. Welsh Academic Press.


Gravells, A. (2006) Delivering Adult Learning – Level 3 Coursebook. Learning Matters.


Gravells, A. (2007) Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector – Level 3 Coursebook. Learning Matters.


Petty, G. (2004) (3rd Edn) Teaching Today. Nelson Thornes. 0748785256

Website addresses


Training journal, Fenman.

Assessment Matters, ‘Lifetime Careers’, The Careers Service for Wiltshire.

Adults Learning, NIACE (National Institute for Adult Continuing Learning).

Left blank

Copies of Official Documents

(also available on-line at )

Portfolio front sheet – file contents

Assessment Front Sheet and Feedback Record – submit one with each assignment

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Developmental Task – Observing an Experienced Tutor

Reflective Practice Journal – complete one after every session

Summative Profile and Action Plan – complete one at the end of the course

Unit Declaration – TWO needs completing one ref all the |Theory Assignments and one ref all the Practical Assignments)

Sample Scheme of Work – CAES recommended format

Sample Session Plan – CAES recommended format

Candidate Details:

Lead Centre:

Ullswater Community Centre

Centre Number:


Candidate Name:

Candidate number:

Delivery Centre:

File Contents

PTLLS Level 3 and 4

File should contain

Contents page

Unit Declaration – Theory

Theory assignments 1-7

Unit Declaration – Practical

Practical Assignment 1 – Scheme of Work

Practical Assignment 2 & 3 – Session Plan and Resources for


Practical Assignment 4

Practical Assignment 5 – Peer, Tutor and Self Evaluations from


Completed Learning Journals for each of the 5 PTLLS Sections

Tutorial Reports (if applicable)

Observation of an Experience Tutor report(s)

Summative Profile and Action Plan

Assessment Front Sheet and Feedback Record

PTLLS Level 3 and 4

(a completed copy is required for each assignment)




Date issued:

Date submitted:

Candidate Name:

Enrolment No:

I confirm that the evidence for this assessment is authentic and a true representation of my own work.

Signature of candidate …………………………………………….. Date …………………

Marker’s name:



Resubmission date (if referred):



IV’s name(if sampled):

(a separate IV record must be completed for each assessment sampled)


Marker’s feedback:

Left blank

Developmental Task – Observing an Experienced Tutor

(not compulsory but advisable)

PTLLS Level 3 and 4

Name of trainee-tutor:


Aim of session:

Length of session:

A minimum of 1 hour must be observed

Length of observation:


Did the tutor:


Comments / how was this done:

Check the environment and resources beforehand?

Take into account any health &safety issues?

Ensure there were enough resources for all participants?

Have a session plan to show: aim/objectives/learning outcomes?


Did the tutor:


Comments / how was this done:

Deliver an introduction, main content and conclusion?

Establish and maintain a rapport with the group?

Demonstrate knowledge of their subject?

Take into account different learning styles?

Use a range of activities?

Use relevant resources as appropriate?

Communicate clearly and effectively?

Appear confident and professional?

Take into account entitlement, equality, differentiation, inclusivity and diversity?


Did the tutor:


Comments / how was this done:

Ask questions and involve the individual/group where appropriate?

Give positive feedback where relevant?

Summarise the session?

Achieve their aim/objective/learning outcomes?

Clear the area afterwards?

Evaluate their session?

General comments on how you think the session went:

What might you have done differently:

What aspects will you take from this session to incorporate into your own practice:

Trainee-tutor signature: ……………………………………………………………..…………..…

Name: ………………………………………………………………..… Date: ….………….………

Left blank

Reflective Learning Journal

PTLLS Level 3 and 4

Name of candidate

Candidates are encouraged to be as REFLECTIVEas possible rather than anecdotal in their Journal entries. Focus on whyit is a key point/issue, howit will help you develop as a tutor

The main points I have learnt from this Unit which have developed my KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING of my role as a teacher/tutor are:

How I could develop/implement these in my preparation and in my teaching :

Any further help/support I may require in order to do this:

Candidate signature: ……………………………………… Date: ……………………………..

Summative Profile and Action Plan

PTTLS Level 3 and 4

This form is to be completed at the end of the course programme.

Candidate name

Tutor name

My overall development and strengths as a result of attending this programme:

Personal statement:

Where I am now, the subject I wish to deliver, and what I wish to do in the future:

Action Plan:

What I intend to do now to help me gain a teaching / training position or progress with my teaching/training career:

Candidate signature: …………………………………………….. Date: ………………………

Unit Declaration

PTLLS Level 3 and 4

Unit no: Theory Practical

(delete as applicable)

Candidate declaration:

I confirm that the evidence listed for this unit is authentic and a true representation of my own work.

Candidate name: ……………………………………………………………….……………..……

Candidate enrolment number: ………………………………………………………………

Candidate signature:……………..………………………..………… Date:……………………

Assessor declaration:

I confirm that this candidate has achieved all the requirements of this unit with the evidence listed. (Where there is more than one Assessor, the Co-ordinating Assessor for the unit should sign this declaration.)

Assessment was conducted under the specified conditions and context, and is valid, authentic, reliable, current and sufficient (VACSR).

Assessor name:……………..……………………………………………………………….……

Assessor signature:………….……..………………………………..……… Date:…………………

Countersignature:(if relevant) ………………………………………..……. Date:…….…….……

Internal Verifier declaration: (This section to be left blank if sampling of this unit did not take place).

I have internally verified the assessment work on this unit in the following ways (please tick):

sampling candidate and assessment evidence

observation of assessment practice

discussion with candidate

other – please state:

I confirm that the candidate’s sampled work meets the standards specified for this unit and may be presented for external verification and/or certification.

Internal Verifier name:…………………….……………………………………………………

Internal Verifier signature: …………………….…………………… Date:….………….…

Countersignature:(if relevant)………………………………………… Date:………………..

Left blank







Please complete the following information before the start of the course.





These should be tie in with the outcomes identified on the course information sheet







These should be tie in with the outcomes identified on the course information sheet


When complete please return to your Centre Manager, and retain a copy in your Course File.

Date returned ________________________________

Checked By ________________________________

Date ________________________________

Lesson Plan

Tutor: Subject: Course code:

Date: Time: Location: Session ____ of ____

Broad aims

i.e. outline of the lesson topics.

SMART outcomes

i.e. by the end of the session all / most / some of the learners will be able to … .

(These outcomes will be assessed during the session. See Learning checkscolumn below.)

Methods and materials to be used:


group work


oral questioning

pair work

practical work

class discussion

role play

Individual tasks


kinaesthetic materials

practice tests

computer programs


reference materials

board / flipchart

CD / tape


voice recorder


Activities: Brief description of each one.

(?? differentiated, balanced, varied, sequenced; learning styles.)


(?? relevant, good quality, learner-centred, appropriate.)

Learning checks

(?? how progress will be checked; what the evidence is.)



Starter which reviews prior learning.

Sharing of session aims and SMART outcomes.


Activities Brief description of each one.

(??: differentiated, balanced, varied, sequenced; learning styles.)


(??: relevant, good quality, learner-centred, appropriate.)

Learning checks

(??: how progress will be checked;what the evidence is.)


Review of session aims and SMART outcomes.

Suggestions for independent home study.

Reflection and critical evaluation:

Number of learners who attended the class: _________ out of _____ .

(How did all / most / some learners progress?

Include notes on individual learners where appropriate.

How will this inform the next session plan?)

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