Presentation Of Iago In Othello English Literature Essay

The plot of the play ‘Othello’ is that the Moorish soldier Othello and a young Venetian lady Desdemona secretly marry. Her father isn’t happy by this secret ceremony and warns Othello that if she can deceive her own father she might some day do the same to him. Iago later uses Desdemona against Othello in the play. He does this because he is jealous of Othello who became promoted to the job he feels he should have got. To complete this plot of his, he speaks many lies and proceeds in many incidents to convince Othello that Desdemona is being disloyal to him by having an affair with another man-Cassio.

In Act 1 Scene 2 Iago starts off speaking to Othello. He is trying to gain his trust by telling Othello all the things he has done wrong and all of his regrets. He speaks about him being with Desdemona and then he goes onto saying that he thinks she is betraying him. Iago is trying to make Othello suspect Desdemona for being unfaithful to him and gives Othello images he can picture in his head (which then relates back to when Othello saw Desdemona and Cassio dancing together). Cassio then walks in, this makes Iago’s plan go even better for him even though it wasn’t what he planned to happen. Cassio comes in asking Othello to go to Cyprus because the duke would like to have an appearance from him. Iago then says that Othello cannot go because he is married. Shakespeare has done this so Iago can make it look like Cassio is trying to send Othello away so he can be with Desdemona.

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In Act 1 Scene 3, Shakespeare has revealed Iago’s entire plan. He is thinking aloud so the whole plot is revealed to us. It shows that Iago wants revenge on Othello because when he is speaking to Roderigo he says: “I hate the Moor; Let us be conjunctive in our revenge against him”. Then later in the scene he reveals his plan, saying that Desdemona is the love of his life and that she is his only weakness. So if she is made to seem that she is sleeping with Cassio then he will go to Iago and tell him he was right all along and thank him for realising it. If Iago’s plan went to how he wanted, then this would mean that out of gratefulness for realising what he couldn’t see, Othello would then do anything to repay him.

In Act 2 Scene 1 Iago is again alone with Roderigo, they are speaking about Desdemona, and because Roderigo is so madly in love with her, Iago can still use this to his advantage. In this scene, Iago says “first, I must tell thee this — Desdemona is directly in love with him”. Shakespeare is still showing how Iago can make things sound and how he can use the people he is manipulating. Iago then moves on to Othello and tries to gain his trust. He is trying to get Othello to trust him so he will later believe him about Desdemona sleeping with Cassio.

In Act 2 Scene 3 Iago is with Cassio and Iago is trying to get Cassio drunk so he can make Cassio make stupid mistakes so his plan will be more convincing. Iago says “If I can fasten but one cup upon him, with that which he hath drunk to-night already, he’ll be as full of quarrel and offence as my young mistress’ dog”. Shakespeare has presented Iago in this way because he is discreetly making Cassio drink without him taking any notice of what he is doing. Iago has now given Cassio many cups of wine and Cassio becomes aggressive towards Montano, Iago then tells Roderigo to go and report to Othello of Cassio’s state, this is so Othello will loose all trust in Cassio for becoming so rowdy. Cassio says to Othello “I pray you, pardon me; I cannot speak” Othello now thinks that now he cannot trust him because he is easily persuaded. He now trusts Iago more because he was the one who supposedly stopped him getting out of control. Later in the scene, Iago is with Cassio, and Cassio is feeling like his life is a mess. Iago tells him to go and see Desdemona because she can sort out his life. Cassio has obviously gained Iago’s trust because he takes his advice and goes to see her. He is desperate to sort his life out and will do anything to get it back in order.

William Shakespeare has portrayed Iago as a scheming person who will do anything in order out of spite and jealousy. Iago’s character can gain any person’s trust in such a discreet way, he can give them advice and they will take it. This is why Iago’s plan goes right because everyone believes him until last minute when it is too late to change things. The audience is prepared for Iago’s character because you see his evil side, especially when he speaks his plan out aloud to the audience at the end of Act 1 Scene 3; he announces his jealousy and hate for Othello which makes you prepared for the ending.

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