Privatization in higher education

Privatization in education:- Now a days, In education privatization also included very deeply. Privatization influences higher education very fast and now increasing its very much. Privatization is not bad any where or in any field because they provide many facilities. But at some extent, privatization is not accepted by the middle classes of the Indian society because it is so expensive. So the people belong to middle classes are not able to afford more for such kind of privatization in the society. According to the present scenario, privatization is in demand in education. Because there are some private institute or schools which provide the better level of knowledge than public sectors. They provide more practical knowledge which is the demand of the modern era, that every body wants to become skillful in particular sector chooses by him. Instead of these positive points, it have some weaknesses too. As it is more expensive and only high class people can afford it.

There are some forces or points which shows the privatization in higher education:- Now a days, there is much privatization in education sector. The higher education is now more dominated with privatization. There are some forces related to the higher education which are as below:-

Appealing of education:- The first force that is encouraging the spread of privatization in higher education is as a mean to rise an information and economy of the country. Education is as compulsory part of human beings throughout the life time and the market place for the education is international. This growth makes education appealing to the private sector.

Demographics of higher education:- The demographics of the higher education have changed substantially. Students above the age of 25 years, women, working adults and part time attenders accounted for most of the enrollment growth in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Traditional college students meet the traditional type colleges and attending them full time. Research shows that they want a very different relationship with their college than students had historically in past time. The modern students are finding four things:- Convenience, services, qualities and low cost. There is only private sector who provides all these facilities to the students.

The result of the private sector can be see in M.B.A. Engineering etc where they have achieved impressive results. All most through privatization the demands of the students.

Facility based education:- The students of present scenario wants better and better facilitated education so that they can also continue their studies as well as they can do other works what they want.

Structure of higher education in India:- Over the last 50 years, the government of India has provided full policy support and funds to create one of the world’s greatest and largest system of higher education. The higher education starts after 12th class. Where the students choose their vocational lines for better future. But these institutions with the exceptions of some notable ones, they have not been able to maintain the high standards of education or keep pace with developments in the fields especially in knowledge and technology. Over time financial constraints with exploding enrollments and very high demand from primary to secondary education led to the deterioration in the financial support provided by the government. However on the science and technology side, India has built up the largest stock of scientists, engineers and technicians.

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The growth of higher education in India has been phenomenal. Starting with 1950-51 there were only 263000 students in 750 colleges affiliated to 30 universities. But the growth of students increased how the time passing out.

In India both public and private institutions operate simultaneously. There were 804 million students enrolled in 2001. it is also likely that most of the growth in the rapidly expending higher education sector took place in the private unaided college or in self-financial institutions. Since grant-in-aid to private colleges is becoming difficult. Many government universities have granted recognition/affiliation to unaided colleges and many universities have authorized new self-financing courses even in government and aided colleges. It is felt that now more than 50% higher education in India is imparted through private institutions. For examples:- Lovely professional university, Phagwara, CT colleges etc.

Government control over private education initiative:- There are two types of private higher education:

Aided colleges/institutions/universities

Non-Aided colleges/institutions/universities

The aided colleges are supported to get up to as percent of the teacher’s salary bill rem-bussed. The un-aided ones have no access to government funds and they run their colleges and institutions on higher tuition fees as well as grants/donations.

Privatization in higher education leads as leadership:- Now a days there is more value of privatization. There are some view points which helps to show the leadership in higher education because of privatization in India:-

Affordability for middle class:- With private unaided education providing nearly half of the higher education in the state . It has been proved that there is considerable paying capacity within the Indian middle class presumably, because the higher value attached to higher education. Further it may be stated that India continuous to lead the world wide in the members of studying abroad. The government of India has provided so many facilities to the students as study loan and many other programmes which can help a middle class belonged student to study well in well established institution. It provides leadership to the private institution in India.

Apprehension or different thinking in the minds:- There is an apprehension in the minds of many that unregulated private sector education will also invite “Fly by night operators” who will open bogus universities and colleges. Thus this apprehension is also helpful to promoting leadership of privatization in higher education.

Big Advantages of privatization :- Advertisements are the another source to promote privatization in India. Now a days the advertisement are playing an important role to impart the knowledge about the advantages of privatization. It is also lead to the leadership in privatization. There are so many advantages of private colleges which is given as below:-

Performance:- Private institution helps to improve the performance. These institutions means not only to start a institution for money sake but they are providing such facilities to the students through which they can improve their performance.

Quality education:- The reason behind the leadership of privatization is that the private colleges or institutions provides the qualitative education to the students. There is now a days more enrollment of the students in private education because there is apprehension that quality education can be achieved through private education.

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More enrollment of students in technical courses:- In present scenario, the students are adopting those courses which could help them for their bright future. So more of the students choose technical courses and it can be possible through private colleges or institutions.

Accessibility to new courses:- Some how the government colleges are more providing new courses to the students which the another countries have. So it is another advantage of private colleges and the reason for the leadership of privatization that the private institutions provides the accessibility to new courses.

Modern education system:- The private institution are adopting the modern education system. They use more technology for better study. That’s way the leadership of privatization increases.

More emphasis on practical education than theory:- Private institution has more emphasis on practical education. They think that if the students have practical knowledge they can use to write on it but if they have theoretical knowledge they can not be able to perform on same.

Thus privatization have given a new meaning to the education. They provide qualitative education as well as practical knowledge which is the most requirement of the students.

Privatization in higher education influences the girl education in rural area. Rural area means a space where human settlement and infrastructure occupy only small share landscape, natural environment, less ability of transportation etc. before going to discuss privatization influences girl education we will discuss about girl education.

Girl child education:- Education of girls is vital not only on grounds of social justice but also because it accelerates social transformation. Promotion of gender equality in education essential for human development. By educating a women means to educate the whole family. Given that the women have more responsibility of the whole family on herself. A women who through education can give a educated generation to the country for the better development of the country. Education has a direct impact on women empowerment as it creates awareness about rights, their capabilities and choices and opportunities available among them.

Private education has influences on the education of girl child in rural area:- The privatization has as given so many qualities of education. It also influences the education of female in rural areas. It is said that The girl have no right to be educate, her duty is only to serve their parents and in-laws house. But as per the changing generations and time now there is given opportunities to the girls just as male. Now there are less population who have backward thinking for girls.

Privatization is a mean to encouraging the female education in rural areas. According to my opinion, there is positive impact of privatization on girl education in rural area as given as below:-

1). Easy to get admission:- Now its quite easy for the girls to get admission in qualitative colleges. Few years before, for high qualified courses the students have to give examination for it then the seat for the course was offered according to the rules of the government colleges. But now it is easy for getting admissions in good institutions. For example:- Lovely professional university has providing the same opportunities. So it is very easy to girls to get admission in near by institution.

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2). Accessibility of good colleges:- Now there are so many private colleges opened by the un-aided institution. Some foreign universities also opening their colleges in India. So the accessibility of colleges and institution is easy and it is not difficult for the rural area girl for getting education. They have not to be go far from their homes. They can easily continue their study.

3). Accessibility of education:- The accessibility of education is more easy. Now more of the private institution provides online and distance education. In modern scenario, all have good knowledge about the technology. The females of rural areas are now more aware about the accessibility of the education. Because mass- media is a way who provide that knowledge.

4). Positive impact of parents on girl education:- The modern females want to stand on their own feet. They wants to be independent. This also encourage the girls to be educate whether they belong to rural area. They now have more achievement motivation power. And privatization is only mean for modern education providing to the girls too. Now the parents have no any more thinking that it is wastage of money to educate the girl.

5). Vocational and professional courses:- There are more professional and vocational courses offered by the private institution. There are also special courses through which the women can impart their help in home too. Courses such as home science, dress designing, beautician etc. And the girls can gain knowledge about it and the privatization is more emphasizing to provide better qualities as boys. Thus privatization is influencing the girl education in positive way.

6).Social characteristics:- It is said that if a girl will educate the whole family will be educated because only female are known as national builder and she is only who can give right knowledge to her family and children. If the families will be get educated then that’s mean it will also impart their help for better society we can also say it as the female can make good characteristics of the society. And private institution have who are offering this kind of courses as social science, society related courses. Thus privatization has imparting its big achievement to educate girl children too just as male.

It is also important to get aware the girls for better education so they can build their future in better way. And the girls of rural area need more support from their parents.

CONCLUSION:- Private sectors have giving very good facilities of education to the students. Now it is becoming easy for all students to be educate. There in India there is high range of private institution, colleges and universities. There are some foreign universities who are providing the quality of education according to the students needs and they are also opening the institution in India for the better accessibility. Thus we can say that now a days it is easy to be educate, You just need motivation and good level of mind. The education is becoming accessible for the rural students too. Now as the girls through media becoming aware for better qualitative education and privatization playing an important role for providing good education and courses according to the choice of the students.

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