Problem For Swinton Hotel Management

The aim of this project is to build a comprehensive tool E-reservation system for Swinton Hotel Management. “Swinton” Hotel provides all facilities like, advance booking room facilities, Better Food quality and also management believes to present good customer services. Management does not have proper reservation system and lack of data management system. In addition, they don’t have any advance E- reservation system for tourist. The organisation needs to take further step to implement its business by develop a website. The projected system will be more flexible to use for tourist and Faster for staff to manage all information. Currently, the existing system is based on paper work, manual checking and use of Microsoft Excel Data sheet. Apart from this, advance reservation does by telephone. Due to which the staff faces lots of problems and also very time consuming for tourist to reserve room in advance.

A new web based application is developed to provide reservation solution to the management. The application comes out in form of an Information Management Tools, like, ASP.NET. And database will handle through Microsoft Access. So, with build up a new system will helpful for tourist to reserve room and it’ll beneficial for staff to manage data. After all, new web based system will be benefited to management.


Executive Summary 02

1. Introduction 04

2. Problem Identification 05

2.1 Current System Specification 05

2.2 Consequence for Issues 07

3. Proposed System 08

3.1 System Architecture Specification 10

3.2 Technology Used 11

3.3 System Requirement Specification 12

3.4 Cost of System 13

3.5 Impact of the Proposed Changes 14

4. Change Management 15

5. Conclusion and Future enhancements 15

6. References 16

7.0 Diagram 17

1. Introduction:

Now in present time, web-platform becomes necessary for all sector of business to get more success. Especially, in Banking, Hotel, and many other educational and training organization it becomes basic needs for business to have web-platform. In hotel Industry through website tourist can reserve room in advance. And also able to get other information of the hotel which will be useful for them. “Static or dynamic website is useful for the organization’s growth.” The projected Hotel Reservation System brings the main requirements of the Swinton Hotel Management. In addition, reservation system classifies a way to manage the database of the tourist (Customers). And reduce paper and manual work system. Moreover, business point of view, it is time and cost effectiveness which is vital assets for the organization.

In addition, Swinton Hotel Management has very simple and complicate reservation system. The organization has faced many issues with current System. Firstly, the current system is running on Microsoft Excel datasheet. Secondly, management requires allocate one staff for manual room check. Last but not least, it is very difficult to manage vacation time for staff schedule. And lastly, it’s very complicate process for tourist to reserve room in advance. So, management has been facing these major issues with reservation system.

Furthermore, the purpose of develop website for Swinton hotel to improve in customer service. Customer can easily communicate with Hotel Staff and can browse all latest information about Hotel for advance room reservation. Apart from this, it will be extremely useful for staff to manage customer database. For instance, no time consuming process for room checking availability. , easy to access customer details. And also it’ll very simple to handle invoice of customer. Invoice handling is more important for management to know about real profit of business. In addition, account department also able to get profit and loss account.

2.0 Problem Identification

In Hotel Industry a reservation system must be very accurate and very user friendly. So, customer or tourist can access all information which they want to browse. In this are of business, website should be in proper way which can helpful for customers and also for Hotel department. However, “Swinton Hotel Management” has very simple stage of reservation system for advance room booking or get any information about hotel. Inaddtion, A management is facing many issues with this present system. Here, we are going to present what are the major issues in present system?

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2.1 Current System Specification

First of all, we collect all information about Current system through interview with manager and staff members.

Manual Data Sheet

Screenshot of Excel Database

A management of “Swinton Hotel” is using simple this format database for customer. First of all, it’s very difficult to unique identification of customer. Means that, not allocate any facility which can identify user unique information. For instance, if same name customers come then it’s very difficult to identify. Secondly, Staff does manual entry for tourist which is very difficult to manage during the peak time or vacation time periods. Last but not least, it’s very complicate for other staff members to understand this system. Only one staff member is able to handle this complicated system .So, for future point of view it’ll be difficult for management.

Telephone Reservation

Change Telephone

Reservation system in this Hotel done by Telephone which is one of the major issues with management. Customer can get room information through telephonic it is time consuming. First of all, a manual room checker will check room whether room available or not? And passed information to the call receiver. Furthermore, other disadvantage of telephonic reservation that’s, cost of call. Because, sometime it’s very expensive to make call. So, in this situation it’s very expensive to reserve a room via telephone through current reservation system.

Manual Room Checking

In present system, to access room information need to allocate one staff for checking all information about available room in hotel for traveller. This is very cost and time consuming process for staff and customer. Especially, during the peak time it’s very difficult to access all information about available room for customer. In addition, for management point of view it’s very expensive to allocate special one person for check. They can not allocate for other work. So, this is one of the issues in this current system.

Lack Of Customer Communication

Current System of Swinton hotel, Staff not able to communicate with customer. Customer needs to introduce self every time for access any information about hotel. The Current system is done by manual entry. So, staffs needs to follow that process and they are not able to answering in proper and right way. And only one staff allocate for excel data sheet, for telephonic reservation and also for receiving call. So, it’s really difficult to handle all tasks at a same time. And which can create negative impact on customer mind for Hotel.

No Registration system for Customer

In this Current System, traveller needs to show own identification every time. It’s complicated and time consuming. Apart from this, customer has to pass reservation process. And every time need to feel a form and give it back to staff. So, during the vacation time period it’s difficult. And it influences on customer service.

No Customer Database

In this present System, a management has faced problem with customer database. Because, currently all customer data saved in Excel data entry sheet. It’s very time difficult to handle all data. So, management keep only one week datasheet. So, no any security for hotel point of view.

2.2 Consequences for Issues

Management of “Swinton Hotel” has faced all these major issue with current system. There are many consequences for raising these problems for management. Firstly, lack of management. as we seen that management has faced many issues with current system. But, management doesn’t think about to build up a new system for Hotel. Secondly, untrained staff. This is one of the big consequences for all. Only one staff handles too many tasks which is very difficult. And not allocate other staff for this role. This shows untrained staff. Finally, structure of management is not in proper and right ways is also one the main cause for failure in business.

3.0 Proposed System

Nowadays, tourist business has gained extremely top level. In addition, in this area of business, in this present time web-platform modifies a structure of business for ever. For instance, Travelodge. Even more, with help of IT tools really change the way of the business of hotel. “Hotel reservation has started through web-platform. In this present time, most hotels worldwide use online Hotel Reservation .it’s very convenient for traveller to book hotel room.” Here, we are going to develop a new web system for “Swinton Hotel Management.”

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3.1 System Architecture Specification

The projected system is basically based on web-platform. And the main architecture of the web-platform three tiers.


Application Server

Database Server

The main aim of using three tier architecture for the system to improve execute faster and also can easily fetched data from database which is one of major advantage for use of three tier architecture. In addition, new system can manage large database as well. This will solve a Customer Database problem for current system. “Faster responses make the user more user- friendly and comfortable to work with the system”

In addition, vital advantage for use of 3 tier architecture is more secure for personal data.








Fig 1. Three Tier Architecture

3.2 Technology Used

Operating System————–> Windows XP

Front End ————————> ASP.NET(c#)

Data Base————————–> Microsoft Access

Design Platform——————–> HTML, PhotoShop

Front-End Platform ASP.NET

ASP.NET is the next version of ASP framework to build up a web-application.

The .net framework consists of many class libraries, functions, and common execution platform. We can create ASP.NET applications using any of the built-in any languages. Web-application is easier and faster compared to other technologies. With use of ASP.NET clients gets the faster response which is one of the major advantages to use this platform for build an application. In addition, ASP.NET is totally server side technology.

ASP.NET advantages reduce the amount of code for build an application.

It is very easy to maintain with server side programme model.

This platform pages are very simple to write and maintain.

Very easy to design any page for application.

“ASP.NET makes for easy deployment. There is no need to register components.”

ASP.NET applications run faster in large volumes of data without any problem.

“ASP.NET validation controls entered by user without any coding.” .So, for security point of view it’s more secure compare to other technology.


Data base Connectivity:

ASP.NET can configured with any Database. In the projected system, Microsoft Access database has been used. There are many benefits for using this platform as a back- end. “ASP.NET platform has wide range of data access options. These include support for the generic class library data access classes. ODBC, OleDb, dbExpress driver. ADO.NET is the portion of the ASP.NET foundation class library that applies to data access, storage and manipulation.”


3.3 System Requirement Specifications:

R1: Login Form

Input: Traveller’s Username and password

Output: Traveller’s Details

Description: Once Traveller registered in website. Then they are able to access all information about “SWINTON Hotel”. And they can reserve room, Extra facilities, details information about rent etc through access reservation form.

R2: Registration Form

Input: Traveller’s Details

Output: Allocate Username and Password

Description: Traveller needs to fill out the form for access any information and reserve any room. Through this form unique username and password will allocate to tourist. So, next time traveller need to enter username and password in login form. And they can access any information. In addition, through this form a management can manage their customer’s records.

R3: Staff Login:

Input: Staff Username and Password

Output: Administrator’s Homepage

Description: The main purpose of this form to develop an interface for any staff to look at the Traveller’s Details. With Staff username and Password can access their respective homepage where they can browse the traveller’s details.

R4: Reservation Form:

Input: Select Room number and Type

Output: Current Status, Rent, Facilities

Description: when traveller enters successfully through login form then they can reserve any room, can access rate information, facilities details etc.

R5 Invoice Form (only for Staff access)

Input: Room No.

Output: Invoice

Description: This form presents all information about user. Which facilities they have used, time periods, Room Type etc. and shows total invoice amount for user.

3.4 Cost of System

How much does a website cost? Basically, there are main two separate cost elements. First is cost that covered the registration of domain name and Internet space for hosting the site. In addition, “second element is creation of website. There may also be some on going maintenance costs depending on how often you require changes to be made to the site when it is complete.”

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First of all, management of the SWINTON hotel will not pay any amount for system up to three year. Because, the organization has done big deal with some outsourcing small IT company. So, for domain name, space and any other specification IT company will responsible. However, if the management of SWINTON HOTEL needs to pay some amount after three year. This will cost only £30 every year. In addition, management of hotel is not giving any cost for developing a new system to solve problem of the old system.

Furthermore, management has benefits at initial stage in this web platform. If in future any problem will create regarding system then IT company will responsible up to three year. So, for management point of view it is major advantage.



3.5 Impact of the Proposed Changes

The purpose of the new system is to provide better services to traveller, so they can able to access important details and also reserve Hotel room through website. In addition, developers of this system try to build a user friendly web platform. And the new system will be easier for staff to maintain traveller data. Furthermore, a tourist can browse information from any where and any time. “The major advantage of this system is the able to keeps all information about traveller, staff information, and maintenance of database periodically.”

Client Functionalities

Traveller can get all information about SWINTON Hotel.

Once traveller is registered in website then to have own username and password.

Traveller able to access important details any time. And also check its status.

Traveller also able to access other facilities which provided by hotel.

Admin Functionalities

The main aim for develop this system is to provide better service to travelers of the hotel. In addition, for management point of view, to provide easy system to maintain tourist database. As the main goal of this system is to reduce manual, paper work and time of the administrative department. So, it will bring more efficiency in work and customer service.

Furthermore, through help of this system staff can able to access all information about travelers.

4.0 Change Management

According to press release Dec. 03 2009, “A hotel website will help to management boost in worldwide. A hotel website will only give lots of advantages towards promoting hotel more in this competition era.”

The management of SWINTON hotel will need to invest on web based platform for success in Hotel industry. In addition, management of the hotel also needs to focus on database maintenance for tourist. The database of the system will increase more. Because as the new travelers come for reservation room and other facilities. So, for management point of view it is very vital part in system.

Furthermore, if new system will success in future then a management needs to think about further implementation of the system.

Finally, the proposed system ” Hotel Reservation system” is developed on proper way. Especially for user it is very easy to access this website. However, I can recommend that for future point of view need to require some more implementation of the system.

5 Conclusion and future enhancements:

In this present era web platform is necessary for success in business. Especially, for hotel industry. So, new system will helpful for SWINTON HOTEL management. Through proposed system time can be saved, more accuracy, security and reduce manual work which is one of the major advantages of this system. Last but not least, the management is not paying any amount for develop a new system.

For client’s point of view, it is more flexible to access information about hotel. And for staff’s point of view, it is very easy to maintain database for travellers.

Future Enhancements:

Invoice report

Auto e-malling system

Track Traveller’s data

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