Problem Statement Of Telecom Technologies

The history of telephony took birth in 1876 when Graham Bell succeeded in making first ever voice transmission; then we observed 1st public cellular phone in 1946 and the introduction of the very first commercial mobile network in 1992. We’ve been moving forward, making great discoveries all along, making innovations in different technologies, disciplines and life styles. 1992 was a start of the speech transmission now which stands as a perfect master piece of art and is ready to take a jump into the hyper connectivity. We have jumped into a BW hungry population which have ensued in overturning the technologies and the mobile telephony is no exception to that. Infact data requirement now explicates major revenue pours in any modern mobile network, so we are always hunting for methods to heighten and step-up the data rates. From the infancy mobile networks in 1992 grew to a developed network into the 2nd Generation & then 2.5th Generation networks. Then we observed a transition from GSM technology to UMTS or WCDMA. That was called as 3rd Generation Technology.

1.2 Problem Statement

Progression in telecom technologies has become an unavoidable phenomenon. Telecom markets are reshaping themselves into 3G networks. 3G UMTS/WCDMA licensing and spectrum auctioning has happened in all the major markets including the developing economies similar to Pakistan. There are almost over 405 million UMTS/WCDMA subscribers in 320 networks in over 130 countries. This number is growing at an exponential pace as more and more networks embrace this technology.

However, Pakistan has unfortunately delayed the 3G licensing and spectrum auction now for over 3 years and is lagging behind in offering broadband and other consumer oriented E&M (electronic & mobile) applications such as health, education, commerce, video conferencing over its mobile networks. While, the importance of 3G licensing is a key aspect from the consumer point of view but an early adoption by the operators could have resulted in less capex and opex today since most of the sites especially in the larger cities are for providing excess Voice & Data capacity which could have been avoided by deployment of 3G networks

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While, some of the operators are still resisting the 3G licensing but most of them have shown this resistance due to likely higher Spectrum Fee being envisaged by the Government for 3G. The Operators are of the view that the spectrum should be offered at cheaper tariff so that investment goes into infrastructure and not licensing. The other issue confronting the regulator and policy makers is whether to open up the process to new players or limit the auction to only the existing operators.

“To Identify and Analyse Impediments of 3rd Generation Telecommunication Technology to Develop Remedial Measures for its Early Deployment in Pakistan”

1.3 Objectives of Thesis

To study Mobile Wireless Technologies

To Study and Analyze Market and Consumer Requirements for 3G

To Study and Analyze the current Telecommunication Policies, Rules and Regulations with regards to the adoption and implementation of Technologies

To identify Impediments (Issues and Challenges) in deployment 3G (Conclusions)

To present Measures and Recommendations for early deployment of 3G in Pakistan

1.4 Significance of Research

Due to consistent and unwavering growth patterns Pakistan Mobile Industry has achieved land mark of 100 million subscribers at the end of July 2010. In order to make the sector more efficient in utilizing the telecom resources, PTA has implemented the infrastructure sharing SOP’s, which will not only make the operators more efficient but also would give them huge cost saving and reduce environmental hazards in the country. The much awaited 3G licensing is just around the corner, where all the necessary work has been completed and the Authority is waiting for a policy by the Government of Pakistan to initiate the licensing process. In continuation to its efforts PTA has been arranging seminars on 3G for creating awareness about the 3G services and to foresee and discuss the challenges that the industry may face with the introduction of 3G services.

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3G is known as ‘Third generation’ telecommunication technology as specified in the ITU standards. Unveiling of this technology has chipped in a new driving force to the mobile concepts. It now extends the user, a broad array of facilities. The most significant among them is the efficient use of the spectrum. Ameliorated efficiency in the system has bestowed upon the availability of broadband internet in the cellular phone. This remarkable invention has also made it possible to accomplish extended wireless telephony, broadband internet and video calls in the cell phone. Strictly speaking, the 3G technology has overturned the requirements to make it a complete, compact device by providing multifaceted applications.

Using internet on the 3G phone has established a new attribute to the all-pervasive internet usage. The 3G technology has successfully attained faster service facilities. Development of a website or making a blog is now simpler then ever before. Desktops, due to its static nature have certain limitations. While mobile phone could accomplish the same result as its similitude, it was a good change for the consumers. Impact of this new technology in the cell phone sphere will be satisfying. Mobile phone industry is functioning in a superb competitive environment. By use of this technology, the user can browse internet and find an online dealer to purchase the products. Other fields that have profited from this technology are; online entertainment, messaging, news and security.

1.5 Limitations of the Research

Though Officials of PTA were very accommodative and provided with the thorough and comprehensive information about upcoming 3G technology but all was an unofficial version moreover they were hesitant to provide with the definite PTA policy on the adoption of 3G.

Due to rivalry and cutthroat competition among the Mobile Telecom Operators, access to their information regarding up gradation or operational readiness of 3G infrastructure was somewhat inaccessible.

1.6 Research Methodology

1.6.1 Phase 1

Initially Problem was identified, “Despite having second highest teledensity, Pakistan is the only country left in the region to deploy 3G Technology”

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1.6.2 Phase 2

In the second phase it was compulsory to get to know about the 3G technology right from the scratch to learn its economics over the existing technologies. We studied the architecture of the mobile networks of all the technologies from 1G to 3G consulting the web (thanks to the web inventors), the published white papers and the Books on Wireless Technology.

1.6.3 Phase 3

In this phase we paid visits to PTA, FAB and the Mobile Operators, and were able to get unofficial version of their views regarding deployment of long awaited 3G technology in Pakistan. Moreover we pondered over the case studies of different countries who adopted 3G technology. Example in hand is India.

1.6.4 Phase 4

While studying the international trend towards 3G we made a compared the statistics of the market and consumers of Pakistan and more over had a look into the concerns of the regulatory body and the mobile operators.

1.6.5 Phase 5

We then analysed the situation and came up with certain issues / concerns of the government, the mobile operators and the consumers. A solution representing remedial measures have been highlighted, following which will address the issues and create a roadmap for early adoption of 3G technology as there is lot of potential for the operators as well the government to earn fortune.

1.7 Structure of the Thesis

Introduction (Chapter-1) In this chapter Introduction and Background along with significance of research, limitations and methodology has been highlighted.

Literature Review (Chapter-2) In this chapter Mobile Wireless Technologies including 3G have been thoroughly deliberated upon with an over view on technologies beyond 3G.

Analysis and Discussions (Chapter-3-6) In these chapters Consumer Market and Regulations have been dwelled upon to find out the impediments delaying the adoption of 3G in Pakistan.

Epilogue (Chapter-7-8) In these chapters we have put across recommendations to the Government and the Operators to address the issues highlighted and pave a smooth way to adoption of the next generation telecommunication technology.

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