Professional Development And Difference Between Counselling And Mentoring Education Essay

Advanced professional development is a subject which can enable a leaner to develop personal and professional skills. It includes methods to improve skills like counselling and mentoring, professional development skills like team work, leadership, problem solving, time management etc. and tell us method to use them with the help of Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

It enables learners to develop their learning style with SWOT analysis; personal skills audit and how we can judge our learning style mean that we are auditory, visual, kinaesthetic or tactile learner.

PDP is the need of today in professional and personal development of a person to achieve its goals and aim. Advanced professional development is a key for success in professional life with CPD, SWOT and PDP.

1.1 TASK-1

Explain the difference between counselling and mentoring. Give examples of each in your answer.

Counselling and Mentoring are the parts of professional and personal skills. These are directed to management styles and leadership capabilities. There are many differences in counselling and mentoring and these are given below:

1.1.1 Counselling:

It is a popular method of offering advice and helping staff development recognise their feelings about problems and those problems may be personal and professional “Buchanan David (1997)”.It is helpful with personal difficulties and conflict in workplace and source of guidance in business like new project .Counselling is of two types;

• Directive counselling: It involves initiative and suggesting solutions.

Counsellor shows the path of problem towards correct decision.

• In directive counselling: The counselee is capable of defining his problem.

For example In an organisation like an university students of MBA get counselling for their personal issues such as having problems at home and how they can handle these emotional issues.

1.1.2 Mentoring:

It is mentioned as “It is off line help by one person to another in making significant transitions in knowledge, work or thinking”.

We can consider five areas of mentoring these are business, executive, performance, personal and skill. Mentoring enables an individual to follow in the path of an older and wiser colleague who can pass on knowledge and experience” Buchanan David (1997)”. It actively unlock potential, fine tunes, develops skills. “Mentoring is performed in the live environment, which is extremely effective when used as a mean of supportive training and transfer skills”.

For example In teacher training one person who has experience in this field and trained work as a mentor to support an individual or trainee “Buchanan David (1997)” .A mentor can observe ,listen and ask questions from trainee to assessing progress .

Identify three professional skills that help you to meet your personal or organisation’s goals and objectives.


Professional development skills are those skills which are helpful and important for professional life any person who want to succeed in his life. These are given below;

1.2.1 LEADERSHIP SKILLS: We always see same type of skills in leaders which help them to perform on tasks the best of their ability. Leadership abilities or functions are planning – make a workable plan, initiating – encourage their staff and group, controlling – maintain standards, supporting- relieve tension with appropriate humour, informing – give and receive information, evaluating – evaluating its own performance and group’s performance. When a manager or head of an organisation’s head adopt these leadership skills in autocratic way or democratic way he o she will be a better leader of organisation “Buchanan David (1997)”.

1.2.2 EMPOWERMENT: Empowerment means enable others to perform well in increasing the capabilities and responsibilities it means team working, problem solving, project implementation.

1.2.3 ADAPTABILITY: “It is important that as well as you know that you need personal and professional development in a specific area and it is only one way to achieve it” by adaptation. This include IT training-gain more knowledge about computers and equipment’s which are useful in professional development, communication skills-written, oral, etc.

Describe time management. What are benefits? Explain how it can enable you to use your time more effectively.

1.3 Time management:

‘Time is a non-renewable resource and time management is the effective and efficient use of time to enable necessary tasks to be completed within their time frames in a structured and prioritised way.’

With efficient time management anyone have breathing space and dedicate time to new ventures that how much time you have available and key area tasks have to complete within time by “TROG BAR”.

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1.3.1 Benefits of good time management:

Any person who can manage their time effectively will be able to.

Cope with difficult situations.

React more favourably to problems.

Better prepared for future.

Maximum amount of work done in efficient time

How time management enable to use our time more effectively: When we want to use our time more effectively then we have to break down the time into smaller units and we can use without wasting a large amount of time in an effective way.

Setting objectives; how much time you have available and tasks that you have to do in a specific time period then you can make time segments for different tasks.

Prioritising work task:; Prioritising tasks enables a manager to keep up to date with demands so classify your tasks into four groups:;

• Urgent and important; action is essential without delay.

• Urgent; decisions might be needed by the end of day.

• Important; decisions might be made within period of months.

• Neither urgent nor important; long term proposal.

What is the value of a continuous professional development (CPD) programme to both an organisation and an individual? Include evidence from an organisation with which you are familiar.

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programmes: It is a term given to any form of structured learning that takes place at any time during your working life and a commitment to self-improvement and awareness and we can say it is a lifelong learning .CPD is a very wide term it helps in improving knowledge and skills and develop personal qualities which are required for professional.

CPD for an organisation: An organisation has a duty to provide training as is necessary for their employees to do their work efficiently. It includes all formal and informal learning by “Edwin B Flippo”.

An organisation provides;

Professional training ;short courses, workshops, and conferences etc

Professional education; long courses, secondments emphasising theory, and research based knowledge.

CPD for an individual: CPD for an individual is defined by development plan, job description, skills and competences needed to carry out role and responsibilities of an individual. An individual can improve his IT skills, communication skills etc. It makes him or her efficient, successful and healthy.

Example of CPD: There are so many examples of CPD like in teaching to update their professional skills government give every year training, In medical profession doctors get training about new equipment’s or medicine from world health organisation for this first they have to register with it.

2.1 TASK -2

Describe the stages of a personal skills audit. How can it be used to develop the skills needed for effective management and leadership?

2.1.1 PERSONAL SKILLS AUDIT: Personal skill audit is a formal type of examination of a person’s personality like capabilities of doing work. Personal skill audit is given below by “Edwin B Flippo”:

2.1.2 PERSONAL PROFILE: Profile means self-assessment or evaluation. It is a record, where you can identify your strengths and weaknesses and make planning how you will give your best to your work with your skills, motivation and personality. There are some tests which are helpful in assessing a person’s ability.

Psychometric testing: This test checks ability-capability to do a work, personality-how you cope with situations and interest tests-your likes and dislikes.

Personality questionnaires: This test checks personal qualities needed for an organisation.

To check ability and personality.

2.1.3 PERSONAL SWOT ANALYSIS: Personal SWOT analysis means to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in person’s life and it helps in determining where you are at the moment and where you like to be. It will keep you on track and motivated, help with decisions and add to fulfilment of your sense like improvement in your personality to get success in your personal and professional life.


• You can overcome your weaknesses.

• Minimise your threats to achieve your goal.

• Increase your strengths.

• Try for best and more opportunities.

• You know your reading, writing, learning skills

• Examine your mentoring, counselling power.

When you get improvement in all parts of your personality then results show success in management and leadership. Discuss the importance of identifying learning style.

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2.2.1 LEARNING STYLE: Leaning style means capabilities of a person to learn in a particular environment or method. Learning styles are formal-learn into schools, colleges or bookish knowledge and non-formal-learn in society and from your experiences, whatever we are today is the result of learning. The way we think, eat, walk all because of learning and learning styles are visual-learn more by seeing maps, models, reading and visualising, auditory-learn by listening others from interviews, speeches, kinaesthetic-practically, touching and doing like drawing pictures, manipulate formulas.

2.2.2 IDENTIFING LEARNING STYLE: The methods to identifying learning style are tests, questionnaires, interview, review the documents, observation, critical incident , focus groups, learner centred analysis, consensus techniques, assessment centres , performance appraisal ,global analysis etc.

2.2.3 IMPORTANCE: Importance of identifying learning style is given below:

It increases the scope of self pacing of a learner.

The learner gets proper opportunity for self-assessment to doing work and organisation knows potential of doing work of his employee.

Learner gets opportunity for self-assessment to generate a detailed picture of a person where he or she is placed now in job and career and where he or she wants to go.

Learner got facility for feedback-information to do something and reinforcement-support and strength.

Learner’s knowledge, skills, or attitudes are examined.

Learners in focus group conclusions shared and agreed with each other’s.

In global analysis goals are identified, analysed.

2.3 How you can monitor the effectiveness of your own learning style?

2.3.1 LEARNING STYLE: Learning style mean how a person can learn and learn effectively by doing, by discussions etc. Individuals are unique and have different learning styles. Types of learners are activists, reflectors, theorists, pragmatists. We can judge the effective ness of own learning style by following way;

2.3.2 QUESTIONARIES AND SURVEYS: Interviews are involved in this type of method.

2.3.3 TESTS: To check ability of a person in writing, reading, knowledge tests are taken. These are auditory, visual, oral depend on the need to check.

2.3.4 INTERVIEWS: To get clear objectives interviews are taken and mostly when you are qualify for a job but now in these days when you are going for admission in school or college first you have to go through interviews. These are formal and informal, face to face, by telephone, video conferencing.

2.3.5 OBSERVATIONS: Mentors and counsellors are the person who can observe a person in situation to know the effectiveness of a person in different situations like in teacher training mentor observes that how he or she handle students in class.

2.3.6 LEANER CENTERED ANALYSIS: This is self-examination with or without an examiner you can examine yourself and others.

2.3.7 CONSENSUS TECHNIQUES: This test is depending upon discussion, consensus survey and Delphi method.

2.3.8 ASSESSMENT CENTRES: High level of skills are checked in assessment centres like IQ level tests, psychometric testing.

2.3.9 PERFORMANCE TESTS: There are many varieties of self performance appraisal, appraiser must be skilled.

Every learning style has its own importance and we have to overcome over weakness adopting these all beneficial learning styles. This is necessary because sometimes you cannot learn without practice for example in driving and sometimes you cannot learn without seeing for example you cannot differentiate a dog or cat without see.

3.1 TASK -3

What is the purpose of personal development plan?

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (PDP): Personal development plan means a plan which includes your personal needs like help in develop your career and measure your progress “Edwin B flippo (1984)”. In my words PDP is a right way to clear all obstacles you can get your career or ladder for success.

PURPOSE OF PDP: PDP is an important part of a professional because it is the planning of future and development of career. It helps to get determine where you want to go and from which way you can get more success “Edwin B flippo (1984)”. There are some areas where you can learn more with the help of PDP are given below;

To achieve leadership skills: leadership skills like planning, initiating, creating a vision, develop plans and strategies etc are leadership skills and PDP helps to a person to improve it. Leadership styles are may be autocratic, laissez – faire manager, democratic “Edwin B flippo (1984)”.

To develop manager traits: PDP helps in development of manager traits like find harmony in living with society, company, and family expectations like how he or she can moderate personal attachments with others.

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Use of time: PDP helps in managing your time in an effective way like you can improve your skills like communication skill speaking, analysing skill writing etc “Edwin B flippo (1984)”.

To improve professional traits: PDP helps in improving and developing professional development for example you are a teacher but you do not how to use overhead projector, 3-D aids etc.

To choose right career: PDP is a way to choose right career is suitable to your skills and personality.

To improve personality: PDP is used to improve a personality of a person for example you are a teacher you are qualified for this profession but you cannot communicate more so you can improve your communication skills.

To achieve goals: PDP is used to achieve a specific goal and aim in life. It is like a cornerstone for a person to start their work.

Produce your own detailed personal development plan for next year. This will contain: a skills audit; identification of those skills to be developed; a plan showing the resources needed for development over a time scale.

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: There are three stages of PDP based on personal assessment and SWOT analysis “Edwin B flippo (1984)”. These are given below;

• CURRENT SITUATION: It includes SWOT analysis;

STRENGTHS- I am good in writing and can learn more from listen to others.

WEAKNESS -My spoken communication is not good, trust to any person without knowing him or her. |

OPPORTUNITIES- Get admission in college first stage of MBA from E-Thames college

THERATS – These subjects are unknown to me and weak in information technology.

WHERE I WANT TO GO: I want success in my life but I cannot share my personal and professional things with others and first stage of success is get MBA degree to be a good professional.

CASE STUDY SYSTEM – This case system development is a training method that entails in offering the beginners with a state of affairs, putting them in the part of a judgement finding results maker facing a problematic situation “Hammond 1976”.

STRATEGY FOR FUTURE: My PDP for next year is given below;

Short term; complete first semester’s assignments on 23th of July and submit them.

Medium term; I have to fight with my weaknesses and threats .I will get more information related to my subjects through internet and reading books ,more practice on my speaking skill , get more information about information technology that is more important in these days and we can say that we are nothing without this.

Long term; Get success, Keep distance from unknown personalities, do not share plans with others, do hard work to complete my study. .


I need guidance in personal and professional development which I can get from a mentor.

I need books to increase knowledge about subjects and I can get from library, market etc.

I will get more information about IT from my friends, teachers.


Advanced professional development mean to enable learners to take responsibility for development of personal and professional skills. Learners should demonstrate themselves with the help of PDP, CPD and SWOT analysis.

You can evaluate your learning style which is more helpful in your career path. Learning styles are visual, auditory etc. and learner can use all according to their need to improve personality. In advanced professional development mentor has a main place in personal and professional development. Advanced professional development highlights the importance of seeking feed back from others to improve performance.


Buchanan David (1997) organisational behaviour third edition [bath press colour books]

Course material of DMS of RDI (2008)

Dessler Gary (2003) Human resource development 8th edition [printed in India by Replika press]

EDWIN B FLIPPO (1984) Personal management 6th edition[02.04..8]

Persaud, P (2005) The motivated mind, English [Bentan Press]

“Time Management Software – Email Management Software – Trog Bar”. Features of the Trog Bar. Retrieved October 3, 2007.


[1] Course material of DMS by RDI

[2] course material of DMS by RDI

[3] Personal management , Edwin B Flippo




[7] Course material of DMS

[8] Human resource management by GARY DESSLER


[10] The motivated mind , Persaud

[11] Edwin B flippo (1984) Personal management

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