Project management is a structured approach to planning and controlling projects


Wood Ltd is a company organizes special events. The event the company organizes includes: car manufactures, large retailing chains, sport goods manufactures and a national chain of healthy clubs besides the company provides service city location. Now the company has one manager, three assistant managers, eights event managers, two administration staff, and a numbers of special event employees. The contract organizes a pop concert and the project is flexibility I give a assumption:

The project organizes January 26th, 20011 and budget: $100,000.

The project was agreed stakeholder and has a legal procedure

The weather has not weather, snow-storm and terrorization

I am a consultant to manage. I need to give advice and ways solve the problems. Project management is a methodical approach to planning and guiding project processes from start to finish ( searchcio-midmarket.techtarget,accessed 2010).Project life cycle is methods that help management can evaluate time to complete projecting, cost. Burke defines the project life cycle “a four phase life that passes through four phase headings: concept and initiation phase, design and development phase, implementation or construction phase, and commission and handover phase”

The first concept or initiation phase needs define project objectives, problem statement, project scope, evaluate the feasibility with purpose achieve goals and objective of concert

Problem statement: Woods Ltd organizes special events. This is the first time the company organizes the concert so the company needs to successfully manage this project. Besides, we need complete all everything on time and fit budget

Project objective: the manager needs to determine specific about objective. Based on objective the company determine resources such as time, cost that purpose to achieve objective. The company gives objective: The first, organize concert 20pm 26 January 201, budget: $100,000. A and the place is Bolling Art centre. The second, successfully manage concert.

Project scope: “The project scope is the definition of what the project is supposed to accomplish and the budget (of time and money) that has been created to achieve these objectives” (management.about, accessed 2011).The project scope includes: The event limits on time and cost.

The event needs to organize January 26 in 2011 with budget: $100, 000

Attack 1000 customers

Control risk

Calculate cost

Evaluate the feasibility.

When considered about feasibility in the project, we consider project objectives, project scope, problem statement, we need to ensure that stakeholders accept project. ‘Stakeholders are any persons (or groups) who have an interest in the project, are affected by it or who can influence its outcome. (Field and Keller p. 246).

Stakeholder includes customers, project team, senior management, supplier, sub-contractor, regulatory authorizes lobby groups and individual citizens. Role stakeholder influence the project such as champion: The chief promoters of the project that influence motivate employee and quality work. Sponsor “the person who ensures that the project is successful at the company level” (Field and Keller). Stakeholder influences successful the project. Customer and client influence successful in the project such as: imagine, quality project. As the project management it is the most important that I understand role stakeholder who can against this project the proposed stage and provide budget in the project. Besides we give assumptions so the project are feasibility

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The second, design or development phase: Design the service or product, develops in the schedule and plans for implementing the project (University of Sunderland Manual pg 21). The stage includes work breakdown structure, project scheduling, resource planning, project costing and financing, project team, project leadership, project risk management.


“In project management, a milestone is a synchronization point. Major milestones mark the transition of a project from one phase to another” (whatis.techtarget, accessed 2010). In the project milestone include: prepare plan, attacks 1000 customers, control risk and suitable budget

Work breakdown structure.

“A work breakdown structure (WBS) in project management and systems engineering, is a tool used to define and group a project’s discrete work packages in a way that helps organize and define the total work scope of the project.”(,accessed 2010)

WBS helps the manager be able to easy plan, monitoring, schedule and calculate cost each activity.

Resource scheduling:

With objective organize the pop concert successful. Organize January 26in2011 with budget: $100,000. The company wants to achieve objective. We need to achieve: Attack 1000 customers, control risk, and calculate cost. Grant chart helps to see activities and duration needs to complete activities such as attack 1000 customers: marketing mix and advertising. Marketing mix includes people, promotion, product, and place. Advertising includes method website, in the internet, newspapers, and other methods. Besides grant chart shows relationship activity and time.  

Grant chart is tools C:Documents and SettingsdungDesktopUn1222121212.png

Resource planning

Resource planning helps the concert that established resources necessary which achieve objective. Such as types of labor is necessary the concert such as: one manager, three assistance manager, eight events manager, two administration staff besides the company will rent technical employee. Equipments need concert: light, sound recording system, computer so on, technology


Resource planning has two resources: external and internal. Internal resource includes human, finance, equipment so on which cheaper and easily control and monitor.

External resource includes resource outside such as supplier, technological. Use of external is usely costly and difficult to control

Project budget

The overall project budget is the sum of all the bottom-up costs associated with project activities plus any project level expenses for team acquisitions, overheads or other indirect costs allocated to the project (Project Management Tool Kit by Tom Kendrick). For Woods Ltd this cost of activities was calculated bottom -up approach and provisions sums each work packages events. Besides cost will allocate in the event that has risk and derived expenses

(Detail in appendix A )

Project team

Woods company needs to successful concert besides the elements such as: design stage, knowledge marketing so on. The company applies technology and many skills with purpose objective therefore skills team work and project team are the most important. “Group and team is major feature of organization life… An understanding of the nature of groups is vital if the manager is to influence the behavior of people in the work situation. The management is aware of the impact of groups and teams, and their effects on organizational performance” (Mullins, 2005, p517).


Besides this is the first time the company set up concert so the member lack of skills and experience. The leader needs to select member. I think the team should consider the following the element: team size, overall team composition, team member selection, team member recruitment process. Team size is a team 5-12 member. A team of 5-7members is the best (, assessed 2009). The company can divide B team. A team response marketing and prepare plan (two assistant manager and five even manager) and team B response control and budget (one assistant manager and five event manager)

Then we select structure teams. According to Field and Keller (1998) have four common types project team the functional team, project(singer) team, Matrix team and contract team. We can see advantage and disadvantage each type of project team.

Field and Keller (1998)

Woods company organizes specially events. This is the first time the company set up the concert so the company lacks of experience skills. On the other hand, member team created from various parts of the company. The team will be created when the company have event, especially objective. The team will exist for the duration of the project. Matrix team permit efficient exchange information such as assistant come from marketing, finance, human resource and eight event manager which created various part of company. People from different department, they will share information and knowledge that achieve objective.

Matrix structure is the most flexible matrix team can use efficient resource therefore matrix team is the most suitable .Besides the company needs to build team

According to TucKman identified four stages in group development: forming, norming, storming, performing Tuckman (1965)

Forming is the first stage building team that is the most important because a member will cautiously test boundaries, try to find out about the aim and norm of the group”( University of Sunderland Manual p.96). In the stage, the manager needs to give clear objects share information, and discuss an objective a concert

Storming: in the stage members give different ideas so have a conflict between members of the team

Norming: after stage storming, the member accepted ideas and discuss new ideas so conflict reduce between members. In the stage, the manager should allocate power members, task.

Performing: in the stage role of the member establish in the team, and they know the objective that will try to achieve objective. The manager needs to control and motivate the member in the team.

Project leadership

The company organize an event the work needs creative so role leadership is the most important that influence time, cost in the project. There are three styles of leadership autocratic, democratic, laissez-FireWire style (Mullins, p 291).  The first, the autocratic style is where the focus of power of a manager. Role of leadership is the most important because all decisions by leader and control tasks. The second, the democratic style is where the focus of power is more with the group as a whole and there is the greater interaction within the group (Mullins p291). When the leadership gave decisions, all members in the group can give ideas, and the leader considers ideas, and discussion. Lastly, laissez -faire (genuine) style is where the manager observes that member of the group working well on their own (Mullins p291).  The leadership gives the problems to the group and discusses the problems. Based on the characteristic type of leadership and the problems of the company the company organizes the concert so the company needs leadership    to motive members in the group achieves the objective. On the other hand, the company needs to apply technology and methods advertising besides the employee lack of experience and skills.On other hands, the leadership use theory motivates employment: Maslow’shierarchy of need that motivation employee achieves objective (detail appendix B )

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Implementation phase

Project control: during execution of the project control and monitoring that is necessary tools that help the manager control schedule, progress exporting. The function of monitoring provides to update information project such as: progress report, most the problems during executing the plan with stakeholders and give a ways control and monitoring project.

 Control the schedule is the most important which influences the time complete the project. Grant chart is tooling that help the manager can know time of activities, control and monitoring of the project. In the grant chart, duration needs to complete execution of rent theatre and contract with singers and supplies are two days. Time complete design stage is two days and correct the problem before the concert begins

Progress reporting is document that the manager needs to repair regularly. In duration executes project, the manager prepares 2days or 1 weeks/ reports to communication and evaluate project besides project teams need to progress report the problems.

Real report of the project use measured against time completes the activities and cost.

If activity in the project does not complete on time, the manager will need to determine activity has to influence the project or not. Besides if active is behind time, the manager will need action that catches up lost time

Commission phase

The purpose of project closure is to ensure that all the payment have been and finance reconciled, project documentation complete and final project reports completed.(course book)

Closing stage is to confirm all that work done and customer acceptance besides stakeholder acceptance project. On other hands, the manager will repair report include cost, the problems so on. Besides the manager needs to evaluate the problems and solve the problems such as: training employee, build team


Wood Ltd special events so each event has the requirement that is different. So each event the company can give various methods such as approach project life cycle, critical chain project management, and event change methodology so on. Besides then the company organized event, which needed to evaluate the elements created successful and improve mistakes. On other hands, the company needed to training employment and control project. In the future, the company will open services, and advertising imagine of the company.

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