Project Proposal of Fund Raising Event


Project Proposal

I have chosen to coordinate our companies first fund raising project to raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The hospital provides cutting edge research, and treatment for children with cancer without parents having to pay for the care. Our company will hold a public car wash within our community, and donate all proceeds to the St. Jude charity. The car wash will be held over a two day period. There will be a $5 minimum donation per vehicle washed. The event will be held at our company’s satellite office, which is ideally located on a high traffic street within the city.

Project Goals & Objectives

Three goals of our project:

  • The first goal is to raise money for a worthy cause
  • To provide our employees with charitable opportunities
  • To raise awareness within our community of both our company, and St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital

Three objectives of our project:

  • Earn more than $1000 for St. Jude Children’s Hospital
  • Increase public awareness of the charity, and our company
  • The project must be completed within a two day period

Customer & Stakeholders

Our key customer will be individuals within our community that we will be providing this service for.  For a small donation we are asking the public to trust us with the care of their vehicles, which will require our employees treat their personal property with care. Those stakeholders who have a vested interest in our project are the employees staffing the event, our company itself, and of course the charity that will receive the proceeds.

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Project Milestones

Throughout the project there will be several key milestones, and during the planning phase additional milestones may be added.  The first key milestone is the approval of the fund raising event from our upper management.  Another milestone will include the confirmation of employees that will provide accurate staffing for the two day fund raiser.  Furthermore, reaching our goal of raising at least $1000 will be a significant milestone for our project.  Finally, providing the charity with the proceeds from our project will signify our completion of our final milestone.


Upon corporate approval for the event, the planning phase will begin three weeks prior to fundraiser.  During this phase will be allotted five business days to identify staff for the event, dates for the event, and arrange the necessary funds to conduct the fundraiser.  The next phase will begin the promotion phase of the project, and will be conducted until the following Friday.  During this phase flyers will be created, and notifications will be sent out through our company’s social outlets.  In week three we will initiate our implementation phase.  Leading up to that weekends fundraiser we will purchase the necessary supplies for the event, review weather forecasting, and confirm attendance with employee volunteers.  After the fundraising event we will begin the closure phase of the project.  This will include notifying the charity of the funds to be donated, and providing corporate feedback on the successful completion of our company’s first fundraising event.

Overall Cost

The project’s estimated overall cost is $150.  This estimated cost will cover the soap for washing cars, sponges, generic drying towels, flyers for advertising, and food/drinks for staff.  The necessary hoses, and buckets will be provided by the office cleaning crew.  Staff, and customers will have access to the buildings restrooms as needed.

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Greatest Challenge

The greatest challenge our fund raising event will face is inclement weather.  The weather is not influenced by well-meaning intentions, and will require some level of flexibility with this type of fund raising event.  In the event of temporary inclement weather, the buildings parking spaces with overhead cover will provide a dry area to continue operations.  This area will also be utilized for shade as for staff, and customers as needed throughout the event.  Alternate weekends will be planned as back-up dates if the event days needed to be adjusted due to significant weather changes.

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