Proposal For Recruitment And Training Of HR Personnel Business Essay

The basic concept of HRM is to attract and retain the right person at right place in right time with right remuneration. In HRM should appoint the skillful employ at the right ,appropriate ,correct place where HR express his capabilities ,because if we place sensitive people at spinning production then he will face so many problems. For organization, it is compulsory to that the company treat the employee as an asset of the company. A simple human transform as a asset by selection of right person for right place & trained him and provide adequate career development opportunity. In organization a major issues is the wages and salary with time (promotional), so HR took care about that and make structure in such way that it satisfies both ie worker(employees) and management .HR play just like a bridge between management and employees, somebody termed this jobs as a thanks les job.

The organization had gone through a tough phase, but now organization want to capture the global market, so they are thinking on overall improvement. Many issues such as better productivity and production, infrastructure up gradation, social compliance, and labor problems, coordination, customer relationship are still grappling the industry and efforts at small levels towards the betterment of the existing scenario are on However, amidst realization and solutions to all these problems, one necessary aspect – human resource management ,which includes the human resource development – that can definitely help the organization go a long way, has been left out.

Goal of HRM:

The goals of HR in contemporary organizations are:

Enhancing productivity and quality

Promoting Individual growth and development

Facilitating organizational effectiveness

Complying with legal and social obligations

HRM Functions:

HRM functions include that organization follows are:


Training and development




The main objective of staffing function is to locate and secure capable employee. HR department hire employees and labor according to the law. HR department hire employee or labor at minimum age for hiring requirement is 18 year. In organizations, HR managers hire master degree holders as on 4 or 5 year experience as HR Assistant. Extremely organizations hire employees through internal recruiting sources. In case, when organization use external recruiting sources than they basically prefer near living person so that organization can reduce transport and home living expenses (Durai, 2010).

Training and development:


HR department provide train each newly person. Organization manages one month training expenses. In this training month, 20 days newly hire employees attend training session and other 10 days, employee work with seniors.


Development is related to the future planning. On high level like operation manager’s development programs are organized a organization so that organization can meet its objective easily.


So motivation prospective, organization organized dinner for supervisor and as well as for labor and some organization use reward, benefit, and bones strategies so that employee can be motivated. Employee motivation can be a cause of high productivity and profitability of the organization.


For maintenance of employee main objective is to make employee loyal and commitment with the organization. Some time, HR department provide a maintenance succession to the employees and labors. In the succession, HR department can be aware to their employees about fire safety etc thing that can may cause of organization failure.

HR responsibilities and activities:

HRM Department responsibilities and activities are:

Fulfill the requirements for those individuals who will work to hold and to further company mission, vision, and values and works to bring such individuals to the areas where needed.

Create and implement an orientation program so that eases the adaptation of new employees to their jobs and to the company.

Training program for new employee are totally of one month in which 20 days, we arrange training session and other 10 days, we train our labor/employees through working on job.

Conduct total personnel/employee procedures.

Organize motivational activities and events for employees/labor so that we organize dinner for supervisors and employees.

Schedule of events

We are meeting up at 10.30am 

We can get to DG/126- for 12.30 as it should be free.

Candidates are to go to DG/126 at 1pm



In Room DG/126 Silviya, Faisal, and Aya will be conducting the Emotional inelegance test and In tray exercise.


whilst this is going on, In room DG/127 Steph, Jo, Rahman and Muhammad will set up and run the group discussion.


for the interviews:


Steph and Rahman are in DG/127

Silviya and Faisal are in DG/126

Aya and Muhammad are in DG/103


once the interviews are over tell the candidates to go to room DG/126 till decision is made.

The deciding room is DG/127.


With any luck it should run like clockwork though I will be keeping an eye on time so we do not over run

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Job advertisement

HR Officer

Employer: Wyessjay

Reference: 2BM/070

Location: York, North Yorkshire

Job Role: HR Officer

Responsible to: HR Manager

Reports to job holder: None

Job Type: Permanent

Hours: Full-time

Salary: £16,500-£19,000 (plus benefits)

Our client is a successful enterprise support outskirts in the York. They are growing their organization to maintain their goodwill in the local economy. Furthermore, they are trying to expend their business through training and recruitment ways they are providing training to a new HR officer for maintain to HR management. The current position is an excellent chance for anybody with limited experience, knowledge and skills within Human Resources as job training will be provided.

The successful applicant will be an extremely motivated and skilled person with a real attention in working with people. You will power to have outstanding Communication ability, skill or talent to negotiate and influence in an optimistic way. Furthermore, you will need to be a strong team player having an ability to work individually. A good understanding of M S office is essential.

Even as our clients are flexible about level of understanding, they would ideally like someone degree capable with minimum 2:1 or comparable, In return, we are contribution the successful candidate the opportunity to get good HR experience in a secure, fast moving organization where internal advertising and employee progress is highly surrounded in our society. If you are satisfied or have an ability to work with us so you can send us your C.V our email address is [email protected]

Contribution HRM To Organization:

1. Helping the organization to search its goal.

2. Employing the skills and the activities of the workforce efficiently.

3. Providing the organization with well trained and well motivated employee.

4. Increasing to the fullest the employee’s job satisfaction.

5. Developing and maintaining quality of work life

6. Communication.

7. Helping to other department and function

It is the action oriented, individual oriented, globally oriented and future oriented. It focuses on satisfying the needs of individual at work.


Here in the hierarchy, HR manager is working on the top level, under this assistant manager vigilance officer are working. And further many people are working

Person Specification

Job Title: HR Officer

Department: HR Department

The person specification includes the knowledge, experience (including qualifications) and skills required to undertake the role effectively:


The postholder must be able to demonstrate the following:





Measured by:



(T) Test


3 A-levels or equivalent



Degree (preferably with some HR experience)



CIPD qualification (or studying towards)



Knowledge & Experience

Good understanding of IT systems including Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and Access)



Experience of handling data


A, I

Experience of working as part of a team


A, I

Experience of dealing with a difficult or sensitive situation



Experience of working to deadlines




Highly developed communication skills (written and verbal)



A genuine interest in working with people and developing a career in Human Resources



Good interpersonal skills and an ability to deal with people at all levels



An ability to negotiate and influence others



Excellent organisational skills and an ability to prioritise tasks in an efficient manner


I, T

Good problem solving skills


I, T

An ability to act in a confidential and sensitive manner



Willingness to work flexibly or as part of a team



Special Features

Some travel may be necessary


A, I

Job Description

Job Role: HR Officer

Reference: 2BM/070

Department: HR Department

Hours: 39 hpw

Responsible to: HR Manager

Reports to Job Holder: None

Job Purpose

Provide support to the HR Manager in the development and implementation of policies and procedures relating to employees.

Job description/job specification

This should detail the purpose, tasks and responsibilities of the job. A good job description should include:

main purpose of the job – try to describe this in one sentence

main tasks of the job – use active verbs, like ‘writing’, ‘repairing’, ‘machining’, ‘calculating’, instead of vaguer terms like ‘dealing with’, ‘in charge of’

scope of the job – expanding on the main tasks and the importance of the job. Job importance can be indicated by giving information such as the number of people to be supervised, the degree of precision required and the value of any materials and equipment used.

A good job description is useful for all jobs. It can help with induction and training. It provides the basis for drawing up a person specification – a profile of the skills and aptitudes considered essential and desirable in the job-holder. It enables prospective applicants to assess themselves for the job and provides a benchmark for judging achievements.

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Duties and Responsibilities

As a human resources (HR) officer must have a patent understanding of your organization’s business objectives and be able to plan and realize policies which choose, expand and maintain the right staff desired to meet these objectives. The correct environment of the work behavior varies according to the organization, but is likely to embrace:

working strictly with department, increasingly in a consultancy role, assisting line managers to realize and implement policies and measures;

promoting fairness and variety as part of the civilization of the organization;

liaise with a broad range of organizations caught up in areas such as race relations, disability, gender, age, religion and health and safety;

recruiting staff – this include increasing job descriptions, preparing advertisements, inspection submission forms, short listing, interviewing and selecting candidates;

emergent policies on issues such as operational situation, performance management, equal opportunities, corrective events and absence management;

advising on pay and other compensation issues, with advertising and settlement;

undertaking regular wage reviews;

administering payroll and maintaining records involving to staff;

interpreting and advising on service legislation;

listening to grievance and implement corrective events;

rising HR planning strategies with line managers, which believe direct and long-term staff necessities in conditions of numbers and skill levels;

preparation and sometimes delivering training, with inductions for new staff;

Analyzing preparation needs in combination with departmental managers.

primary point of contact for all HR associated actions given that maintain to employees of all level

Ensuring all HR minutes are maintained in agreement with present legislation

secondary the HR Manager with negotiation, corrective hearings and grievance events

Assisting departments with their recruitment needs

conduct inductions of new team

Participating in the preparation and development of new and accessible staff

Health & Safety

Under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, even as at job, members of organization must take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of any other person who may be affected by their acts or omissions.


Assessment Center – is a tool used for the chosing of employees.

Development Center – is an investigation of the presently employed staff’s potential.

Possibilities and benefits of its usage:

highest accuracy in job placement

diagnosing of management potential

improvment of weak/soft competences and skills

creation of appropriate training programs

high participant interest with the method

The method provides the maximum objectivity, due to the usage of various evaluation methods with many criteria and by a number of people.

Example of the criteria being taken into consideration:

orientation on quality and preciseness

organization and planning of the work

result orientation


problem solving

decision making

team construction / leadership

management maturity

effective communication

emotional maturity

client orientation

analytical / synthesizing abilities

Every competence can be defined through 5-6 positive behaviors which can be identified by at least two methods.

There are two possible ways to work on competences:

Redefining and giving new descriptions as the result of our client’s expectations of the candidates and the aims determined by a firm.

The application of our definitions of competence.

Recruitment methods


An interview is a dialogue between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to find information from the interviewee


Interviewer has a chance to ask some incisive questions about the candidate’s personal knowledge and can match his or her skills with the situation.

It helps the interviewer to explain the profession, responsibilities and the details of organization.

It enables the applicant to ask everything about the profession and other issues such as training, career prospects, terms and conditions of the agreement.

It creates a face to face run into to take and with the help of this the interviewer can evaluate the applicant and his abilities and how it would fit into the organization.

It provides chance to the applicant to evaluate the organization, interviewer and job.


at times it creates lack of strength and lack of reliability (in sense of measure the something of different applicants).

It depends on the abilities and skills of the interviewer but it seems to be that most of the interviewers are terrible in interview skills but they believe themselves good.

Sometimes it cannot help the interviewer to assess the capabilities of the applicant.

Interviewer can make a unfair and one-sided judgment.

It may be possible that a selected candidate is not perfect and he or she selected by the interviewer on the basis of good communication skills which are not at all.

Group Discussion

Group Discussion is organism lengthily used along with individual interviews for the finishing selection of applicants. It acts a major role in selecting the best among the greatest. Having scored high marks, It becomes required to conduct further selection for choosing a few amongst several. It is here, the Group Discussion plays an significant part. It helps in choosing the generally suitable applicant among the academically superior achievers. It is one of the best equipment to study the behavioural and attitudinal responses of the participants.

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Grouped discussion is based on more and genuine information; as a outcome it can generate diversity of views.

Group discussion also increases the satisfactoriness of a explanation and it is more satisfied.

Group discussion is always egalitarian because it gives chance to everyone to explain his or her attitude.

It also provides an ability to listen someone else’s view.

It helps the participants to clarify the trouble by using related approaches.

It provides assistance to judge and assess the knowledge and skills of applicant.


It cause the clash between applicants.

Sometime it creates incorrect judgment because of the communication skills, may be a rejected applicant is not a good communicator but he is a good employee.

Sometimes it becomes hard to judge the applicant because it’s too piercing and unstructured.

`Emotional Intelligence test:

“The capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships” (Goleman, D.(ND) Pg 6)


It is believe as an effective method of selection.

Ii is time saving because it is clear in front of your eyes.

It helps the employer to make judgment on the basis of equality.

It also decreases the negative thoughts about interviewer’s monopoly.

It brings the reliability of both, candidates and employer.


It is time consuming because it is a lengthy process.

Sometime questions are irrelevant because of repetition.

It can cause wrong judgment.

It takes more time than other methods because the result is interpreted


I have analyzed that HR Manager play important roles in industry. They are influential and powerful because their activities and contributions are relevant to all aspects of the organization. Their main goal is to maximize the organization’s potential through its human resources. Without the activities, that they supervise, companies could not function successfully or fulfill their goals. These activities involve staffing, training and development, compensation and labor relations, to name a few.

All organizations are involved in some sort of strategic planning. However, human resource professionals historically have not been viewed as players in this arena. Perhaps this is because of their previous role as personnel administrators, responsible for implementing operational decisions made by executives and other line managers.

After this I also know that Human resources departments are better organized, more forceful about the critical role that they play and building their own track record as planners. As such, various HR roles can be classified under the strategic process. These include: consultant, assessor, diagnostician, innovator, change agent, catalyst, and business partner and cost manager.

HR department is the main part of the organization if HR department taking good action, making effective plan than we think, organization can be built our reputation.



Main point highlight in the advertisement.

Potential candidate discover with the help of effective advertisement and mansion what kind of candidate you have needed.

Attract the qualified applicants

Encourage the unqualified applicants to self-select themselves out.


Selection procedures are always in accordance with the demands of the offered positions concerning the level of knowledge, skills, talents and competences, as well as the specificity of the given firm.

Deep analysis of candidate’s documents.

Structural interview directed on the appropriate position.

Psychological tests – if requested by client (performed by a psychologist in order to provide a psychological profile to determine if the candidate is suitable for a given position)

Check of the references.

Check of the candidate’s professional and linguistic competence by a specialist in the given field.

Time Standards:

One job position: five working days maximum

Two job positions: eight working days maximum


Durai, P., 2010, Human Resource Management, India, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Torrington, D. Hall, L. Taylor, S., 2005, Human resource management, (England) Pearson Education.

McCourt, W. Eldridge, D., 2003, Global human resource management, (England) Edward Elgar Publishing.

MATHIS, R. JACKSON, J., 2003, Human Resource Management, 12th ed (USA) Thomson Corporation.

Armstrong, M. Baron, A., 2002, Strategic HRM, (London, England) CIPD House

Armstrong, M., 2009, Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice. 11th Ed. (London, England)

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