Qatar Airways Steps To Sustainability Environmental Sciences Essay

Qatar Airways established in 1993 and started its operation in 20/01/1994. They have been awarded the world’s 5-star airline by SkyTrax. With numerous awards that have been awarded to them, they commit to give the best quality service to passenger both on air and ground. Qatar is one of the fastest growing airlines with more than 90 groups of aircraft to 100 destinations from Doha.

Mission, Vision, goal:

The company’s mission, vision and goal: “Excellence in everything we do”. To be the world’s leading global carrier in the service industries and hospitality. Their goal is to be one of the world’s top high-ranking airlines in the world.

A well written mission, gradually introduce the sense of direction towards the achievement of the company’s to the staff and stakeholders. The corporate mission should clearly define the company’s strategic aims. The market will have the influences on the corporate mission such as: an organization should adapt to both of its internal and the opportunities and threats in its external characteristics. The mission stated by Qatar Airways which focus on the company’s competencies that generate value for its customers and stakeholders and have competitive advantage to provide synergy across its services or products.

Aviation industries are subjected to harm the environment by the emissions of poisonous fumes such as carbon produced by the fuel to generate the airplane engine. Airplane uses specialized fuel to fly the plane. It is often contains additives to minimize the hazard conditions to suit weather, temperature (example: Snow) and to withstand pressure from explosion.

Flight Statistics: Based on Year 2009

This statistics shows the summary of total aircraft, both commercial and cargo carriers. We will then find out the approximate amount of carbon emitted from these carriers.

Carbon Emissions from transport: Land, Air, Sea (2007-2008)

An estimation of 3.4 % of the global liquid consumption is used by commercial aviation. This industry consumes 3.0 million barrels of jet fuel every day. With the increase of new aircrafts of 21,400 units, fuel consumption will increase drastically, not considering a future fleet of 27, 5720 passenger aircrafts and 4,280 freight aircrafts. It is imperative to use a cleaner fuel to curb down CO2 emissions.


Global Warming:

Climate change is a threat and should not be taken lightly. Businesses may be disrupted, due to climate change. Organizations should focus on possible threats and risks pertaining to the climate change such as: change in weather, fines and taxes from regulatory bodies and the stakeholders opinion will be affect the business flows. Companies should come up with well strategic plan that highlights threats and convert risks into potential business opportunity that will allow them to survive in the coming storm.

Bad Weather Ahead:

Businesses that cater to tourists faced major challenge and worries when occurrences of bad weather conditions like storms, hailstones could damage the aircraft and very risky to fly the plane. Company’s deals with air transport for both commercial and air freight are mostly affected. Their assets are dependent on the climate; they need to find ways to control the risks.

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Climate of Public Opinion:

Companies have to earn public trusts by announcing their intention on reducing the carbon emission that they produce. Companies that announcing publicly to go green will receive attractive dividends as the intensity and level of public interest increase to deal with the climate change. Shareholders need to focus and self-remind about the effects of the climate change will leave an impact to the business through various aspects such as: companies business strategies, assets values and investments. In order to have a long-term approach to manage the effects of the change of climate is to have the best representatives that have the extensive knowledge to represent the companies in creating advantages to the business.

Greenhouse Effects:

Explanations of Stakeholders: relating to CSR


QATAR: Alternative Fuels

Oryx Logo

Qatar uses sustainable biofuels that contains gas to liquids kerosene. Collaborations with Shell, Qatar Petroleum, Rolls Royce, Qatar Science and technology Park, Airbus and Woqod to provide cleaner fuel to reduce the impact on the earth. First airline implement the fuel efficiency program in 2007. Qatar find ways to minimize their aircraft routines such as: efficient flight routes, aircraft weight reduction, various procedures of landing and taking off etc… in order to reduce the consumption of fuels and carbons emitted.

Qatar will be able to meet the requirements of European Union Emissions Trading Scheme which focus on reducing carbon emissions. Qatar aims to provide sustainable place for the future generations.

‘Sustainable Aviation Users Group’ on developing sustainable fuel:

To be eligible for membership, group members must subscribe to sustainability criteria that stipulate the following:

Plant growth, harvesting, processing, and end-use which emit total lifecycle greenhouse gases should be minimized and controlled significantly as compared to jet fuels based from fossil fuels.

Development projects should include providing and improving the socio-economic conditions for small scale farmers who rely on agriculture for survivability of their families and themselves and that do not require the involuntary displacement of local populations.

The natural environment such as high conservation value areas and native eco-systems should be maintained and not be cleared and converted for jet fuel plant source development.

Video Presentation: Aviation & Environment Summit, 2010

(Click to see: Video attached)

Paul Steele, Executive Director of the Air Transport Action Group, presents aviation industries towards reducing carbon emissions. This presentation was held at Aviation & Environment Summit, 2010, in Geneva, Switzerland. In this video, it states the mission, vision and objectives of the aviation industries in terms of reducing the carbon emissions that the industries produce.

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There are several analyses that show their forecasts on achieving towards the sustainable fuels. In the 3rd Aviation summit, the presentation shows ways to commit to deal with the climate change. The current presentation on 2010 shows clear layout to reach the targeted goals. In the video it also includes carbon emissions statistics, what the industries targets the next 40 years and etc…

The global targets in 2010 to increase 1.5% of fuel efficiency per annum and to grow carbon neutral in 2050, for year 2020, to develop and grow the industries and 2050 the maximum target of 50% reduction of carbon emissions based on 2005.

Every role in the aviation industries, are very important and crucial as they should work towards reaching the goals in growing the carbon neutral in terms of developing technology and sustainable fuels.

Reasons to why organizations should go green:

One of the major reasons to why company’s going green is to promote responsibility and be a good citizen. This could gain the trusts of the regulatory bodies, communities and other internal and external stakeholders. Company’s main business activities that incorporated with the environment will tend to gain by increase in market shares. Caring for the environment will reduce and prevent pollution, focusing on the 3R – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle waste materials. By instilling ‘Go Green’ values in the company, it will help to attract potential customers with similar values which will lead in creating good community relationships and to raise the chances for business to grow. The major challenged that businesses faced in this 21st century: climate constantly change, pollution, depletion of natural resources, poverty and inequality.

Environmental Impacts and Values:

Environmental Impacts:

Organizations are emphasizing that they should go green and start caring for the earth. They chose to be greener as they truly understand the harm that they caused to the environment. Trying their very best to stop producing products that could actually harm the environment like: cancer-causing substances or pollute the natural habitats of the living things.

Environmental Values:

These groups of Organizations go green as they believed that they should not harm the environment and to protect the living things as they deserve the every rights to live and grow. The companies might also decide to stop their production from producing harmful products that might affect their employees, customers and the end users.

Government Regulations:

Government might come up with rule and regulations to stop organizations to further destroy the environment. Companies that go green will have the advantages of avoiding the penalties that might be imposed to those who against them. Increase in market share and profits could lead them towards a start on developing greener technology that might be fully sponsor or subsidize. Fines or lost in market share might be the result in not being part of it.

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Economic Opportunities and Disincentives:

Some Organizations go green because they wanted to portray a good image for their stakeholders and gain competitive advantage in promoting their new green products. Being green can also avoid the financial issues: fines, penalties that impose to the company.

Advantage/ Disadvantage:

There are several advantages to companies going green. For an example: those companies that focus on being green will benefits from the advantages given such as, they may be able to meet the demands of the consumer that are very particular on buying a product that is not harmful to the environment. Companies can gain reputations by being a brand image for producing green products and reduce their liability risks by using environmental friendly products during the production and be responsible towards the environment in their business practices. Companies will increase their chances for getting investments from financial institutions if they are one of the companies that are listed under “Socially responsible investing”. Stakeholders will be more interested in involving themselves in a company that are ethical in running their businesses.

Businesses that combined their environmental issues and business activities together tend to gain more market share, save their production costs through resource efficiency, prevent pollution, pay lower insurance premiums, and recycle and reuse waste materials. Retaining the staff similar values by having high workplace standards and engendering loyalty, maintaining a strong competitive edge, creating good community relations and can develop new business relationships with others that also go green like: suppliers, distributor , partnerships.

Companies that did not practices environmental issues to their business activities, they might lose out lists of advantages. Companies might lose their stakeholder’s trust and loyalty; ruin their own reputation, degrade the health of their own staff and also substantial amount for the penalties. Both the benefits of going green and bring harm to the environment have to observe the rules imposed respectively such as Positive incentives and negatives incentives.

Major Challenge to sustainability:




Developed Economies

Greenhouse gases

Use of toxic materials

Contaminated Sites

Scarcity of materials

Insufficient reuse and recycling

Urban and minority unemployment

Emerging Economies

Industrial Emissions

Contaminated Water

Lack of sewage treatment

Overexploitation of renewable resources

Overuse of water for irrigation and other purposes

Migration to cities

Lack of skilled workers

Income inequality

Survival Economies

Dung and wood burning

Lack of sanitation

Ecosystem destruction due to development



Soil loss

Population growth

Low status of women dislocation

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