Racism Themes In Two Novels English Literature Essay

In my ISU, the two books I have chosen is To Kill the Mocking Bird and The Kite Runner. After reading my two novels I noticed how people are still struggling to overcome racism in the world. In “To Kill the Mocking Bird” the racism is the main issue which brought up (to kill mocking). The plot of this novel is set up in 1940 by Harper Lee. As we read further and gradually we find out the good and bad times the people of living in that era, Its hypocrisy, its prejudices and cultural prejudice between the people of their own kind. As we look deeply in our other novel “The Kite Runner” talks about discrimination of race and religion. Although they are not friends but more likely to be brothers, who shares the same father. Racism was the common difference which arose between them. Racism is the intolerance of set of people based on color, religion, race and nationality of origin. Discrimination is also base on the development of personal characteristic. The expression of racism also indicates a blind and unreasonable hatred. In both novels, the writer highlights the theme of racism mutually keeping in the mentality the basic of brutality against each other (Racism). I think” Racism is the gravest treating to man, when maximum of hatred for a small mistake.”

Race is the always big issue from 10s to 21s century. A large source of racism come from one’s who pride his own race. There is nothing wrong to pride in our own race, but many people, especially those associated with racist groups, one necessary to strengthen their efforts to find put down other ethnic groups. Extreme hatred of other races and ethnic discrimination in the overall sense of thought and generally care results in this mode. The quotes from the novel The Kite Runner. “, I never thought of Hassan and me as friends either. Not in the usual sense anyhow. Because history is not easy to overcome, neither is religion. In the end, I was a Pashtun and he was a Hazara, I was Sunni and he was Shia and nothing was ever going to change that Nothing.” (pg25).in this quotes when Amir Father refers him to friend with Hassan. Amir replied to his father that I never thought that me and Hassan become a friend cause he was saying that history never tell them to become a good friend with other race just pride your race and put other races under shoes and give them respect like a useless paper and also I’m suni and Hassan is shia, I’m pashtun and he is hazara. How come we become a good friend when although our religion is changed, race is different, color is different and baba is nothing is really going to be changes in the history? Racial discrimination is also highlighted boldly in the second novel To Kill the Mocking Bird as well as quotes; the relationship between black people and white people greatly has been issue divided the nation. Race is the biggest problem to many people of America in white men and black men. In America black men are always have been victims in the war, crime, jail. They are always responsible for everything which thing went wrong in America. There are also good quotes from To Kill the Mocking Bird. “As you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don’t you forget it, whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash”. also in this quote Atticus was trying to say as you spend your life in America, you will see that white people always cheat with black peoples but it never count and even it doesn’t matter to anyone. But if black people cheated did small mistake. He will get big penalize for it. Even it’s forgivable but they will not forgive it because the majority in America is whites and they really over pride them self and over pride make them racism to say that “just they are good no one is good except them. There is the good quote from the movie called Crash, 2004. “We as a society have gotten so sensitively difficult that we have developed a rampant self-interest and idleness towards understanding others. It is easier to tag someone as a gang-banger, because it dehumanizes them” (crash 2004).by this quote the movie say that how it is easy for us to make someone racially discriminate to make ours self good or up, and the feeling of shameful someone who is not from same race as we are overwhelming, the concept of labeling of white person or a black person has been continued from an era where may not our father born even.

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Class status is the second most significance to brought up with racism and which had built up to make up much adults earth at same time, and also concerned children in the both novels critiquing the good confusion of the young man giving proof to fact that, that even though they were young they also had knew what was going around the world. As we know while many Americans made three classes in mind that includes rich, middle and lower people, this is because the difference in income, education and occupation are indeed so great for justify the application of social class model(social classes). In the novel To Kill the Mocking Bird, a girl whose name is Scout also knew the scene and also had an idea what is really going around her in the school and in her small village. Social discrimination was experienced in both of my novel, for example Aunt Alexandra refusing to become wife with Walter Cunningham because Walter Cunningham belongs to the lower family of white people. The white population in common the Cunningham’s’ are culturally prejudiced who leads the angry mob to the jail where Tom Robinson who was accused of raping a girl was kept before his trial (Its MoreMeets The Eye Then).after realizing that Cunningham was the one who helped his family and him, he try to call off the mob and also there social class inequality in the novel of The Kite Runner Hassan who is emotionally attached with Amir as a friend and considering him like brother. He put his life on the as life of Amir, wining the kites fight competition was not until Amir run for losing kite to show baba.In order Hassan do without thinking of putting his life about the consequences he has to face to redeem the kite for Amir, In that he had to face the mentally and physical abuse for redeem the kite, although he never let go his love about Amir and Baba.But though Amir also mistreated him for being hazara and low cast, Amir never think about that Hassan can be my friend, he is just using him like a servant or like a toy which play and then through it.

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This thing shows us that in the world still social class is going on which leads us to do racism, cause of social classes status in the world also leads us to grow up the poverty which is greatest suffering in the earth, this is because the inequality between rich and poor, which is lack of education and poor health, lack of over control resources, poverty and social inequality effects on maintenance of behavioral, emotional, psychiatric problems and also effect on mental and physical well being of individual and psychosocial stress, That’s why gap between rich and poor between poor people is widening day by day.( Poverty and social inequality) There are several obstruction, deflects and treat to health intrinsic in poverty. Just poor people who exposed to dangerous environment, who often have a stressful life, unrewarding and depersonalizing work, they face very difficulties, its seem they have misery of God, because they are not part of mainstream of society, which are insolated form support and information. it has been proved form from the long time that lowest income people groups people are more likely suffer negative of risky health, which lead them to choose one decision from two, one is suicide and another is evil to get dome money. Some take evil way to earn money, to live good health and also with happiness then they start abuses people, snatching mobiles and rob bank. (Poverty and social inequality).

In conclusion in think racism not only appeal the audience it can also affect on 21st century or our current time. But it should not be the way it is. The big amount of lack of education, human ignorance and the personal issues all lead to racism or racial discrimination, even though everyday more and more humans are being educated, more connections of life made day by day. It’s really hurt that still racism and racial discrimination are alive. Humans who are ignorant still roam around freely, still practicing the unkind act of racism. According to my opinion they should be punished for sin they committing, sins which are absolutely their performance and non-redeemable. Being racist and racial discrimination is not man’s job and also not an inherited. But the concept of racism is just created by us, which is going to destroy our future and our new generation. In my opinion all the humans being are same, be they black, white, yellow or brown but all of one breed, we all have same rights and same mind, there is just only one difference is that the way one think and judge other peoples. If people started erase the differences which are created by lack of education, injustice and ignorance. There are also good quotes from the movie Three Dog Nights. “the paper is white and the ink is black, together we learn how to write and read, A child is black or a child is white, the whole looks upon the sight, a beautiful sight, how come a child has concept of that, this is the law of the earth and land where they learn the concept, it all the land.”(Three Dog Nights, 1957).the quote describes the racist discriminations amongst the black people and white is still alive. It says now black and white must work together, like we can’t write any thing in white paper by white ink. We should use black ink to appear it. We also work together like that white paper and black ink. It says that new born child can’t learn racism by itself. They are just a beautiful sight, they just learn by land and by us.

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Work site

“Crash2004”. Dir, Paul Haggis. Perf. Sandra Bullock, Matt Dillon, Brendan Fraser. Lions Gate Entertainment, 2004. DVD

Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner. New York: Riverhead, 2003. Print.

Jawad, Rinch. It more meets the eyes then. Student Paper,14 May.2010.Print.

Lee, Harper, and Sally Darling. To Kill a Mocking Bird. Recorded, 1988. Print.

“Poverty, Social Inequality and Mental Health — Murali and Oyebode 10 (3): 216.”Advances in Psychiatric Treatment. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. 

“Racism Essays, Term Papers, Racism Research Paper.” Free Essays, Free Term Papers, Research Papers, Database of Cliff Notes, Book Reports for Free, College Papers, English Essays, Research Papers. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. 

“Social Class – New World Encyclopedia.” Info:Main Page – New World Encyclopedia. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. 

“Three Dog Night”. Seven Separate Fools. Dunhill, 1957.CD.Shah,Anup.Racism. 2010. Web.

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