Rbs staff grievance procedure


Grievance is a complaint held by a member of staff against the RBS as an employer, including a grievance against another member of staff acting on behalf of the RBS. The grievance procedure established by RBS does not apply to collective disputes neither it entertains disputes between members of staff in their private capacities. These procedures mean a ground for complaint against an action taken by another member of staff of the employer acting under the authority of management.

RBS Grievance procedures consist of several stages. Throughout all stages of the procedure, every attempt is made to settle the matter by conciliation and negotiations.


1. A member of staff when thinking of raising a grievance should try to resolve the matter by a direct approach to the person under the authority usually a Line Manager. www.worthingtonslaw.co.ukf


2. If the matter after informal discussion remains unresolved, the aggrieved he or she should request a personal hearing with their line manager.


3. Then the request shall be made in writing or should be lodged on a Internal Operational Complaint system and shall specify:

  1. the grounds for the grievance;
  2. Such other background information as may appear relevant and useful.

4. The line manager shall:

  1. If appropriate seek the advice of the Human Resources Department or should consult his supervisor or Manager.
  2. Should meet the aggrieved staff within five working days.
  3. Aggrieved staff and the line manager shall have a copy of the written request or the reference number for the lodged complain. (Marson: Business Law)
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5. Another member of the staff as a witness if required can accompany the aggrieved staff at the hearing with line manager.

6. Line manager should then write the report of the meeting or minutes of the meeting or hearing and send it to HR or in case if HR department is not involved or consulted for advice should keep it as a record.

Please note: In the case of a grievance against a line manager, this initial hearing shall be with the appropriate Head of Department.


7. If the matter still remains unresolved and is not in hands of line manager, the aggrieved staff then requests a meeting with the Head of Department. The copy of request shall be sent to Head of Department or the lodged complaint print as a request for meeting.

8. The Head of Department then arranges the meeting within ten working days of receiving the request.

9. He shall also then obtain a copy of the written report of the initial meeting or hearing with line manager and if any relevant papers or documentary proofs from the line manager.

10. One of the Human Resources department members should be present at the meeting with Head of Department to keep a written record of the hearing.

11. Even, while meeting the Head of the Department, another member of the staff as a witness (if needs) may accompany the aggrieved staff on his hearing with Department Head.

12. After the hearing, the Head of Department shall:

  1. write to the member of staff to record the outcome of the hearing;
  2. copy the letter to the line manager, Head of Human Resources and to the Vice Chancellor;
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Please Note: In the case of a grievance against the Head of Department the hearing shall be with a Pro Vice Chancellor.


13. If the aggrieved staff wishes to raise the grievance against the decision of the Head of Department she or he may appeal to the Vice Chancellor. But, the appeal should be made within five working days of receiving the letter from the Head of Department.

14. A full written statement of the grievance should be submit to the Vice chancellor; which shall be:

  • a comprehensive background and the facts of the grievance and the issue raised and should attach the relevant supporting documents and in case of the member of the staff witnessed, his or her statement and complete detail.

15. The Vice Chancellor then will copy the written statement and any supporting documents and send it to the member of staff against whom the grievance has been raised.

16. The member of staff will be given ten working days within which to submit written answer or justification against the issue rose, which will then be submitted to the aggrieved member of staff.

17. If the justification is not satisfactory enough or the aggrieved staff does not agree with then a meeting is held with ten days with Vice chancellor holds a hearing with both the member of staff, aggrieved and the one against whom the grievance is made.

18. The Vice Chancellor may delegate this stage of the procedure to the appropriate Pro Vice Chancellor. The conduct of the hearing shall be:

  1. Both the aggrieved member of staff and the member of staff against whom the grievance is made.
  2. if any facts are in dispute, either or both parties may nominate witnesses and they can accompany them in the hearing but they should be the member of the staff only.
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19. The decision of the Vice Chancellor will be the final say in the case and will be notified to the member of staff within five working days of the hearing.

Please note: If the grievance is against the Vice Chancellor personally the aggrieved member of staff may submit a written statement of grievance to the Chairman of the Board of Governors through the Secretary to the Board. The Chairman if decides after examining the statement can carry out investigation and if not then declines the request.


RBS follows these 4 stages as their grievance procedure and throughout all the stages, the people in authority i.e. Line Managers, Head of Department, HR, Vice Chancellor, Pro Vice Chancellor and Chairman of the Board tries their level best at their stages to resolve the grievance raised by the aggrieved staff.



Marson: Business Law http://www.oup.com/uk/orc/bin/9780199544455/resources/updates/statutory_dismissal.pdf

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