Reasons for and benefits of training and development

Executive Summary

Among the first elements in the company that gets the pressed budget of the company is training for employees who often end up on the cost cutting. Unfortunately, the trained employees and qualified employee are simply that an enterprise should stimulate growth and solve problems in the lean. Innovation, flexibility and dedication required to construct dynamic companies truly come well trained and supported staff. One of the best ways to encourage and support people in your staff is through the professional development and training opportunities. Sending employees to training, or bring opportunities in society, opportunities actually brings a company with new ideas and creative ways to solve old problems. Sometimes, only employee’s daily grind of their daily work schedule is sufficient to boost energy and to encourage employees to revalidate their employment and society. Later in this report, that we’ll look at some training programmes run by 2 major businesses in U.A.E, those are Emirates Islamic Bank and InterContinental Hotel Group. We will also examine opportunities, weakness and threat on the training and development.


What is training and development

In the field of HRM, training and development is the organizational activities to improve the performance of individuals and groups aiming in organizational settings. It was known by several names, including staff development, developing human resources and learning and development.

Training and Development includes three main activities: training, education and development of these ideas are often synonymous. But the practitioners include three separate, although interrelated, activities, as follows:


This activity focuses on both evaluated against employment any person currently holds.


This activity focuses on the jobs that a person may hold potentially in the future and is evaluated with these jobs.


This activity focuses on activities that the Organization employing the individual, or that made individual part, can participate in the future and is almost impossible to assess.

The “stakeholders” in the training and development are classified into several categories. Sponsors of the training and development are senior executives. The customer training and development are corporate planners. Line managers are responsible for guidance, resources and performance. The participants are those who actually undergo the process. The animators are specialists in human resources management. And providers are specialists in the field. Each of these groups has its own agenda and motivation, which sometimes conflict with the agendas and the motivations of others.

Typical Reasons for Employee Training and Development

Training and development can be initiated for various reasons for an employee or a group of employees, for example:

When a performance evaluation indicates performance improvement is necessary.

“Compare” status improvement so far in an effort to improve performance

On a programme of professional development in all

By planning help an employee to be eligible for a planned succession change in the role of the organization.

“Pilot”, or test the operation of a new system of performance management

To form a specific topic, as shown below

Typical Topics of Employee Training

Communications: Increasing today’s workforce diversity offers a variety of languages and customs.

Computing: Computer skills are becoming a necessity to carry out administrative and tasks from desktop.

Customer service: Increased competition in today’s global marketplace makes it critical that employees understand and meet the needs of customers.

Diversity: Diversity training usually includes explanations on how people have different views, and perspectives and includes techniques for the value of diversity

Ethics: Today company growing expectations on the social responsibility of businesses. Also, diverse workforce today brings a wide range of values and morals rather than work.

Human relations: Constraints increased labor today can include misunderstandings and conflicts. Training can people get along in the workplace

Quality initiatives: Initiatives such as total, quality circles, calibration, and quality management and so on, require training base on the concepts of quality, guidelines and standards of quality, etc.

Security: Security training is critical where working with heavy equipment, hazardous chemicals, repetitive activities etc., but can also be useful with helpful tips to avoid aggression, etc.

Sexual harassment: Sexual harassment training usually includes a thorough description of policies on sexual harassment, organization especially on what are inappropriate behaviors.

General Benefits from Employee Training and Development

There are many sources online training and development. Several sites suggest reasons for supervisors conduct training between employees. These reasons are:

The greater job satisfaction and morale of employees

Increased employee motivation

Greater efficiency in the process, resulting in financial gain

Increase capacity to adopt new technology and methods

Innovation in products and strategies

Reduced employee turnover

A better image of the company, for example, ethics training (not a good reason for ethical training!)

Risk, for example, training on sexual harassment, diversity training

Training is one of the most important parts of overall business strategy. Before starting a specific business or consider a potential acquisition, the first question that poses if present in the organizational skills needed or not. As a general rule, all the skills necessary for effective management of the company must be available in a company; however other core businesses can be outsourced. Training need arises because of the advancement of technology, the need to improve performance or professional development.


Insight on Benefits of Training

Benefits of training are intangible and invest in training benefits both, organization and used for a long time. Training improves levels of worker skills. It provides the feeling of satisfaction, which is an intrinsic motivation. Training also provides multi employees skills body. Training increases an employer engagement in their jobs and their organization. Understanding reduced employment accidents.

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One of the benefits of training for a larger organization is that it provides expertise in organization which reduces the overall cost of operations of the company. Quality is a key functionality needed for an organization over the long term survival. TQM (total Quality Management) and other quality management techniques require the training of staff as an important necessary to its successful implementation.

Customer satisfaction increases repeat business, which is a key to success. Employee training to promote good customer relations will increase customer satisfaction and service quality. Just in time philosophy is one of the main ideas in Japan.JIT stress on reducing waste and wait times in production processes. Better training reduces wastage and machine downtime. Much of the cost of quality consists of monitoring; by providing adequate training, reduced. Training increases the productivity of employees and processes.

High turnover can be a serious threat to the existence of the Organization, the major advantage of the training is that it allows reducing staff turnover and help an organization to keep its staff. Better training may offer an advantage competitive organization to others in the industry.

In service industries the primary source of business income is his expertise of staff and skills, acquire professional with high skills are relatively expensive than the current acquire these skills training. Training is also a major element of the new recruits; adequate training helps understand the work, its requirements and responsibilities. Training also increases understanding of organizational culture.

Training programs strengthens the communication between the different levels of an organization. Any deficiencies in the processes and jobs are eliminated and those close to production processes have become involved in the management. Clearance of personnel is a recent trend management; this empowerment will be successful in the proper training is provided to persons entitled.


Organization, Trainee and Trainer

An organization has a very close relationship with the trainee and the trainer because it is the first contact for both.

Demand for training in the undertaking increases when the organization wants to:

Hire new people – training as a means of training new recruits

To expand – when society wants to increase its workforce.

To increase number of employees (by position) by a certain date

To improve the performance of employees

Name of the Organization to be part of the training unit









Demand for training also increases when there is a change in the nature of employment, consumer tastes, change in the methods of product development, etc. The organization goes through the following steps to transfer training field.

But the problem arises when the organization outsource training process. In this situation, the Organization assumes the trainer must be aware of the type of training s needs of participants and their organization and their content meets these needs. This leads to failure of the program, which translates collusion. Therefore, it is a duty before any organization to make the trainer and their conscious organization culture, climate, the responsibilities of the Organization, etc.

Developing People and Capabilities

Many organizations face the challenge to develop greater confidence, initiative, solution-finding capabilities and solving problem between their peoples. Organizations need to staff at all levels, to be more self-sufficient, creative and independent. This staff allows behavior can operate at higher strategic level, which makes their organizations more productive and competitive. The efforts of the people produce greater results. This is what all organizations strive to achieve.

However, then the conventional training give people new techniques and methods, it does develop their maturity, belief, or courage, which is essential for the development of managers and strategic capacity.

Yet once again focus on the development of the person, not skills.

Try to see things in perspective of the person (your employees). Provide learning and experiences that they would like for their own personal interest, the development and completion. Performance and capacity are ultimately dependent on the attitude and the people’s emotional maturity. “Help them achieve what they want on a personal level, and it provides a platform for confidence, ‘ emotional Contracting” Organization and development of skills/process/knowledge further relevant to handle the highest responsibilities, roles and teams.

Participatory workshops work well in the beginning of this type of development attitude. Involve people from the outset. Focus on what they want. You can also use a questionnaire for personal development to begin to set the stage and provides examples of learning opportunities ‘other’. It starts with the person, not skills. It attitude and emotional maturity. The principles of the emotional intelligence and methodologies to adapt very well with modern approaches to popular belief, maturity and attitude development.

When people develop trust, integrity, emotionally, they are automatically more proactive, focusing on solutions, reactive, etc., on a whole team, which has a cumulative effect. Johari is a useful model too. For many people to work is simply ‘crosses the movements’, acting in a “consistent” status, often because they feel not secured, lack of confidence to do what they think, it is fair, or are nervous about being fat, whereas daring is absolutely necessary for self-sufficiency, initiative, greater responsibility; in fact all behaviors organizations is to encourage.

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You cannot ‘ teach ‘ daring – persons were to experience things to feel bolder, take risks and want to take risks. “

This means that premium must be too or people have no reason to stick their neck and not only the perspective of a financial reward. Especially responsible additional actual Herzberg – type – motivators and the recognition and participation in new projects successful and interesting. This is the fuel for growth and change people.


Emirates Islamic Bank – UAE

They are located in different Emirates of UAE. Emirates Islamic Bank provides training and development of their employees as follows:

Induction programs

Each new employee is attend after recruitment, and is doing a familiar employee and knows the meaning and goal of putting in place the Organization and their employment business.


Relevant courses in the fields in the Department of the Bank that the employee works, new procedures and developments.


Workshops are conducted by internal staff and external people to Bank staff in their respective fields for the benefit of their performance.

Training institutes

Emirates Islamic Bank is associated with Emirates Bank Institute & funds to train its employees.




Training Center-General conditions

This training Institute provides short-term and long-term courses related to banking services on a regular basis, and the duration of the course varies from 2 to 7 days each course.

Certification programs:

Emirates Islamic Bank has sponsored employees for certification programs

CIPA – Islamic public accounting certified

Emirates Islamic Bank sponsors the CIPA examination cost for its talented and senior bankers, who are expensive examinations with regard to cost, and all expenses are borne by the Bank itself.

MBA programs

Emirates Islamic Bank facilitates its employees to obtain an MBA by providing interest free loan, partially or fully sponsored MBA costs required employees, as the base case.

Talent Pool

Employees of high performance for all departments (ministries) are placed together with the potential to be responsible for transmitting them with specialized or tailor – made programs leadership in collaboration with leading universities.

The duration is 3-4 months.


Seminars and activities

These seminars are specific department; furthermore they are for personal growth, such as the construction of motivation and pastimes activities

Intercontinental Hotel Group

In UAE and Worldwide:

InterContinental Hotel Group believes that their population led to the success of their business, so that they will invest in their skills to improve their work and progress to more difficult and more responsible position. To help make this InterContinental offers a range of training programs designed to develop their potential in the moment that their employees become part of the team of the INTERCONTINENTAL.

Range of INTERCONTINENTAL functional training and leadership development initiatives includes:

Revenue management

The INTERCONTINENTAL provides training courses on several high-impact drivers focus hospitality managers to maximize revenue: forecasting and availability, pricing and distribution, channel management controls overbooking and group management and non-traditional revenue management applications. The course explores a subject in depth, with particular emphasis on the role of effective revenue management policy and applying practical tools and techniques for hospitality.

Sales and marketing

InterContinental offers training to employees of the sales and marketing, service typical course covers following topics:

Effective leadership skills

Marketing Research & Market Intelligence

Key account management

Finance for managers non-finance

Strategic business planning

Professional sales skills


It is mandatory for all new employees in the housekeeping service to take this course to meet high standards of service. InterContinental regularly organize training as necessary existing employees. The course develops some training for equipment and products used by the hotel in the household.

Maintenance and monitoring of leadership.

This training is oriented to less management; this training provides the leadership skills at the personal level supervisor.

Programs for employees of the INTERCONTINENTAL online training:

InterContinental uses new technology and, therefore, all members of staff have access to hardware training about the role that employees and everywhere where they work, they can also take advantage of online training programs developed in partnership with the Institute home.

Senior leadership programs

Senior leadership program offers a structured range of develop skills in top-level management. The program offers courses and psychometric assessment content delivered by leading academics focuses on connection with nobody, business, personal and career goals.

Assessment centers

InterContinental are also the only group hotel offer Assessment centers around the world to help high-performing individuals in business, management and monitoring moving on and next level roles.

Four promises of INTERCONTINENTAL its employees:

One of the promises of four of the intercontinental to everyone who works for intercontinental is room to grow. To support employees and give them opportunities to develop and pursue rewarding careers intercontinental will be make sure:

You know what success means for your role.

You’ll be involved in regular feedback instructions quality

You will have the opportunity to develop both your current and future roles in

Find out what career opportunities are available with intercontinental worldwide.

Bearing in mind a comparative study of the training and development between the international markets that Japanese work environment is a good example, which is declared as follows:

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A good example: Japanese, work environment

Many times in and outside Japan share a picture of the Japanese work environment that is based on a model of life-employment used by large enterprises as well as a reputation for working hours long and strong dedication to the society. This environment is said to take into account economic conditions began in the 1920s, when large corporations competing on the international market has begun to accumulate the same prestige was traditionally assigned to the daimyo – retention of government service relationship or feudal Japan in the Meiji Restoration. In very high, the most prestigious companies would recruit and retain the best workers by offering better benefits and job security life really. In the 1960s, employment at a prestigious company had become the goal of the children of the new middle class, the prosecution which required resource mobilization family and great perseverance individual in order to achieve success in the education system of ferocious competitive.

Employees are expected to work hard to demonstrate loyalty to the company, in exchange for certain benefits such as housing, grants and employment security good insurance, use of leisure facilities and premiums and pensions. Start at low wages, but age is rewarded with promotions based on a combination of age and capacity. Leadership does not rely on the assertion itself or quick decision-making, but on the ability to create a consensus, taking into account the needs of subordinates. Investigations indicate continuing preference for the bosses who are demanding but show concern for privacy of workers on the less demanding bosses interested only in performance on the job. This system reward behavior showing identification with teamwork, indicated by sing the song of the company, not take vacation days and share credit for the achievements with the working group. Pride in his work is expressed in competition with other parallel sections in the society and between the company and other similar companies in industries. Thus, people are motivated to keep wa (harmony) and participate in activities group, not only on employment but also within hours socializing (nomikai). However, the image of loyalty group may be more a matter of ideology practical, especially for people that he do not upwards.

SWOT Analysis

The following SWOT analysis is carried out by comparing the training and development of employees in the UAE and Japan.


UAE is a hub of business, attracting not only work, but expats, tourists, investors and ultimately employees from a very wide range of countries and cultures to come and work in the UAE.

The market and environment of UAE is very quick in adapting new changes and making developments and has the skills of applying them successfully.

UAE attracts workforce from all over the world.


The UAE needs to reconsider its law on visa regulation, as a visa of 3 years and medical checkup very frequently, for it restricts the Employer for planning on a long term plan for the training and development of the employee.

The Labor laws are not flexible enough and does not enable free market concept.

Equal opportunities should be available for both locals and expats in the UAE for training and development of the Employees.

Language barriers of foreign training institute operating in U.A.E with foreign trainers.

U.A.E losses lots of expertise and experience when expats leave the country.


Underdeveloped national workforce, hence potential for training is high.

Government is determined to develop National workforce

The Growth of Free zone are encouraging

Bring in training institutes from Japan to make the employees of the UAE feel as their assets and plan training and developing programs accordingly.


UAE despite being one of the most fastly developed countries in the world, it will not be able to develop in building a reputation of attracting new recruitments and then training and developing employees in building personalities of the people who work for them, as it motivates employees to work better and give better results.

Critical Analysis

Despite having several training and development programs both IHG and emirates bank consider them as over head expense. Instead of building and maintain workforce they try to hire directly skilled resource from the market. As recession has taken toll also there is considerable cut in the budget of training and development. Some time employees also attend training for the sake of training; there can be variety of reasons for this like lack of motivation, lack of interest in the subject and attitude.


The UAE is one of the fastest developing economies with new ideas from its people coming in to advance its infrastructure, technology and economy. It already is playing a major role in the training and development of its employees, but revising its visa policies and collaborating further with Japanese training institutes will enhance its workforce both locals and especially expats in working better.


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