Reasons for Nurses Leaving the Profession

Formative Assignment

Student Number 16068177

Strachota et al. (2003) carried out a qualitative study involving 84 nurses across 3 hospitals exploring the reasons nurses left or changed status of employment with their organization. Purposive sampling method was used to recruit nurses who fit the above criteria and worked less than 9 months.  The authors conducted phone interview with the use of script as guide followed by open-ended questions. In this case, a pilot interview involving 38 nurses was conducted to examine the recording responses. However, the practice of pilot interview is uncommon in the study using interview technique. Having said that, pilot test on questions use in an interview can be considered useful especially for novice researcher as it helps to examine the possible response. According to Sapsford et al. (2006) researcher will be able to work out a set of code and response categories if the full set of replies are covered by pilot interview as it explores the whole range of possible responses from the respondents. Finally, thematic analysis from this study showed that hours worked was the main reason that caused nurses to resign.

On the other hand, Abdul Rahman et al. (2015) suggested that employees’ behavior and attitudes associate with turnover of employees and employed a quantitative research which investigated factors of job satisfaction. The randomized samples contained 179 nurses whose age ranged from 21 to 40 years old. Using factor analysis, this study concluded that work environment includes workers’ benefit, professional advancement, support from colleague and managerial level are factors affecting job satisfactions.

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Nevertheless, a research by Tao et al. (2015) argued that the relationship of job satisfaction and job turnover depends on commitment level of an individual. Indeed nurses’ level of commitment is believed to be age-related (Benligiray et al. 2011). Young and experienced nurses make different career decision as experience nurses perceive rewards as an ongoing process. Therefore, older nurses may encounter the same amount of dissatisfaction but willing to stay on. Similarly, generational factors in job turnover studied in 2007 by Takase et al. concluded that nurses in different age group differ in needs thus reason to resign. Diversity of age, ethnic, gender and education of nurses cause values variation (Crook, M et al. 2003). In conclusion, values, needs and attitudes of an individual are influenced by social demography factors. Thus reasons behind nurses’ resignation need to be identified independently for the aim of developing appropriate retention strategies.


Benligiray, S. & Sonmez, H. (2013). The analysis of demographic and work life variables which affect the occupational commitment of nurses. Journal of management development, 32(4), 419-434. Retrieved from

McNess-Smith, D.k. & Crook, M. (2003). Nursing values and a changing nurse workforce values, age and job stages. Journal of nursing administration, 33(5), 260-270. Retrieved from

Munir, R.I.S. & Abdul Rahman, R. (2015). Determining dimensions of job satisfaction using factor analysis. Procedia economics and finance, 37, 488-496. Retrieved from

Sapsford, A & Jupp, V. (2006). Data collection and analysis, Asking questions. (p103). (2nd ed.). London: SAGE Publication.

Strachota, E., Normandin, P., O’Brien, N., Clary, M. & Krukow, B. (2003). Reasons registered nurses leave or change employment status. Journal of nursing administration, 33(2), 111-117. Retrieved from

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Takase, M., Oba, K. & Yamashita, N. (2007) Generational differences in factors influencing job turnover among Japanese nurses: An exploratory comparative design. International journal of nursing studies, 46, 957-967. Retrieved from

Tao, H., Ellenbecker, C.H., Wang, Y. & Li, Y. (2015). Examining perception of job satisfaction and intention to leave among ICU  nurses in China. International journal of nursing sciences, 2(2), 140-148. Retrieved from

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