Recommendation of Coca Cola based on performing various valuation models

The recommendation of Coca-Cola Company is based on performing various valuation models, which include HR practices, economic profit analysis, relative valuation and a fundamental price to earnings valuation model that revealed the Coca-Cola Company to be overvalued. Even though they find the stock to be overvalued and they feel that KO has some promising outlooks as well as possible challenges in the near future and they want to recommend it as a hold instead of a sell.

The Coca-Cola Company is the #1 company within the non-alcoholic beverages industry. They have a 20- year standing of being the leader and investors know that the Coca-Cola Company has an extraordinary reputation for maximizing shareholder value.

Opportunities that exist for the company in the future is expanding market share in the non-carbonated beverages segment, a restructuring of their business model, and better consistency of earnings results.

A challenge that the Coca-Cola Company is facing is the struggle with their global competitors in the fact that their HR practices are greater and less than coke. If coke wants to more reputation in the world they must produce more incentives for employees from which they more done work hard and produce good quality. Their new management team needs to work on implementing cohesive goals between the two to reach the Coca-Cola Company’s long-term growth potential.




Mission and vision





Brands/product line



Total quality management



Environment of coca cola



Health and Nutrition



Management of coca cola in Gujranwala





10 Human Resource Management


11 Job analysis and designs


12 Planning and forecast


13 Recruitment and selection


14 Training process


15 Performance and appraisal


16 Compensation and benefits


17 Employees relationship


18 Safety policy


19 Recommendation and Suggestion



Founded in 1886, the coca-cola company is the world’s leading manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. The company’s corporate headquarters are in Atlanta, with local operations in over 200 countries around the world.

Although Coca-Cola was first created in the United States, it quickly became popular wherever it went. Our first international bottling plants opened in 1906 in Canada, Cuba and Panama, soon followed by many more. Today, we produce more than 300 brands. More than 70 percent of our income comes from outside the U.S., but the real reason we are a truly global company is that our products meet the varied taste preferences of consumers everywhere.


“To benefit and refresh everyone it touches and to create values for our share owner on a long term basis by building a business that enhances the coco-cola company trade marks”

According to Gujranwala plant: –

“To have a strong, dominant & profitable business in Pakistan.”


“All of us in the Coca-Cola family wake up each morning knowing that every single one of the world’s 5.6 billion people will get thirsty that day… and that we are the ones with the best opportunity to refresh them.

Our task is simple: make Coca-Cola and our other products available, affordable, and acceptable to them, quenching their thirst and providing them a perfect moment of relaxation. If we do this… if we make it impossible for these 5.6 billion people

to escape Coca-Cola… then we assure our future success for

many years to come. Doing anything else is not an option.”

According to Gujranwala Plant: –

“To create value for our share holders”

We are committed to: –


Building preference & market leadership for our brands


Achieve quality excellence and serve our customers with

quality products.


Maximizing profits


Developing People


Optimum utilization of assets

Shared Values: –









Beliefs: –

There is much in our world to celebrate, refresh, strengthen and protect. The Coca-Cola Company is a vibrant network of people, in nearly 200 countries, putting citizenship into action. Through our actions as local citizens, we strive every day to refresh the marketplace, enrich the workplace, protect the environment and strengthen our communities.

We are a local employer, with responsibility to enable our people to tap into their full potential; working at their innovative best and representing the diversity of the world we serve.

We are an investor in local economies and a driver of marketplace innovation, with a responsibility to act as a good steward of our natural







responsibility to contribute to an improved

quality of life in our



In 2002, Coca-Cola added pop to a category that many believed had lost its fizz in North America. In May, after just six months in development, Vanilla Coke became the first extension of the Coca- Cola brand since 1985 and immediately generated profitable volume. Vanilla Coke helped boost sales of Coca-Cola branded beverages while inviting new consumers to rediscover the cola category through a completely original flavor experience. In product formulation, the Vanilla Coke team struck a balance that lets the taste of Coca-Cola come through-intriguingly new, yet undeniably Coca-Cola. Already one of our top 10 brands in the United States, Vanilla Coke is performing well in its initial international markets-including Australia and New Zealand, with more countries planning launches for 2003. In response to consumer demand, diet Vanilla Coke was introduced to the U.S. marketplace in October, just three-and-a-half months after it was given the green light. In 2002, we also celebrated the 20th anniversary of diet Coke and the expansion of diet Coke with lemon, which made strong debuts in several international markets after its U.S. launch in 2001.

In March 1923, “Coca-Cola” was sold in a 6-bottle carton for the






Louisiana. Today, products of The Coca-Cola Company are consumed at the rate of more than one billion drinks per day.

Major Brands: –

There are 323 brands of coca-cola. Out of which there are 7 brands

of coke in Pakistan.

Two brands “Lemon” and “Strawberry” are recently introduced

products of Coca-cola in Pakistan.


Passion for Quality: –

Our reputation is built on trust. Through good citizenship we will

nurture our relationships and continue to build that trust. That is the

essence of our promise – The Coca-Cola Company exists to benefit

and refresh everyone it touches.

Wherever Coca-Cola does business, we strive to be trusted partners and good citizens. We are committed to managing our business around the world with a consistent set of values that represent the highest standards of integrity and excellence. We share these values with our bottlers, making our system stronger.

These core values are essential to our long-term business success and will be reflected in all of our relationships and actions – in the marketplace, the workplace, the environment and the community.

Marketplace: –

We will adhere to the highest ethical standards, knowing that the quality of our products, the integrity of our brands and the dedication of our people build trust and strengthen relationships. We will serve the people who enjoy our brands through innovation, superb customer service, and respect for the unique customs and cultures in the communities where we do business.

Workplace: –

We will treat each other with dignity, fairness and respect. We will foster an inclusive environment that encourages all employees to develop and perform to their fullest potential, consistent with a commitment to human rights in our workplace. The Coca-Cola workplace will be a place where everyone’s ideas and contributions are valued, and where responsibility and accountability are encouraged and rewarded.

Read also  Organizational behaviour examples

Environment: –

We will conduct our business in ways that protect and preserve the environment. We will integrate principles of environmental stewardship and sustainable development into our business decisions and processes.


We will contribute our time, expertise and resources to help develop sustainable communities in partnership with local leaders. We will seek to improve the quality of life through locally relevant initiatives wherever we do business.

Responsible corporate citizenship is at the heart of The Coca-Cola Promise. We believe that what is best for our employees, for the community and for the environment is also best for our business


In the first decade of the new century, we face the challenge of a new environment, which is driven by a fundamental shift in international economic dynamics, the growing influence of technology and the fact that people increasingly expect more of large corporations. That challenge demands innovation. While we will always be disciplined by our purpose and our ideals, we must intensify our focus on innovation and create new ways to deliver the promise of Coca-Cola. In fact, in an era that is increasingly international and interconnected, we must pioneer a movement from a homogenous global approach to a highly tailored approach reflecting the unique character of our markets.

This new approach will require:

1) Being innovative in our marketing, our brands and our consumer


2) Collaborating more productively with our business partners

3) Changing some of the structures of our enterprise

4) Increasing our commitment to community and the environment

Thus, we will reinvigorate our enterprise and bring to full life the unique spirit of Coca-Cola and our people. Such real renaissance of the Coca-Cola spirit will enable us to fulfill our purpose of delivering refreshment and benefit to everyone touched by our business.

The Coca-Cola Company and our bottlers have been at the forefront in helping solve environmental, litter and solid waste issues for more than 20 years. We realize that we touch the lives of billions of people around the world and that our responsibility to them includes conducting our business in ways that help preserve the environment. Soft-drink packaging is the most recycled consumer package in the United States. Our system supports dozens of litter prevention organizations, including the Center for Marine Conservation and Keep America Beautiful. The Coca-Cola Company is a founding member of Keep America Beautiful.

What’s more, we’ve been recycling at our headquarters for years, to the tune of thousands of pounds of waste annually. We’ve donated more than $100,000 in proceeds from these recycling efforts to charities.

Shaping new Products experiences with packaging and technology: – As we created new products and fresh brand experiences in 2002, one fact became increasingly clear to us: Consumers are eager to see The Coca-Cola Company bring excitement to the marketplace. One simple innovation last year-the Fridge Packâ„¢ -has changed the dimensions of 12-pack sales for us and for our bottling partners. This sleek, refrigerator-friendly pack is increasing consumer awareness and preference, accelerating consumption and case volume in markets where it has been introduced. From our packaging suppliers who assisted us and our bottlers in developing the Fridge Pack, to the retailers whose shelves were reconfigured to accept the new design, partnership made this innovation possible- and profitable. The future of our business in North America also evolved in 2002 with the continuing rollout of iFountain, the most advanced soft-drink dispensing system in the industry. iFountain gives our customers a technologically advanced fountain system that enhances available brand options, improves operating efficiency and automatically calibrates each drink served to assure consumers of a quality drink every time

HR coca cola


GIFT Business School


Today, people are more concerned than ever about health and nutrition. They understand the importance of good nutrition and proper hydration – and they also know that delicious foods and beverages are an enjoyable part of life. People have trusted and enjoyed soft drinks for more than 115 years, and they can continue to be confident about their favorite beverages.

In this section, we answer many of the questions you may have about our family of beverages., We also take a look at how The Coca-Cola Company promotes a healthy active lifestyle through programs around the world that promote fun and physical activity.

There is growing confusion about what constitutes a healthy diet. With so much conflicting information available about health and nutrition, it can be very difficult to determine what is accurate and what is not.

The truth is that soft drinks and other beverages have a place in a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet incorporates the basic principles of variety, balance and moderation – without sacrificing enjoyment.

Your Health & Our Beverages: –

There is growing confusion about what constitutes a healthy diet. With so much conflicting information available about health and nutrition, it can be very difficult to determine what is accurate and what is not.

The truth is that soft drinks and other beverages have a place in a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet incorporates the basic principles of variety, balance and moderation – without sacrificing enjoyment.

Climate Change: –

The Coca-Cola Company takes the issue of global climate change very seriously. We have adopted a comprehensive policy aimed at reducing the environmental impact of our cooling equipment over

time. By the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, we will no longer purchase new cold-drink equipment using hydrofluorocarbons (HFC’s), wherever cost-efficient alternatives are commercially available. Additionally, we will reduce the energy use of our individual equipment by 40-50 percent over the next ten years.

As we developed our cooling equipment policy, we referred to the basic tenets of the Kyoto Protocol. While we support the scientific analysis and general objectives of the agreement, we believe that ratification of international treaties and protocols should be left to national political processes. By focusing on our own efforts to reduce greenhouse emissions, we hope to provide an example of how businesses can operate in an environmentally sustainable manner.


Following are the information about the management of Gujranwala


The factory is control by the BOM (Business operational manager) and under him eight Departments is working. Every Department is lad by a department Manager. The Departments of account is lead by the manager account and under him assist manager works. Who control the other employees of the department under him? Department of production and engineering is lead by the Prod. & Eng. Manager. Under him work Mechanical Engineers Mechanical Supervisor and Assistant Production. Quality control department lead by the manager quality control. Under him working the chief chemist who’s responsibility is to give the quality product to the customer. Sale & marketing department is playing the important part in the growing market share in the country. That department led by the Sale & marketing manager that department is further divided in the sale and marketing section. The marketing department is lead by the marketing manager and the sale section by sale manager. Sale men work under the sale manager Fleet department control thetransport vehicle of the company the head of the department is Fleet manager and under him work the assistant fleet manager who manages the control over the transportation of the company. The distribution of the coca-cola around the Gujranwala region is the responsibility of distribution department, which is lead by the distribution Manager. Assistant distribution manager work under

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Him to full fill their duties. Human recourse and international affair department take control over the external environment of the company and help the in the growth of the company. That Department is lead by the Manager H.R.I.R. other executive work under his supervision.

The R& D Department plays the most important role in the development and the growth of the company. This Department is lead by the Manager R&D. and Assistant Manger work under him.

The total number of employees in the coca-cola Gujranwala

Company is 236.

To be specific the working environment in the company represents the company’s culture in large. The culture is the shared values among the different people so the environment of the company is widely shared by its employees that conclude to form the company’s culture. In the coming lines the working environment of the Gujranwala Coca-cola factory is described.

Company culture:-

The factors, which must be highlighted in this regard, are as



special training is given to employees, New employees also are placed with old ones to learn work and the values prevalent in the company,


Two cups tea are free for every employee daily this represents

the hospitable nature of the company, This factor keeps the

employees motivated as they are taken well care this fact is

clear by the physical actions took by the company,


The company working environment is really a good blend of

Asian and western values.

Motivations for employees: –


Coca-cola is providing smart wages to its employees, which are competitive and really satisfy its employees. As along with the wages they are provided with a lot of facilities and amenities. In brief structure of wages can be described like this ” blue collar workers are offered wages along with commission, sales man are offered wages plus commission pursuing certain criteria, White collar workers who are the officers and the executives draw a handsome amount of salary which is really competitive”.

Staffing and training: –

The Coca-Cola Company has always believed that education is a powerful force in improving the quality of life and creating opportunity for people and their families around the world.

The Coca-Cola Company is committed to helping people make their dreams come true. All over the world, we are involved in innovative programs that give hard-working, knowledge-hungry students books, supplies, places to study and scholarships. From youth in Brazil to first generation scholars, educational programs in local communities are our priority.

Annual Leaves:-

Coca-cola international has different leaves structures in different

regions and countries of the world where they have their company.

Their leaves structure regarding Pakistan especially in Gujranwala

Division Company is as follows:


Allowed leaves


26 leaves per annum

Above then Supervisor

26 leaves per annum

Below supervisor

24 leaves per annum

The above table shows simply how the leaves structure allows for the leaves and how well the employees are awarded with facility of getting their own personal time to manage their own problems. These leaves are authorized for the employees and these include the with pay leaves. This facility is really great which keeps the employees motivated and thrilled about their work.

Time Management For Work:-

Time management is the key to grow in this fast and furious century of growth and development, so therefore Coca-cola is doing at their best for this pivotal factor of managing time. To cover this segment of management they have divided the work in to shifts. For this purpose phenomenon of division of labor is contributing for it’s functioning. In Gujranwala Coca-Cola company has divided the shifts for the work in the following manner:

They are managing the working time in two shifts. They can include some extra shift if there is demand but normally there are two shifts, which are explained in the following.

8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (all departments other then technical



4 p.m. to 12 p.m. (Technical department).

These are the shifts in which the work in the factory is mostly


Medical Facilities:-

Medical facilities are of prime importance in any organization as the health of employees is in the benefit of the company as well as it’s the social responsibility of the company to provide nice and healthy work environment to its employees, These facilities are such facilities which can include first aid treatments, emergency handling problems, sickness, and other diseases which are fatal for a person. The Coca-Cola Company is providing Medical facilities to all its employees. These treatments are provided to employees as per their designations. The medical facilities are also provided to supervisors as well as the officers in the company.

Employees our Asset: –

The heart and soul of our enterprise have always been our people. Over the past century, Coca-Cola people have led our successes by living and working with a consistent set of values. While the world and our business will continue to change rapidly, respecting these values will continue to be essential to our long-term success.

As we have expanded over the decades, our company has benefited from the various cultural insights and perspectives of the societies in which we do business. Much of our future success will depend on

our ability to develop a worldwide team that is rich in its diversity

of thinking, perspectives, backgrounds and culture.

We are determined to have a diverse culture, from top to bottom that

benefit from the perspectives of each individual.

Employee Forums: –

We believe that a sense of community enhances our ability to attract, retain, and develop diverse talent and ideas as a source of competitive



In the U.S., through employee forums, employees can connect with colleagues who share similar interests and backgrounds. In those forums and elsewhere, employees support each other’s personal and professional growth and enhance their individual and collective ability to contribute to the company. Forums that are currently active include:


Administrative Professionals






Gay & Lesbian





Mentoring Programs: –

The Coca-Cola Company is creating a system of mentoring programs that include, one-on-one mentoring, group mentoring and mentoring self-study tools. Currently, Coca-Cola North America and The Minute Maid Company have one-on-one mentoring programs designed to foster professional growth and development. These

HR coca cola

GIFT Business School


Every year, the world produces billions of tons of waste. Recycling and reusing waste materials is absolutely crucial if we are to maintain the health and beauty of the earth. The Coca-Cola® Company is working constantly toward coming up with smart, creative ways to reuse waste. Here’s a glance at what we’re doing.

To introduce innovative and environmentally friendly packaging, we

Opened a breakthrough facility in Sydney, Australia for the world’s first PET bottles to be produced from recycled PET bottles. Today, one in four PET containers sold by our company in North America contains recycled content.

Our Commitment To Diversity: –

Our commitment to diversity also extends into the community. Valuing our people helps us better meet the needs of our customers and partners. Through our people and our local bottling partners, we build relationships through local marketing, local civic programs and




Realizing the full potential of diversity has a direct impact on our



It improves our understanding of local markets;


It makes us a better employer and business partner;


It helps us compete more effectively;

Read also  Business organisations within different sectors of industry


It makes us better neighbors in our communities; and



It builds value for our shareowners.

Our company is energized with a new entrepreneurial operating

culture, fueled by the twin engines of innovation and diversity.


Following are the departments in Coca-cola company regarding to

Gujranwala plant:-

•Human Resource and international relation


•Research and Development department.

•Account department.

•Engineering department.

•Production department.

•Quality Control department.

•Marketing department.

•Sale department.

•Fleet department.

•Distribution department.

Human Resource Management within Coca Cola

Human Resource Management is an essential part for any

organization. Moreover, development of this department is the first

step, the ground on which the future of the company depends. It is

essential for every single business unit and especially for such

international company as Coca Cola. It is people, not technology

who create the company. Human Resource Management at Coca Cola

Company has many advantages. It is the global company and it is

impossible to create certain policies or procedures applicable in all

divisions of the company, cultural and political differences need to

be taken into account. Therefore, the focus of this paper will be on

four tasks and duties of Human Resource Management (performance

management, compensation, career development, succession

planning) based on the United States procedures.

Basically the HRM practices are necessary for every organization.

But unfortunately in Pakistan not so much used HRM practices. In

multinational companies like coca cola have their own separate

department of HRM. According senior executive of HR “Waqar

Mahmood ” our HR department consist of 29 people in Gujranwala


Every organization has its own policies and strategies by which they

control the functions of their departments. Similarly, we also have

own policies and strategies by which we control all the functions of

our departments. coca cola HR department is also conducting all the

practices of HRM like Job analysis and design of work ,r e c r u i t m e n t

and selection, training and development, performance appraisals, compensation, employee relationships, staff welfare and medical policies and some other things like that. These all practices are

conducted by own policies and strategies.

HR department not make decisions related of its own department,

they also conduct in company’s decision.

Job analysis and designing

Job analysis is the procedure for determining the duties and skill

requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hire for

it. Job analysis consists of two products one is job description and

second job specification.

Job description: a list of job duties, responsibilities, reporting

relationship, working conditions, and supervisory responsibilities-

one product of a job.

Job specification: a list of a job’s human requirements that is

requisites education, skills, personality, and so on-other product of

a job analysis.

Coca cola company HR department check its own job description

and job analysis in which they get the information about employees

work activities, human behavior, performance standard, job context

and human requirements and also other information related to this


HR department of coca cola used this information for Recruiting,

selection, compensation, performance appraisal, training, and

employee’s relationship.

Planning and Forecasting

The process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill,

and how to fill them.

Coca cola HR department involves in company strategic planning

and they also make sufficient planning for hiring new employees in

the future. We forecast for the expected employees needs in the

organization. We forecast of employees on the change technology

and increasing in productivity.

After planning we send this report to the head office for approval. If

we get approval from the head office then we start recruitment


Our recruitment process

Our recruitment process is well established first of all we give ads

in news papers, company website, institutions etc.Once we receive

an application form, from candidates with required documents and C


Internal recruitment

External recruitment


Selection process

The selection process will vary depending on the position you’re

applying for, as one process can’t fit all the different roles we have

here at CCE. However, in most cases a combination of any of the

following tools will be used:


Group exercises


Psychometric tests

Role plays/Situational Exercises


The interview is designed to reveal more about you and your

experiences. We’ll ask for examples of how you behaved in

different situations, maybe at school, university, a club, at home or

in previous jobs. This is not designed to ‘catch you out’ and our

interviewers will never try and trick you into an answer. Be honest,

be yourself and it should be an enjoyable experience.

Also, don’t forget that this is your chance to find out more about us and ask questions. Remember, interviews are a two-way process so use it to understand the nature of the role and to make sure it really is what you’re looking for.

Group exercises

We’re very much a team at CCE so these will show us how

effectively you work with people. They’re a good opportunity for us

to see how you communicate, influence and involve other people in

the workplace.


Presentations give you the chance to show your ability to

communicate to a group of people on a specific topic. You may be

given a topic in advance or on the day, but don’t worry – you’ll

have plenty of time to prepare.

Psychometric tests

Psychometric tests are timed exercises that examine your abilities

and potential. On occasions, we may also use a personality

assessment tool that is designed to find out more specific things

about you. If you’re asked to complete a psychometric test, we’ll

send you information and advice in advance on how to prepare.

Role Plays/Situational Exercises

Designed to assess how you react in certain situations, these help to

highlight particular skills and how well you’re suited for a position.

You may be given facts and figures to review, or a report to

complete; we may also have an assessor acting as a customer or

employee to simulate a situation that could occur in the workplace.

Don’t worry, you’ll be given a brief and ample time to prepare.

Training process of employees

Training process is essential part of every employee with out

training; employee can not come to now the procedure of work,

rules and regulations of firm, some times when new technology is

introduced it is also responsibility of a firm to train its employees.

After recruiting the fresh employee we train them for three

months and also pay them salaries after three months they become

part of a firm

We also give training to already exist employee it depend upon

condition for example if new technology is introduced first of all we

give full training to them about new technology then we allow them

to start their job .

Performance appraisal

Coca cola performance appraisal is annually Hr manger waqar

mahmood said that we appraise the employee due to their

performance about goals of the organization .we set the goals

started the year and tell the employees about the goal if the

employees achieve this goal we appraise the employees.

Steps in appraising performance

The performance appraisal process process contains three steps;

Define the job

Appraise the performance

Provide feedback

Define the job;

Means making sure that you and your subordinate agree on his or

her duties and job standard.

Appraise performance;

Means comparing your subsssss ordinate’s actual performance to the

standards that have been set.

Provide feedback;

Means discuss the subordinate performance and progress, and make

plans for any development required.

External recruitment


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