Recruitment The Process Of Searching The Candidates Commerce Essay

According to Edwin B. Flippo, “Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization”. Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job seekers. A few definitions of recruitment are:

A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applications from which new employees are selected.

It is the process to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirement of staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force.

Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a pool of prospective employees for the organization so that the management can select the right candidate for the right job from this pool. The main objective of the recruitment process is to expedite the selection process.

Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of qualified applicants for the future human resources needs even though specific vacancies do not exist. Usually, the recruitment process starts when a manger initiates an employee requisition for a specific vacancy or an anticipated vacancy.

Objectives of the study

The purpose of this paper is to examine the employed jobseekers’ perceptions and behaviors of third-party online recruitment technology adoption in Bangladesh.

There are two objective of this study:

General Objective:

To analyze the present online/web based recruitment & selection of Bangladesh.

Specific Objectives:

To determine the steps involved with online recruitment & selection process processes.

To offer a guide to find out online recruitment & selection process to job searcher & companies job seekers.

Show how this activities relate with the organization overall strategy and objective.

To determine the organizational convenience regarding the online recruitment practices.

To identify the candidates perception about online recruitment practices.


Theoretically speaking, online Recruitment and Selection are two separated functions. Recruitment deals with the forming a pool of applicants for a particular job, whereas Selection deals with finding the best one of the lot.

There are two methods:

Primary Data:

In the primary source, data are being collected directly from some multinational company like; AKTEL Mobile Company, GP (Grameen Phone) Mobile Company, British American Tobacco Bangladesh and much more.

Secondary Data:

In the secondary source, different textbooks and journals relating to the theoretical frame work of the project was accessed to define and to determine “Online Recruitment & Selection Process”. Moreover, annual reports, company projects profile, related preserved data, catalogs and also from the Internet.


No proper information about organization recruitment & selection interview. The Multinational Company has many secrete policies for the organization which is very much related with recruitment & selection process they were not interested to prove that information. Some information presented in this report may be biased, as people tend to avoid their own limitation regarding their job and to hold other departments responsible for drawbacks of their own. Moreover, some information was withheld to preserve privacy of the company. So, they can’t give the exact information always. This report is prepared totally based on secondary information so it cannot represent itself as a actual practices of online recruitment practices for the organization.

Objectives of Recruitment & Selection

To attract people with multi-dimensional skills and experience that suits the present and future organizational strategies.

To induct outsiders with a new perspective to lead the company.

To infuse fresh blood at all levels of the organization.

To develop an organizational culture that attracts competent people to the company.

To search or head hunt people whose skills fit the company’s values.

To devise methodologies for assessing psychological traits

To seek non-conventional development grounds for talent.

To search for talent globally and not just within the company.

To design entry pay that competes on quality but not on quantum.

To anticipate and find people for positions that does not exist yet.

Online Recruitment & Selection

Organizations first started using computers as a recruiting tool by advertising jobs on a “bulletin board service” from which prospective applicants would contact the company. Then some companies began to take e-mail applications. Now some employers are not only posting jobs and accepting resumes and cover letters on-line but also are conducting employment interviews on-line. Advantages for such Internet recruiting by employers include:

Reaching more applicants.

Having lower costs and faster response time frames.

Tapping an applicant pool conversant with the Net.

Employers often begin the Internet search process by establishing an organization website and listing jobs on it. Alternatively, companies with a web page that specializes in posting job listings (an Internet job service)-much like the electronic bulletin board of days gone by-can be used by job seekers. Finally, online employment agencies can be used to post jobs and find applicants on the Net. One advantage of Internet recruiting is that it may improve the chances of contacting “passive job seekers”-those people who are not actively seeking work. Listing at popular job-search Internet sites is a good way to attract such browsing high-tech workers.27 Indeed, recent surveys show that about 37% of companies now use the Net for recruiting, and the rate is increasing rapidly.

Alongside the long-term growth in both temporary and permanent recruitment, there has been an explosion in online advertising. A generation ago the print media’s dominance in advertising looked unchallengeable but the emergence of the internet, the rise of job sites, the low cost and speed of advertising online, and companies’ use of their own websites has challenged that position.

In 2006 recruitment advertising in print generated a total of £1.168 billion in revenues (down 13 per cent for the year) with online advertising worth £200.5 million (up 27 per cent).14 In a world in which 62 per cent of all UK adults are online, 50 per cent of internet users go online each day and there are 12 million online job seekers in UK, the web is an increasingly important way of connecting with potential employees.

As a result of this:

65 per cent of FTSE 100 companies use the internet to recruit candidates.

78 per cent of recruitment companies advertise job vacancies online.

UK job sites currently receive around 40 million visits per month. alone has over two million CVs on its website.

Developing country like Bangladesh, also use online recruitment. About 77 per cent multinational company use the online recruitment now.

Bangladeshi website like job1, jobbd, and many other website is popular for jobseeker.

The internet is also blurring the old, neat divisions between advertisers and recruiters. Websites are taking on some traditional recruitment functions, particularly where employers are looking to fill low-skilled jobs at minimum cost, while both employers and recruitment companies are investing in their online capability as a way of connecting directly with potential applicants.

Purpose of Online recruitment and selection

The buzzword and the latest trends in recruitment is the “E Recruitment”. Also known as “Online recruitment”, it is the use of technology or the web based tools to assist the recruitment process. The tool can be a job website like, the organization’s corporate web site or its own intranet. Many big and small organizations are using Internet as a source of recruitment. They advertise job vacancies through worldwide web. The job seekers send their applications or curriculum vitae (CV) through an e-mail using the Internet. Alternatively job seekers place their CV’s in worldwide web, which can be drawn by prospective employees depending upon their requirements.

Process of bringing the prospective employee & employer to stimulate / encourage the employee to apply for the job.

Determine the present and future online requirements of organization in conjunction with its personal- planning and job analysis activities.

Increase organizational & individual effectiveness.

Increases the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

To search for talents globally & not within the organization.

The necessities of online recruitment are

Low cost.

No intermediaries.

Reduction in time for recruitment.

Recruitment of right type of people.

Efficiency of recruitment process.

Efficiency gains for the HR dept

Drastic reduction in overall cycle time for recruitment from inviting applications to recruitment. Reduction in the time for data entry and processing the raw data. Reduction in time from the traditional manual communication modes to the web based automation.

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Economies of scale in advertising spend Reduced advertising spend from fewer and smaller adverts. Reduced need for advertising in the local dailies.

Saving in storage space for receiving applications and scrutiny.

HR staff carrying out higher value activities, for example workforce planning. Less HR staff time spent on basic recruitment tasks.

Completely transparent and fool proof system with minimal manual intervention Easy handling of huge volume of data & maintenance of confidentiality.

Final master database handed over along with an archival of the images for future reference.

Online recruitment is not expensive. By saving on time, design and print costs and targeting precisely the best sites for the best candidates, online recruitment is a very cost-effective option.

Advertising online opens up a much wider candidate pool than advertising in print. This gives you a much better chance of finding the right candidate for the job

Improved ability to target specific audience.

Huge saving in printing and postage costs.

Cost of placing the job postings.

Distribution of postings.

Absence of middleman.

Resume management.

Quality of candidates.

Quality of service.

Less paperwork.



Benefits to the applicant

24/7 access via the Internet with support available through local libraries at no cost to the applicant

Online status update in the website. Online redress of queries No need to contact departments in person/phone.

Application packs and job details are available online and job applications can be submitted online, thereby enabling a process that is not dependent on postal systems.

Functions regarding online Recruitment & Selection

It is extremely important that HR managers find employees quickly to fill vacancies because otherwise the companies that they represent risk losing a lot of money. So what should HR managers do to find employees quickly and effectively? The answer to this question is easy for the companies that have embraced Internet job sites.

Job ads can be posted on the Internet literally within 5 – 10 minutes:

The Internet has increased the speed by which job ads can be posted for job seekers. It is now possible to post a job ad which can be displayed to thousands of job seekers within minutes. Looking through ads is facilitated by key word searches that enable job seekers to find the job ads that are of interest to them, rather than having to wade through pages of job ads in the newspaper. Traditional methods have required for a job ad to be carefully prepared and formatted, keeping in mind that it should be short and to the point because of cost considerations. This has required for companies to prepare job descriptions that are described in brief. The result of short job descriptions can be catastrophic for HR Managers, because such ads often attract the wrong type of candidates. An inappropriate job ad can result either in a flood of resumes from unqualified candidates or in a complete lack of CV’s. Either outcome requires additional work from the HR Manager.

Internet job ads do not have the space limitations of print job ads. The benefit for HR Managers is that they can now use longer job description that fully describe the company, company location, the job requirements and the working conditions offered. Some Internet job sites can even prepare company presentations in order for job seekers to get a better taste for the company and its culture. This has changed the traditional approach of HR Managers in preparing job ads. In effect HR Managers pass on some of the prescreening to the candidates themselves who are better able to decide whether they meet the job requirements and equally important, candidates can better decide whether they wish to work for the company in question as described in the company presentation. The result is a higher response rate to Internet job offers in comparison to candidates who respond to print advertisements by candidates who fully meet job requirements. This is a win situation for the HR Manager and the job seeker.

The Internet enables HR Managers to instantly locate the employees that it seeks:

Many Internet job sites also have candidate databases that companies can use to fill vacancies instantly. These databases can usually be searched through by key word searches and sorted by industry, location and other criteria. Such searches are facilitated by the fact that most candidates publish their minimal salary expectations which is very helpful for employers in determining candidate suitability for an opening. There are even some firms that enable employers to use their database free of charge, charging employers a percentage of each hire’s salary.

Potential candidates can submit their job details to the CV database instantly using online forms that they fill out and send to the web site’s database. Internet job sites ensure that their database is current by deleting submissions older than three months. Candidates that want their job details to be posted for longer periods must update their CV periodically.

Job seekers all over the world have the same instant access to all data:

The Internet enables for job advertisements to be accessed instantly by job seekers all over the world. This information is accessible to all job seekers regardless whether they live in Chicago or Jakarta. This has revolutionized recruitment, because for the first time it is possible to find candidates anywhere in the world without paying any extra charges. The only possible additional charge for companies is for relocation for hired candidates who live in other locations. Filling certain positions increasingly requires for HR Managers to search outside the company location. The revolutionary transformations taking place due to changing technology requires for companies to hire employees with knowledge of technology that did not even exist several years ago. Finding the ideal candidate for such difficult positions to fill makes it more than worth it to pay for relocation charges. The savings accrued through the use of Internet job sites will more than make up for additional costs such as moving expenses. In addition, attracting skilled and experienced employees from outside the firm will allow the employer to save considerable sums that would otherwise have been required for training. Moreover, the company would not be wasting these training funds on potentially unproductive employees, because they would have already been weeded out by the former employer.

The advent of Internet jobs sites has made recruitment an increasingly faster, more effective and efficient process. These new digital corporations make it possible for traditionally expensive newspaper advertisements to be replaced by digital ads that are many times less expensive than their printed counterparts. The popularity of this medium is on the rise, because access to this information is free of charge to job seekers who can efficiently and conveniently browse through job ads any time of day they desire. Employers are no longer limited by space considerations and can include much more about the job offered in their ads than could be done in the newspaper model. All this can be done instantly with just a click of the mouse.

How the Online Recruitment & Selection Work

Online recruitment and selection, e-recruitment and selection, or web based recruitment and selection is the use of online technology to attract candidates and aid the recruitment process. What this usually means is the use of a company’s own website, a third-party job site or job board, a CV database or search engine marketing to fill vacancies.

Careers websites Or Company’s own website:

Research suggests that the careers area of a company website is the second most visited area after the home page. People are always looking for careers opportunities so the use of a company’s own website as an online recruitment resource is now common practice for many.

Indeed, some companies integrate their careers sites to manage the entire recruitment process. Candidates not only apply for jobs via the website but these job applications are pushed through an online HR back-end where HR can monitor, rate and track applications, conduct psychometric tests, screen out unsuitable candidates and, in some cases, even set up interviews.

Job sites and job boards:

Most employers who have invested in any form of online recruitment will, at some time or another, use third-party job sites and job boards as part of their online recruitment strategy. Job sites and job boards are websites that advertise large numbers of job vacancies from many different recruitment agencies and employers.

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CV Databases:

A CV database is another important product in online recruitment. Candidates can upload their CVs to the CV database and these CVs are then released to recruitment agencies and employers to view and purchase. There are a number of dedicated stand-alone CV database providers, but many job sites and job boards offer access to CV databases as an additional service to basic vacancy advertising.

Search Engine Marketing:

Search Engine Marketing is slowly becoming another element of online recruitment for employers. Search engine marketing for online recruitment advertising generally involves utilizing Per-Per-Click advertising on search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN to drive potential candidates to careers websites. However, search engine marketing for recruitment does require some specialist knowledge and largely remains the preserve of larger companies and recruitment consultancies. Smaller employers will generally only come into contact with search engine marketing when they engage an online recruiter.

Online recruiters:

Online recruiters are much like other recruitment agencies: they work with you to create a job specification, look after the advertising, screen applicants and provide you with a shortlist of the best. Unlike recruitment agencies, however, their sourcing techniques are all online. They advertise jobs on job boards, scour CV databases for candidates, and utilize social networks and search engines as recruitment tools. And, typically, they charge a flat fee for their service rather than a percentage of salary.

Social Networking:

Social networks like Facebook, MySpace, Bebo and professional networks like Linkedin offer employers another way of reaching potential employees. For many employers, their pages on social networks are often simply duplications of their careers websites. However, some companies are using “recommend a friend” and referral programs to encourage their current employees to promote vacancies to their friends on social networks. Again, however, using social networks to recruit can be resource-heavy and in the current candidate-rich market, it may be more work that it is worth.

As you can see, online recruitment covers a wide range of activities in the digital media space. Obviously, success rests with choosing the most effective channel. In an ideal world you could use all of these channels. Realistically, there is seldom enough time for that. With this in mind, we would encourage smaller employers to use job sites and job boards as a starting point in online recruitment. Job boards offer the most cost effective and, perhaps more importantly for small and medium-sized companies, the most time-effective method of recruiting online.

There is lots of online jobs website in Bangladesh. Like bdjobs, jobsa1, prothom-alojobs, jobsbangladesh, deshijob, apnarjob, jobsbd and much more. HR department of any company or job seeker search employee or job resume in this site. There are some steps we can follow for online search. They are…..

Online Jobs Website

C.V Sorting

Written Test


Other Test

Final Selection

C.V of new jobseeker:

What the HR department of any company do:

Every company has a different set of criteria and HR Portal tailors its services and products to meet individual needs. First and foremost, you need to establish what you want.

There are three main points of entry into the market: Media Buying:

This is where you simply seek someone to place your adverts on the right job sites and negotiate the media rates. Sounds easy but in fact it can be a hit and miss affair if your adviser doesn’t know the market particularly well. Beware:

There is a right and wrong way to buy online media advertising. There’s a world of difference between posting your ads to the sites you think are right (because you’ve heard of them or their name sounds OK) and posting to sites you know are right (because hard quantitative data has proven they yield the best candidates for given jobs).

HR Portal has been gathering this hard data for years and updates it daily. It is based on how many candidates respond to each vacancy from each job site. They are now also measuring candidate quality by job site. After all, it’s better to target a smaller site that will yield a handful of suitable candidates than a bigger player that throws you hundreds of unsuitable people. And there’s more…

As a major player in media buying in its own right, HR Portal enjoys economies of scale with the job sites. These cost savings are handed on to its clients, enabling them to buy online media at a far reduced rate than they could achieve alone. Media Buying with Pre-Selection/Sorting:

It is advisable to supplement your intelligent media buying with a quick, effective candidate handling process. This way, the true benefits of online recruitment will be realized.

A good Application Service Provider will develop and tailor such a programmed to your business: don’t just accept the cheapest programmed – it is unlikely to be flexible. Make sure it meets your needs. Insist it is tailored to your business and check there will be strong support to get it up and running and maintained.

HR Portal is very service and support orientated: experience has shown that partnerships with its clients are far more fruitful than just selling and leaving.

Furthermore, HR Portal finds that over time its clients’ needs change: it is far easier to accommodate any updates and upgrades within an on-going relationship. The Full Monty:

Well not literally as in the film, but an impressive display of skills and expertise nevertheless.

HR Portal can take a job on from scratch: build the website, develop the candidate assessment and management software, identify the best job sites and post ads to them.

By now you should feel more confident about venturing online to recruit staff. Once you’ve tried it out, you’ll be unlikely to revert to print-only advertising. Online recruitment can offer so much more in terms of value, efficiency and effectiveness. It is the ultimate in flexible and responsive job advertising.

But remember, if a job’s worth advertising, it’s worth advertising properly.

Take time to research your options. Talk to some professionals in the marketplace and go for someone who can prove they have the right combination of media knowledge, buying power and software skills. Finally, make sure they will take time to understand your needs so you can invest in a partnership rather than a simple buyer/seller agreement.

7.4.4 Tips for applying for a position online:

Fully research the company’s website. Test out the consumer experience on the website, to find out how that works.

Don’t be rushed to complete the application online in one go. Print out pages if you need more time to complete them. Take time to understand the approach.

If possible, complete the form in an environment where you can concentrate.

Answer all answers as honestly as possible. You will be asked about the answers you put in the online application in a later interview.

Do searches for the company on the web. Get as much independent background information about the company as possible.

Having completed the application once, don’t fill it out again. This will produce duplicate applications, and will cause embarrassment for you.

Make sure the email address you supply is one you check regularly, as employers will want to get back to you and will want a quick response.

Write down user name and passwords for graduate websites for future identification.

Make sure you have your CV in electronic format. This will save time, as most websites will ask you to upload your CV, and you can cut and paste it into the application form.

Before submitting your form, double check you have answered all the questions you intended to, and have not left any gaps.

Problems of online recruitment and selection

While you may wonder how too many candidates applying for your job could ever count as a disadvantage, it is a fact that dealing with inappropriate, irrelevant and bad candidates is the bugbear of many a HR manager. Candidate spam can waste a lot of time. However, with a bit of thought about what job site you use, how you write your job description and using candidate screening and filtering tools on job boards, it is possible to reduce the number irrelevant applicants.

That’s right. Online recruitment won’t always work. Not every job vacancy you post can or will be filled online. There will always be difficult-to-fill jobs that can only be filled by recruitment consultants, headhunters or in other ways. However, most companies tend to hire for pretty standard job roles so this is seldom an issue. And with more and more job seekers choosing the internet to look for jobs, and more and more job sites and job boards specializing in ever more diverse areas, those difficult-to-fill jobs are becoming fewer and fewer.

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Limit the applicant audience as the Internet is not the first choice for all job seekers.

Cause applications overload or unsuitable applications if care isn’t taken drafting the job profile/specification.

Exclude those who do not want to search for a new job online.

Limit the attraction of those unable to fully utilize technology certain disabled groups.

Give rise to allegations of discrimination, in particular the use of limited keywords in CV search tools.

Make the process impersonal, which may be off-putting for some candidates.

Impact on the ‘cultural fit’ dimension of recruitment.

‘Turn-off’ candidates, particularly if the website is badly designed or technical difficulties are encountered.

Lose out on candidates, especially if your own website is below the search engine ranking of your competitors.

Base recruitment decisions on subjective information found after trawling the Internet for personal information on candidates.

Present problem of recruitment and selection practice in Bangladesh:

Bribe in the name of donation

Biased recruitment

Unfair selection

Quota based recruitment

Unwillingness to recruit female candidates

Political recruitment

Recruitment biased by religion, groups and Recruitment biased by religion, groups and ethnic priority ethnic priority

Not following a standard system

Prospects of online recruitment and selection

With more and more Bangladeshi businesses, including small and medium businesses, adopting information and communication technologies, HR managers in Bangladesh are increasingly resorting to online hiring. The benefits of online recruitment are many although there are a few problem areas as well. I am forecast at the costs and benefits of online recruitment.

The first and most important forecast of online recruitment is, of course, cost savings. Employing headhunters or advertising in the print media involves high costs. While print media advertising costs are in theory position-neutral – you pay the same column-centimeter rate whether you are advertising for top positions or for lower and middle level positions – in practice, recruiters tend to spend somewhat more on higher level recruitments and relatively less on lower and middle level positions mainly because they opt for better display ads for higher positions compared to lower and middle level positions

On the other hand, costs of hiring headhunters is directly related to the position you are advertising as headhunters charge on a commission-on-salary basis so that the higher the position and salary the higher the costs.

In contrast, online recruitment usually almost costs nothing compared to either print media advertising or hiring of headhunters and employers can achieve savings of up to 80% by recruiting through online methods.

For example, small Technologies Company in Bangladesh needs argent employees. They needed a chief operating office and he needed him fast. But simply didn’t have the kind of money needed to either go for print media advertising or hiring a headhunter. He chose to advertise in his preferred business networking site joba1 or jobbd at a cost of only $1000.

And, bingo! They got his man in almost no time.

Second, online recruitment facilitates just-in-time hiring. When an organization needs a candidate it can access the database of job portals, screen resumes and send a mass mail. It can also shortlist people based on skills, location, salary and availability and move on to the interview stage.

Third, online recruitment offers candidates the advantage of knowing the job profile, responsibilities expected and the nature of the organization, which are well defined at the outset. Regular communication with potential employees in the manual recruitment process is almost nil, whereas communication with job seekers and within the team is seamless in online recruitment.


While it is abundantly clear that online recruitment has inexorably altered the hiring process, its impact upon the overarching practices and principles of human resources and personnel management are not yet fully defined. At the current juncture, it seems as if the primary change has been a technological one, in which the newspaper help-wanted ads and snail-mailed paper résumés of the past have been neatly replaced with their electronic successors.

In other words, although the tools we use have changed, most of the underlying principles that govern the recruitment process have remained basically unchanged. Today, the HR profession stands at a critical junction. We have been presented with the unique — and formidable — opportunity to help usher in a new paradigm that combines the best of both worlds — the efficiency and unparalleled reach of the Internet with the high-touch, intuitive, and exceedingly human focus of traditional recruitment methods.

Technology has been and will continue to be an important factor in this process, but we should bear in mind that it is a tool, rather than an end unto itself. Our overarching objective remains unchanged: as recruitment professionals, we are charged with the responsibility of finding and keeping the best candidates. Online recruitment should be regarded as just one of the many techniques we use to achieve this goal — no more and no less.


When asked what she thought she had changed during her time as prime minister, Margaret Thatcher gave a reply that has since become famous: ‘everything’.90 This of course ignored questions as to whether ‘Thatcherism’ was the symptom or the cause of huge social change in that period. Nevertheless, what is clear is that as the twentieth century drew to an end, Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ had never been more visible. The West, including Thatcher’s Britain, had decided that it could not live without the market. With that choice settled, however, individuals, businesses and nations all around the world are faced with an equally important concern of how to live with the market.

In business and in the labor market, organizations and individuals are coming to terms with a new set of sweeping changes across society, from mass migration and global competition to the rise of new technology. These changes are altering the demands that are made on organizations, the opportunities open to people and the nature of the workforce itself. And politically, both the left and the right in Britain are adjusting to a new era in which a market economy has become part of the mainstream, but the answer to what kind of market economy remains both contested and uncertain. Huge questions remain as to how to ensure that markets are fair and efficient, that people are best equipped to thrive within them and that as a society we are able to identify social challenges that will never be addressed through the market alone – however well it functions. This pamphlet has aimed to contribute to answering those questions by doing three things. First, offering a guide to those operating in the market for recruitment, from employers and recruitment companies to job seekers themselves, to the important trends shaping society – and their likely implications. Second, suggesting ways of improving the efficiency and fairness of the market for recruitment companies by giving that market a clearer sense of the future. Third, identifying a key set of social challenges which we believe will not be met through the market – and making recommendations designed to help address those challenges.

Many big and small organizations are using Internet as a source of recruitment. They advertise job vacancies through worldwide web. The job seekers send their applications or curriculum vitae (CV) through an e-mail using the Internet. Alternatively job seekers place their CV’s in worldwide web, which can be drawn by prospective employees depending upon their requirements. There are many benefits – both to the employers and the job seekers but the e-recruitment is not free from a few shortcomings. Giving a detailed job description and job specifications in the job postings to attract candidates with the right skill sets and qualifications at the first stage. E-recruitment should be incorporated into the overall recruitment strategy of the organization. A well defined and structured applicant tracking system should be integrated and the system should have a back-end support. Along with the back-office support a comprehensive website to receive and process job applications (through direct or online advertising) should be developed. Therefore, to conclude, it can be said that e-recruitment is the “Evolving face of recruitment.”

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