“For those who intend to discover and to understand, not to indulge in conjectures and soothsaying, and rather than contrive imitation and fabulous worlds plan to look deep into the nature of the real world and to dissect it — for them everything must be sought in things themselves.” (Sir Francis Bacon).

It is base on the wise saying that I reflect on my personal development plan. Everybody has dreams but not every person work to achieve their child wood dream. I have always which to become a successful business executive and I know it could only be achieve by knowing and studying the foundation of business, that is the reason I choose to go for my postgraduate studies in Masters in business Administration, it serves as basis’s for my ongoing personal development plan.

To be able to discuss my ongoing personal development plan there is need to first discuss what my swot analysis are ,as this will form the background to any developmental plan.


Developing strong “people skills”

Using the power of other people’s help

Planning ahead to reduce stress

Widening the search for solutions

Generating many radical ideas

Weighing the pros and cons of a decision


Lack of effective managerial experience

Ineffective Public Speaking and Presentation experience

In adequate job experience

Lack of in depth knowledge on the way business is being run.


testing the viability of a financial decision

Making learning a happier experience

Memory Improvement Techniques

Choosing by projecting possible outcomes

Threats :

Using backward planning to set goals

Surviving the crises that come with growth

Coping with uncertainty

Reaching for the top with everyday tools

Communicate complex ideas successfully


Having tried to analysis my swot analysis to the best of my understanding there is need to identify how it has contributed to my personal development plan. And a constant review of the stages of development will help guide to achieving our dreams. I have this dream of being an accomplished business entrepreneur. This I believe could only believe achieve by gaining managerial experience in work place ,and going for my MBA.I believe it would help me get the required managerial experience and experts that is required to be a successful business entrepreneur.



This is a long journey that stated 2004, when I was given admission to study Public Administration at OLABISI ONABANJO UNIVERISTY. While studying Public Administration I was taught managerial and administrative course which includes the following:


foreign policy

organizational behavior

political economy

administrative law

conflict management

This course has enhanced my knowledge on how several aspects of organization management is being runned which includes:

Improved my decision making abilities

Analysising work pattern in the work place

Effective level of organization leadership and motivation

Organizational structure and process of delayering.

At the end of my studies I was awarded B.Sc Public administration in April 2008.

The next step was to put all the academic knowledge I have gained into use and gain experience on the job.


Work Experience

From May 2008 -march 2009


Title: Assistant Operation Manager.

My role in the organization is to create stability and used my academic knowledge to enhance productivity, sales and the running of the admin and sales department. My job includes the following:

Handling of client request, compliant and comment about product sold to them.

Managing the company cyber café

Working with the sales department in delivering good service to the clients.

Filling of client problem report book, transferring those report to appropriate department

Getting feedback from client about service rendered

Coordinating the daily running of the café business of the organization.

Apart from my role, I still work in the following capacity in the organization

Involved in the strategic preparation on company proposal

Involved in new project execution

Business proposal preparation for the organization

1.3 Strengths/experience gain

Creating efficient systems: This skill was significantly developed while working for the organization; I was made to create a structure that allows for effective running of the organization.

Comparing and evaluating information: I gain this experience as I have to look into the comparism of different product, using several parameters which includes: pricings, productive specification, market value, client popular demand.

Working well in a team: I was able to function very well as a team players, as I work in almost all the department of the organization.

Strategic thinking on problem solving: I gain experience on strategic and manipulation of problems in other to get the best solution, and how best to create alternative and exceptions.

Areas of further Development

Presentation skills: While working for the organization I discover I am very poorwith my presentation skill which need further development.

Setting up and keeping to time schedules: My time management skill was way beyond the organization standard and it require prompt development and evaluation.

Interpreting plans & diagrams: due to my background in administration ,I was in experience in plan and diagram interpretation, since the organization is basically engineering related .

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Long term objectives

My long term aim is to develop my career in the information technology sectorand be a successful business executive in the information technology sector. I discovered that the world is going digital every seconds, and it is going to be a very good business in the third world country like Nigeria that is still struggles to catch up with the facet of technology development.

My aim and goal is to work & establish business in the e-business, software development and media/data digitalization aspect of the information technology world. This sector i believe is the most lucrative sector in IT, and I believe the experienced gained in the organization I have worked for will be of great help combined with my administrative knowledge.

Short Term objectives

To develop my business and administrative knowledge in relation to the information technology world.

To develop my Information Technology Skills as related to e-bussiness, software and data development.



In other to achieve my objectives I am embarking on the following

Developing my business and administrative knowledge

Furthering my studies my going for my masters in business administration in one of the universities here in London.

I am doing my postgraduate diploma in management studies with LONDON MILLENIUM COLLEGE, which is a two/third of mba.

After completing my pgdip in Management studies, I would use the certificate to gain entrance to a university to finish my MBA.

Developing my Information Technology skills

I am a student of Oracle university (newyork) studying databases management.

I registered with Home learning College to study Microsoft certified system Engineer.(MSCE)

I am developing my knowledge of the following application which is widely used by organizations: SAP, ERP, and DASHBORD. Etc.



The course advance professional development have being of great impact to my career development. The course has impacted greatly on getting of managerial competencies and to know the underlying techniques and approaches required to gain personal competency behavior and skills in order to achieve effective performance in the organization have being able to align and differentiate my skills and know my strength and weakness.

The course has set out possible source for the development of my desired skills or competence, related to my personal and professional skill enhancement.

There is therefore a need to do an analysis of the skills I have gain personally and professional.


Developing strong “people skills”

Using the power of other people’s help

Planning ahead to reduce stress

Widening the search for solutions

Generating many radical ideas

Weighing the pros and cons of a decision


Lack of effective managerial experience

Ineffective Public Speaking and Presentation experience

In adequate job experience

Lack of in depth knowledge on the way business is being run.


testing the viability of a financial decision

Making learning a happier experience

Memory Improvement Techniques

Choosing by projecting possible outcomes

Threats :

Using backward planning to set goals

Surviving the crises that come with growth

Coping with uncertainty

Reaching for the top with everyday tools

Communicate complex ideas successfully


Assignment 2 task1

In new businesses, “management” is often considered “whatever needs to be done just to keep things afloat”. However, for your business to grow and remain healthy, you must master certain basic skills in management and leadership — skills that will help you avoid the crisis situations where you have to do “whatever it takes to stay afloat”.

Developing effective management skills to deal with specific challenges and problems of each organization is the urgent needs of many businesses and organizations in the global competitive environment, rapid change of technology and environment.



building power and influence; (ii) communication skills (iii) goal setting; (iv) managing conflict; (v) decision making; (vi) Creative Problem Solving Skills (vii) Task Execution(viii)People Skills;(ix) Inventing products and processes 

The quality of manager and effective management styles can determine the culture of the organization, the productivity of its staff, and, ultimately, success or failure of the organization. A manager should have the ability to direct, supervise, encourage, inspire, and co-ordinate, and in doing so facilitate action and guide change. 

Three personal and professional skill a manager must possess. This includes

Creative Problem Solving Skills:

A good and effective manager must possess good and accurate problem solving skills, it is believe that a manager always got problem to solve daily at the work place, proactiveness and have an in depth knowledge of problem solving is a great tool in creating stability

A good manager must have good descriptive and analytical skills of solving problem, identifying the cause of the problem, developing and creative options and choosing the best course of action. he best method for implementing and evaluating to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the decision must be known. During my brief stint working with D WAY Systems and Tech limited as an assistance operational manager, there was a time when the café division of the company develop serious technical issues that requires us changing our Internet Service Provider (isp) and then reconnection process which requires high quality work and it take time for us to switch, this process created serious problem for us satisfying our customer, I was able to solve this applying the rule of problem solving.

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Communication Skills:

A good manager must have a very good communication skill such as: listening skills, presentation skills, feedback skills and Report writing skills. All this communication skills mentions are part of what a good manager should posses to be effective at workplace. The ability to listen to suggestion, compliant, and several issues at the workplace give room for a good manage to eliminate easily the sources of problems. The presentation skills must be very good cause it is an effective to for business growth. Effective managers always give feedback openly – this creates an environment of trust and encourages staff to be open with you in return. And not all feedback is critical – it’s just as important to comment when someone has done something right.

Employee feedback is critical in managing change. Holding focus groups with employees is a great way to gauge reaction and monitor the progress of change. You also can encourage employees to provide feedback through email or the company intranet. Communication is the cornerstone to successful change management. Talking to your employees is not a one-time event, and you need to reinforce your message by communicating early and often.

People Skills

Being a skilled people manager includes having the integrity to foster trust and the emotional intelligence to deal with different people successfully. Effective managers are also good at empowering, coaching, motivating and developing people. Managers act as catalysts by bringing the right people together for a wide range of tasks. They know who can do what and who will work best with other people. They are also good facilitators, able to ask the right questions to draw solutions out of others. They ask stimulating questions in a supportive manner rather than behaving like a police interrogator. Management effectiveness requires clear communication and good listening skills.



Task Execution

To execute complex tasks, manage projects and run an efficient operation, it helps to be able to plan, organize and monitor performance. It is also important to have a strong results focus, to be someone who conveys a sense of urgency and has the perseverance to get things done under tight time pressures. This includes the resilience to bounce back following setbacks, to be someone who is not easily defeated. Trust is an essential element in the relationship of manager and his or her team. You demonstrate your trust in others through your actions – how much you check and control their work, how much you delegate and how much you allow people to participate. Organizing and coordinating (the manager organizes subordinates’ behaviors around tasks and coordinates interdependent relationships to accomplish organizational goals).

Commercial insight:

This set of skills emphasizes efficiency and, in the case of private sector managers, profitability or return on investment. Managers use strategic thinking to ensure that they focus on the right tasks, those that will add most value. They use their planning skills to prioritize in combination with the ability to understand how value is created. This means understanding the financial aspects of running an organization and allocating all resources at their disposal wisely.

Leadership and motivation: A mark of a good leader is to be able to provide consistent motivation to his team encouraging them to attain excellence and quality in their performance. A good leader is always looking for ways to improve production and standards



Having analyze both the personal skills and professional skills a manager need to have to be effective at work, for effectiveness in the work place a good manager need to possess both personal and professional skills, both skills are inter related as both help in meeting both organizational and personal goal and objective. A manager that has both skills will possess this following attribute.

Enthusiasm: If Managers are negative – they bring staffs down. Manager with enthusiasm, with a bounce in their step, with a can-do attitude. Many people tend to follow people with a can-do attitude. Enthusiastic Managers are committed to their goals and express this commitment through optimism.

Competence: Managers will be chosen based on their ability to successfully lead others rather than on technical expertise, as in the past. Having a winning track record is the surest way to be considered competent. Expertise in management skills is another dimension in competence. The ability to challenge, inspire, enable, model and encourage must be demonstrated if managers are to be seen as capable and competent.

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Ability to Delegate Tasks: Trust is an essential element in the relationship of manager and his or her team. You demonstrate your trust in others through your actions – how much you check and control their work, how much you delegate and how much you allow people to participate.

Cool under Pressure: In a perfect world, projects would be delivered on time, under budget and with no major problems or obstacles to overcome. A leader with a hardy attitude will take these problems in stride. When leaders encounter a stressful event, they consider it interesting, they feel they can influence the outcome and they see it as an opportunity.

Team-Building Skills: A team builder can best be defined as a strong person who provides the substance that holds the team together in common purpose toward the right objective. In order for a team to progress from a group of strangers to a single cohesive unit, the leader must understand the process and dynamics required for this transformation. He or she must also know the appropriate leadership style to use during each stage of team development. The leader must also have an understanding of the different team players styles and how to capitalize on each at the proper time, for the problem at hand.

Communicate the big picture: If you want your employees to work hard and be committed to your business, you have to keep them in the loop. Open communication helps foster loyalty and gives employees a sense of pride. It helps them understand how their work contributes to the company’s success.



Knowledge and skills which I consider to be important for my future career

My Ability Rating strong / weak / somewhere in between

Using the power of other people’s help

Moderate: I am relatively able to use other peoples help to get things done.

Lack of effective managerial experience

Weak: i don’t have effective managerial experience

Ineffective Public Speaking and Presentation experience

Weak I do not have enough experience when it comes to public speaking

Developing strong “people skills”

Moderate: I am able to demonstrate strong peoples skills to a good extent.

In adequate job experience

Weak: due to non-adequate job consistency.

Lack of in depth knowledge on the way business is being run.

Weak: due to my limited exposure on how an organization is being manage in the real world


A detail action Plan

Area of further Development and leadership development


How to achieve further leadership development/Review date:dec 2011

Ineffective Public Speaking and Presentation experience

I am not good at public specking and paper presentation due to my lack of exposure.

I will undergoing constant training and being participative in speech presentation and would love to achieve it by dec 2011

In adequate job experience

Having work for a short period I have not being able to gather the relevant experience I need for my development

I intend to get a job that will enhance my development and improve my leadership as to gather more job experience

Developing strong “people skills”

I have develop my people’s skill to a certain extent due to my constant interaction with people

I will keep relating with people to enhanve my peoples’ skill the more

Lack of in depth knowledge on the way business is being run.

Due to my inexperience on the job, and my non-involvement in management make me to lack and in depth knowledge on the way business

I intend to enhance my knowledge by reading books on business development ,going to seminars and being involve in the management of an organization.


Impact of learning style on personal development.

Personal development of individual depends on the the type of learning styles that best sooth the the individual, while some people are sensory learner others may be intuitive.but for personal development the best approach to achieving a stated goal is to follow the learning style that best enhance its development. Developing your style of learning to cope with different environments takes time and effort, but is an essential skill for both academic study and career development.

It is therefore necessary to test the following in achieveing the best learning style for personal development.

identify the ‘style’ of different learning environments you experience;

work on the development suggestions in the learning styles reports;

when starting new learning tasks, think about what styles will be most productive – don’t just use your preferred style;

when working in groups, think about how each person contributes in terms of their learning style;

think about your learning style in group tasks – what effect does this have on others?

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