Relation Between Nestle And The Brady Information Technology Essay

The passage introduces Nestle Corporations lack of standard business processes and its attempts to align its information systems and business process. It was aimed at transforming to a unified database accessible to all Nestle Worldwide employees worldwide.

Though Nestle seemed to have developed ideas for developments using SAP architectures to make it as a single-minded e-business the project turned failure initially mainly because of the resistances from the employees . I believe that this was because of the incorrect application of a change management strategy .Fortunately Nestle had a chance to learn from its mistakes and revitalize their project.

Learning Experiences from Cayenne Business simulation in Nestle

The Cayenne Exercises in class was aimed at building project management capability and preparing us for project challenges at work .It can be related to Nestle Case analysis.

Considering Nestles Case the New rollout caused problem mainly due to its change management strategy. It’s to be accounted that Resistances from Employees was seen and this should be accounted that using approaches like Big Bang (i.e.: Dedicated team), Modular Approaches (i.e.: Project integration happens from One division to other) and Process Oriented approaches (i.e.: Critical Success Factors to evaluate pain areas) could have improved the process while managing implementations. (Lau, 2004) (O’Leary, 2000) &Lientz & Rea (2004)Or nullified by appropriately communicating, counselling and training its staffs on the advantages of the new system and its business implications.

The Simulation project in class and The Nestle had potential problems like team chemistry, team dynamics which had to control and hence both these project works did not receive much bbusiness value as it expected originally.

One of the main factors was both failed to consider and understand the mindset of the people involved in the project.

Systems before implanting change should balance needs work people, steering groups, sponsors, and mainly stake holders, as they are the key people. They must be provided with performance support systems and trainings. Davenport (2000) .else will resulted in Nestlé’s Struggles and failure with Enterprise Systems projects.

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Cayenne is a valuable preparation for me to understand and improve my project management capabilities and use process oriented approaches and evaluate critical success factors (Lau, 2004)

After restructuring and reengineering its information systems Nestle started yielding the business values.


Relation between Nestle and the Brady case study

Brady Corporation as well depended on its information systems for its business. As per the analysis between Nestle and Brady both seemed to have faced almost similar problems i.e.: Information systems and also the adaptivenss of the organizations workforce to these systems. It was seen that Brady had been involved with several other applications which made the complexities internally and externally to the environment.

Brady realized the need to move to digitalized technologies to minimize manual errors and cut operational loses .

Brady revamped and re-engineered their business operations similar to Nestle by centralizing databases, by effectively using a change management strategies and implementing globally the new business information systems.

One of the main factors was both failed to consider and understand the mindset of the people involved in regular use of the application.

They gave counselling and training its staffs, key holders, sales, marketing and making them familiarize with their new business methodologies enabling quicker operations control. Davenport (2000)

Brady and Nestle realised the need for global expansions and simultaneously keeping its customers happy by implementing process to minimize errors, standardize process and mishaps and thus converting to a customer focused organization and keeping the organizational culture

Cayenne is a valuable preparation for me as I understand the need of improving project management capabilities and use process oriented approaches and evaluate critical success factors (Lau, 2004)

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Both these corporations according to me have never been much keen on following the standardized frame work for an IS / IT implementation to demonstrate best practices frame work and it’s to be noticed that mostly after a rollout major issues are noted . Using a Standardized framework like ITIL gives quality service provisions and roll out plans meeting business services request and customer demands quickly and gives direct value to business services management. Murray & Mohamed (2007)

In my opinion Both Nestle and Brady should be considered the use of this because ITIL follows sequences of steps to be considered before deploying an enterprise application. Murray & Mohamed (2007)

Figure: An ITIL enabled Structural frame work.

Source: Murray & Mohamed (2007)

Cayenne simulation: -Reflective report on acquired key learning’s

Based on our learning With Mr Martin, was initially focussed on an organization which had a failed project and the steps by which I am as a project member tackles these problems to restructure my organization .We were guided initially through improving project conditions again by highlighting the key performance reassures, resources and focus members like the team, organization and the steering group members. We organized ourselves in a team of six members.

The key foundations of the project to be taken accounted to six different periods

The reflections from this learning exercise depicts my skills in managing existing project conditions effectively in a new business scenario and gave me lessons like to managing cost and time to take business decisions at the right time

Initial focus was on resources, team work and identifying the main issues likely to be raised by the steering committee members and the scope of the project. We believed that Team work itself is an organizational strategy and we used our people constructively and effectively in gaining advantages. In a team we maintained balance, leadership and a good communication which are essential. Thompson (2010). The next in chain followed the requirements section where the consideration was on developing competence and the current standing of employees.

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In the design phase we learned about developments of blue prints so that we can check for alternate ways, and abide with the other process. This lesson taught me to look for several alternate ways of diagnosing business requirements .In the detailed design process we targeted the end-users and the defined work flows by which the project is governed .In the developmental phase we considered the testing phase where we tested the project friendliness and looked for fresh ideas for improving user developments .

In the implementation phase is our commitment to our managers to deliver the project on time to end users and check the end user experiences.

This simulation has given me some ideas of dealing with real life situations and working in pressured environments .It introduced me to key members like steering groups , stake holders who are the real key people and not only managers who worry about failed projects .I also learned in maximizing business values and do a testing phase analysis before a project is being handed over the end users .It taught me effective time management and needs for effective groups and members to bring in new ideas for a development .Cayenne Simulations were an insight to real corporate life on how a project gets into real shape and how to deal with a failed project . This simulation taught me about values like networking between other group members to get ideas quickly, so in a consulting field I will try to develop professional contacts via linked-, company parties, business functions etc.

All together it gave me a real life consultant’s experiences and I believe this learning lesson will be helpful for my consulting carer.

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