Report On The Organisation Dominos Pizza Business Essay

I have selected the organisation domino s pizza for the report ard since am working as an manager

assistant in the forest hill franchise store. I had the opportunity to join this store in 2008. I made the

discussion with franchise manager vennyliu and also had the opportunity to have a small discussion with dorninos new Zealand head operations Daniel Murray when he visited the forest hill store. Since I am working in this store for quite a while and knew how the process is going on in this institution so it was easy for me to pick this organisation for the assignment.

IT was in 1960 two brothers torn monaghan and James purchased ased a small pizza store Dominick s a

small pizza store in Ypsilanti, Michigan, in us. They bought the store for 575 us dollars. James sold his

share to his brother and in 1965 torn renamed the store domino s pizza. It was on May 12 1983 dominos opened its first international store in Winnipeg, Manitoba ,Canada, By the year 1997 dominos opened the 1500th international location.

It was in the year 1998 owner torn sold the 93 percent of the cormpany to Bain capital for one billion

us dollars . After one year company named David A Brandon as the ceo and chairman of the company. it was in the year 2004 dominos began trading in new york stock exchange. It was in the

year 2006 one dominos store in tallaght, Dublin, ireland, became the first in dominos history to hit a

tUrnovOr of 3 million dollars. Domino s pizza is located in more than sixty countries now.

Business demographics

Dominos management and staff has to communicate locally, nationafly and internationally.

Taking the example of dominos pizza franchise north shore where I am currently working as an assistant manager. We staff have to communicate with the co-workers and managers and

franchise manager. The roster and the meeting notices are usually sent to our email, and if there are any changes or if we are unavailable we can email back to franchise manager. The payroll slip is also sent to our email. If there is any emergency like staff will not he able to work that

days shift communication is usually made through phone and dominos has a toll free no 0800304050.The person who calls will not be charged and it can be used by landline and mobile.

The communication between different stores is essential. It is mainly for the purpose of borrowing and return of the stock, Sometimes customer enquires about different stores

telephone no. It is basically done through phone. Communication with the customer is direct verbally when they come to the store for purchase or any other queries .we use to take telephonie orders and online order as well. Our store does the online business very well nationally. Online ordering is one of the speciality of dominos pizza. Where customers can easily get the menu in the computer and they can select according to their taste and range. They can

choose the option of delivering to their place or takeaway. There has been a survey conducted by the us dominos that people will be spending a certain amount of money for eating out, This

would be like more than 5% will be delivered to their to their home and it will be online ordering and this would ncrease to 12% in the near future 4 tc 5 years. The communication of the suppliers are also through phone and faxing sometimes we order the food delivery through phone and in special cases like holidays the order will be sent as fax.

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International communication is also essential the us domino team and Australaian dominos team visits our store once a year. This information will be passed to franchise by the new

Zealand head office. The report of the store visit and the upgrading required and changes needed will be sent to franchise though e mail.

Courier and post. The courier and post are used for the supply of circulars and brochures.

2) Organsational goals

Increase the profitability of busmess: Organisational goal of dominos is to increase the profitability of th business. Communication is an important factor in increasing the profitability.

The sales should be increased and customer complaints should be reduced Advertisement campaign should be done. If there is any promotion by dominos it should be conveyed to

customers and if any doubts arises from customer it should be sorted out. There are some promotions which it will be in the system but staff may not know about it. It should be discussed

wth the franchise manager and should be conveyed to the customer if there is any customer

complaints it should be discused in the store and it shouId be noted that the similar complaint never arises in future. If he customer sends the complaint to the dom nos head oflice the

franchise has to send a report to head office showing all thedetails of corrective action taken by the store.

Employee motivation:communication plays an important role in employee motivation. Financial rewardc areone of the key motivation factors. When the store crosses particular sales the employees get an incentive.AppreciatiOn in work are also good motivation and it should be communicated to the employee verbally by store manage when particular employee does a

good job or finishes a particular hard task. The job security are also conveyed to the employee if an employee is performing well the message will be conveyed to him by the area manager that he is not going to lose his job.

3) Organisational culture and ethics

since the employees in dominos are a multicultural. People from different parts of tie world work in the forest hill domino store.There are Chinese, Koreans, Europeans and Indians working

in the store. the team should be following an ethhcs in the store for example the people working from China they will be returning to china during thL Chinese new year and during this period other nationaIites will be covering their shift. dominos has an in store ethics for eeverything one of it is behaviour to customer:, even if the customers get angry staff should be polite to them and apologise for any of the mistakes and not argue with customer. even though the communication is in English between the staff members but usuaily Chinese people talk to each other in Chinese and 80% of staff are ChinosO and there will be at least one Asian working in each. shift,

4) Management of knowledge resources:

in the organistion franchice manager and the store manager possess the knowledge for the includes the day today running, payroll,food ordering, recruiting new staff, training new staff ,and the new products and new prmotions will be sent to the company by email from head office and that emails will he fowarded to the staff.Banking and other financial matters are done by the store manager. Dominos has online site for training and thats called doti and every sstaff of dominos has to go online and get the online training If there requirers any sort of details the head office person comes directly for help and they clear the doubt. There was a problem in food ordering and the new Zealand head came straight to the shop and cleared the doubts.

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5) Group dynamics:

Employees make the group and that makes a team.. Usually people working in each shift of dominos can be considered a team. There will be emotional stress from employees especially

when they are working on Friday and Saturday evening shifts and this will be sorted out by putting or replacing an additional experienced person. When the conflict arises in the team each

individual in the team will be asked questions personally and as a group and final solution is found out by getting the answers from employees. Employees are also put in different sections like make line to counter and counter to delvery position. So each person can look at different angles of work and how each one does their duty in each sections, The basic terminology of forming,storming,norming and performing is there in our store as well to make the team well knit and to be connected to each othcr.

6) Meeting management

Communication process are essential in running the meeting successfully. In our store we have a meeting room.Invitation to meeting to all staff members are done through calling them on

phone and telling them the time of meeting. The meetng can be of anything like a customer complaint which is serious something like found a foreign product in the pizza and customer was admitted to hospital. The food from the customer was taken and send to the quality assurance department and a nominal amount was paid by the supplier of dominos. So what need to be done and how to handle the situation will be discussed and minutes will be taken and the action

taken in the meeting will also he taken down. sometimes when the inspection team from Australia visited our store and we got a good marks in that inspection the management decided

to have a meeting and a party at sky City hotels. This was published in the notice board and it was sent to a11 staff members email dnd also it was communicated verbally as well. The time place , when , where should be informed to whom(people attending the meeting).

7) Stakeholders:

Customers: customers are communicated verbally when they come to store. and also througn phone since there is telephone ordering in the store

Managementcomrnuniaiion with the management is basically verbally when the managers are in the store and use of telephone and email are used to pass vital information. Suppose

there is an inspection from head office then the area manager will telephone the matter to the staff. The pay slips and roster are usually send to the email.

Staff: The communication with staff is usually verbal and texting are also used to send the informatioin wnich are not vital.

Bank: Dominos forest bill store deals with WestPaC bank and the dealings are usually

through phone,emall the banking statements and discuss verbally sometimes with the bank if any errors has occurred sometimes the customer wltl be charged twice when they order

online that has to be sorted out with the bank first and then return the money to the customer.

8) NetwOrks: store is equipped with computer and online facIlity is available for ordering. Distribution of flyers to the public which will increase the business of the dominos and

display tne dominos price boards near the store and there is a car which is specifically for the advertisement. it is written the name dominos and price of the pizza are mentioned in

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the car. Distribution of promotional material who visits the store basically they are given discount vouchers when they use it they get the discount.


It was in 1965 the dominos started in us it was in the year 2008 new franchise store of dominos was opened in forest hill north shore. I had the opportunity to join this forest hill

store as customer service representative, and was promoted to assistant manager within six months. The communication between the staff members and franchise manager and store manager are through emails, telephone, texts and verbal communicaton. The organisational goals are increasuing the profitability of the of the business and communication is impoertant. Sales should be increased and customer complaints customer complaints should be reduced. In employee motivation communication plays a vital part appreciation by the store manager and job security to the

employees also offered to the employee. North shore dominos are having a multicultural and 80% staff are Chinese basic medium of language is english. Asians, speak in Chinese to

their co-workers and dominos have a solid ethics especlally if the customers are angry the staff should apologise. In the organisation the franchise manager and the store managers possess the knowledge for the business. It includes the day today runnmg, payroll. food ordering,recruiting new staf, training new staff,and the new products and new promotions will be sent to the company by email from head office and that email will be forwarded to the staff.

Banking and other financial matters are done by the the store manager. Dominos has an on line site for training and that is called doti and every staff of dominos has to go online and get online training.

There will be emotional stress from employees especially

when they are working on Friday and Saturday evening shifts and this will be sorted out by putting or replacing an additional experienced person.

Communication process are essential in running the meeting successfully. In our store we have a meeting room.Invitation to meeting to all staff members are done through calling them on

phone and telling them the time of meeting. The meetng can be of anything like a customer complaint which is serious something like found a foreign product in the pizza and customer was admitted to hospital. The food from the customer was taken and send to the quality assurance department and a nominal amount was paid by the supplier of dominos. So what need to be done and how to handle the situation will be discussed and minutes will be taken and the action

taken in the meeting will also he taken down.

The communication to the customers, staff, management, and bank are uasually done through verbal,through telephone,emails and texts.


It will be better to start a dominos club in forest hill and those who join the club for a nominal fee will he getting the discountsd on each purchase they make from any new Zealand

store,The club members will be given 50% discount on public holidays and no surcharge will be applied for club members. These club members whO actively purchase from dominos

store will be participating in a lucky draw twice a year. They will be given the new menu, changes in the menu and new products available in dominos through email. Each lucky

person will be given the opportunity to distribute the flyers of dominos forest hill once a week in the dominos advertisement car, the name will be choosen from lucky draw. This enables the people to ineract socially and communicate and grow the business.

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