Research: Buying behaviour and culture

Data Analysis

The following chapter aims to provide the reader with the results generated form the questionnaire distributed manually. The analysis and discussion is focused on evaluating the primary data in the line with objectives of the proposed study which is about Buying behaviour and culture.

Respondent to Questionnaire:

There are total of 80 Questionnaire was given to people belong to Pakistani community and only 33 Questionnaires are returned which is 41 % of total and taken for further research. Overall there are 59 % Questionnaires was not respondent and could not include for analysis.

Feels Happy in Cultural Clothes:

The below chart shows that females and males of almost all the category of ages considerably have strong point of view that it give them feelings of happiness when they wear their cultural clothes because it create a difference and also it gives them feeling of belonging to the traditional cultural as well.

Cultural Clothes as Identity:

The below Graph is showing that females of age 26-35 and also females of age 18-25 are significant believes that cultural clothes are their identity and the Males of middle age 36-49 and above 50 believes that cultural clothes are their identity. Here the difference between the Females and Males age difference shows that Female of Young age are more concern about their cultural identity as compared to Males because they mostly do not bother about clothing as cultural identity.

Peer Group and Reference Group influencing:

The below graph shows that females of age group 18-25 and age 26-35 consider the compliments of the family and friends for the destining and also males of age 18-25 and 26-35 believes that opinion of the family and friends are important follow for choice clothing. It shows tat Overall males and females of Pakistani community is influenced by the reference groups compliments and opinions. According to the studies about the Pakistani community it was observed that they have strong influences of peer group specially the family and parents who always give them guidance and opinion about their behaviour and culture.

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Cultural Influences for shopping of Clothes:

The below Graph is about the point of view when Pakistani community looking for shopping .When people are going for clothes shopping they consider the cultural they belong as this graph shows that females of the community between age group of 18-25, 26-35 and 36-49 consider that culture influences the shopping for clothing but males have not shows the large impact of cultural for their shopping. According to studies carried for Pakistani community also discussed that people have strong feeling and believes about the culture and also feel happy when they do something depending on their culture.

Western and Eastern Clothes Likeness between Old and New Generations:

The below graph shows that New generation Strong believed that western clothes are good to wear and they like it. It show that Female and male of age between 18-25 and 26-35 are significantly agreed that they likes the western clothes and it is important for Marketers to know that this segment have strong view point about likeness of Western clothes.

The blow graph shows that Old Generation likes the Eastern Clothes. If we look at graph it clearly shows that Females and Males of middle age 36-49 are more interested towards the eastern clothes and hey have strong believe that eastern clothes are good to wear.

If we look at old and new generations Likeness about eastern and western clothes we can analysis that new generation likes more western clothes and they follow the western clothing trend as compared to old generation which is still following the eastern cultural clothes and fashion. It show that old generation have more impact of the cultural believes and values on them as compared to new generation.

Religious Gathering and Traditional Clothes:

The below graph show that females of all age consider that traditional clothing is important for religious gathering and they prefer to dress up according to the gathering requirements on this preference of traditional clothing males have not show he significant impact of gathering and traditional clothes which shows that females are more concerned about the traditional clothing as compared to males for the religious gathering. According to the Studies shows that Pakistani Community have strong religious, traditional, beliefs, Rituals which reflects in their buying behaviour which seen in research carried out as secondary research.

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If Western Brands Offer Eastern Clothes:

The below graph shows that Pakistani community will feel happy if they can find eastern clothes in western brand shops like Asda and next etc. Females and males of young to middle age are strongly believed that it would be pleasure to shop when they can buy eastern clothes in western brands shopping. It is important to know about this segment point of view about this and Asda is already considering this eastern clothing for this segment and they are working good and people also showed their interest in this research (secondary research about Asda).

If Eastern Shops Start selling Western Clothes:

The below graph showing that people are somehow interested to buy western clothes if eastern shops start selling. But their point of view about this in both gender males and females are not significant considerably so it is telling about that they feel more happy to busy western clothes from western brand shops rather than eastern. It is important for marketers to know about this to start any new product for this community.

Quality is more important than Price:

The below Graph shows that Pakistani community have strong believe that quality is more important than price. Females and males both consider this that quality is more important and also this graph shows that young and middle age people are always considering quality as important factor to buy clothes. It shows that old age people are still not that much aware about the quality product they still try to consider the price and it is also social class factor that people look for the low price even if the quality is not good and it was seen in secondary research as well. According to secondary research about the Pakistani community also shown that people are brand lover yet they are still conscious about price as well because of exchange rate but as far as young generation they are not that much price conscious they are brand lover and take brand as status symbol it can be the reason that they are born here.

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Research Ethics:

Research ethics is the appropriateness of how the researcher behaves in relation to the rights of the respondents who become the subject of the researchers work, or are affected by it (saunder et all 2003), Throughout the whole research there will need to be a consideration of the ethical issues. Ethnical responsibilities like honestly and with integrated work have been taken care. Fraud has been avoided to bring new finding by the research. Data analysis has been done on in right direction by using excel sheet.

Conclusion: According to the secondary research and the result of primary research which is done by questionnaire shows that Pakistani community Have strong believes, values and ritual consideration when they are buying Clothes. They consider their culture as important factor and have strong influence towards shopping for dresses.

Growth Prospects And Outcomes: Due to increase in Pakistani population and their economic status as leading high earning community with huge expenditure capacity, marketer should study more cultural and consumer buying Behavior of this community in UK market, by forming Pakistani consumer market segment, targeting and Positioning Pakistani consumer in UK to make business more profitable, expandable and providing better customer services. Currently there are few branded shops target perfectly the Pakistani consumer, but still to marketers need to understand the Pakistani consumer and explore their cultural influences to make this segment important.

Further Research

Due to limited resource of manpower and time, Research can be further carried out on larger scale, more geographically, aged group and big target consumer. Further researched is needed on Pakistani consumer buying Behaviour, understanding cultural and social characteristics and its implication.

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