Role of Human Resources management at British Gas


British gas is solitary main energy supplier in UK. It is a foremost part of Centrica group. This group provides power and dissimilar services for the patrons all over Britain. British gas offer electrical energy and gas for its clients and also recommends gas heating appliances all over nation. Centrica as an international corporation provides the majority of its products Europe and America and later on fed its industry to UK as British gas. They make available services like drain clear out services include overcrowding, drain examination surveys, repairs and setting up of pipelines concerning gas operations. Centrica sited its group as British Gas Corporation in 1995 at villa of Windsor, United Kingdom. In modern decades the power market in UK has turn out to be lively. As they supply vast services all over nation. British gas employee’s elevated skillful staff more than 9,000 to make available products of heating and gas appliances for clients. British gas constantly desire to make available high-quality genuine services and make hassle free appliances, electrical system, drains and plumbing. In order to achieve the above strategies British gas group must able to make a perfect plan of human resources.(HR).

Human resources management (HRM) is one of the basic management techniques of an organization. HRM framework hints to examine the resources quality that is to be satisfied. It also guides the higher officials like manager of the organization about the effective utilization of resources and services to earn more income for the organization. The strategy of HRM is included with many activities such as,

Opportunity of employment.

Service analysis.

HR Planning in an organization..

Evaluation and compensation. And evaluation.

Employee relations.

Health, wellness and safety.

For the survival of the organization HRM plays an importance role in its existence. Manager of the firm must able to predict the importance of the HRM in their organization which would be significant in taking important decisions and guide further operations. HRM is the important objective of the organization to perform effectively. Set of objectives that are included under HRM are scheduled below,

Achieving organizational goals.

Enrolling skilled labor.

Determining policies of HRM to staff.

Maintaining quality and providing job satisfaction. (Ivancevich,2007)

Effective management involves in maintaining, development and acquiring of resources within the organization. Such type of resources are includes raw material, land, equipment, staff and latest technology. Organizations like British gas ought to employ high-quality accomplished employees for achieving the goals of the association. HRM is the trade profession with the intention of focus the people to sight towards the association. It is liable for the delivering the accurate arrangement and ensuring the belief in clients. Centrica earned a enormous profits as parent corporations for British gas for elongated time. British gas obtains the majority of its returns from the purchaser base like housing people across the nation. Patrons all the time think of elevated level services with enthusiastic price. If British gas fails to offer these standards to consumer the group then it is probable to be in losses. For the fulfillment of the consumers British gas engineers have to be expert in manufacture the necessary standards to consumers. With the assist of engineers British Gas firm be able to make sure the corporation reputation and retain improved profits. The administrator of British Gas Company must have aptitude of calculating dissimilar practical activities in group. The three main practical actions involves in achievement of British gas group are,


Due to enormous growth of trade by British gas it requires additional workforces for meeting the clients demand. This is one of the most important practical units of British Gas Company which leads them to achievement. British gas established its own gas academy in 2002 with the intention to assist extra training for 5,000 staff which is to be enrolled in to workforce. British gas group offers a variety of training routes for their workforce so as to get the successful outcome. Most of its preparation programs are extremely much successful and involves in concentrated apprenticeship agenda. In this procedure trainees are likely to qualify within 10-14 months with completely aided knowledge. It also offers appropriate guidance in skills and requirement. British gas provides teaching for all its scientific engineers and ensures them with all the most modern trend technology. This movement in association focuses further on technical skills and knowledge. Training action also spotlight on communication skill as their employees are in normal get in touch with consumers so it is ought to include high-quality skills in communication. British gas also offer online wisdom model for its workers and also hold cultural consciousness for the enlargement of organization.

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Workforce planning

This is another significant movement in the performance of British Gas firm. This sector relate with the corporation outlook and existing needs. Work force preparation involve in employment process and also administrating the training plan to make sure the group with expert staff. Administrator of the British gas must carry out the proceedings to forecast the future access of gas in UK marketplace. This approach helps the corporation to make a decision about the number of extra engineers necessary for the corporation. Manager of British gas have to guesstimate forecasts concerning demand of engineers in expectations. The work force necessity in British gas is determined by two methods. Firstly conformity with customers for ensuring products and services and second technique is straight accessing by consumer through one-off support if they have any difficulty with services. In current days demand for both these methods growing rapidly and this may also leads to quick hiring additional employees for the company. There also arise many troubles that pressure employees planning. British gas must contain upgraded manufacturing skills, security and physical condition issues are most considerable in gas industry. They must deem the directive of EU as fitness and security regulations change regularly. Experienced engineers can clutch their position in manufacturing until they give up work. They are treasured according to their skill and efforts furthermore British gas also chooses appropriate workers for promoting for superior roles. Manger of British gas have to plan, systematize and co-ordinate with engineers of dissimilar teams. With this case corporation must magnetize a broad variety of citizens for enrollment into group.


This is one of the mainly significant actions of British gas group and it is part of personnel development approach. Manger should put into practice diversity and inclusion tactics and look for new workers in to association. This is one of key task for HR branch of British Gas company to map and build its comprehensive workforce. It also enables the variety of customer’s support by hiring the workers from dissimilar regions and nationalities, so with the aim of easy to converse with the local consumers. Recruiting additional women engineers in company can able magnetize most of women clients. More over British gas academy won honor for support of women in science trade labor force and all its correlate trades. British gas firm also won important prize for exciting the labor force of the future by implementing the agenda named opportunity now. Recruiting accurate rank engineers is vital task for British gas. Enrollment action of British gas aims to uphold the spirited point of the corporation in market. The majority of the domestic gas consumers insist elevated standard services. British gas have to guarantee that they posse’s elevated level workforce with top quality training. Great attempt must be completed by the manger for satisfying the organization upcoming needs and expand the group from its competitors.(2010)

HRM models are crucial for British gas for mostly three reasons, initially with the aid of these models macro view of HRM can be placed in organization. Secondly variety and unity models serve as input plan for organization. Thirdly these models tender answers for most of difficulties in presentation and performance of the organization HR task. There are about 30 models in HR policy practice each one point to a particular factor and attitude. The two significant models that is supportive for British Gas Company are listed below,

Baldrige model of HRM

Malcolm Baldrige representation is awarded with value excellence for group as acknowledgment of its quality standards. These models are incredibly much supportive for maintaining the quality values of the group. 1000 points has been awarded to the organization under badrige award in dissimilar proportions of managing quality. Additional practices like participation, empowerment and expansion have its pressure on other scopes like management, excellence and customers focus. This Baldrige model not simply helps British gas group for growth of value but also for determining the organization in HR function. In this representation manager needs to expand the HR task with innovative vision for their customer’s services with 100% fulfillment. Baldrige model implemented and derived five models in HR strategy they are,

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HR planning strategy

HR education and training.

HR performance and organization.

HR participation

HR self-esteem and well life form.

Each concept mentioned in the above discussions are subdivided in to numeral categories on the subject of their conditions. Complete quality model of HRM behavior with hard work of excellence are scheduled in table.

Baldrige model hints the higher management of the organization for focusing on worldwide principles and services. Managers of HR should be conscious of the worldwide principles and mechanisms of Baldrige in order to choose right practices. Lack of consciousness about baldrige HRM representation led to breakdown in quality of group.

Harvard model of HRM

Harvard representation of HRM depends of idea, task, objectives and goals of group. HR practices and policies is the topic that is prejudiced by domestic and outdoor situation. This model is projected by Michael beer, Bert spector, mills and Walton with the heading Managing Human Assets in 1984. This model is also identified as soft representation or multiple stakeholders’ model. This model has two important assumptions.

Situation factor

This sector is prejudiced by interior and exterior atmosphere which includes

Labor situation in market.

Social values.

Production strategies.

Technological issues.

Organization philosophies.

Market atmosphere.

Stakeholder’s interest

This segment is influenced by small HRM policies hypothesis are

Managing staff.


administration agencies.

British gas has to judge this representation as very significant for their group. This model classify HRM policies and practices additional as,

HR flows.

Reward scheme.

Employee pressure.

Work procedures.

FIG: Harvard model ( <>)

This representation helps the administrator of British gas in scheming business HR strategy. It also offers three significant sights for practice. First is a policy of HRM had to be definite sight of exterior pressures and stakeholders? Second is future policies of HRM and practices have to set goal to workers and third is obtaining consequences from the workers by practicing the above procedures. This model is helpful for British gas and it is based typically on stakeholders concerns which assist to attain the goal of group.( Srinivas R. Kandula,2003)

Human resource planning is procedure which maps the cost in production approach in an organization. These types of planning techniques in British gas reflect skill and capability with its competitors. For implement resourcing plan British gas must capable to arrange the process more understandably. These decisions are used as basics for British gas group. Role of human resource planning and enlargement is most significant in current days for successful functioning of an group. For making successful human resource planning the manager must be conscious of next points,

Recruitment cost.

Consequences of Morality.

Placement opportunity.

Enrollment of skilled labor.

Time constraints.

Requirement of suitable management.

Selection of suitable persons for job.

Administration of HR planning is a vital job for the manager of British Gas Company. The main reason of HR planning for British gas is to make available the right amount of man power to the group. HR planning categorized in two steps such as,

Forecasting of HR demand.

Forecasting of HR supply.

Forecasting of demand technique is based on short and long term factors such as changes in financial system, market trends, technical trends, worldwide trends, managerial strategic plans and manufacture schedules. There exists various number of procedures in group of British gas for predicting the HR insist some of them are scheduled below,

Predictor variables

This method is a scientific tool which depend on employ levels, expectations necessity can be forecasted..

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Zero base technique

By means of this planning method manager with no trouble can determine the upcoming requirement in service. In this plan every incident is initiated with zero. It enables the administrator to forecast the staff power necessity for each process.

Bottom up technique

This is most basic technique in British gas group. This method hints the manager to forecast the information regarding every level in the market strategy.

Simulation technique

This is one among the techniques adopted by British gas. This method guides to plot the real time situation by different manpower methods.

The manager of the British gas group must consider the below mentioned factors for effective implementation of HR strategy.

Employee turnover rate.

Employee absenteeism rate.

Inventory skills.


Levels of productivity.

A highly considerable HR planning ensures the manpower availability which reduces the cost of investment for labor and minimization of usage of external resources. Manager of the British gas group must be posse’s different implementing functions. HR planning is the best implementing tool of company for improving the HR strategy in British gas group..( Srinivas R. Kandula,2003)

The manager of the British gas group must also aware of quantitative diversion of methods of HR planning effectively. Planning that helps the future assumptions of the organization must be forecasted which would be benefitted later. Most of companies must able to back up data regarding planning or resources and their business activities to provide the necessary information to their customers. Some methods of development and planning are listed below,

Determination of tally of workers in new areas

Management of British gas group sometimes misjudges the quantity of workforce required due to over stretching of organization. this planning methods determines the management of british gas group regarding the various question that may rise during preparation of plan.

How technical development can be under standard the work and productivity of the customers.

What are different types of techniques in workforce?

What are flexible arrangements that are made?

Requirement of staff.

Retaining of skilled staff

This method of planning is indicates retention in modern years. This guides the manager of British gas group about the resignation pattern, discovering the reasons for it and cost to company. With guidance of this method mangers would have the information regarding the staff quality though it is much expansive for their organization

Managing program downsizing

This tool of planning guides the manager about deduction of workforces for long survival of organization. This planning is generalized by taking the below mentioned considerations, Sorting of employees.

Pros and cons of dissimilar sectors.

Down run of nature.

Transfers and utility retraining.

Levels of recruitment.

This analysis method helps for implementation of various strategies of reduction in mean time. This method of HR planning is applicable when change, time demanding and supply flexibility has occurred. If decisions are made without considering the strategy of HR planning then the organization travels in the way of huge loss..( Reilly P,1996)

The recent discussion that has been plotted in this thesis guides the British gas group manager to run the corporation effectively in the market. The role of HR planning is crucial for the manager for achieving the customer needs in daily market. As it is well known the most of the organizations based on the principle of huge back up of resources for regular functioning of their production units. For the effective functioning of the organization it must be well built with latest machinery and contains basic investments to provide the needs of organization for long period. HR planning strategy helps to plan the diverse salary module and budgeting of the organization. With the help of this thesis it can be predicted that HRM is the module for controlling a set of operations in a organization. this methodology also useful for the management of British gas group for understanding the various concepts of human resources that are involved in the function of the organization. This thesis would act as guidance for further research over the topic of Human Resource management (HRM).

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