Role of recruitment and selection


In today world many organisation are facing high level of challenges due to the unstable economic recovery leading to rise in no compete agreements, also large number of illiterate workers being recruited resulting in reducing the profit margin and competitiveness; with increase in contemplate retirements and very few people left in-between 18-45 age to do this job.

Human Resources and recruitment go hand in hand and their importance is increasing rapidly within the organisation, it has be observed that these changes has altered new image of the HR whereas previously they functions were limited to only welfare organiser or administrative role, but now known as a key aspect in running business forward and changing the business strategies to meet the need of the client.

Now we are going to discuss the about how the recruitment and selection process works , also discussing the inputs provided and how it helps in smoother functioning in the organisation.

* Finding the job requirement and funds must be there.

* Review the job requirements according to the clients and ensure the present and future requirements are met.

* Check the candidate’s specification to met requirements of the job description

* Organize selection process

* Create the advertisement and make selection for the medium of advertising the job requirement

* Short list the candidates’ specification only

* Start the Interview process and examine the short-listed candidates

* Confirm the references; verify the qualifications documents and other legal considerations

* Give Appointment


Procedural Purpose:

So this process has an important place in selecting the appropriate person and to maintain the high standards of the workforce, make the procedure more relevant and no discrimination to be shown to any of the employees.


Job Profile and Need for it:

There are certain questions we need make a note

Job necessity there?

Does it add value to the team and whether it fulfils the requirements?

How can the job requirement funded?

A special approval is required if the position is outside the scope of the employer

Requirement for updating the job profile?

If yes then the job profile and candidate specification need to be re checked, then we can utilise t the HR team to provide the appropriate inputs to suit the need to the job requirements.

What type of job?

Temporary job

Part Time, Full Time job

Permanent job or fixed term contract basis or

Can the job be sharing an option?

Secondment or agencies

Use of the fixed contracts are basically to meet a project or task assigned, they are not for permanent

purpose, there is always a doubt whether any of these job can be permanent if any arrangements are

extended above 12 months.

This 12 month period can also be availed through the employments obtained from the agencies. Usage of secondment should be in agreements of the IPCC Secondment Policy

Political Restricted Jobs

If the jobs come under the IPCC’s list of politically restricted post the n it should be mentioned clearly in the advertisement and also while the recruitment process is going on

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No access to Minor or Vulnerable Adults

There should be a proper checking done before the appointment to make sure no minor or vulnerable adults are given access.


Manager’s duty is to make proper plan for the selection process and also giving importance to the following points.

Designating the Panel

• The manager job is to designate a panel for conducting the interview, this panel can consists of two or more, it can be mixture of any gender and any race.

• This panel should have one person who must have got approved training by the IPCC on recruitment and equal opportunities, if not then the issues has to be resolved by the Human Resources

• The panel must be familiar with the anti discrimination legislation

•Willingness of the panel to conduct the interview in all the phases of the recruitment process and also these interview with given fair opportunities and treating all equal and no bias

Panel should fulfil certain criteria’s like decision and their relationship with the candidate

Must not affect the ability in selection decision, shouldn’t lead to any kind on consequences or showing their motive.

Test for the Selection

Selection process has many components one of them is conducting the test this method, (i.e. will enable us to examine the job requirements to relation to the reliability, fair and unbiased- also estimating the capabilities of test), it is a powerful tool and highly recommended in use. HR can give guidance to managers how to use this tool effectively.

Development, administration and interpretation of psychometric test must be recognised by the people.

Questionnaire Preparation:

The Competency based questions can be obtained by the HR from IPCC Interview Guides.

It the job of the manager to obtain these questions from the HR prior to conducting the interview.


Vacancies advertisement:

Manager prepares advertisement by availing help form HR, the HR team gives advertising service which is centralised for the vacancies.

For a permanent vacancy the advertisement is done internally by means of intranet and also externally, advertisement for external vacancy are done on IPCC website , also including the newspaper publications and may also involve the agencies also when ever applicable.

The applications must be submitted to HR Team not to Manager directly.


Short Listing Candidate:

Short Listing of the candidate should be on basis of the specifications it must be completed, no changes should be made to short list the candidate as it will be injustice, completing the short listing and ensuring the process is does not have any unlawful discriminations. A second person is desirable to be added.

Former employees who were terminated due to some reason should be considered for the appointment; Short listed candidate’s notes should be submitted to HR by the manager for filling and retained for 6 months

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It is the manager’s must prepare the interview timetable of how and when the interviews will be conducted and also need to mention if there will be any test

This information is then given to the HR and he will be notifying the short listed candidates about the arrangements through a phone call, mail or email and the information will be as follows

• Time, the date and place of the interview

• Instruction of the route to the venue

• A request to call or contact the person in charge if there is any special arrangement needed to be made in matter of interview

• Including information about anything that they need to carry in regards to the test or presentation (examples like documents of proof of qualification needed for the post)

Interview Phase

The main reason the interview is conducted is to select the correct person that is why IPCC has laid the framework to conduct interview by methods which are systematic, perfect, no bias and fair from and discriminations.

Every candidate treated equally and consistently and to do this the panel has to follow the steps or take precautions

• All the questions must be the same for each candidate.

• Appropriate questions must be asked to get an understanding of the applicant answers

• Consistence level should be maintain in allowing presentations or notes

• No breaching IPCC equal opportunities policy or code of conduct in regards to discriminatory action, or any kind of harassment, or any other conduct that

• If the candidate is disabled, necessary step have to be taken like adjustments that may be required on job and should be taken in a positive way.

Examining the disabled candidates must be in relation to the candidate’s performance ability, also taking into consideration that any adjustment required were provided.

• Candidates information should be treated as confidential throughout the selection process and parties involved in the selection process only should share the information

• The Interview records and the reasons for decisions – must be returned to HR for updating and must be

disposed in six months later


Appointment Decision

Selecting the appropriate candidate is the most important of the HR and Manager as this will lead to the proper growth prospect and also satisfying the need of the requirement.

The decision must be made purely on the candidate’s eligibility and merit and that will leads to selecting the successful candidate and this is the job of the panel, these judgements are made on

• Information in the application

• Qualifications

• How well performance at Interview

• Results of selection tests

• Work permit or working right in the UK.

Appointed candidates must actively promote the IPCC’s Core Values panel must ensure this.

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Checking the Information Provided

During this information of each candidate must be checked properly, the managers must satisfy themselves that the information provided is authentic, valid not fake and honest. This includes being information regarding the candidate’s:

• Application

• Work Experience

• Qualifications (only if qualification is a requirement for the post, proof of evidence or certificates must be collected from candidate and must be recorded safely)

• Evidence shown at the interview.

Human Resources are responsible for processing:

• Reference checking

• Security Clearances

• ensuring the candidate has Work permit or working right in the UK.

If any of the information provided is not valid then HR should immediately discuss the matter with the Manger.


Employment Offer

The Manager has to issue a conditional verbal offer of employment within a week of interview. Offer should within the salary range stated on the Authority to Recruit form.

If for Manager feels that for any reason the offer should be made above that range, then directors and HR Head’s prior approval must be obtained. Failure to this may lead to offer being drawn back.

Conditional basis offer must be while the required verification takes place for purpose of security clearance, health declaration, references, qualifications (basing on the job requirement) and the right to work in the UK etc.

Manager’s responsibility is to notify HR of the offer. HR send the candidate for a security clearance questionnaire, , offer letter, health declaration form and statement of particulars detailing post, salary, benefits, holiday entitlement, notice period, working hours and location.

After successful completion of applicant’s acceptance letter and other formalities HR will issue a confirmation about the receipt letter informing the start date along with joining instructions. Manager must get advice from the HR team before withdrawing a firm offer of employment if he wishes


Post interview feedback & results for the application

HR is the one responsible for providing written notification to all the candidates about the result of their application. If a candidate requests for a feedback regarding the unsuccessful short-listing and the reason should be reasonable to the candidate for rejection also providing the constructive feedback. Written feedback is not provided normally.


HR job is to keep a track of the recruitment processes and to ensure they are not discriminatory any of the policies and provides statistical data to Senior Management on a regular basis.

Additional guidance

If the Manager has doubt and in not clear about anything in regards to the recruitment and selection process he might seek advice from the Human Resources Team.


At last the conclusion would be that Recruitment and Selection is the strongest pillar of the organisation function; they play a vital role, because to make the business to a successful business Right person should be employed to do the right job.

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