Roles of a father for childhood development

Improved Cognitive Abilities

The old myths that a father is not important in a child’s development as compared to a mother’s are false. Recent research studies show that the father’s role is very crucial to a child’s development. This persuasive essay will discuss the benefits of a single father and the positive benefits of their active involvement. Being an involved father ensures adequate cognitive ability, supports the child’s educational achievements and awareness of general health and social behavior. “Fathers are far more than just second adults in the home. Involved fathers-especially biological fathers- bring positive benefits to their children that no other person is as likely to bring.” (Popenoe, 1996, p.163).

Educational Achievements

Recent reports by the National Principle’s Association Report (2009) state that 71% of all children from fatherless homes are high school dropouts. The impact of a positive biological father or father figure produces better verbal skills and nonverbal skills. These skills in turn help develop things like planning and building (UMPC, 2009). Father absence is a risk factor that makes it more difficult for children to succeed in school. Brisnaire, et al, (1990) further states that access two both parents seemed to be the protective factor for better academic adjustment. Men in general help children transition from a life of financial dependence to independence. Parents should stay involved with their children’s education from elementary school through high school and beyond to help them maximize their academic achievement.”Children’s social, physical, and intellectual development benefit greatly from the involvement of fathers,” observes Yale child psychiatrist Kyle Pruett (quoted by Judsen Culbreth, “What Dads Are Made Of,” Reader’s Digest, June 2005, p. 72A).

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Childhood Development of Social Behaviors and Well Being

Without a father figure in the early stages of childhood can have a negative impact in their social behavior and general health. Children from fatherless homes account for the following statistics: “85% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders (Center for Disease Control)”, “71% of pregnant teenagers. (US dept. of Health and Human Services)”, “63% of youth suicides (US dept of health and human services, Bureau of the Census)”, “90% of all homeless and runaway children. These statistics alone are very frightening and dishearten. Another important role of a father is the role modeling regarding the interaction with the opposite sex. Being a positive role model can include the development of a strong positive relationship with the child’s other parent. They are less likely to abuse their wives or children (Gallagher and Waite, 2000). They are taught to observe how men treat woman. Sometimes they will choose a good companion of proper standards. Father’s also help with filtering out companions with bad standard.

A father’s presence alone can provide a sense of justice and fairness which teaches the child the consequences of right and wrong as well build independence and confidence. A father tends to oversee their child’s relation to the world. They basically focus their attention on what their children will or will not be prepared for or encounter in the world. A father can guide a child through everyday experiences guiding their development of problem solving techniques.


I can concur growing up as a child without a father and being a part of those statistics. Now that I’m a father myself, I play an active role in my children’s lives. I have personally seen an improvement in my sons’ academic achievements as well his overall well being. He has stated to me that he is more confident and actively seeks me out to discuss problems at school which he did not do when he lived with his mother. Being an involved single father will make a change in that child’s life; changing the statistics. Our presence, will give our children a chance to live a positive, healthy, well-balanced respectful life.

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Brent, David A. (1995). Post-traumatic stress disorders in peers of adolescent suicide victims:

Predisposing factors and phenomenology. Journal of the American academy of child and adolescent psychiatry, 34, 209.

Bisnaire,L., Firestone, P., & Rynard, D. (1990). Factors associated with academic achievement in children following parental separation. American Journal of Orthopsychiarty, 60 (1).

Culbreth,J. (2005). What dads are made of? Reader’s Digest, p. 72A.

Encyclopedia of children’s health: cognitive development (2009). Retrieved Nov.22, 2009 from

Gallagher, M. & Waite, L. (2000). The case of marriage. New York: Doubleday.

Popenoe, David (1996). Life without father. New York: The free press, 163.

Stanton, G. (n.d.). How Fathers matter for a healthy child development.

Retrieved Nov. 27, 2009 from the website:

The importance of fathers in the healthy development of children (2006)

Retrieved Nov. 19, 2009 from child welfare information gateway website:

UPMC (2009, May). The importance of a father. Retrieved Nov. 19, 2009, from

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