Roles Of Business Ethics And The Environment Environmental Sciences Essay

‘The Earth provides enough to satisfy everyone’s needs, but not for everyone’s greed.’ Mahatma Gandhi,

Every business operates within a society. It uses the resources of the society and depends on the society for its functioning. In other words, we have enjoyed many blessings of the environment and placing impacts on it at the same time. The environment, however, has the ability to restore itself, and therefore as long as people’s impacts stay within this ability, the ecosystem remains in balance, enabling our socioeconomic activity in a sustainable manner. However, as the world’s population increases and socioeconomic activities expand, these activities exact a heavier toll on the environment and begin to threaten it. Exploitation of resources in excess of nature’s ability to restore itself has led to a decline in natural resource reserves. Habitat losses threaten the survival of various species of wildlife. Output levels of waste and other discharges beyond nature’s ability to purify itself are causing actual or potential pollution. This creates an obligation on the part of business to look after the welfare of society. So all the activities of the business should be such that they will not harm, rather they will protect and contribute to the interests of the society. Social responsibility of business refers to all such duties and obligations of business directed towards the welfare of society. These duties can be a part of the routine functions of carrying on business activity or they may be an additional function of carrying out welfare activity. We all know that people engage in business to earn profit. However, profit making is not the sole function of business. It performs a number of social functions, as it is a part of the society. It takes care of those who are instrumental in securing its existence and survival like- the owners, investors, employees, consumers and government in particular and the society and community in general. So, every business must contribute in some way or the other for their benefit. for example, every business must ensure a satisfactory rate of return to investors, provide good salary, security and proper working condition to its employees, make available quality products at reasonable price to its consumers, maintain the environment properly etc. modernization and progress have led to air getting more and more polluted over the years. industries, vehicles, increase in the population and urbanization are some of the major factors responsible for air pollution the international scope of the problem has led to the signing of international agreements on the limitation of sulphur and nitrogen oxide emissions. When toxic substances enter lakes, streams, rivers, oceans, and other water bodies, they get dissolved or lie suspended in water or get deposited on the bed. This results in the pollution of water whereby the quality of the water deteriorates, affecting aquatic ecosystems. Pollutants can also seep down and affect the groundwater deposits. there is a strong consensus that business has ethical responsibility towards environment that includes both human and non human world .the paper thus deals with the corporate social responsibility towards environment ,i.e. what vital role business corporate can and should play in environmental protection and sustainable development. there is a growing concern for corporate social responsibilities i.e. which is now global corporate responsibility towards environmental sustainable development, which deals with corporate concern for people, profit and planet .concern for people includes respect for diverse work force, follow up of safety procedures, help towards each other, participation in insurance plans, sharing and caring for each others ideas. concern for profit includes improvement in company’s services, effective management of labor, reducing non value added services ,managing supplies and inventories and reducing corporate waste .concern for planet includes increasing use of eco-friendly products ,reusing boxes and proofing fabrics, recycling aluminum and card board, conserving natural resources and disposing the waste properly. The concerns for corporate responsibilities are increasing because of public image, government regulation, survival and growth, employee satisfaction, consumer awareness. business activities causes Pollution, which simply means presence of any un-wanted substance that, creates inconvenience in the natural behavior

of living and non-living. To preserve the society it is important to protect the environment. And, therefore, every business must take measures to protect the environment rather than damaging it.

Pollution and Role of Business

In this section let us learn more about different types of environmental pollution and role of business. Nature has given us air, land including mountains, hills, forests etc. and water in the form of rivers, lakes, sea etc., which create an environment in which we live. Our health and well being largely depend on the quality of such environment. However, it is observed that the quality of this environment is deteriorating day by day. We are getting neither pure water to drink nor clean air to breathe. We are having untimely rains, storms, cyclones, floods, extended summer, etc. We are also suffering from various diseases because of such lower quality of environment. When the quality of environment deteriorates, it is said that the environment is getting polluted. Thus, environmental pollution refers to contamination of by various substances that have adverse effects on living and non-living matters. Environmental pollution is of following types: Air pollution, Water pollution, and Land Pollution. Air pollution refers to the presence of any unwanted gases, dust particles etc. in the air, that can cause damage to people as well as nature. there are many causes of air pollution Emission of fumes from vehicles, Emission of smoke dust and chemicals from manufacturing plants.,. Emission of gases and dust arising from atomic plants, Emission of smoke from oil refineries, burning of trees and plants in forests, buring of coal, etc. Impact of Air Pollution is very deep on our surroundings and on us. Some of them are-Presence of gases in air, which are not required by human beings, animals and birds, creates serious health problems. It can create diseases like asthma, cough and cold, blindness, hearing loss, skin disease etc. It also causes genetic disorders. In the long run and in extreme cases it can also be fatal. Air Pollution creates smog in the winter, which is caused by smoke and dust when they mix with fog. It reduces natural visibility and irritates the eyes and respiratory tract. Ozone layer is a protective layer of gases around our earth, which protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays that come from the sun. It gets depleted because of air pollution and thereby causes gene mutation, genetic defects and skin cancer. The temperature of the earth increases due to air pollution. This is because whatever heat our earth receives from the sun is not radiated to the atmosphere due to the excessive presence of gases like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, etc. Air pollution causes acid rain which means excessive presence of various poisonous gases like sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide etc. in the rainwater. This causes lot of damage to vegetation, trees and marine life, buildings and monuments etc.Environment is also polluted through excessive noise, known as Noise Pollution. Noise simply means an unwanted sound that causes irritation. It is caused by modern machines and gadgets such as rail engines, loud speakers, generators, aero planes, vehicles, machineries, telephones, televisions etc. It initially distorts communication process, but prolonged exposure to noise pollution can cause loss of hearing, headache, irritation, high blood pressure, neurological or psychological disorders, etc. Water pollution refers to contamination of water due to presence

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of unwanted and harmful substances thus, making water unfit for use. The various reasons of water pollution are-Drainage of human excreta into rivers, canals etc, Improper sanitation and sewage system, Dumping of wastes and effluents by various industrial units into the rivers and canals, Drainage of toxic substances like chemicals and fertilizers used in cultivation, into streams and rivers. Dumping of garbage, dead bodies and almost every thing used in rituals to the nearby water source by households. There are deep impacts of Water Pollution. The effects of water pollution are: It can create health hazards among human beings, animals and birds, Diseases like typhoid, jaundice, cholera, gastroentytis etc. are common, it can endanger lives of various aquatic species, it can lead to scarcity of drinking water as the water of rivers and canals as well as underground water get polluted. Land Pollution refers to dumping of useless, unwanted as well as hazardous substances on the land that degrades the quality of soil we use. Our land gets polluted because of the human carelessness towards the soil. There are several causes of Land Pollution. The main causes of land pollution are: Excessive use of fertilizers, chemicals and pesticides in cultivation. Disposal of solid waste of industries mines and quarries, disposal of solid waste from construction of roads, buildings etc. Effluents of some plants like paper, sugar etc. which are not absorbed by soil. Excessive use of plastic bags, which are non-biodegradable, dumping of non-composable wastes from households, hotels and hospitals as well as from industries. These may include combustible items like plastic, cloth, wood etc, and non-combustible items like metal, glass, ceramics, cement etc. Land Pollution has the following harmful effects-Reduces the quantum of cultivable land area, Causes health hazards as it contaminates the sources of food. Causes damage to the landscape leads to water and air pollution. From the above discussion on environmental pollution, one thing can clearly be seen that, it is business that mainly contributes to all sorts of pollution air, noise, water and land. Business causes pollution in the following ways:

Emission of gas and smoke from manufacturing plants;

Use of machines, vehicles etc. contributing to noise pollution

Growth of urbanization and industrialization;

Disposal of wastes and effluents into rivers and canals;

Disposal of solid wastes in the open space;

Mining and quarrying activities; and

Increasing use of transport

Deforestation due to acquisition of forest lands for setting up plants.

Role of government

Government has taken a major step in protecting the environment by passing the environment Protection Act, 1986 in addition to having Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,1974, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and several other Acts. Business can equally be instrumental in fighting pollution and protecting the environment. The governments must adopt these principles and express their commitment to provide the resources required for their implementation.

The principles which government should adopt:

Better quality of life for all

Integrated development planning

More effective laws and institutions

Civil society participation in decision-making

Meaningful participation of the private sector

Business can have three types of role – preventive, curative and awareness.

I. Preventive Role: It means business should take all steps so that no further damage is done to the environment. For this, business must follow the regulations laid down by government to control pollution. For example, more and more environmental friendly products can be produced, filters can be used in chimneys; silencers can be fitted in generators; instead of dumping industrial wastes into river and land it can be treated properly for further productive use etc. Businessmen should come forward to play a major role in preventing further damage done to the environment by human beings. Sulabh International is the leading example of how to provide proper sanitation facilities to the public.

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II. Curative Role

It means business should rectify whatever damage has been done to the environment. In Addition, if it is not possible to prevent pollution then simultaneous curative measures can be taken. For example, planting of trees (a forestation programmes) can substantially reduce air pollution near the industrial area.

III. Awareness Role

It means making people (both the employees as well as the general public) aware about the causes and consequences of environmental pollution so that they voluntarily try to protect rather than damage the environment. For example, business can undertake public awareness programmes. Now-a-days, we find that some business houses have taken the responsibilities to develop and maintain parks and gardens in cities and towns, which shows that they care for the environment.

“Sustainable Development of Business Sector in a Socially Responsible Way”

Sustainable Development is… “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs…”

-from the World Commission on Environment and Development’s report, Our Common Future (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987)

“The major cause of the continued deterioration of the global environment is the unsustainable patterns of consumption and production, particularly in the industrialized countries. Developed countries must take the lead in achieving sustainable consumption.” (United Nations Agenda 21).

“Sustainable development is a dynamic process which enables all people to realise their potential, and to improve their quality of life, in ways which simultaneously protect and enhance the Earth’s life support systems.” (Forum for the Future Annual Report 2000).

Seven key concepts of sustainable development (Panel for Education for Sustainable Development, 1999)

1. Interdependence

Understanding how people, the environment and the economy are inextricably linked at all levels from local to global.

2. Citizenship and stewardship

Recognizing the importance of taking individual responsibility and action to ensure the world is a better place.

3. Needs and rights of future generations

Understanding our own basic needs and the implications for the needs of future generations of actions taken today.

4. Diversity

Respecting and valuing both human diversity (cultural, social and economic)  

and biodiversity.

5. Quality of life

Acknowledging that global equity and justice are essential elements of sustainability and that basic needs must be met universally.

6. Sustainable changes

Understanding that resources are finite and that this has implications for people’s lifestyles and for commerce and industry.

7. Balance

      Understanding of uncertainty and of the need for precautions in action.



“greening of business” has gathered momentum globally, increasing number of companies are adopting environmental management policies and practices that attempt to use natural resources more efficiently, minimize externalities and rehabilitate the environment. The consumer market base of green and ethical consumers will drive demand for products reflecting the current desire to restrict environmental impact from both industries and individuals. The range of products and services that offer “green” solutions coming into the market reflect the growing consumer trend in concerns for personal environmental impact. Stuart Hart, director of the Corporate Environmental Management Program at the University of Michigan School of Business, explains the imperative of sustainable development and provides a framework for identifying the business opportunities behind sustainability. Hart identifies three stages of environmental strategy: pollution prevention, product stewardship, and the development of clean technology. But companies will not benefit from such efforts unless they draw a road map that can show them how new products and services must evolve and what new competencies they will need.

Engineers and scientists should develop innovative products and services that provide superior computing power while requiring less energy to run and manufacture.

When we act to protect and preserve our planet, we’re acting in our own best interest. That’s why we’re focused on reducing the environmental impact of our products at every stage in their life cycle by minimizing waste and monitoring the materials used in the production process.

Eco-friendly or clean and low waste technology should be used by the industrial organizations.

Industrial waste should be recycled as far as possible.

There should be scientific treatment of all emissions before their release into the environment.

Plant and machinery should be modernized to minimize the pollution.

The business houses should comply with the laws and regulations enacted for prevention of pollution. This should be done in letter and spirit.

The business houses should cooperate with the public authorities in their programmed of environmental protection.

Positive steps should be taken to save the environment. These include plantation of trees, cleaning of rivers, ponds, etc and protection of wild life.

All businesses have to consider moral questions. It is an important and strategic variable. If a business focuses solely on the bottom-line without considering the implications of its relationship with the community as a whole, its short -termist position could undermine the bottom-line.

Low carbon technology: Business should follow low carbon economy.

Precautionary policy, “first, do no harm” and “look before you leap,” must be followed to public policy toward new products (like chemicals) and technologies that could pose serious risk. Ordinary risk analysis asks, “How much environmental damage will be allowed?” But the precautionary principle asks, “How little damage is possible?” Today we’re seeing the principle adopted more and more widely. The Maastricht Treaty that created the European Union in 1991 puts the principle at the center of its environmental policy, and San Francisco made precaution official policy in 2003.

Commons management is a strategy which lives and thrives today in such things as Wikipedia, community gardens, and farmers market everywhere. The writer and entrepreneur Peter Barnes has suggested that the atmosphere, which everyone ought to own, could be successfully managed and protected via a commons regime. Ocean fisheries might be as well.

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Be fully transparent. Even if you’re not achieving as much as you could, or should, consumers will appreciate transparency. Modestly stating your successes and highlighting areas to improve will help garner consumer support. Conversely, hiding from the spotlight only makes consumers assume the worst.

Encourage an open dialogue. Companies like Patagonia have had great branding success by encouraging an open dialogue with their consumers. Help your consumers lead you towards sustainability by inviting their input and feedback. They’ll feel a part of your success and be more willing to support you.

Restructured approach: organizations need to adopt a structured Corporate Environmental Policy, embedding environmental conservation policies at each step of business like product recycling; emission reduction; packaging, product design; procurement; adoption of endangered flora and/or fauna, vendor education campaigns ,contests promoting the friendly use of the environment.

eco-purchasing encourages evaluation of multiple environmental impacts of every product throughout its life cycle: raw materials acquisition, production / manufacturing , packaging / DISTRIBUTION, USE & OPERATION, MAINTENANCE

disposal, (recycling/remfg.)/ end-of-life ,It should have

Environmental Attributes like Recycled content, Recyclables, and Product

Disassembly potential, Durability, Reusability, Take back, Biobased, Energy

Efficiency, Water efficiency, Reconditioned or remanufactured











A growing trend witnessed in recent times across corporate boardrooms has been the concern for environmental protection and implementation of initiatives for environmental conservation. The world is awakening to the grim prospect of environmental degradation and is taking steps to stem the tide. Many corporations have acknowledged the negative consequences of natural events like global warming, greenhouse gases and the depletion of the ozone layer and are re-orienting themselves and their businesses to combat the same, especially given its impact on energy, a critical raw material input. Such provisioning for environmental impact in their day-to-day operations is often termed as “going green” in corporate parlance. Regulatory policies like the Kyoto Protocol are also increasingly helping this shift as corporates pro-actively embrace environment-friendly programs and initiatives.

Half of the US’s top 100 companies are now reporting on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, according to a study by Social Investment Research Analysts Network (SIRAN) and Boston-based KLD Research & Analytics. Of the companies in the S&P 100 Index, 49 had issued comprehensive ESG reports 11 for the first time in the period from June 2005 to December 2006, clearly underscoring the importance of their commitment to the environment. (AMERICAN CHRONICAL)

IBM, known as Big Blue, which launched its Project Big Green to help customers slash their data center energy usage.

General Motors and oil major ConocoPhillips joined the list of corporate giants that have come out in support of a mandatory ceiling on greenhouse gas emissions (Source: Corporate Research Newsletter)

According to AMR Research, 52% of the top 100 Fortune companies do not have a dedicated budget and have not planned a strategic roadmap for implementing environment-friendly initiatives. This showcases the untapped potential for environmental sustenance adoption and underlies the importance of this need.

Under its Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Development Scheme (CSR-CD), NTPC Simhadri Super Thermal Power Project organised an animal health camp on Friday at P. Bonangi Village near Desapatrunipalem. The camp was organised in association with Animal Husbandry Department, Vadacheepurupalli. During the camp, around 160 animals like cows, buffalos and 60 sheep were checked and given medicines and treatments such as de-worming, vaccination, vitamins and minerals free of cost.

Environment Management, Occupational Health and Safety Systems:

NTPC has actively gone for adoption of best international practices on environment, occupational health and safety areas. The organization has pursued the Environmental Management System (EMS) ISO 14001 and the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment System OHSAS 18001 at its different establishments. As a result of pursuing these practices, all NTPC power stations have been certified for ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 by reputed national and international Certifying Agencies.


Corporations that are taking a proactive role in the field of environmental protection are also becoming increasingly influential in shaping national policy on environmental issues. In certain countries, some of the most significant developments in government environmental policy have occurred when influential business interests have added their weight to the conservation lobby. As corporate responsibility for environmental protection increases, state agencies in several countries are give up to control of certain areas of resource management or protection to the private sector and reducing levels of public-sector regulation in favor of voluntary agreements or self-regulation by business.

There is a large debate, however, about whether such trends associated with “corporate environmentalism” are contributing in any meaningful way to support the development. There can be little doubt that a growing number of companies are now adopting codes of conduct and environmental reporting and monitoring procedures, promoting recycling, waste or pollution control and energy efficiency, and taking more proactive measures to conserve the environment. Yet many commentators dismiss these developments as actually having resulted in negative environmental and social effects. Furthermore, there is concern regarding the apparent transfer of responsibility for regulation from public to private institutions and the notion that “policing the polluter” should be left to the polluter. So that, as a conclusion again, the corporation should set the roles of business which are preventive role, curative role and awareness role. By these three roles, we are able to protect the environment, maintain our garden, and avoid to damage the environment.

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