Rope skipping is a simple sport

Rope skipping is a simple sport


This assignment has taken two very busy months of my life. As a result I have seen myself grow considerably. However the successful completion of this assignment has depended on the cooperation and help of many people.

I would first of all thank God for having given me the courage and capacity to achieve one of my objectives-that of doing this assignment.

I am thankful to my parents for having given me their selfness support and encouragement, including all facilities necessary for the execution of this assignment.

I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to my lecturer for his guidance and constant support during the assignment. I am thankful to him for showing faith in us which provided the confidence to be able to do the assignment. Indeed, he was always willing to advise whenever any doubt arose.

I also need to thank all of them who have helped me in doing this assignment:-

  • The lab attendant, who gave us permission to go in the computer lab during the breaks.
  • All my friends, who shared ideas with me to improve the website, I also mention the 2009-2010 batches of SNIT
  • My UTM friends for giving me advice.
  • And especially my fiancé for downloading different software and updates, which were very useful for the assignment.


Rope skipping is a simple sport that many people have played in the school. It involves swinging a rope so that it goes over the head and under the feet. As the rope passes under the feet the player jumps. There are many different rope skipping techniques. Some involves three people, two turn the rope and the third jumps. However, many techniques can be accomplished by a single participants who both turns and jump the rope. In addition to being a fun pastime for children, rope skipping is also a usefull form of exercise. It provides a good cardiovascular workout, it tnes muscle, develops hand-eye co-ordination and there is even some research to suggest it can help prevent osteoporosis. In comparison to many sport, skipping can be appealing to reluctant exercisers. It does not require expensive equipments, it is easy to learn the basic techniques, and it can be done indoors and outdoors.

1.0 Task 1 – Research

1.1 Aim

A skipping rope manufacturer has approached me to develop the website that will promote the sport of rope skipping. They specially want to encourage adults that are not usually interested in the sport of rope skipping. As a consequence it is important that the website emphasise the health benefits of shipping and the fun nature of the sport.

1.2 What is rope Skipping

Rope skipping, also known as jump rope, is a game in which one or more people jump over a spinning rope that passes under their feet and over their heads. In single rope, this usually consists of one person twirling and jumping the rope. In double dutch, two twirl a pair of ropes while others jump. (Video on you tube showing rope skipping:

This section will be put in the home section

1.3 How do you get fit by rope skipping?

Skipping is a great way to keep fit and there are thousands of website with limitless information on what, how, where and why to skip. Just a few sites:

Reebock’s Skipping Workout

Weight Loss Resources

I skip

Start Skipping

1.4 Tricks

Skipping trick 1) Side Straddle (Jumping Jax) – one turn of the rope with the feet together, the next with the feet apart, and so on.

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Skipping trick 2) Front Straddle (Scissors) – one turn of the rope with the feet together, the next with one foot (right) in front, one foot (left) behind, like a pair of scissors and so on, alternating the feet.

Skipping trick 3) Combined Straddle – feet together, feet apart, feet together, scissors, feet together, feet apart, feet together, scissors. (Side Straddle, feet together, Front Straddle, feet together)

Skipping trick 4) Ex – jump the skipping rope with feet together, then with feet crossed and then repeat but with feet crossed the other way.

Skipping trick 5) Slalom – jump the skipping rope with feet together from one side to the other like a slalom skier. skipping trick tip Having a line on the ground to jump over is a good idea.

Skipping trick 6) Bell – jump the skipping rope feet together in a forwards direction by 18 inches or so and then back to the same spot, like a rocking bell. skipping trick tip Again, having a line on the ground to jump over as a guide is a good idea

Skipping trick 7) Diamonds/Zeds/Squares and many more shapes – for these tricks the skipper combines the bell and slalom to create different shapes on the floor. E.g forwards, back and right at the same time (i.e diagonal), left, back and right (diagonal) and the skipper should end up in the same place as they started. Another example is forwards, to the right 90 degrees, backwards, to the left 90 degrees (a square). The combinations of forwards, backwards, left, right and diagonals are endless. skipping trick tip Some skippers may find it easier to perform this skipping trick by doing a single bounce skip with these moves. As with most skipping tricks, it looks more impressive, but is harder and far more exhausting. And consequently better for you!

Skipping trick 8) Twister – skipper does an normal skip to start. For the next turn of the rope, feet are turned to the left. For the next turn of the rope, feet are turned to the right and then back to the starting position. skipping trick tip A single bounce is recommended for this skip and only small turns of the feet to the left and right.

Skipping trick 9) Wounded Duck – skip with toes touching and heels apart, then heels touching and toes apart. Skippers must do small skips without pushing toes and heels too far apart.

Skipping trick 10) Side Swing – keeping hold of a handle in each hand and placing them next to each other, swing the skipping rope to the left, then to the right and then jump the skipping rope. The shape the skipper’s hands make is a ‘lazy 8’ (an eight on its side). The skipping rope should brush the floor as close to the skipper’s feet as possible without coming into contact with them.

Skipping trick 11) 180 degree turn (Half Turn) – skipper skips forward, does a side swing (Skipping trick 10) and turns round at the same time by following the skipping rope as it brushes the floor. As the skipper has turned round, the skipping rope will now be travelling backwards in relation to the skipper. Skipper starts a backward skip and turns round when the skipping rope is above their head and skips forward. skipping trick tip The last part of this trick (backwards skip to forwards position) is helped when the skipper keeps their eye on the middle of the skipping rope as it appears from under their feet and begins to go over the skippers head.

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Skipping trick 12) 360 degree turn (Full Turn) – start with a forward skip to get the rope going. As the rope comes over, do a side swing and turn round at the same time, as with the 180 degree turn(Skipping trick 11). Keeping arms in front and the rope as high as possible, skipper continues to turn until they have completed a full 360 degrees. The move is finished by doing a forward skip.

Skipping trick 13) Crossover – crossing arms and jumping with arms crossed, then uncrossing and doing a normal skip. skipping trick tip Skippers should practice bringing the skipping rope over their heads and making sure their arms are crossed wide enough and low enough to be able to comfortably step through the skipping rope. Ideally, arms should be crossed at the elbows. This will ensure that when they are jumping the skipping rope, their arms are in the correct position. Many beginners have their arms crossed at the forearms or wrists and positioned too high, all of which will prevent a successful crossover from being performed.

Skipping trick 14) Alternating Cross – crossing arms and jumping with arms crossed (Skipping trick 13), then uncrossing but following this first cross immediately by crossing arms the other way – left arm over right and then right over left (comfortable cross followed by uncomfortable). The full trick is; normal skip, left over right, normal skip, right over left etc.

Skipping trick 15) Cross Cross – a crossover followed by another crossover but with arms crossed the other way – i.e. left over right and then right over left, but no normal skip in between as with Skipping trick 12. This is a difficult trick and must not be executed quickly until mastered.

All the website visited had a frames structure. So I should adopt the same for my own convenience.

2.0 Task 2 – Project Plan

2.1 Project Plan Time management – Gantt chart

I had to make sure that we were not lagging behind the scheduled project milestones each time as the project is a big one so time management was one of the biggest issues with which I have to cope with. Figure below gives an idea of the time taken by the different phases for the development of the software. Project scheduling involves splitting the project into tasks and estimating time and resources required to complete each task. These schedules were continuously updated as better progress information became available. Situations where the whole project can be delayed because a critical task was unfinished, was avoided. The Gantt chart below was used to graphically illustrate my project schedule.

3.0 Task 3 – Design Specification

Here we will now look in detail what the main structure of the website and navigation. Consideration must be made for the screen resolution. The website should open in 800 x 600 window without user having to scroll.

3.1 Website Design

The new website to be developed will consist of 3 frames. The topfrmae, the leftframe and the mainframe.

Interface Design

A banner that will appear at each page that the user opens, just to make the website be more visually appealing. The banner will be a rope skipping image. The message will be animated.

Navigation bar that will provide the user with links such as Home, Basic Techniques, Fitness Info, Skipping techniques, newsletter and Other Sites.

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The main frame will contain the main contents of the website, that is all the link clicked by the user on the navigation menu will open the corresponding page in the mainframe.

3.1.1 Home Page

3.1.2 Skipping Techniques

3.1.3 Menu Map

Website hierarchy

The Hierarchy above will be the navigation of the Website.

4.0 Task 5 – Critical Evaluation

As mentioned in the task 3, all the design specification has been followed. The new website developed has 3 frames structures as shown above.

The banner has an animated marquee with animated .gif image of a smiley rope skipping.

4.1 Simplicity and Consistency

As it has been said above in the approach used, for viewing consistency of the user and for navigation simplicity purposes, the website has been constructed using the same kind of appearance for each page (As shown on the screen shots below). An enhancement is to make use of a main template to which all the other pages will be linked with.

To sum up I can say that the Website has achieved all the main objectives set up.

This assignment was a very interesting task which required good creative skills as well as organizational skills.

This assignment has been very challenging and time consuming, with many research works. Though I went through harsh times, I am satisfied to have completed the assignment on time and also everything went as planned. I am proud of my achievements and I have able to take up the challenge of doing the assignment successfully. Some of the main things we gained in doing the assignment are as follows:

  • Increase knowledge about the Rope Skipping. Due to research works we have been able to know and acquire knowledge about .
  • Deepen Knowledge in HTML.
  • Learn how to put videos in HTML
  • Use of frameset.
  • Planning Skills and creativity skills

4.2 Constraints

To make our system secure from unauthorized uses, we could made use of a login system. Users will be able to access the website only after having logged in the system.

4.3 Limitations

Flash Player should be installed on the PC in order to view the YouTube videos.

4.4 Improvement and additional features

Login Page

An additional improvement is to allow user to upload data onto the Website. This will make the uploaded data available to other users.

An enhancement is to make use of a main template to which all the other pages will be linked with (Use of css to)

Include a search page to search items by user.

Make use of a database to make user register there name.



What is rope skipping? [accessed on 15/10/2009]

What are the benefits of rope skipping [accessed on 19/10/2009]

YouTube Video: Don’t you know what Rope Skipping is [accessed on 10/10/2009]

YouTube Video: Fitness Training Basics : Benefits of Jumping Rope [accessed on 10/10/2009]

YouTube Video: Jump Rope Cardio Workouts #4 – HIIT Exercises For Fat Loss [accessed on 25/10/2009]

Macromedia Flash Player Download [accessed on 29/10/2009]

International rope skipping federation [accessed on 10/10/2009]

Rope skipping / heartbeat / sports / rhyme / song / jump / fitness [accessed on 16/10/2009]

Jump rope like a girl and melt fat like a mother: skipping rope is the cheapest fat-burning workout around and the best [accessed on 16/10/2009]

Jump For Your Health – Jumping Rope is a great aerobic exercise [accessed on 16/10/2009]

Skipping rope snake [accessed on 16/10/2009]

Reebock’s Skipping Workout [accessed on 16/10/2009]

Start Skipping [accessed on 16/10/2009]

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