Sex Education Should Be Taught In School Education Essay

Sexual education – not a black and white magic, it’s silly to wait for miracles from it; nevertheless it is useful and effective. The experience of countries in which it has long existed, dissipates as the irrational fears as exaggerated expectations. Expert analysis of the impact of school courses on sexual behavior of schoolchildren shows that none of the existing programs is not conducive to accelerating the start of their sex lives, but those who have passed the course of sex education and are sexually active students – received less risky than their less educated peers, and a program which not only called for teenagers do not rush to sexual debut, but also taught the rules of safe sex, effectively those who promoted only abstinence.

Opponents of sex education programs are convinced that the provision of information relating to the sexual sphere, corrupting teens initiate early sexual activity, increases the number of teenage pregnancies. However, today there is no conclusive evidence that it is presented. Studying the experience of countries where such programs have long been introduced, allows us to understand what measures have proven effective in protecting the reproductive health of adolescents, which, on the contrary – does not work, and which may cause harm.

The main advantages of sex education are:

Children and adolescents, who have passed a systematic course in sex education, know more about sexuality, and their knowledge is more reliable. This does not eliminate the problems and difficulties of psychosexual development, but also facilitates the resolution of arising conflicts.

Knowledge facilitates the understanding of and tolerance to others’ views and behavior, which is very valuable in both personal and societal terms. If a course of sex education includes information about contraception, and taught early enough, it sharply reduces the number of teenage pregnancies and abortions.

Almost all modern school sex education programs, along with the sexual information, discuss a wide range of moral and psychological problems that are very important for teenagers, as described in Sex Education in Public Schools.

In addition to above mentioned results it consisting the fact that it makes young people more civilized and safe. I mean sex education also has long-term historical effect – people who received a child good sex education not only live better, but also sharing their knowledge and skills among other children, that reduces the tension between parents and children and contributes to the overall increase in social tolerance.

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Different countries comparisons have allowed identifying common factors contributing to the successful implementation of sexual education. Among them: reconciliation of different political and religious views, involvement in the implementation of sex education a wide range of social movements.

An important role in sexual education plays mass-media. It attitude to this problem can be very different depending on the country. In some countries, mainly in Scandinavia, the media are a source of support and information about sex. In Denmark, the national radio and television broadcasters provide free air time for programs of sex education. In other countries such as Britain, the question of sex served with more shades of sensation that has a negative impact on sexual education for young people, as described in The Fight Over Sex Education in Public Schools.

To improve the efficiency of an integrated approach to sex education programs were considered not in isolation from other issues and is an important component of broader initiatives aimed to improve the health and wellbeing of young people. It is important to observe the different approach, since many countries have large populations of immigrants with their distinct from the host country’s cultural traditions.

Sexual education should not be a temporary campaign needs constant work in this direction, achieved over the period of its implementation will not guarantee success, further progress when the program closes.

Also I would like to note that easy access of youth to school or other educational opportunities is an important aspect of HIV prevention. Higher education is not only associated with safer sexual behavior and later onset of sexual activity – going to school gives students the opportunity to participate in school education programs on sexuality and HIV prevention.

In many countries young people have no access to education on sex and health education in schools because parents and other authorities fear that it will lead to early sexual activity. Nevertheless, there are compelling data obtained from studies around the world and in different cultures, which actually suggests that sex education increases the level of responsibility. Educated young people are usually delayed sexual intercourse or use condoms if they have sex, as stated in How to Bring An End to the War Over Sex Ed.

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However, statistics shows that information is not enough. Young people also need life skills, such as the ability to make decisions, ability to communicate and negotiate. They need to understand the concept of risk behaviors such as unprotected sex, alcohol and drug abuse, the possible consequences of such behavior and how to avoid them. They also need to know where to go for services and assistance. AIDS education should include all these aspects.

The most effective approaches to education on sex and health education in schools, among other things include the use of role-playing games to personalize issues and common education, where young people learn how to disseminate information and promote responsible behavior among their friends and colleagues.

Also I would like to describe situation with education outside school. Young people that not attending school, are a diverse group that includes those who stopped attending school or college, children whose families that cannot afford to pay school fees or need to help children in domestic work and children living on the street. These young people are often particularly vulnerable to HIV. Feelings of sadness, alienation, and sometimes hopelessness due to the fact that they do not participate in life with others, they can seek salvation and pleasure in drugs, alcohol or sex. Providing them with information and skills necessary to protect them from HIV, poses a special problem. What they do not attend school or work, making them difficult to reach. In addition, they have different levels of literacy. Experience shows that one of the most effective strategies is to educate peer, which includes training of youth not attending school how to pass information to others. Those who spend educating peer, understand the lives and concerns of other young people not attending school, and, consequently, high credibility. Another effective strategy involves the use of such means of entertainment, like street theater, music and puppet shows, which attract people who can accentuate the problem and spend their time avoiding risky behavior, as described in Facts on Sex Education in the United States.

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Taking into consideration all mentioned above I want to make a conclusion with my own words. Sexual education can be very effective in reducing the prevalence of risky behavior (I mean alcohol, drugs) and, moreover, may lead to postponement of sexual debut and fewer sexual partners among young people. Comprehensive sex education instills skills of equal dialogue between adolescents and between adolescents and parents, and generally contributes to a healthier lifestyle.

The question of the expediency and necessity of sex education in schools is discussed a dozen years. No one argues that education can be good and bad it is not depend on sex education program, it depends on teacher. One and the same curriculum in mathematics, conducted by a talented teacher, can make a genius from the student, but in the hands of unintelligent teacher ever recapture the interest to learn from talented student. I would like to say it is not the matter of program, program can only describe the range of issues that teacher needs to express. Quality of teaching this sensitive subject is very important. In opinion behavior to Sexual education depends on media – which shape public opinion on this issue.

I am convinced that none of enlightened parents will not come into his head to pick up child from school because they do not agree with Ohm’s law, or Darwin’s evolutionary theory, which, incidentally, is contrary to all religious canons, but why they do it only because of such subject like sexual education? It is just attempts to blame educational systems in all the problems reflected to their children.

Today, when the main information source is the Internet and almost every family in United States has connected to it, parents have no longer possible to close the house for the key to all ills. All of this cannot possibly understand “the champions of morality” for which sex education is a sex-educational program for future prostitutes. Thanks to technological progress, everyone can find an answer to his question, but if children have not yet asked the right questions, I am sure; the system of sex education will help them sort things out.

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