Smart Goals Related To Desired Career

The smart goal involved to the establishment of specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time targeted goals. My career goal is to work in the organization where I can utilize my marketing skills that I have learned from my educational course program. This smart goal can make me to work with the organization with the suitable marketing skills for the success of my organization. This smart goal was an effective process for me in making process by means of ensuring that participants in a group with a common goals. This goal helped to my career by working towards my own objectives that included the career based goals for me. This goal setting was also the major component of personal development and it established the positive relationship between identified goals and performance in the organization. Hence smart goal can help to achieve my career goals in the organization (Jeffrey H. Greenhaus, 2009).

Action Step 2: Research the Career Field That Interests Me

I am interested in marketing career field in order to achieve the organizational objectives as well as goals among global level. The marketing career field provided the technical ideas, case studies and strategies for making the perfect research for the success of marketing organization. The marketing field offered the various career opportunities and that’s why it was easy for choosing marketing value, interest and personal style. The marketing field was to an entry level position as a market research analyst and in that I can utilize my strong quantitative as well as qualitative research skills and l interested in the marketing position with the strong organizational and interpersonal skills.

Action Step 3: Research Companies within the Field That Interest Me

I have interested to work some marketing firms in order to developing my career, attitude and my life goal. Roy Morgan Research, Print Measurement Bureau, Psyma Group, IMRB International, Segment Y were the marketing companies with in the field that I have interested for working to improve my objectives with the success of organizations. I have interested to work in a marketing firms in one of these companies and after getting the opportunity, my pleasure will be enhanced the business of one of these organizations. I have also interested to work in marketing companies and because of this marketing level can decide the success of organizations. The marketing field was also the great filed to ensure the organization among global level. The marketing field organization can compete with the global organization with the suitable perfection and quality as well as quality.

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Action Step 4: Research the Positions within the Organizations That Interests Me

I have researched many positions within the organizations and but I have interested to get marketing distribution positions within the companies. The distribution position was the effective position in order to distributing the quality and quantity products as well as services within the organization. This position was also the one of four elements of marketing mix and it was the process of making the products and service available for consumption by a consumer or by the business user and I can develop the marketing position of organization by means of distributing high quality products and services. I can also motivate the marketing department by means designing the most suitable channels for the products of firm and offering higher margins to the intermediary and special deals.

Action Step 5: Create a List of Networking Contacts

Job obtained through networks

Advertisements, direct contact with companies, employment agencies, college career services.

Percentage of jobs through networks

52 % of people obtained jobs through networking and 42% of people obtained the jobs by other sources.

Previous co-workers list

Seller, Computer association, associative editor, distributor, sales administrator were the previous co-workers in the organization.

Hired professionals list

Accountants, banker and attorneys were hired by me in the organization in order to make organizational environment success as well as quality production and service.

Action Step 6: Create a List of Professional Organizations Associated with My Target Career Field

Association for Manufacturing excellence, Association of International Product and Management, Color Marketing Group, Institute of Management Accountants, International Association of Business Communicators were the professional organization that associated with my target career field. These professional agents or organizations make the marketing field perfect and they helped to the enhancement of marketing section in the organizations. My career will be successful by means of these professional organizations.

Action Step 7: Schedule Information Interviews/Job Shadowing

The best ways to gather the real world information about chosen field were informational interviews and job shadows. The steps for the informational interviews were figuring out whom and how to ask for an interview, conducting the interview as well as sending a thank you note. Initially, the organization has to announce the informational interview date by advertising. Scheduling the information interview included the duration for conducting the interview and the starting time for an informational interview was from 9.00 am in organizations. The informational interview included the way to find the effective people by means of asking the business field questions. During the informational interview, it was necessary to ask potential information interview questions in order to conducting the interview successfully. After the interview, it was essential to sending the thank you note to the person and to make the opportunity to talk with the person positively in order to approach the person.


Action Step 8: Determine Next Steps

After the interview, the asker must approach the person positively in order to motivate them. Then interviewer must say that the interview care will be sent for u to the person for getting the job. The positive approach of interviewer to person will provide the ethical environment to person. The thank you letter was the general format in all information interviews in order to satisfy or motivate the person and it was also used to convey additional information including experience, training the person forgot to mention during the information interview. The e-mail was the appropriate tool in order to send the feedback letters or thank you letters (Kandula, 2006).

Action Step 9: Enter Formal Application Process

The formal application process was the significant one when making the access application and it was used to ensure the existing application. The formal application process contained the personal information about another person and this process also concerned another person’s business, commercial, professional interest. This process concerned the research that had been carried out by behalf of another person. The application process had been entered to carrying out the information of other organizational members and staffs. The formal application process involved the affairs of a government of the commonwealth or another state.


Career Management Plan

Part 1: Career Central Assessment Reflection

I could gain insights about myself that I can enhance the organizational management and procedural aspects of organization. I can gain the organizational improvement by means of ensuring the organizational products and services. I can also concentrate to achieve the life career as well as goals. The planning implementation and achieving results, influencing communication teamwork, problems solving and teamwork as well as commitment and I challenged these aspects of results and I can resolve these challenges by making organizational innovation. My result influenced the learning experience positively at CTU. In CTU, the effective training, practices and learning were provided for making the perfect experience hence the result was an excellent experience at CTU. The result influenced the creation of smart goals positively by satisfying the objectives and missions. The result has the positive implication on the leadership style and the leadership style will be made effectively by the implication of result.


Part 2: SMART Goals and Target Jobs and Employers

My short term goal was to know about the aspect of marketing tool that will help to me in order to perform in marketing department of organizations. This short term goal can also achieve my life time careers and I want to become the marketing analyst in order to gain the marketing aspects. I have also identified three types of marketing jobs and organization that supported to these short term goals (Carolyn boyes, 2010).

These three marketing jobs and organizations helped to achieve my marketing short term goals and these organizations will promote me to the position of marketing analyst. These marketing jobs and organizations can fit with the short term goals in the case of enhancing the career. The role of professional association that I have identified was supporting to the short term goals and the identified professional association promoted me to the position of marketing analysts by seeking particular profession for me.

My long term goal is to become the marketing manager with the perfection and attitude for achieving my career goals with the success of marketing organizations. My long term goal was also to make the ethical environment in marketing field and make the quality production and services. The three marketing jobs and organizations that I have identified were to support for these long term goals by satisfying the careers and goals. The identified jobs and organizations made better marketing environment to long term organizations and also they made the opportunities for these long term goals.

Part 3: Skill Development and Learning Plan

The technical skill, human skill and conceptual skill were skills that were used to develop further to successful for meeting the goals. The technical skill involved in executing the budgeting, accounting and marketing outcomes. Human skill involved in the case of working with the marketing groups in order to lead the marketing department. The conceptual skill was to understand the various functions of marketing environment. These three skills will be developed by means of setting definitive goals, maintaining positive attitude, creating effective communication and so on.

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