Social Network Sites Sns Education Essay

This essay aims to investigate the education combines with SNS that mainly emerges a positive influence on student’s academic studies in term of reasonable investigation and vast data that analyse the influence for student using SNS in their academic studies, a few differently negative influences also emerged to some students with the phenomena about learner autonomy. The positivist is based on theory testing (deductive) that follows the assumption and then attempt to test them. (Alaranta. M, 2006) Therefore the research methodology in this essay employs statistics and probability to confirm the value of SNS in education. On the other hand, deduce the factors emerged in term of questionnaires which from ten respondents and objectively evaluate SNS’s value through structured and semi-structured questions, finally, the results of quantitative questions either may visually support or refute the SNS’s value because validity and advantage of making deduction and decisions based on statistical analyses. (Coolidge. F, 2012)

Semi-structured interviews are an appealing option since the data collected must be suitable for both theory-testing and theory-building analyses – that is, the empirical evidence must cover all data relevant to the theory-testing analysis, but should not be totally structured, in order to theory-building analysis. (Alaranta. M, 2006)

Furthermore, the semi-structured questions following interviewer’s subjective perception which is one-sided and is not able to investigate an overall theory. For example, students hope the SNS engage with their achievement, however, semi-structured questions hardly show the details of implementing engagement. Respondents barely articulate own personal perspective that evidences and responses are pretty abstract, therefore the qualitative questions to be applied to analyse and define the ethical considerations that explain why and how does the SNS influences student’s academic studies in term of the statistics literature and analysis of knowledge, it is important that shows the research ethics as the interpretivism in discussions of research methodology. With the approach of induction, this paper gains various opinions from ten respondents which are shown as the results of qualitative questions for theory-building and in order to present the further and comprehensive research methodology. For educators, there is a deeper insight about the feasibility for SNS is combining with education by educators to raise student’s learning experience. These various opinions are necessary for this paper to understand difference between humans as the roles of social actors. (Lewis. P, Saunders. M & Thornhill. A, 2007) The interaction of positivist and interpretivist may achieve a more detailed and comprehensive cognition for the research.

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This paper dedicated its research in term of the essential ethical standards that assure overall the data collections are credible and authentic and follow the requirement of Staffordshire University. Evaluate fairly to each data without any bias for specific data or question. Validly quote onymous academic resources in the correct direction for protecting them and indicating the references of resource. The research and questionnaires contain no discrimination about racialism, gender, religion, human rights and regionalism; treat equally to every interviewee and the survey result, respect every interviewee and its individual privacy, do not use the research and individual privacy for profiteering. The procedures of experiments employ efficiently which is environmental and energy-saving to ensure there are no harms to environment, society and creature. This easy is based on realism and a great deal of personal opinions; however, it avoids bringing them into conflict with other individual and organization. Finally, all the research and results are struggling for science.

The success of investigation activity is depends on the quality of investigation design which is important to the authenticity and effectiveness of questionnaires. First of all, the questionnaire defines scope for content and purpose of survey; identify the targets of survey. The questionnaires which are this essay refer to ten students in Staffordshire University to investigate the SNS’s feasibility in education. According to preceding part of the text, the students who are between the 18 to 25 years old are the main user of SNS, moreover the achievement of students’ academic study which are the ultimate purpose that educators bring SNS into their classes. The secondary survey includes identifying the differentiation of student, such as internationality, gender, age and degree. The ten respondents are from different countries which include the United Kingdom, France, and China that they had different educational backgrounds before they came to Staffordshire University. It also includes the students who are studying in business award which are in level 5, level and Master of Business Administration and other awards such as philosophy to analyse the SNS’s feasibility in different award, degree and faculty in the university. Classify these quantitative questions that find out the intercommunity through the statistics for testing and then record the differences. The quantitative questions combine with student’s behaviour such as the probability which students having SNS’s account and frequency which students accessing SNS per day or week to calculate and infer the success rate for SNS engaging with education. The qualitative questions follow the quantitative questions which present respondents’ subjective opinions, such as the SNS’s forms for engaging with education by interviewee’s aspiration or the respects that SNS has the negative influences on students. The answer may produce some bias by individual’s opinion; therefore, summarize the sphere of commonality and then analyse the reason for bias appearance. The survey mainly sends by mails that refer to the response rates. In order to increase response rate, the explanation of selection and introduction of incentives are sent with mail that explain the method of sampling used, how the respondent came to be chosen and elaborate the results of survey will be helpful to their study that motivate respondents comply better with survey. (Oppenheim. A, 2003)

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The probability of statistics classifies quantitative data that refer to appropriate analysis. The appendix shows more than 66 percent of students use SNS more than daily and Facebook is the most popular SNS among the students. There are also more than 66 percent of students think SNS is important for their life, therefore the SNS has a favourable market among students, either in the aspect of study or other purpose. Although only 4 respondents of 10 samples use SNS for study, 67 percent of students think that if SNS combine with their study that be useful and will increase their performance of study. 89 percent of respondents indicate that if SNS combine with education, they will change the online habit and increase the frequency of accessing SNS, therefore, most students wish the engagement between educations and SNS. Chanoni who is the one respondent articulate in the open question: “I believe my teacher and tutors being on SNS would be a benefit as this may be an easier way to contact them, if any help is needed.” The other four respondents who are international student state clearly that SNS can help them improve their English level and learn numerous cultures and course, Kefu state: SNS will improve English knowledge, especially for foreign student. However, according to the investigations, the main purpose of students using SNS is for social purpose instead of educational purpose. (Argan. M & Akyıldız.M, 2012) Excessive indulging in social networks causes students are difficultly absorbed in class.

Appendix 1C:UsersAdministratorDesktopæ- æ ‡é¢˜.png, 2012

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Coolidge. F, (2012) Statistics: A Gentle Introduction (3rd Edition), California: SAGE Publication, Inc.

Lewis. P, Saunders. M & Thornhill. A (2007) Research Methods for Business Students, Essex: Pearson Education Limited.

Oppenheim. A, (2003) Questionnaire Design, Interviewing and Attitude Measurement (NEW EDITION), New York: Continuum.

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