Solar industries analysis of training and development and talent management process


The detailed analysis of training and development and talent management process is providing through human resources management in solar industries. According to this report is based on case study of solar industries at talent management. Planning and development should be proper implemented in the solar industries. The report includes how the training and development and talent management to be implement. However research found that to continuing competitive advantage people are the only real source. Prahalad and Hamel (1990)

HRM is considered a logical approach to the management of an organisation’s most valued assets. (Armstrong 2007). The term personnel management has been replaced by human resource management and human resources. Armstrong, Michael (2006).

The managers of an activity state their goals with HRM’s techniques, the work force implicit and carry out the activity with its techniques which requires resources to accomplish their coursework successfully. The objective of HRM is to help an organisation, maintaining employees to congregate strategic goals and also to manage them effectively.

The personnel administrators’ constant complaint is that they lack status. This proves their inability to make contribution and to make impact on their management associates. Their continuous worry is their inability to prove that they can make impact on their management associates. Drucker (1954)

Thus, solar industry is getting more and more important day by day especially Solar Energy. And this is why solar industry developing rapidly in every part of world. So the Human Resource also becomes an important part to manage man-power, technology, research and development etc.

Human Resource Management Theory:

The objective of HRM is to help an organization, maintaining employees to congregate strategic goals. The key word here perhaps is “fit” that is to make sure that there is healthy relationship between the management of employees and on the whole strategic direction of the company. (Miller, 1989).

However, there are many HR functions which are struggling these days to get the task of management and member of staff and they are unconsidered rather than intentionally practical partners for the top management. Further, in the solar industries HR have difficulty in proving that their activities and processes are accumulating value to the company. In modern times, HR scholars and professionals decided to develop models that can measure the value. HR. Smit, Martin E.J.H. (2006).

Human Resource Strategy:

The strategy of HRM is to implement the specific functions of HRM. Planning, organizing, training and development is the main function of the human resources. In order to correspond with the whole business strategy HRM needs to correlate various areas of HR. This strategy of HR is to be implement in the solar industries.

HRM Activities in Solar Industry

The three key HRM activities in solar industries are

Recruitment of the best employees

Development of Leadership

Development of Management

The main objective of Solar Industries is to identify and describe the broad range of policies, technical, financial, regulatory, and other market related factors that affect of renewable energy technologies. Firstly, recruiting the right employees with the right competencies at the right time had to fit in the solar industries as there is skills shortage at all levels in the organization.

Secondly, HR manager has to develop a leadership training plan to manage their leadership skills to get experienced people in the industry. Finally, management development activity is to be fit in the solar industries to manage organization. Planning, organizing, leading and coordinating resources are the activities included in management. Thus, for the above reason recruiting the best employees, leadership development and management development are the three key activities that should be fit into overall corporate objective of the company.

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HRM Model in solar industries:

1) The Harvard Model

The Harvard model of HRM had to deploy in the solar industries. To guide all managers in relations with employee’s soft version of HRM has to concentrates on the Harvard model. (Beer, Spector, Lawrence, Quin Mills and Walton, 1984). It focuses on employee commitment that is not control. (Wood, 1995) The model is useful to know the agreement, capability and effectiveness of cost for employees in the organization.

Work system

Employee influence

Human resources flow


For recruitment, and selection process human resource flows are used in the organization. They are used in the organization through placement, promotion, out of the organization as termination pay. To attract and to keep employees motivate the reward system is organized. Thus, employee influence is used to put controlled on authority and decision making. The jobs are defined and not based on particular tasks like classical approaches. The employee having high commitment led to better job performance is the advantage of this model. (Beardwell, Holden and Claydon, 2004). The selection policies were based on competence and it includes the element of suitability and flexibility. Thus, the right employees fit for the right jobs led to effectiveness. The main aim of reward system is to attract and motivate held performance appraisal but it is not a tool for evaluation.

The Harvard model is praise in analytic aspect as an advantage by Pettigrew and Hendry (1990). However, on basis of resource this system is bad form labor point of view. There is an argument that soft aspect of HRM has conflict in the Harvard model regarding business focus of the organization and it changes the cost minimization and profit maximization. (Armstrong 1987, Legge, 1995)

2) The Michigan model

The solar industries can also deploy the Michigan model because it includes hard version of HRM. (Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna, 1984) To managed employees like resources they use resources inexpensive and carefully to developed and exploited fully. The model includes HRM activities as follows.





To obtain organizational performance this model includes selection, appraisal, development and rewards policies. The surrounding idea was ignored for its situational factors, stakeholder interests and the concept of strategic choice. (Cusworth and Franks, 1993) The model shows the internal and external factors in the policies of HR along with strategy of business. The market performance and organisational growth is an advantage of this model. It is useful in cost minimisation for employees which is inexpensive. However, market failures are the disadvantage of this model. It is due to ignorance of environments. Moreover, HRM planning certifies the future requirements of the organization that are minimal. Further, this model fails in range of group and internal conflict. (Chuang et al, 2004) Thus, it led to organizational performance failure. (Bagshaw,2004)

According to this two model of HRM solar industries deploys because in the case study performance of the solar industries are not going well, work system, rewards and development & growth, appraisal for example like shortage of skills(learning skill, training & development skill etc) sort of experience and labour turn over levels are high. So according to this above two model of HRM are bring in action in the solar industries.

Training and development:

Training refers to efforts that help enhance employee skills for carrying out the present job. To do particular job the training is an act of increasing knowledge and skills Edwin B Flippo. Development is a permanent change in knowledge, skills, attitudes or behaviour that comes through experience.

Training is must for every individual when he enters into the organization. Even though the candidate has experience he also should get training. Why because the organization culture, values and beliefs are different from one organization to other. That’s why the training program plays a key role in every organization.

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Training program followed by solar industries is formal assessment tools for recruiting, structured induction training. Solar industries have not developed an effective induction programmed.

New employees employed at solar industry get off to a bad start and they do not understand the organization itself or their role in it. Hence, this has lead to employment turnover which is high-18% for managers, 17% for engineers, 20% for sales and marketing and 15% elsewhere. As a result, it is increasingly difficult to find good replacements, and also lowering of morale for the remaining staff.

In solar industries HR planning and development methods are high involvement practices, integrated HR practices and reward approach but in spite of all this, things are clearly not going too well, so for this they need to view plans as adaptable. A solar industry requires more attention to planning. It is both possible and desirable to plan for uncertainty. The emphasis in HR planning will be on maximum future flexibility. The objectives of HRP play a useful role in the management of organization: recruitment, training and development, staff costing, redundancy, collective bargaining and accommodation.


Firstly, I recommend that board of directors of solar industries could improve its strategy towards training and development of its management staff by using formal induction course. It will save inductors and managers time by dealing with a group than dealing with individuals. It ensures that all new recruits are given a positive message and consistent information.

It can employ a range of communication techniques including: group discussion and projects, presentation, visits and guided tours, off-site training sessions, involvement with suppliers, customers and contractors. It enables new recruits to socialize with each other and build cross-functional relationships. This process of training and development is easy to arrange.

Secondly, try to avoid by providing too much and too soon to the inductee. This will make the procedure simple and relevant. It will be suitable for everyone in the industry and for their roles within the organization. By this way the process should be shared. Moreover, induction programmed will generate unreasonable expectations.

Finally, I recommend that according to effective induction training and development programme and proper HR planning solar industries improved its strategy towards training and development of its management staff. According to effective induction training and development is done by formal and informal course. Thus, industry needed proper learning skill, training plan and developing strategy in the industries management staff in corporate world.

Talent Management:

Talent management is a position of employees with business priorities to deliver greater performance and results. As agencies strive to meet strategic goals, they must ensure that they have a continuous process for recruiting, training, managing, supporting, and compensating their employees.

Emerging technologies are changing the employee competencies needed in organization. There is need of improvement in solar industries in areas of planning, growth and development, management skill by talent management system. The specialized products of the solar industries are electronics. Talent management provides solution to provide better services to organisations like solar industries.

The solar industries should make strategy of talent management that give advice to various areas of industries. The process of talent management helps solar industries to recruit, deploy, develop and retained employees in the organization. Solar industries should focus not only on recruiting and retaining talent, but also focus on talent savvy organization support their employees on issues they care about most.

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Industry has to focus on strategic recruitment in the organization because there are shortage of skill employees at all the levels. They have to deploy about matching the correct employee to a critical job or project. The organization must focus on their critical talent to achieve strategic objective by ensuring their skills, interest, and capabilities.

It creates successful work force in the industry to develop a public reputation for being a great place for work, which fosters loyalty among current employees. The employees will be more interested in working for a company that gives importance to its employees and give them opportunities for continued success. Talent management is necessary in the solar industries to retain employees, new skilled workers to be recruited. The war for talent is the process of attracting and retaining employees between firms. (Article in 1998 David Wilkins of soft scope)

In solar industries it is necessary to implement talent management system to work into the business strategy. The company has to implement talent employees in the solar industries. It should be implemented at all the levels of the organization in the industries to attract and retain employees.

The talent management is not same in different organisation. From talent management stand point, employee evaluations has fear of two major of measurement performance and potential. The talent management is necessary to be practiced in the solar industries and must practiced consistently; Performance management Leadership development, Work force planning (identifying talent gaps), Recruiting.

The employees in the solar industries should be talented and talent market should be implemented. It is useful for industries and the most productive employee can select the projects and assignments that are most perfect for particular employee. Talent management is kind of human capital management based on human resources management field that make work easy in the organization where the situation is critical.

To manage employee talent in the industries they have to develop effective plans and to implement it in the company. Their responsibility is to develop skills in all the areas of management for this they have to develop new business strategy.


To improve the organizational performance of the solar industries, I recommend that they should allocate talent management in their industries. Firstly, solar industry needs workforce diagnostic capabilities that enable more effective strategic decision making across all components of workforce planning. For example solar industry has high percentage of employees labour turnover at all levels would be an indicator that requires attention of senior management.

Secondly, a solar industry has experienced expansive growth from around the globe location play an increasingly important role. The ability to find individuals with particular knowledge and bring them together in a virtual environment can make it easier for employees to share good practices.

Thirdly, industries have to develop proper recruiting and development activities to get the right employee in right job with right skill. Finally, industry has to develop a talent marketplace by a standard classification of employee roles, skills and competencies and potential managers can identify individuals with relevant skills and capabilities.


Finally, I think that training helps people to learn different things in a different ways. Training and development helps in the organisation to develop there information, methods in a systematic way to perform all the activity in the solar industries.

Talent management is method of aid in the organisation. It helps talented employees to develop their skills and knowledge. And also develop their effective plan to manage talented employees in the industries. However, talent management and training is the key role of human resources management in the solar industries.

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