Some Human Resources Functions Information Technology Essay

Functional area is a group within a business with a specific responsibility, such as administration, human resources, marketing and sales. Functional areas can also be referred to as department. There are different functional areas in business with different responsibilities. The purpose of functional areas is to guarantee all important business activities are done professionally. This is very important if the business wants to achieve its aims and objectives.

Administration- is the business department which provides a range of services used by all businesses.

The purpose of administration is to support its business.

Services include:


Computer assistance

Managing the mail room & delivering internal mail

Organising a reception

Running the premises

Plan security and cleaning services

Organise for telephones and internal directories

Operating the switchboard

Planning and managing relocations


Some Administration Functions are:

Responding quickly to investigation.

Making arrangements.

Sending and receiving messages by telephone

Organising meetings and preparing documents.

Research information

Some Jobs in Administration



Admin Assistant

Portfolio Administrator

Project Administrator

Administrative Officers

Finance Administrator

Sales Administrator

Office Administrative Assistant


Distribution- is the business department that makes sure that all deliveries arrives at their destinations in the condition/form and time

The purpose of distribution is to be responsible for controlling the movement of goods in and out of the warehouse, supervising drivers and overseeing the transport of goods to and from the firm, the distribution function is also responsible for preparing relevant paperwork and packing goods securely for despatch.

Some Distribution functions:

Complete delivery documents

Guarantee all goods are properly stored and labelled before sending it out

Plan and schedule vehicle routes

Check all goods are safe and secure in the vehicle

Deal with distribution problems

Some Jobs in Distribution:

Distribution manager

Shipping manager

Shipping/despatch clerks


Human Resources (HR)/Personnel

Human resources/ Personnel – is the business department that is responsible for employing and managing employees.

The purpose of Human Resources is to appeal and maintain decent, high quality staff, to coach and advance all staff so that they can be able to reach their maximum potential and to ensure they achieve the aims and objectives. Also, the purpose of HR is to make sure that the correct people that apply to the job get employed to the right assignment at the right period also HR has to make sure that the job given to them is efficient enough to develop their capabilities to their highest level which adds to self-motivation making them work better.

Some Human Resources functions:

Maintain staff records

Advise managers on legal rights and responsibilities of the company as well as its employees.

Carry out company’s welfare policy

Monitor working conditions of the staff

Monitor terms and conditions of employment

Receive and record all job applications, arrange interviews and notify candidates of the results.

Responsible for all health and safety checks.

Some Jobs in Human Resources:

Recruitment officer

Staff development officer

HR manager

Health and safety manager

Personnel/staffing officer

HR control promotion opportunities, job vacancies, CPD and training courses for all areas/staff. HR will cooperate with employees/employers over wage increase and bonuses. Also, HR will be occupied with the arrangement of staff training activities as well as supporting the development of all staff.


ICT- is a business department that is involved in the use of computers to handle information.

The purpose of ICT is to practise a stable, reliable, and easily accessible technology structure to meet the business’ needs.

Some ICT functions:

Assist users who have computer problems

Repair computer systems when required

Monitor staff computers and use for compliance with the company IT policy

Connect new or additional equipment to the system

Technically maintain a company website

Update software and ensure that encryption codes are uploaded to avoid viruses and any other malicious software being downloaded.

Some Jobs in ICT:

ICT Technician

Project manager

Configuration Engineer

Customer Services

Customer services- is a business department that is responsible for routine inquires and complaints from or disputes with customers.

The purpose of customer service is to work as a link among the company and its employers. The staff members in the customer service department are trained professionally so that they can offer assistance in the company when needed by the customers.


Account credit


Delivery complaints


Information concerning your account


Some Jobs in Customer Services:

Customer Operations Manager

Customer Service Representative

Customer Service Assistant

Customer Support Manager

Customer Service Advisor

Some Customer Services Functions:

To be able to answer the customers questions about any products and/or service.

To be able to solve customer problems

To be able solve and deal with complaints from customers professionally

To be able to solve records of customer complaints so that the problem will not be asked of again

To be able to use the response given by the customers to help improve the quality and satisfaction of customer service.

Customer feedback must be passed on by customer service if they think that it will affect future sales or product development.


Finance- is a business department that is responsible for managing all the money earned and spent.

The purpose of Finance is to monitor and keep record of the financial transactions of the business.

The purpose of Finance is to monitors departmental spending and the achievement of financial targets. To improve profitability so that the aims and objectives involved with costs levels can be supported and monitored by the finance department.

Some jobs in Finance:

Management accountant

Financial accountants

Credit controllers

Finance director

Financial advisor

Some Finance functions:

Check and pay invoices received

Produce statutory accounts each year

Monitor department budgets to check managers are not overspending

Prepare payroll and pay staff salaries

Before sales are made the finance department must know about customer enquires so that they can check their credit rating.


Marketing- is a business department that is in charge of presenting products or services so that it makes the product/services more desirable also this department is about identifying and meeting customer needs.

The purpose of Marketing is to convert generic needs into wants for specific goods, ideas, or services. Marketing will be involved with achieving the aims and objectives that are involved with sales and marketing.

Targets that will be connected to developing new markets or increasing sales will have the involvement of the Marketing department.

Some Jobs in Marketing:

Marketing Executive

Product Marketing Manager

Marketing Manager

Marketing Director

Marketing Assistant

Sales and Marketing Coordinator

Some Marketing Functions:

Improve and promote services and produces through a variety of methods.

Design, update and promote company’s website – this is done with the ICT department.

To be able to keep track of existing customers so that they can be notified of any promotions/improvements.

To be able to produce a range of advertisements.


Sales- is a business department that is responsible for selling its products or services.

The purpose of Sales is to be involved in achieving targets linked to developing new markets or increasing sales. Sales must be able to sell as much products and services as possible.

Some Jobs in Sales:

Sales Executive

Sales Manager

Retail Manager

Director of Sales

Sales Associate

Some Sales Functions:

Organise sales promotions

Respond to customer enquiries

Provide technical advice

Keep customer details up to date

Prepare quotations or estimates for customers

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Customers must know when deliveries are due as well if they have any problems. The customers are informed by the sales department.


Production- this department is responsible for the manufacture of raw materials into finished goods.

Targets relating to quality or meeting planned production schedules will be set for the production department. This is one of Productions purposes.

Some Jobs in Production:

Production manager

Production Assistant`

Production Account

Production Director

Production Executive

Some Production Functions:

To be able to plan schedules

To be able to repair any equipments that production will need

Produce or assemble finished products

Order stocks of raw materials from approved suppliers

To be able to monitor schedules concerning production and to make sure that any delays in production are rescheduled

Manage quality of products including which goods produced are fit for purpose

Production has to inform sales about production problems which they think will affect customers or sales. Production must also find new product developments as well as methods of production.

Research and Development (R and D)

Research and Development- is a business department that is responsible for creating new products to meet the altering demands of the marketplace.

The purpose of R and D is to improve existing products as well as new product developments

Some Jobs:

Researcher Development Manager

New Product Development Researcher

Product Development Engineer

Senior Electronic Design Engineer

R & D Design Engineer

R & D Functions: activities will depend on the industry

Improvements in performance and safety as well as emission reductions are the focus of engineers who work in the Aerospace and Car industries.

In the Food Industry the chefs that make the new products work with the Technologists so that they can prepare the products.

To be able to research and develop new products.


Purpose of Functional Areas



The Marketing department in Oxfam is responsible for creating and maintaining Oxfam’s online shopping website. The marketing department is also responsible for promoting products such as posters, leaflets to promote Oxfam.

Customer Services:

Oxfam’s Customer Service department provides a phone line for its customers. This will help provide information about Oxfam. It is uncommon for charities to have/provide customer service.

Human Resources:

Oxfam’s Human Resources department is responsible for the people inside the charity. E.g. volunteers

Human Resources deal with the employer and employees. They deal with them by making sure they have no pay issues and they also make sure that the employers and employees are trained for their job roles. They also deal with them by planning what the people will do in Oxfam. They recruit new employers/employees when they are needed.

The function of human resources is mostly related to the employees who can make the job in Oxfam very successful. The removal of poor staff and the keeping of good experienced staff is the aim of the human resources department.

The human resources department looks after the volunteers of Oxfam they also recruit permanent staff for the charity


The Finance department in Oxfam keeps financial records as well as records of money being received. The preparation of payroll and the process in giving the staff their salaries is one of the functions of the finance department in Oxfam. The finance department also deals with the accounts and the records of all charity donations.


Oxfam’s Administration department carries out a wide range of tasks day to day which helps support the charity. Collecting, distributing and sending off people’s mails along with preparing arrangements and meetings which are held so that the business will become more successful are

some of the responsibilities of the administration department. The department is also responsible for researching including sending and receiving any emails or fax.

In order for the managers of Oxfam to concentrate on running a successful charity the administration staff must make sure that the everything in the charity that has a connection to them must be well planned and run effortlessly as well as effectively.


Oxfam’s ICT department must make sure that all of the charity’s data are stored properly, in the right place and efficiently on their system. The ICT department in Oxfam also has to make sure that they can be able to install any software to the server that they think can benefit the company, its staff and customers, and they also have to make their system is reliable and doesn’t fail. Any supplies or accessorises that might be needed by staff members are purchased by the ICT department. The ICT department must make sure that the systems have high security and protection so that no one can access or destroy any file if they’re not part of the charity. ICT must make sure that the website for the charity is easy to access and is kept in order.

Purpose of Functional Areas




Tesco’s marketing department is in charge of identifying customer needs so that they can supply them with their product in the right condition, place and time. In order for the customers to be supplied their products the marketing department would need to inform the production workers to produce high-quality goods. Allowing them to responds to their customers enquiry quickly and accurately.

Customer Services:

Tesco’s customer service department are in charge of the customers. They solve any customer problems and take into account any complaint or compliments concerning Tesco. Customer satisfaction is the number one priority of customer service. The staff members of the customer service department are trained professionally to handle enquiries, complaints and replies.

Tesco customer service staff should answer all questions in detail.

Human Resources:

The Human Resources department is responsible for every department’s staff members. They help recruit new staff members in Tesco, they also train, pay and solve any issues that have to do with payment and the workforce. This department’s main function is to recruit staff members that would do their job effectively, making Tesco a more successful business. This department’s makes sure that any staff members that they feel have a poor impact on the business are replaced with better ones.


Tesco’s distribution department are in charge of the goods. They make sure that all deliveries are delivered to the right person and at the most appropriate time and in the right condition. The distribution department are in charge of the vehicles that hold all deliveries, they make sure that the vehicles are quickly stored with the products and contain the right deliveries and the deliverers have the right routes. They also make sure that the deliveries are secure and safe in the vehicles. Distribution fills out delivery forms, plans and they schedule the time and route the delivery vehicles will take the deliveries. They make sure that the staff members know when goods will be delivered so that the customers will be aware of when to receive their goods.


Tesco’s finance department keeps record of the amount of money spent and earned by Tesco and also the profits they gain. This will mean that managers will be informed if profit is lost or gained. The finance department keeps records and pays for goods or services that Tesco needs. Also, the finance department is responsible for preparing Tesco’s accounts.


Tesco’s administration department support the business by providing a range of services and doing a range of other tasks. Its staff members send and receive messages by telephone or email. They organise meetings and prepare documents for Tesco. They organise Tesco’s reception and plan relocations by Tesco. The administration department makes sure that everything runs efficiently, this means that Tesco will be run properly and precisely as the managers will concentrate solely on Tesco.

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Tesco’s sales department is responsible for selling the goods/services of Tesco. This means that Tesco will be keep running and achieve its aim of being the number one retailer company in the UK. The sales department is very important because if there isn’t anything to sell in Tesco then there wouldn’t be any customers. Which also means that Tesco wouldn’t achieve its aim of being, the number one retailer company. The sales department collaborate with the finance department to set a price for goods and services. They also deal with customer enquiries.

How the different departments would work together and communicate with each other?

The interaction and communication between the different functional areas in a business help a company achieve its aims and objectives. This means that the company can function more effectively and successfully.

Any part of a business’ job/function is likely to involve more than one functional area. Therefore the areas have to communicate and work together closely.

Administration communicates will all departments because they monitor the budgets, interview new staff members for departments, make travel arrangements as well as purchase supplies of office stationary and equipment.

The distribution department communicates with sales, administration, finance and human resources because for distribution to deliver to the right person at the right/appropriate address on time and in the right condition, distribution has to work with sales to know information about the products. This department works with administration to know about travel arrangements and it communicates with finance because for distribution to be cost effective the cost of products and services including others should be at its lowest level. Therefore, distribution and finance have to work together to discuss the lowest cost possible.

Production works with distribution, marketing and sales. Production works with these departments because for production to produce or assemble a finished product, it will need to communicate with the sales department on selling the product to customers. Production interacts with marketing to help promote the products through a variety of advertising and promotional methods. This function interacts with distribution because the products have to be delivered to the customers.

Finance, HR and ICT work and communicate with all functional areas because finance needs to prepare payroll and paying staff salaries, produce legal accounts and monitor managers to make sure they are not overspending.

HR works with all areas of business as it’s responsible for recruiting and managing employees. This department notify staff of promotion opportunities and arranges the staff members training schedules, check health and safety records along with accident records. ICT works and communicate with all functional areas because the most data and information are now stored on the computer systems so ICT communicates with other functional areas to make sure that the computer systems don’t fail as the company could lose all their data and information.

Research and Development works together with production and the marketing departments. R & D works with production because they need to know the product they are improving. They also work with marketing because they promote the product through a variety of advertising and promotional methods.

Customer services interact with sales, marketing and production as they must work with these departments in order to respond to customers.

Functional areas in any business cannot under any circumstance work in isolation. All functional areas especially in larger business need support and information from each other in order for the business to operate effectively.

How well the functional areas interact and support the aims and objectives of Oxfam and Tesco?

Functional areas interact and support the aims and objectives of Oxfam and Tesco by interacting with each other about the aims and objectives which make it easier and quicker to achieve them. The functional areas support the aims and objectives by targeting the aims and objectives which they think they can best achieve. Al the functional areas in the business are linked together in achieving all their aims and objectives so that their business can be successful. This means that often many of the decisions are viewed and made by more than one of the other functional areas.



To maximise sales

To grow and maintain the number one retail company in the U.K

To outshine the competitors and remain in the market leader

To maximise profit

To provide


To offer all customers a superlative value for the money.

To achieve good customer service

To offer customers the most competitive prices

To meet the needs of customer by taking their opinions regarding any product into great consideration.

Some Tesco Products:

Sterling Silver Crystal Set Ball Pendant

Silentnight Miracoil 3-Zone Pillowtop Honolulu Double 2 drawer Divan Set

Beko WM5100W washing machine

Tesco Mobile Pay As You Go SIM

The Finance department in Tesco controls the expenditure of all departments. It also works together with each department. The Marketing department in Tesco works to generate funds to help get more customers into the business. The more customers that comes back to Tesco the more funds Tesco gets. The Human Resources department in Tesco helps train staff so that they can be able to communicate with customers. The Customer Service department are also trained by Human Resources so that they can response clearly and correctly to the customers. The more happy customers there are the more they’re likely to come back. When customers come back the more income Tesco receives. The Sales department in Tesco is in charge of selling products and stocking the shelves. Also the sales department works with customer relations to help find products for the shelves and sell insurance. The ICT department in Tesco works with all departments to make sure that all technology works. The email system and website are checked by the ICT department to make sure that it’s always working so that customers have access to it. They make sure the website is working properly every time because if customers can’t buy from the website if it’s not good enough or working properly. The Distribution department in Tesco makes sure that products arrive to the shop. They also work with the marketing, sales and HR department to know what products are being brought to the shop. The Administration department in Tesco run and coordinate everything in Tesco. Also administration works with all departments so that it can be aware of what is needed; this means that they can do their job more efficiently. The Production department in Tesco will make sure that the bread that is produced by local Tesco shops are fresh for customers to buy.

Only local Tesco Shops have a Production department. Production communicates with distribution, marketing and sales for production to produce/assemble finished local Tesco products. It will need to communicate with sales departments on selling the product to customers and it works with marketing to help promote the products through a variety of advertising and promotional methods. Production has to ensure all goods are produced in time and are of the right quality. This department supports (Local) Tesco aims and objectives as the departments help develop new products, provide for customers and maximise sales.

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To meet the needs of customer by taking their opinions regarding any product into great consideration, Tesco’s HR and Administration has to work together to recruit and manage suitable employees for its stores. To achieve good customer service, Tesco’s customer service will need to communicate with all functional areas so that they can respond to customers appropriately and correctly. To grow and maintain the number one retail company in the U.K, all Tesco’s functional areas have to interact with each other so that they know the position they hold as a retail company in the UK as well as what they will need to do in order to keep their company as the number one retail company in UK.

Tesco’s finance department has to interact with all functional areas because if employees are not paid they will not be able to work and therefore will not be able to support Tesco’s aims and objectives. Also the finance department in Tesco monitors and keeps record of the financial transactions, budgets as well as expenditure. Finance help set the prices for the business as well as authorise and record payments and receipts plus it also does auditing of departments.

Sales department in Tesco has to interact with marketing so they can promote the Tesco goods through a number of advertising and promotional methods. Tesco’s sales department also works with finance and marketing so that they can decide on the lowest cost possible for products.

If Tesco wants to promote its products as best as they possibly can, its marketing department has to work with production and sales so they can decide on the type of advertisement that will be best for the products, plus pricing and product placement.

The distribution department in Tesco has to work with sales, administration, finance and human resources to ensure that Tesco’s goods are delivered to the right place/stores on time and in the right condition. It works with administration to know about travel arrangements. In addition, it works with sales to know information about the products and it interacts with finance as well as Sales because for Tesco to be able to offer their customers with the best value for everything they buy, the products and/or services provided by Tesco must be cost effective.

Functional areas communicating with each other helps support the aim and objectives of Tesco.

The functional areas contribute to the aims and objectives of Tesco because Tesco achieved its aim which was to maximise sells and profit. In 2009, Tesco made a profit of £3.13 billion, which was a 10% increase from 2008’s profits. Its sales topped £1bn a week for the first time with group sales coming in at £59.4 billion. The profits were the highest on record for a UK retailer.



To be able to help the Third World through and in any way possible.

To relieve poverty, distress and suffering


To be able to persuade and encourage other countries to aid the Third World.

To campaign for a fairer world

To support children who are in need whether that is providing food to them or education

Some Oxfam Product:

Fuscia thread hoop earrings

Monsoon, pink skirt with a patterned

Café direct Fairtrade instant coffee classic blend 500g

TeadirectFairtrade440 teabags 1kg

The finance department controls how Oxfam’s money is used by communicating with each department to work towards helping it achieve its aims and objectives. The Marketing department in Oxfam helps generate funds into the charity so that their aims and objectives will be achieved and it can help more people volunteer at the charity. The Human Resources department in Oxfam helps train volunteers and staff so that they can respond quickly to emergencies also they are trained so that they can be able to help convince more people to volunteer. The Customer Service department are also trained to ensure that they can answer questions ask by people outside the charity helping the charity gain more volunteers. The Sales department in Oxfam helps Oxfam sell second hand clothes as well as other products; the profit made from this is used to help the charity. The ICT department in Oxfam helps update the website so that customers are aware of what is happening and/or being sold by Oxfam as well as how they can donate online. The ICT department also helps the email system function properly for customers and volunteers. The Distribution department in Oxfam helps deliver second hand clothes and goods to the charity’s branches so it can be sold to make a profit which is then used by the charity to help. The Administration department in Oxfam will help organised events.

For Oxfam’s to achieve it aims and objectives its functional areas have to work together to reach different aims and objectives. Customer service has to work with all departments to ensure they can solve all customer problems if they want to be a socially responsible charity.

Finance has to work with all departments so that it can record all charity donations and prepare and pay staff their salaries. Therefore, staff will be available to help the countries in the Third World, persuade and encourage other countries to provide aid and support and campaign for a fairer world.

Even though Oxfam doesn’t have a Production department it has a Sales department that sells goods to customers. Also, the Sales department interact with marketing to promote the goods through a variety of advertising and promotional methods. Sales works with finance and marketing so that they can decide on the lowest cost possible for Oxfam products

Oxfam will have to work with distribution so that second hand clothes and products are delivered to all Oxfam charities. Administration and HR has to communicate with each other so that they can employ new staff members for the charities departments.

ICT has to work with all departments so that it has all business data stored on the system. This will give Oxfam a correctly and efficiently stored data on their systems. ICT also communicates with all departments to ensure that the business’ website is updated and can easily be accessed by customers.

Marketing has to interact with production and sales so that they can advertise/promote the product/goods as best as they possibly can.

Oxfam’s functional areas are contributing to the aims and objectives because Oxfam’s income has increased by an average of 8% a year to over £250 million. This proves that the functional areas are contributing to the aims and objectives as one of the aims of Oxfam was to raise enough money to help third world countries. By raising the money this has also achieve the other aims as well as objectives of Oxfam which is to be able to help the Third World in and through any way possible, to relieve poverty, distress and suffering, to be able to help people understand nature and its causes as well as effects if poverty is to be relieved and also to campaign for a fairer world.

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