Staffing And Hr Practices Management Essay

Firstly it is the duty of the management of the organization to decide and declare the type of recruitment required by the organization the management should be clear in this regard that which type and how much recruitment is needed by the organization.

Secondly it is the major duty of the management to give the advertisement for the vacant places in the organization for the different post available in the origination which might be short term or long term job vacancies. The advertisement of the vacant job must be clearly depicting what are the needs and what type of the vacancy is being offered and what are the job attraction for this vacancy

Thirdly the investigation of the suitable individuals for the recruitment is the key prospect of the management of the organization.

After doing the above process the management of the organization has to make the proper strategy for the training of the individuals to fit in the job placement and perform their duties for the best of their abilities.

Surveys show that proximately more than half of the employees working in an organization are still passively probing for jobs & less than half of them are continuously searching actively. Most of the organizations have problems recruiting rather than selection. Selection is not easily affective; if ample quantity of employees applies to an organization then it may be financially condonable.

In HR the staffing in the organization is done by following the proper HRM cycle created by the organization inside a calculated environment

The development in the staffing can be done by the proper evaluation process regarding to the staffing process

The first step is to calculate the data from the organization for the present staff member and the management of the organization. The data will reveal the reality of the requirement and the requirement of the lacking staffing individuals which can be hired in the future for the organization in the short term and the long term basis.

The other method can also adopt which is the evaluation for the performance of the individuals of the organization to check the capabilities of any individual and maintain the cycle between the workforce and the management of the organization.

The Human resource management for any organization is very important and vital it should be deal with the proper care and the HR practices also deals a lot in it.

The review in the polices and the term and conditions made for the staff member is also very necessary as it may not be full filling the necessary requirement of the employment of the organization.

The initiatives given to the management and the employment should be clear as it depicts the performance and the present status of the organization.

The employment and the management relationship is also the key factor in this regard.

The legal documentation of the organization such as the employment structure detailed management cycle and the follow up of the organization behavior is also very much important.

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The enrollment of the employment in the organization is done by the legal terms and conditions as applied by the organizations documentations and policies are concerned. The main stream in this regard is that the legal documentation not only secures the employment detail.

HR practices reveal that staffing is a key for organizational improvement and development process. In any company, managers at various levels try to maximize the performance of their staff, make decisions regarding providing them training, however they might take on the employees or contractors for better performance. Project manager’s leaders make Hiring decisions according to their organizational needs. Staff is not as simple as one considers. It involves many aspects such as legal requirements of the country as well as keeping in view the labour market. We examined the case to case difficulties of today’s managers regarding suitable recruitment of human capital.

The most difficulty in recruitments is no availability of motivated employees. Such companies make the decision for the staffing according to the present situation and the circumstances. But most of all the difference is in making the sense by the manager individually and what makes the most sense for the entire organization. A manager needs to fill a vacancy according to job specification. However the manager might thought that the contract resources are necessary, since the applicability of such contract might not in the long term situations. Short term arrangements do not provide motivational employees as the recruited persons on contractual basis may not work with keen interest. But in the other hand, the ongoing projects might be ending somewhere else and the employments might have to reassigned the other duties or lay off. Hence as from the company’s point of view the best possibility is to take care of the internal transfer, even if an individual is not fully look fit according to the requirements.

The proper analysis of the recruitment and the selection process enables us to

Analyzed that there is a vast requirement of investigation which would result in organizational impact and business unit in both the departments. Interestingly every author describes that the organizational effectiveness depends upon the hiring and recruitment of highly skilled employees. If this is not the case then why should anyone buy into staffing? As a matter of fact there is a little direct, experimental proof assessing this postulation. These effects may be estimated by utility analysis but again those will only be estimates which are restrained to budgetary outcomes and are more oftentimes disregarded by managers. HR managers & practitioners will generally go above their authority to add critical value to their firm. Similarly,‭ ‬from a theoretical perspective,‭ ‬it is discouraging that there is not more direct, experimental evidence connecting personal conflicts to an organization’s effectiveness.‭ 

Micro research is usually conducted from‭ ‬the perspective of organizational‭ ‬psychology. Macro‭ ‭(‬organizational or business unit‭)‬-level research examines how HR practices‭ (‬e.g.,‭ ‬staffing‭) contribute to organizational performance but assumes that these practices have an effect because of their influence‭ ‬on employee KSAOs.‭ ‬Note that in macro research,‭ ‬these unit-level KSAOs are referred to as‭ ‬human capital‭ ‬and rarely measured.‭ ‬For example, research suggests that organizations using well-developed staffing practices have better performance‭ (‬Huselid,‭ ‬1995‭)‬, but the focus is on the practice itself and not the specific human capital affected by the practice. Macro research is usually conducted from the perspective of strategy or strategic HR management‭ ‬(SHRM‭)‬. If macro & micro both restrain their implicative insinuations to their respective levels,‭ ‬there would be no cause for concern. But both disciplines make inferences and assumptions that extend beyond their respective levels.‭ ‬This is known as a‭ ‬cross-level fallacy in more than one level of research and takes place when researchers inappropriately generalize their within-level findings to higher or lower levels of analysis‭ (‬Rousseau,‭ ‬1985‭).

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Objective of research: Selecting, recruiting and hiring the right employees is the primary objective of any successful organization which also helps maintaining a high standard of that organization. 

If the situation comes in what every one started making the staff related decision it will become inefficient for the organization and also become inapplicable. The strategy for staffing is established at an organizational level for minimizing cost effects and increase productivity. Company makes policies for deployment of human resources in a befitting manner .staffing strategy provides overall guidance on how A manager deals with staff. This includes how he identifies new staff, the types of people he wants as staff members, how to develop it, and how to retain

The strategy for an organization is to set such level that it reflects the current realities, and also set a space from where we want to be in 3 to 5 years. To apply in the present situation it must be executed on a daily basis.

The human resource department of the organization should take part in the staffing strategy of the organization, however it is no their duty solely to do it. When the strategy is developed, the human resource department will be responsible to create the processes and policies to support in staffing strategy. The factors which are important and applicable according to the present situation and other external stimulating factors are also necessary to be taken into the account.

The first step towards the staffing process approach is to categorize the candidates to fill the opening in the organization. The provided strategy will give the clear picture to the management of the organization that how many candidates are required or should be hired. This approach doesn’t imply that new hires are taking place but it helps in general to set an approach for filling the candidates opening in the future

Many theories reveal why and how Companies exercise HRM practices, but validity of this contention is doubtful from many points of view as situation in each case is quite different. So this study paying attention on the identification of more basic, the ground level explanations for inability to use the effective staffing techniques and practices, other than that investigating theoretical casual factors.

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When the ground level strategy is set by the reasons defined will be followed by the Human Resource Management practitioners, it makes tat possible for the organization to look backward to reduce the core explanation of the work for the organization.

Although this approach and definition might not be applicable because the resons and defined explanation might gets difference from the present staffing approaches of type to the other type for the organization.

The proper review of the applicable academic practitioner literature capitulate various promising ground-level explanations which were grouped in to the five general classes

Lack of acquaintance or consciousness,

Viewpoint that the practices are not useful,

Legal concerns,

reserve HR capital constraints

Other factors.

Lack of acquaintance might explain the limited use of experiments and rationale studies. Such practices are often focus towards the articles in the academic Human Resource Management journals.

Furthermore, the literature related to staffing and validation studies is very complex and scientific, and is not easily understood without suitable training. However various research literature explain best theory and practice of human resources management regarding staffing and providing job specification to all the employees according the core values of the organization and objectives of the management whether they are short terms or long term. The achievements of the objectives pave way to productivity. In other words survival of the company relays on the appropriate staffing and best HR practices. Legal environment of the organization is obstacle against best and intellectual human property to be hired as it fright that the make use of such practice could direct to prejudice job tests. The organization’s legal environment or the composition of its staff could influence the types of practices used. Practitioners may misjudge the dependability and soundness of cognitive tests because they are either ignorant of or do not believe the behind academic research literature. Some may also wrongly take for granted that the cognitive tests might direct towards the more un-favorable impact than the usual or normal predictions

However there is not any single device which is the one which causes the unfavorable impacts and results against some of the protected classes.


Conclusively it can be said that the staffing of any organization is solely depended upon the recruitment process of the organization the management of the organization is also responsible for the proper recruitment of the staffing in the organization at various levels and sectors.

The employment security is also important from the point of view of creating the good workforce environment inside the organization

The selection process may depend upon the documentation and the legal proceedings for the fresh employment of the organization however; the fresh staffing must be such that it satisfies the present needs and necessities of the organization in the present situation. The HR department is the key prospect to resolve the staffing related issues in the organization.

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