Standards To Become A Lecturer Education Essay

The assignment will consist of a reflective evaluation of your efforts and the outcomes achieved during the module supported by specific evidence of your graduate job search and career planning activities. The major part of the assignment will focus on Identifying professional standards relevant to your identified career pathway, standards and competences and comparison of skills with the required skills.

The assignment will be focusing on career objective and planning for a better and secure future and will help to groom the skills to increase the chances for success in graduate recruitment process. The assignment will also cover some aspects of job portals and career planning for next 3 years.


The day we born our beloved people attach some dreams with us and sometimes those dreams becomes the purpose of our living. Sometimes we create our own missions and vision. The only purpose all this serve at the end is success. Success meaning differs from people to people and nature to nature of the people. Humans work hard today to get a better and secure future. Even no matter how much they struggle, plan still they know the future is uncertain but at least they can try to make their own ways. All humans struggle to have a charming future and success in life (Arthur et al., 1995). According to Kotzé. K., & Roodt, G., (2005) they work hard, make plans, career developments, all this is to avoid fear, fear of insecurity for the future with better career and profession. Our career and chosen profession depends on our nature. And the day we were born our nature started developing. Since the child sent to school, their race towards better career and towards destiny started. The parents work hard to for their children to give them all facilities, better education, luxury. The only purpose for all this is to develop a good nature of the child. Parents want a return from child for all the hard work they do for them in term of good grades and positions.

According to Arthur et al., (1995) the race continuous and the children become mature enough to decide and chose their own pathways. The basic concept behind studying is to secure future and get into a good profession to earn high and to live a luxury life. The image of education is a ladder towards better career and profession. Everyone has their own goals and preferences but the destiny is same success and better career. While the child studying they have given choice to choose a path towards their career in which they want to involve in future. The children have to plan out their academic pathways according to interest as it is going to the first stair towards their career. According to Lane, and Rajan, (2005) Career is stairs toward success or direction towards our destiny. The children have to test themselves by strengths and weakness they have to select a subject and field to continue their studies. That’s the crucial decision which a child has to take, when they don’t have enough experience, enough knowledge to choose and differentiate between right and wrong. Some children take their decisions by influence from family, friends, and some took help of the career consultant to decide for them.

Chosen profession:

The profession I want to choose is teaching and I want to become a lecturer at Oxford University in my relevant field which is brand equity. According to Corrie, S., (2003) Teaching is the most respectful and noble profession. Responsibility of the lecturer is to grow and builds a strong personality of the student and to guide them in better ways. Education is the best way to help the nation to groom their abilities and to successful in future. Teaching should not count as a profession; it is more towards a responsibility to help the people in shaping their career and professional development. Due to inflation, there is a downfall for every industry except the education industry. Every organization is planning to cost-effective but still there are better opportunities for lecturers in the current economic disaster situation (EXETER, 2013). I want to get enough knowledge before starting the lectureship, so I can easily deliver it to my students without any hesitation and fear for lack of knowledge.

I have chosen by pathway which is a bit long but it will help me to meet my destiny and have a successful future in it. Soon I am going to enroll in graduate assessment program, after passing it I will find a job in a multinational company to gain professional experience in Branding strategies and increasing the brand equity. I should have enough knowledge of the market and ability in the relevant field before I am going to start lectureship and deliver my knowledge to students (TheEducators, 2012).

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After getting almost 3-4 years professional experience I will apply for post-graduate program in Oxford University as it is the top university in the world. And my plan is to continue my lectureship in the same university so it will improve my chances to get lectureship if I get admission in the same university. Because during the PhD program, universities do offer to teach or be part of their research team to get some experience and earn at the same time. This will be good for my career and will increases chances to meet my dreams. I want to an expert of my field, and not to just have books knowledge. A professional should know all aspects either good or bad about the relevant field (EXETER, 2013). Oxford University is one of the leading educational institutions around the world. It is known for quality of education and the professional they have produced. Oxford University do offer faculty offers to their best students, and a promising career in research department (TheEducators, 2012). The reason for choosing the same University for my studies which I have dreamed to work in is to learn their culture as a student and then while being the faculty member help the students which my teachers lacked. The main reason for doing PhD as it makes you stand out from the crowd, as in the world there are just a minor number of people who have plans to do PhD and have done PhD (SIMMONS, 2013).

Standards to become a Lecturer

According to, (2013) the basic need to become a lecturer is completely changes now. In earlier ages, the people do not required a post qualification degree but now it is necessary to complete PhD for lectureship. The qualification needs for lecture is to have a good masters degree with good GPA and a PhD in the relevant field. The lecturer will be requiring having some research or teaching experience. Hopefully while doing PhD program, I will be planning for career and working out on ways to maximize the chances of getting a job. The PhD will be the main basis of research experience. PhD took 3-4 years at least to complete and once it completed, it will go a long way to the career ladder. The lecturer should have professional experience which reflects their market knowledge and increase chances to get a lectureship.

The lecturer should have enough knowledge which he/she going to deliver to students. And to have enough knowledge, the lecturer should master of their field. Students can ask any question which will come in their mind, and the lecturer is responsible to answer their queries on the spot (EXETER, 2013). According to SIMMONS (2013) Confidence is the most important thing which a lecturer should have. They are going to give presentations to students, answering for their questions and it can incase only if the lecturer is the master of the relevant field. The fear for lack of knowledge can destroy the career as the lecturer will not able to answer the student’s questions and while assessment of the lecturer, the students will give negative opinions which will not good for lecturer career. Lecturer should positive thinker. Teaching is not only a profession, it more a responsibility which help the student to groom their personality and build a positive character. If the lecturer is not a positive thinker then it will create negative impact on the nature of the student. Students are highly influenced by the teacher as they consider them as their mentor.

According to (EXETER, 2013) the lecturer should posses the communication skills as their nature of the job is to communicate with students all the time. In class they will be delivering lecturer which is also a part of communication and out of the class; they will be giving counseling to students for betterment. Communication skills are very important in academic or non academic work. The first impression of the personality depends on the way of communication and choice of words. Effective communication not only helps in professional life, but also in personal life to make in a place in the hearts of people.

Personal evaluation:

The evaluation will be base on my career goal which I have chosen to make a career and way to live a life. The career I have chosen is to become a lecturer in Oxford University. The lectureship requires a person who is well qualified and the master of their field with some relevant experience (TheEducators, 2012). According to, (2013) the hiring institutions also assess personality of the person and their behaviors. As, far as the qualification and experience is concern, I am in a growing stage to groom my career and shine like a star. I am now enrolled in graduate program in the field of marketing with the majors of brand equity and strategies. After doing my graduation, I am going to enroll in many multinational firms for graduate recruitment process. Hopefully, after I get selected I will start working to gain some professional and market experience as it is the need to enroll in PhD Program. I want to work with Multinational Corporations to groom myself and shape myself as per need of market. After gaining 3-4 years experience I will apply for PhD program in Oxford University. The basic need for PhD is to have a good GPA in graduate program and as a good student I have 3.75 CGPA. I want to study in Oxford University on a scholarship and my academic qualification meets the need of it.

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According to Unimelb, (2013) as, far as the personality and character building is concern. I am a confident, hard-working student who has achieved scholarships several times. Getting a scholarship proves my likeness towards studies and knowledge of my relevant field in which I want to make a career. I am a brilliant and favorite student of my teachers with a positive behavior. My teachers also impress from my communication skills and they recommend me to a lecturer like them in future. As, my teacher are my mentor, I also want to mentor for my students and groom their personality with positive behavior and attitude. I have to analyze the SMART factors or build these factors in me for success in future. I am focus towards my specific career and can access easily as I have a simple personality. My hard work and determination makes things achievable for me and I understand the value of time as it is more important than money. I have a positive realistic approach through which I perceived things and take decisions (EXETER, 2013).

Graduate Recruitment Process

According to Unimelb, (2013) the companies come to hire on campus recruitment or hires directly from their offices have the same criteria of choice. The choice criteria are to SMART with good qualification record. I have a good qualification record and a good and positive personality. The recruitment process will start after 6 months. I have decided to check all my courses which I have studied during my program. And I also have to focus on my SMART skills to impress the recruitment team during the interview through my behavior. The SMART skills include being specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-based (EXETER, 2013). The action plan will base on two stages first professional development objective and second professional development planning (EXETER, 2013). The Duration decided for each stage is 3 months as the total time remaining in graduate recruitment is 6 months.

First stage:

• The most important thing is to go to consultant and get advice on career building and planning.

• Professional skills

• Review all my course work I have done

Second stage:

• Skills audit

• Personal development plan

• Monitoring and evaluation

In first stage, the goal of the life will develop on the basis of interest, skills and advises from family, friends, and consultant. It is the most important part of the action plan, and it should be base by SMART goal (EXETER, 2013). According to Unimelb, (2013) I should clear about what I want to in my future? Do I have the skills to that? In this part of the career development, I will take advises from consultant and try to develop and include professional skills like, leadership qualities, multi-tasking, occupational standards, and ability to compete. As, the recruitment team can ask academic questions I have to check all my course work during my program to revise and answer their questions with confidence.

According to EXETER (2013) in second phase, the planning should make which focusing on how to meet my career goal. In this stage first I will analyze do I posses the skill I need for my selective career or I need to focus on improving those skills by doing SWOT analysis of myself. The SWOT will help me to find my strength and weakness with opportunities and threats. It will help me to convert my weakness into strength and opportunities into strength and remove threats to fill gap between me and the career I have chosen. The second part of this phase will focus on planning to improve skills by utilizing the resources I have. In this part I will plan what to learn and how to learn within the given framework of time. While improving my personality traits I will keep evaluating myself so I can compare difference from the hard work I have done.

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Professional identity:

In today`s world, when the technology is so advanced and companies hire and advertise on internet for vacant positions. According to, (2013) I have to make profiles on different job portals to search and apply for vacancies which match my skills and qualification background. The profile will consist of my personal and academic qualification with experience if have any. The profile also includes the professional courses and skills which a person possesses so organizations can look into their profiles and test them during the graduate recruitment process. The job portals are as effective as they play the role of an agent between the person who is looking for a job and the company recruiting employees. The job portals give a platform to keep yourself updated about the vacant positions in your interested field. I will create profile on several job portals to increase the span of search for jobs and apply for them. It will increase my chances to get good job in a limited time.

According to the LinkedIn, (2013) LinkedIn is a professional site which helps the people to get connected with professional people and get updates from them. Through LinkedIn a person can follow companies to get updates about the new opening and apply on suitable positions. My profile on LinkedIn will contain personal, professional, academic, and skill information which I have. The personal information has my name, address and contact number will mention so the firms can contact me through it. Professional information consists of professional experience and the internship but as I am going to a fresh graduate I have no experience. My academic qualification will be available for employers to look into as my highest level of education is a graduate with majors in brand equity. My academic qualification will contain my college record, years, my results and the courses I have studied. The profile also has information about the professional certificate courses I have done to improve my knowledge and skills.

According to, (2013) There are so many job portals that have the same process in which the job searcher needs to register them by making a profile which protected through password. As, the profile contain personal and professional information. The more number of job portals I will register myself, the higher the span of search which increases my chances to get a suitable job. These job portals just play the role of communication tool between the job searcher and hiring firm. These portals do not guarantee any employment that’s only depends on the skills and qualification of the person applied for the job.

Career development plan for 3 years

According to SIMMONS (2013) the personal development plan will be focusing mainly on the graduate recruitment process. In development plan, the recruitment job will be the first ladder because my plan is to get an experience of over 4 years than apply for the PhD programs. Current plans will be including gaining as much as experience and learning to grow my skill and knowledge. Career development plan consist on finding a job in the relevant field and then keep evaluating myself to check the learning and the outcomes of hard work and determination. I will try to work in different job roles in my relevant field to get huge knowledge of professional workings. My focus will be on planning to improve skills by utilizing the resources I have. In this phase I will plan what to learn and how to learn within the given framework of time. While improving my personality traits I will keep evaluating myself so I can compare difference from the hard work I have done.

Because my long term career objective is to become a lecturer and I need to gain some experience before applying for PhD. At the end of third working year I will apply for the PhD program in Oxford University because it is also a time consuming process and it will take a year to complete the requirement and completion of documents. From savings of the salary I will earn, will keep investing in different portfolio and to maximize my saving in order to have a contingency plan for the next 3 years.

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