Story Titled The Kidnapping English Literature Essay

It was a wonderful morning. There were bees buzzing outside the yard and birds chirping while looking for food on the paths. Across the street, Old Misses Ling as usual was taking her pet, sniffles for a walk. She was a friendly old lady where everyone was fond of her and even called her an amiable person. Most of the neighbourhood will seek her to baby sit their children as she was very fond of kids. Through the window of my bedroom, I apparently could observe my neighbours mornings duties. Some people grieve in their mornings because of their boring life, same old routine and extra duties. Young children get on their buses waving goodbyes to their parents with their lunch pack in their hands.

Those innocent days of mine had passed. I am a fully grown up as a 20 year old teenager in my own opinion but my mother stills call me her little sweetie. She was the only relative I have with my younger brother, Stanley after my father passed away in a car accident when I was 12 years old. I was matured enough to know that he will never come back to us again. I heard it was a homicide but the murderer was never revealed. My mother had a rough time when my dad passed away. She was very stress and uptight with her being a single parent and helping to run errands, taking care of us, and attending interrogations in the police department. We could barely make ends meet for 5 years. Now my mother got a steady job as a clerk in a lawyer’s firm. Busy but well paid I assumed because she never complained. We were under the family’s protection programme for a year as being ordered by the chief police. He proclaimed that we might be attacked for some sort of reason. My mom found it ridiculous. After years of searching my dad’s killer, we finally put it at rest. My mom thought it was for the best for us that we should stop howling on the past.

I put on my snickers and ran downstairs. The smell of coffee and peanut butter ran across my nose. I jump a few step of stairs forward to reach the floor in my living room. My mom was holding a cup of coffee in her hands while speaking on the phone huskily. I never talked about her work at a lawyer’s firm because I assumed it was boring. She gave me a look while pointing to the food on the table to indicate that I should be having my breakfast. I gave a smirk because I was on a diet. As I was a cheerleader, it is essential to maintain fitness. My brother on the hand was playing with his food in his bowl of cornflakes. He was still a little boy who needs me to keep in straight but I love him. Even though he does get on my nerves, I will still care for him. I walked towards him and kissed his head and grab bits of cornflakes from his bowl and he started yelling. I enjoyed it because it gave me the sense of home.

I grabbed my school bag and wave to my mom. It was 6.45am and I had to hurry of to school. Today is a big day because we are going to recruit new members for our cheerleading group. It was junior year recruitment and everyone was talking about it. It was time for us seniors to retire. I was walking beside the road paths when I remembered that I needed to wear my necklace which represents sister hood among the cheerleader members. The road was clear and it was quiet. Everyone must have gone to work by now. I digged the necklace from my bag and put it around my neck. It was 2 kilometres away from my house already.

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Out of a sudden, I heard a screeching sound of a car from behind. It was zooming fast behind me. It was a black mustang. Before I could avoid it, it stopped in a sudden manner and was forced into the car buy two man. I shouted but was helpless. Two of them were white and wore sporty clothes. Both of them looked like mafias. I was covered with a cloth on my mouth and I felt so weak. I tried to struggle but the chlorofoam was too intense. It seem to seep into my nostrils and mouth. It made me awfully drowsy. It was already taking reaction on my nerves and my brain. I fell to a deep sleep after smelling the chluorofoam from the cloth. All I could felt was the car moving fast forward and a tight grab from the kidnapper in the car.

After two hours of deep sleep, I woke up. My heart was pumping really fast. I felt deadly cold. I knew it was probably the end of my life. I saw myself tied up to a chair. I couldn’t move my body except my head. My mouth was sticked with a strong hold Sellotape. I wanted to scream but I couldn’t. Tears started to run down my face. I tried to keep calm. God is all I could count on. I looked at my surroundings. It seems to be a run down garage. There were lots of car tools which I don’t know their functions. I see bottles of kerosene and some car parts. Windows were high up on the ceiling. The wooden floor reeds and I was starting to panic. I heard laughs from outside the garage. It had two distinct voices. The door of the garage opened. One man in his mid 30s walked in with a cruel smile. There were scars on his lips. He was wearing white pants and black shirts with French writing. He was speaking French with his friend followed behind him. His friend was shorter and looked timid. He had bristle hair. They were speaking French, thinking that I would not understand a word. It was clear and they wanted to decide ways to torture me.

I wanted to get up and escape so desperately but it was impossible. My hands were tied and it hurts. The brutal guy took a chair and sat in front of me. He looked like a savage guy who would do anything for power. He had nothing but fiery eyes. He looked at me coldly and said “Nicole, we both know that you can’t run till you give us the chip. We watched you and your family every single day. We knew your dad. You don’t even have a single clue that killed your so called heroic dad.”

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My face changed. The thought of my dad suddenly flashed in my mind. They must have knew something and hid away from us. I was furious and puzzled.“ Your dad was a brilliant guy. He invented a chip that was capable to conquer the world. It had important information of nuclear weapons which will cause massive destructions to the world. He was going to give the chip to the Alias Cooperation. We could not have that happen. We offered millions of US dollars to get the chip from your dad. He was making the wrong decision and the biggest mistake of his life. He was a fool to reject us. One day, he was driving home from work “Bom!” , we caught him, living him dead. He thinks he cannot get away easily, but with Zachariah around, he cannot even hide.”

My eyes were blurry. I was so mad that they took away my dead for a small chip. I wanted to hear no more. All those years without my dad were a total darkness to my family. I felt so sad that I hope that they will end me too because I missed my dad so much. The guy went on laughing. He gave me the feeling that my world will be haunted by him. He came near me and looked into my eyes and told me I better get the chip for them or I will share the same fate as my dad. I did know anything about the chip and I didn’t know my dad could invent the chip. I told them. The timid guy grabs my neck and whispered in my ear while saying “give us the chip and we will let you loose.”

The sellotape was taken off from my mouth and I started to scream. One of them put a knife on my throat and stuffed my mouth with a cloth. He threatened me that he will cut my throat if I made noises. In a second, another guy enters the garage. This time was a completely different guy. He is dressed all white and a golden watch on his wrist. He was escorted by two of his body guards dressed in dark suits. He seems to be the boss around here because there was completely silence. He was around his mid 50s with the wrinkles on his face and his body build. He ordered the two guys around me to stop hurting me. He sat in front of me smoking a cigar and told me to calm down. He took a phone and dialled numbers and told me to tell my mom to bring the chip over. He put the phone at my ear. When I heard my mom on the phone, she was crying and knew that I was being kidnapped by assuming that I didn’t attend school. I told her to find the chip. Before I could continue my sentence, the guy took the phone and ordered my mom to get the chip within 48 hours. Then he put down the phone. There was complete silence. His assistance seems to have fear towards him. He walked around me and gave me a devil’s smile. I closed my eyes and comfort myself that it is just a nightmare.

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The man said: “This is not a dream, Nicole! You better hope your mom finds the chip within 48 hours and hand it over to us.” I looked at him with disgust and told him even if we had the chip, we wont hand it to him either. He went out of the garage escorted by his two body guards. The other two guys left with him.

I was left alone in the dark. Droplets of sweat ran down my head and neck. When it was midnight, it was so cold. My nose went red and felt froze. I knew I had to escape by all means. Before I find a tool to untie the ropes, I heard chaos outside the garage. There were gunshots and I heard sirens. I had a great feeling about it and relieved too. There were two policeman and rescue squad who barged into the garage with snipers and short guns. I saw the two bad kidnappers were lying on the ground with their hands up. The policeman untied me and pulled of the selotape on my mouth. A guy came in with my mom. I was puzzled because he was one of the body guards who escorted the accomplice just now. He reassured me that it was safe then. My mom hugged me and was terrified with her face expressions. She touched my face and told them everything was going to be alright. The guy beside her introduced himself as Allen. He explained that he was under cover in Zachariah association for years to made sure no one would lay hands on the chip and my family. He was with the Alias government. He looked at my bracelet and told me my dad put the chip in my bracelet given to me on my 8th birthday. The chip was inserting in the love heart shape attached to my bracelet. I took the bracelet and gave it to Allen. It would be better to be kept with the Alias government. He told us that the Zachariah association was a highly criminal association. They were active for years but they always get covered for their crime by corruption and murdering.

They kept quiet for years after murdering my dad because it involved the US government and US military which was a serious crime. My mom was so confused and did not realised all those years my dad was a scientist in the Alias government. He was a businessman all along. Allen has finally got prove to put the Zachariah association under serious criminal punishment. He thanked us for cooperation.

It was an awful day which exposed all the truth about my dad. We were sent to the hospital in an ambulans escorted by the policemen and a troop of soldiers. I needed to be admitted to the hospital for several days. Even though, I was sad about the loss of my dad, but I was proud of him serving fro the country with bravery, honesty, loyalty and integrity.

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