Strength And Weakness Of Bureaucratic Organization Management Essay

Mergers often go to the right, in part because the leaders of human resources working successfully with senior administration to ensure that joining and acquisitions are well conjure up planned and executed with respect to persons. As leaders, we ensure communication of clear business logic, attention to the risks associated with people in the “agreement”, and the planning of effective integration. A lot of articles and studies on mergers emphasizes why mergers be unsuccessful to accomplish their potential. A widespread subject matter is that people-related issues were not treated early or sufficiently effective. For example, a Forbes review of 500 CFOs found that the main reasons why mergers were no financial issues, but problems related to people: mismatched civilizations, incapability to administer the acquired company, the powerlessness to implement the other hand, overestimated synergies, lack of foresight predictable events, or clash of management styles or egos.

However it can be guaranteed the effective implementation of the merger integration and retention of talent vital to maintain the pledge and recital through the changeover, and the loom of people-related coordination, progression and union with the strategic bearing of the new entity. Here are seven questions that we must address.

Lets discuss the change management:

“Change management is a set of procedures that is employed to guarantee that major changes are put into practice in an arranged way, controlled and methodical fashion to upshot the organizational change.”

Goal of change and there outcome

One of the goals of change management is with respect to the human aspects of conquer opposition to change in order for organizational members to buy into change and attain the organization’s aim of an orderly and effective conversion.

Managerial Change Management:

Organizational change management takes into thought both the processes and tools that managers utilize to make changes at an organizational level. Most organizations want change implemented with the slightest resistance and with the most buy-in as achievable. For this to take place, change must be useful with a planned approach so that evolution from one type of behavior to another organization broad will be flat.

The consequence of Buy In:

Buy in means that the organization entirely recognizes that the changes that need to be taken are in due course positive to both the individual and the organization. If an organization seeks to make changes which are naturally bad or are not established positively by an organization, it will be much more hard or close to impossible to put into practice these changes without significant opposition.

How Economy dealing with change:

A proper change management policy is the essential. There are three components of change management which are crucial for any industry and as well as for economy:

1) Identifying the needs of customers before rival

2) Fast accomplishment of a prepared strategy with the obtainable resources

3) Real-time examine

“If the industry be unsuccessful in gaining any of the three objectives, it will lag at the back. Competitors will go beyond it. The case for change management cannot be showy in our changing and difficult times,” For example how McCain, a company selling ice-covered potato products, mainly chips, changed its product to suit the times and the needs of customers.

The customers were worried over heaviness, mainly among children, and the consequent health danger. The corporation modified the product by reducing the salt content and oil and started using especially chosen potatoes. The company carried out an extensive advertising movement to stress the food value of the chips and regained customer reception. Development in food technology also helped the company address some of the problems. It could successfully overcome the problems.

Education – not compulsion – should be the instrument employed by the management. “Obviously, there will be opposition from a part of the employees at least to many of the changes required to be introduced by the management. But they can be convinced over a period of time. It can be lengthy but not impossible.

What are the people-related issues?

decision-making contracts or other restrain compensation arrangements

member of staff relations risks, including amalgamation relationships, contracts, and issues

permissible actions or compliance issues

Retirement, retirement fund or other millstone

Availability of capable organization talent for key roles

Employee commitment very important for retention of aptitude and continued high recital.

Keeping in mind that the Chief Executive has been derived from the one organization so instead of keeping the old norms and values in newly developed organiation, there must be some commonly productive approach must be used by the CE. Once you have join all the pieces together there is little doubt that you will not find ways to increase revenues, decrease expenses, save time, or make a multitude of other positive improvements. This will result in a novel organizational culture, but it will be a change for the superior.

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An economy depend upon its industry very much if there is a positive change in industry management then obviously is economy goes up.

The real sense of Bureaucratic Organization:

The main characteristics that bureaucratic organizations contribute are fundamentally the same. First there is a scheming environment in these organizations, higher management makes the policy and the subordinates go after it. There are clear steps and procedures for doing the simplest of things which makes tasks more time intensive. The inferior level in the hierarchy is controlled by the upper one and the preparation and decision making is federal, all the decisions are made in one place. The higher levels in the pecking order have more liberty in doing their work as compared to the lower levels. These organizations are goal leaning and all the processes are designed to attain the goals. The construction of these organizations is based on the principle of separation of labor and they have specialized department doing various jobs.

Weaknesses and Strengths of a Bureaucratic Organization for clear picture

The main weakness of bureaucratic organizations takes in not to have novelty. All the processes and tasks are fixed to a large extent that the innovation process is approximately eradicate in bureaucratic organizations. Employees get unprovoked because of smaller employee contribution and association. HR can’t be used in the fullest manner by optimizing creativity which is the key drawback in bureaucratic structure of the organizations.

Advantages contain the increased control and observations of higher rank board. The nouns of the organizations depend upon the intelligent judgments of upper headship. If the top management is high-quality, then results can be constructive and if the top headship is poor then it can result in adversity.

Organizational development focus “Contractual relationship between a change mediator and a supportive organization go into for the sake of using applied behavioral science and for other organizational change point of view in a scheme background to get better the organizational presentation and the capability of the organization to develop itself.” OD is a designed intervention. They   are plans or series consist of particular activities designed to achieve change in some part of an organization. Frequent interventions have been developed over the years to tackle special problems or create a variety of results. However, they all are geared toward the goal of improving the whole organization by change. In common, organizations that wish to achieve a high grade of organizational change will use a complete variety of interventions, including those planned to change individual and group behavior and attitudes. Units attempting slighter changes will end petite of those goals, applying interventions targeted mainly toward operating strategies, management structures, employee skills, and staff policies. Usually, organization development plans will concurrently mix more than one of these interventions.

Types of Interventions:

There are many types of interventions can include a variety of specific practices:

Human process,

* Process discussion

* group building

* Search meeting (a high-scale



* Work plan

* worth loop

* reformation

3.Human sources management

* presentation management (employee)

* Employee willingness

* payment systems

* variety management


* Organizational revolution

* Cultural change

* Self-designing organizations

* Strategic management

What is a Stakeholder?

“Any human being, set of individuals with a good concern (a stake) in the achievement of an organization is measured to be a stakeholder.”

Why stakeholders are there?

A stakeholder is logically concerned with an organization bring projected outcome and meeting its monetary goals. Instance of a stakeholder are a holder, director, shareholder, investor, member of staff, purchaser, colleague and dealer, among others. A stakeholder may make a payment openly or in some way to an organization dealing actions.


Internal and External Stakeholders:

Scheme managers are internal stakeholders because they are openly involved in the increase of the project. They have power to run the project by handling duty of work presentation, organizing and arranging; efficiently making sure that all stages of the project are complete correctly and well.

Salesperson, dealer, and outer concerns of organizations are external stakeholders because they provide desirable essentials for a project’s accomplishment; they need to keep on in communication at all times on objective, high point and deliverables.

Direct and Indirect Stakeholders:

Direct stakeholders are belonging to the day by day activities of a scheme. Team associates are direct stakeholders as their work is planned around the project for each workday.

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Leadership is imperative to the triumph of a combination. The selection process should be based on an purpose measurement of skills and competencies, not on following commitment. The appointment process should be seen as fair and rational. Must also be timely moving quickly to the team in place and increase speed integration. Some issues stand out more than the election of directors of the new mutual organization. A merger of equals implies the management representation from both organizations.


When the amalgamation of Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham proclaimed, the top four executives were appointed within one month of executives to fill the nine senior officials were appointed. In the first fourteen positions, executives from each company’s entire seven years. At Chase Manhattan, the top fifteen decision makers were named to the announcement, and the next two levels of government were established within four months.

Indirect stakeholders are not collision by the project. Those can be your customers and consumer, because their concern is with the final project. This would be the excellence of products, cost, covering, and ease of use.

Purpose of Stakeholder Analysis?

“A stakeholder analysis is a procedure which is use to recognize and evaluate the significance of key people, groups of people, or association that may significantly power the achievement of scheme.”

The reason of being useful?

A stakeholder analysis is use to:

1) Identify people, groups, and institutions that will give power to project (either surely or unhelpfully)

2) Expect the kind of power, positive or negative, these groups will have on your proposal.

3) Developing plan to get the most effectual hold possible for your initiative and decrease any barrier to booming completion of program.

Stakeholder and their involvement:

To engage stakeholders is a pathway to any victorious project, not only from a communication viewpoint, but also for the sake of the information obtained from their ability and skill, which they will offer again and again if we take the time to engage them exactly from the beginning.

Be careful, no two stakeholders individually, or groups of stakeholders, are the similar.

Each stakeholder is dissimilar, they will be at different height of understanding and approval for the requirement of the change and their hope s will be different.

Ways to involve Stakeholder:

1. Understand Them:

To understand an individual is a master key to deal with that person in his own way. However, it is predictable that any team will face some kind of opposition from different stakeholder groups, merely on the base of that we are offer is something that is different to what is finished now.

2. Resolve any “What’s In It For Me?” Issues

There is a factor of individual contact when dealing with stakeholders. When a change is planned, self protection come in and people will firstly look at the change from a very personal viewpoint as compare to outer view. It is impractical to supply for each single individual requisite of every sole stakeholder. Though, there will be harmony in their supplies in their “What’s In It for me” necessities.

Personal nervousness is a usual by-product of any change and determine these “What’s In It For Me” issues can go a long way to dropping them.

3. Demonstrate Success:

Occasionally, the most excellent way to engage stakeholders is to “demonstrate” them what the change will give to them. This can be done by showing examples of parallel plans run within our personal organization, actual life examples, or case studies of other organizations that have put into practice a parallel change. To involve stakeholder is time consuming process and is a Critical Success aspect for any project that wants to apply its changes productively.

4. Benefits:

Benefits are the most important term to involve stakeholders in change. That what kind of benefits they can have in this change. And how these changes are useful to them?


The position of the stakeholders is inner in the organization approach to get change. Change in this project involved changes to tolerant entrance. The bridge fills the space between groups. The short of information and participation in projects that involve change frequently give outcome in manner of separation and anger; however relations between staff their involvement at every phase of the completion establishment to be significant. Recognition of stakeholders in the beginning steps hold up the process of stakeholder analysis, which exposed the collision of specific stakeholders had within the scheme.

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Model of change management:

The model was firstly used as an instrument for formative of change management activities like communications and preparation were having the preferred results during organizational change.

For instance, Awareness of the business cause for change is an objective of early communications associated to a business change. Wish to take on and contribute in the change is the goal of protection and opposition management. Knowledge about how to change is the goal of preparation and training. By recognizing the required results or goals of change organization, ADKAR becomes a useful structure for change management teams in the setting up and implementation of their effort.

An individual must get every part in series for the change when it has to be put into practice and continued.

As a director, one can use this model to make out space in change organization procedure and to give useful instruction for workers. The ADKAR model can be effectively utilize to:

identify employee opposition to change

to give aid to the employees move through the change path

form a successful act sketch for private and skilled development throughout the change

extend a change organization map for workers

The ADKAR model was initially in print by Prosci in 1998 after investigated with more than 300 corporations suffering from major change projects.. This model is planned to be a training device to help out employees during the change process.

The efficiently, one will need to know the underlying structure for change proposal. In the diagram underneath, change occur and flourishing change go on when both dimensions of change occur at the same time. 



Trade Measurement of Transform

The business dimensions of change take in the classic plan elements. 

Business requirement or chance is known.

Project is clear (range and goals).

Business resolution is planned (new method, arrangement and organization makeup).

New processes and systems are advanced.

Solution is applied into the association.

These are the typical fundamentals of a business change that director feels most contented organization. 


While human resource leaders can facilitate the integration planning. On the other hand, there is a inclination in many situations for executives who are strength and leadership in the implementation of changes, with minimum human resources, low-level executive or human resources. This may be suitable in some situations. However, in other state of affairs, the participation of employees can be important. Participation generates ideas to improve the integration and further support for rapid integration.

Being a Human Resource Director I would strongly suggest that to develop effective plans for implementation of merger and to ensure that plans are implemented many companies use merger integration teams and assign responsibility to the executives of the merging of specific integration. Again, the individual resources privileged can rally round teams or to work effectively and quickly to facilitate their work or actually serving on the teams.

The human resource leaders to contribute directly to business performance. Now the question arises that what better opportunity could appear that a union? Here we can apply in any organization and to develop further our ability to lead strategic change effectively. As the frequency of mergers increases, and as top executives recognize the critical impact of issues related to people, we should be on center stage to help ensure that mergers on the right.

The chaos is connected with any merger or gaining is a unique occasion for time to demonstrate their knowledge and skill in managing human capital. HR is an inherent part of the integration into a team of M & A for their ability to assess the compatibility of communal cultures and diverse options for come together the companies.

The guiding principles for the successful merging for change

* Take final action and make decisions quickly – the secret to keeping good people.

* Be honest with employees and treat them with respect. Let them know that the combined entity will be a more valuable.

* Each time the property is possible, the use of society represented by stock options and stock grants for all pulling in the same direction.

* Be honest about the choices of people to be made.

* Treat people coming out with the same respect and attention as those who remain.

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