Student Questionnaire on School Rules

Appendix A

SESDS Questionnaire

Please rate each statement using one of the following agreement codes:

1 – Strongly Agree; 2 – Agree; 3 – Uncertain; 4 – Disagree; 5 – Strongly Disagree

1. Students at this school are held accountable for maintaining school rules throughout the year.

2. Property of staff members is secure.

3. Vandalism or destruction of school property by students are not a problem.

4. Property of students is secure.

5. It is safe to work in this school after students are dismissed.

6. There is a positive school spirit.

7. Students and staff members take pride in the school and help to keep buildings and grounds clean and attractive.

8. Students at the school experience five positive interactions from teachers and other staff for each negative interaction.

9. Students at the school experience five positive interactions from their peers for each negative interaction.

10. Students at the school are prompted and encouraged to reinforce themselves when appropriate.

11. Students treat each other respectfully and are not subject to verbal abuse by other students.

12. This school is a safe and secure place to work during the normal school day.

13. Few discipline problems are referred to the office.

14. Staff members enforce the student rules consistently and equitably.

15. Students are frequently rewarded or praised by faculty and staff for following school rules.

16. Administrators support teachers in dealing with student discipline matters.

17. Staff members are treated respectfully by students and not subject to verbal abuse.

18. Most students in this school are eager and enthusiastic about learning.

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19. Students are taught the school rules.

20. Teachers, administrators, and students share responsibility for maintaining discipline in this school.

21. Students generally believe that school rules are reasonable and appropriate.

22. Teachers treat students with respect.

23. Administrators enforce the student rules consistently and equitably.

24. Students are taught school and classroom routines before being held accountable for them.

25. Students have the behavioral skills needed to work independently when required.

26. Students have the behavioral skills needed to work in cooperative learning groups.

27. Students consistently demonstrate appropriate levels of academic engagement and time on task.

28. Teachers have high and reasonable academic expectations of their students.

29. Teachers have high and reasonable behavioral expectations of their students.

30. Time is allocated for social skill instruction consistently during each module.

31. Students are provided multiple opportunities to practice and apply new social skills in both group and individual settings.

32. Students participate appropriately in all learning activities until the end of each instructional period.

33. Class is rarely interrupted to discipline students.

34. Class starts promptly at the beginning of each instructional period.

35. Students here care about the school.

Teachers at this school are:

36. involved

37. cohesive

38. enthusiastic

39. relaxed

40. satisfied

41. productive

42. innovative

43. open to change

44. optimistic

45. Teachers at this school willingly accept responsibility for every student in the building.

46. Teachers at this school are willing to look at a student’s strengths as well as his/her weaknesses.

47. Teachers at this school are willing to tolerate some negative behavior, as long as it is decreasing over time.

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48. Teachers at this school are willing to give the student peer group some responsibility for monitoring its own members.

49. Teachers at this school believe that students’ problems must be assessed within the context of the student, the classroom, the instruction within the classroom and the curriculum.

50. Teachers at this school believe that students’ problems must be functionally assessed before appropriate interventions can be identified and implemented.

51. Teachers at this school continuously monitor students’ academic and social behaviors.

52. Teachers at this school use data (academic or behavioral) to make decisions about students.

53. Teachers at this school provide consistent, immediate, and appropriate responses for acceptable student behavior.

54. Teachers at this school provide consistent, immediate, and appropriate responses for unacceptable student behavior.

55. Teachers at this school provide appropriate incentives to both individual students and groups of students.

56. Teachers at this school involve students in identifying and select appropriate incentives and reinforcements for acceptable behavior.

57. Teachers at this school involve students in identifying and selecting appropriate consequences for unacceptable behavior.

58. Teachers at this school attend and acknowledge both acceptable and unacceptable student behaviors.

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